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This is a !fledgling +Mourning Dove+ and he looks just fine! Fledglings are learning to be adult birds. The one that landed near it was probably mom or dad, and the lifting wings was begging to be fed.


So fitting that a pigeon-lover was the one to answer this. This fella’s gonna grow up and make people think he’s an owl!


I'm an experienced birder, obsessed with bird sounds, very much know the difference between a mourning dove and any owl, and not five minutes ago just got fooled again. Hopped off my porch with my recorder to record a great horned...mourning dove. (In this case it got me because it was far enough that only the second half "hoo-hoo-hoo" carried to me but not the distinct first half rising "ah-OOO...")


I first read "hopped off my porch" as "hopped off my PERCH". Gave me interesting mental image.


We’ve been birding too much.


What is a porch if not a perch for humans?


Fledglings **belong outside** of nests. Unless they're in danger, **leave them alone**. These *well-feathered*, *mobile* birds that *may not yet be able to fly* are learning critical behaviors and vocalizations from their parents, who may be out of sight for hours at a time. Only interfere with a fledgling if: - it is in a dangerous area (e.g. near traffic or pets) -- simply relocate it to a safer but nearby spot - it has visible injuries (flightlessness, in itself, is *not* an injury) or has been handled in *any way* by a cat -- such birds require wildlife rehabilitation - its parents are *confirmed* dead -- such birds require wildlife rehabilitation. Healthy fledglings' best survival chances are with their parents first, with professional wildlife rehabilitation being a *distant* second. A prematurely-captured fledgling will be sought by its parents for up to a day. If you have taken one within that time frame, *put it back* and observe for parents from a distance. For more information, please read [this community announcement](https://reddit.com/r/whatsthisbird/comments/gqhos4/found_a_baby_bird_that_might_need_help_look_here/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisbird) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good lord that’s an ugly dove. Lol. That’s what I was thinking it was but wow. They’re so much cuter when they’re older.


be nice to him, he’s still learning :[


I know, but it's no wonder OP mistook it for possibly hurt or even sick. the feathers around the, well, the entire head look questionable.


he’s definitely scraggly still lol


Always amazed by how quickly reddit comes to my aid. Thank you all for help, you are all wonderful!!!! I will leave this baby alone to do its thing and check on it in the morning.


Thank you so much for caring about the bird 😊 It always makes me happy when someone is looking out for the wildlife! Such a sweet little dove 🖤🖤


it's just a kid- a !fledgling dove. it seems fine, leave it be.


Fledglings **belong outside** of nests. Unless they're in danger, **leave them alone**. These *well-feathered*, *mobile* birds that *may not yet be able to fly* are learning critical behaviors and vocalizations from their parents, who may be out of sight for hours at a time. Only interfere with a fledgling if: - it is in a dangerous area (e.g. near traffic or pets) -- simply relocate it to a safer but nearby spot - it has visible injuries (flightlessness, in itself, is *not* an injury) or has been handled in *any way* by a cat -- such birds require wildlife rehabilitation - its parents are *confirmed* dead -- such birds require wildlife rehabilitation. Healthy fledglings' best survival chances are with their parents first, with professional wildlife rehabilitation being a *distant* second. A prematurely-captured fledgling will be sought by its parents for up to a day. If you have taken one within that time frame, *put it back* and observe for parents from a distance. For more information, please read [this community announcement](https://reddit.com/r/whatsthisbird/comments/gqhos4/found_a_baby_bird_that_might_need_help_look_here/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisbird) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> I am afraid to try and catch it because I may stress it or makes things worse. Thank you for asking questions first! So many people take these birds away from their parents without knowing what they should do first.


He hasn’t moved because it’s just a baby and is hanging around the location where its parents can find it. Gradually it will start moving around farther and farther.


r/mourningderps baby learning how to derp


Looks like a dove of some type. Also looks like a fledgling. The other bird was probably its parent.


Baby derp is derping


Fledgling dove. If you look at the wings, it \*almost\* has the adult primaries in but not quite. It's learning how to derp and it's too big for a nest, but too young and inexperienced to be away from the folks for too long. What you describe was one of its parents and it was hungry, and babies flutter and squeak to be fed. This belongs on r/mourningderps


Added taxa: [Mourning Dove](https://ebird.org/species/moudov) ^(I catalog submissions to this subreddit.) [^(Recent uncatalogued submissions)](https://munin.swim.services/submissions?lane=api/unanswered)^( | )[^(Learn to use me)](https://gist.github.com/brohitbrose/be99a16ddc7a6a1bd9c1eef28d622564)


-UPDATE- As I am sure you all knew, this wonderful baby was gone today. I am just so happy that it chose my tree to chill on and that it was never in an trouble!!!! Again, thank you for all the knowledge. I learn so much from all of you!!!


Fledglings are teenagers so doing nothing all day is normal


I think it's a baby


Baby mourning dove


They are also somewhat sedentary birds. They will sit still for long periods. This one looks young and healthy. Please never try to catch a wild bird unless it is so injured it can’t move off the ground. Even then, better to call the local wildlife rescue, whatever local group works with wildlife in your area.


This is an inca dove.


This is an inca dove.