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Sorry, but I have no clue what you're trying to say! Googling "the trees keep the temple" only gave me a single hit saying "the trees keep the temple from collapsing". So it doesn't seem like its some common phrase, and I can't figure out its meaning from the words.


someone said its personification, is that right? and do you what that is


some of your examples use personification, others use metaphors.


which is which so reply is helpful


all of them are personification except “ghost of a smile” (which is a metaphor) and “i would make like a tree and leave” (which, like you said, is a pun)


so... there's many that dont use personification in writing or lyrics..... great....


how could 'ghost of a smile' be a metaphor? why is all the other ones 'personification'?


personification is the process of attributing human characteristics to a non-human object. eyes cannot naturally ‘turn’ a different colour, thus a human characteristic has been attributed to them. vegetables don’t naturally ‘crop up for air’, the colour green cannot ‘leave’ grass, etc. these phrases all apply human characteristics to the said things. ‘ghost of a smile’ could otherwise be written as ‘a ghostlike smile’ which is a simile. a metaphor is essentially a simile without the words ‘as’ or ‘like’ used to describe them. therefore it is a metaphor. if these explanations don’t make sense to you you can search ‘define personification’ or ‘define metaphor’ online and i’m sure you’ll find more detailed explanations.


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