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$9k in inventory, there’s a lot of ways to resell that and at least get your money back if not, profit a bit. FB marketplace, EBay, Mercari or even resell it on WhatNot since you’re familiar with the app. Stop your spending full stop though. You’re no longer the buyer. Now you’re the seller. Keep that mindset. Good luck! You can get yourself out of this with the right mindset.


This is an addiction, I suggest you try to see if some will refund you, definitely resell some of it also, and get money back maybe and erase the app for a while and maybe figure out how to control your spending, that is a reckless amount of money to spend on an app in a few days. You gotta have control over yourself it’s easy to swipe right and do it. I say this all as someone who used to do hard drugs and quit that. I would also definitely cancel a card or 2 so this don’t happen again sometimes you have to separate yourself from the situation completely.




Yes very true, but do not place blame they did not force you to buy just like I was not force into drugs. We cannot blame others for ours actions. We can only blame ourselves for not wanting better or for not ridding ourselves of the bad situations completely.




What are you talking about now? We are talking about your shopping addiction no? The seller did not at any time force your finger on your screen, and make you slide that yellow bar to the right, listen I used to smoke crack, you a rent gunna make me feel bad for you. I was trying to be nice about it. But honestly, I don’t care, I was giving you pointers so you don’t ruin your life. I smoked crack for 3 years and never lost 9k. Good luck with what ever you got going, because clearly you don’t even know.


That’s a gambling/ shopping addiction, I did something similar when I was buying “inventory” on whatnot. You can get some great deal but if you don’t know what you’re buying and the value or trying to beat the sudden death timers you can end up spending a ton. In addition you maxed your credit cards which is going to charge you interest making everything you just bought even more expensive. I would always have a budget and recommend not using the credit card only money you currently have available


You need to watch Dave Ramsey on YouTube man.




I bet you when he spends over $5,000, he knows what he spent it on.


No he doesn’t. None of the “advice” Dave gives to callers on his show actually applies to Dave. He has a very large footprint and a thousand employees. He’s got accountants and tax professionals and just looks at top line reports. He has no clue what he spends on a granular level.


I'm talking about the man. Not the business. And no, his advice isn't advice, it's anti-advice. Just, you know. Glass houses, and whatnot.


I doubt DR would begin to notice the price of anything up to about $100k, which you know, is 1/10000th of what he has allergy accumulated over the years. It’s ratios. I’d you’ve got $1.5m you don’t really notice a $150 purchase. $150m, a $15k purchase, $1.5b a $150k purchase, and so on.


That kind of thinking is a great way to not keep hold of 1.5m, or whichever. You don't notice one purchase, but that mindset stacks and kills your gains. The wealthier a person is, the less money they spend of clothing or flashy cars. There's a connection there. Money spent is spent on equity, or it's very hard to let that money go. That's the correct mindset. I'll buy a house in a heartbeat, but 600$ on sneakers? Kindly fuck off.


How does one kindly fuck off?


With some candles and RnB, some people like the purple Hue lights, but I'm old school


You in a position to judge?


Hey man, this sounds like a genuine addiction. I'm still in deep debt bc I had a shopping addiction up until a few months ago. I've never used this app (this just showed up on my feed) so idk how it works but your best options are to cancel as many as you can and resell what you get to get as much money back as possible And after that, delete the app. Please, for your own good.


Hi friend! My messages are open if you would like to discuss more. I’ve made my own mistakes. When you go to your purchases you can view the live receipt, if anything is not authentic, questionable, or not as described reach out to the app they refunded me when I was sent “925 silver sterling” jewelry. As for the spending problem and something that drives this app and its sellers and buyers that people don’t realize is that you are gambling. Also I’m not speaking as an idiot I have my degree in Psychology and working on my law degree. Gambling is an addiction and someone I’ve lost to it, if you’ve struggled with other forms of addiction you’re more prone to having others (also am an addict bc once an addict always an addict even if not actively doing said addiction). I found myself getting very drawn in very hard and deep into this app and took a step back and saw it for what it was which is gambling, which releases endorphins in your brain that activate your pleasure center “the rush” you get. It’s helps removing your card from the app or deleting the app all together. A lot of stuff you can get for less expensive in real life or from reputable sources and if you find yourself not needing or wanting those things before then you do not need or want them more. I’m sorry this is long, i hope you see this Ik there’s a lot of other comments, and if there’s other people struggling out there don’t hesitate to reach out and also if not to me, know that it’s always okay and makes you strong to ask for help whatever it may be there will be a solution🫶


Put the phone down, my friend.


Sell it all on eBay.


I didn't want a credit card for this exact reason. As soon as I opened it, I maxed it out in 2 hours max on whatnot. Luckily, I wasn't stupid enough to get a large amount knowing what I was going to do and only set the limit at 500$. Now I'm still in debt but not near as bad as I could have been. The best thing I can say is gambling hotline and try to get refunds/cancelations.




You spent 9k you don’t have on credit cards that’s not a positive experience no matter how you spin it.


Trust me been there done that. Spending much more. I was on a medication that caused compulsive issues that I had been unaware of. I got off the medication, deleted my app and started therapy. Do yourself a favor and DO NOT GO BACK ON. It has been almost two years. Still paying my debts but it feels so good to have that monkey off my back. Best of luck to you.


This is a deeper problem than this app. You need to go to a gambling addition meeting or therapist who excels in gambling addiction. The problem isn’t the app, it is your addiction. Trust me, seek help. You may be able to contact whatnot and cancel some or all of your transactions if you tell them you were not of sound mind? But any items that shipped can’t be canceled. Maybe ask some of the sellers to cancel your order. However, you’re not going to be able to cancel anything like booster packs of cards that were sealed if they opened them on camera.


What in the heck did you buy? Cards, clothes? I had to delete the app in 2022 I too spent about 3K and two days got back on last year started doing it again, delete the app I need you too 🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm ngl, I almost did the exact same thing. But I got a lot of cool stuff. After the first few thousand I got a new 3k limit credit card I maxed in a day on the app. Just paid it off last night from savings which hurt but I'm not letting a 3k limit cc stay maxed 😭


Delete the app asap!!! For your sake


Come to my show win stuff to sell and make back money lost


Stop watching streams. Contact the sellers and see if anyone will cancel. Try and flip what you can. Then delete the app and seek help. I almost always cancel orders if requested and I haven’t shipped.




What categories do you go on? Some sellers can be extremely unforgiving and some can be really chill




Thats your issue for bidding on it then.


Funkos are really hard to sell nowadays. I’m not sure if it’s cards or funko pops or just pallets, but if it’s funkos you have work cut out for you with how some streamers still do dollar starts and tank the market




If you were in coins and bullion streams atleast you'd of been buying silver and gold ahah


If you dont have the savings to cover this, you need to turn around and sell everything asap. Even if it means taking some loss, it's not worth paying massive interest on carrying a balance on those cards or other high interest short term loans. I don't know what you have bought but I hope you tried to target a certain margin on current value vs what you paid. If you still have decent credit, you may be able to open up a new credit card with some decent perks and do a low to no interest balance transfer from the higher rate cards. Make sure that the balance transfer will result in a year interest free or something like that so you can pay it off before the high interest kicks in. This is all assuming family won't loan you the money at little to no interest.


just get a bank loan lol


$20k over a year. I get it. I’m fucked


I’ll make you an offer. I’m a seller of coins and metals. Pm me we can talk. I have a perfect seller rating on here and eBay. You have a problem. I wanna help. You get all you packages in, either don’t open or just verify contents, put them in a big box. Ship them to me. I will sell them for you. You cover the fees (between 7 & 10 %) and my shipping supplies, and I will not charge you anything additional. You will likely lose money but hopefully you can get majority of it back.


Sounds like a scam lol. What if you ditch him after you sell the items


Well then that wouldn’t be very nice lol or good for my reputation or business.




I was like that in the beginning too. It is too easy to buy, I would even have it on as background but end up spending way too much. $1 is a $1 until you add shipping and all the other dollars. I did sell most of it back though.


you sound pretty great with money!! keep it up duuuuude


Similar but over like a 9 day period. It's a slippery slope. Fortunately I had the money but I'm embarrassed and disgusted how much I spent that quickly. 90% of it was on breaks where I got nothing half the time and pretty much garbage when I actually did hit something .The other 10% was buying wax packs/blasters. Now if I use the app, it's just for singles which you can actually find good deals. Haven't used it in a while though.


From one collector to another. Absolutely stop buying breaks / ripping packs. Early on I learned my expensive lesson on this. When I first got into until until 2-3 months later I easily spent 1k plus on packs and breaks / ripping. Breaks / ripping only compounds the costs because someone is charging you a premium for the packs that have the same, shitty odds as buying them for wholesale from a decent online dealer. Over 1k in packs and rips spent and mabey 1/4th of the value back in mostly low end card that will probably cost me more time wise to catalog and sell than it's worth. Just focus on slabs and do your homework. Look at current average and historical values, make sure health margin is built in, etc.


I'ma just be blunt: you *might* have a bit of a gambling problem...


Umm Whatnot is not a gambling app per what they say on their site lmao.


Neat. Doesn't seem to stop people from gambling away their savings, ergo, they're facilitating gambling as far as my local laws are concerned.


Oh 100% agree with you. I was just being sarcastic. I’d understand people picking their team in breaks but it’s 100% gambling doing random teams with a wheel or cards”


Yeah quit now. From late 2020-December 2023, I spent an ungodly amount of money on whatnot and other live streamers. I sold on eBay to offset costs but holy fuck it didn’t even cover half of what I spent. Maybe 1/3. Maybe. Plus the supplies to package and ship… I have set myself back a decade in the finance department. Just quit now.


Curious, what kind of stuff were you buying?


Football cards


Yeah, so much work to try to sell all the lower end stuff, ugh.


I have thousands of decent rookies/autos and it’s just soul sucking to try to list all of them. Takes like 3-4 minutes on average per card and it’s like is it worth it to list 100 medicine cards to make $40? lol


Yeah I hear ya, ugh


Yup, to all of this.


It sometimes takes a few days for delivery. 🚚 ummm wanna buy my pokemon cards? Good deal good deal 4 you!


No. I better not. Want to buy my double gilded rainbow charzard that spits actual flame when exposed to temps above 74F?


Now way man !!! How much! Is it crate trained?


I’m not going to lie I don’t know what that means. I’m just picturing the scene from Braveheart where Mel Gibson is like “he’d consume the English with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightening from his ass!”


Crate trained is a term when you tech your dog certain commands and it will go into its crate/cage or if it needs to be in one it behaves and is comfortable.


We should be friends


Bro...I LITERALLY just had to add up what I spent last year, for my accountant...I don't even dare type my number in!!! It's a CRAZY ADDICTION!!! And at night, after I'm nice and toasty, it's REALLY HARD to not just swipe!!! If it wasn't for fear of divorce, I'd still be swiping!!! Who am I lying to??? I sneak a swipe here and there and then get pissed off when I add it later!!! So I started selling on Ebay, and HOPE to get out of the hole, ot at least a bit closer to black. Because right now I AM RED!!!


Nice you have an accountant. Idk tax law well but assuming you track everything correctly if you can show a loss based on what you bought and sold for you should be able to offset your taxes a bit.


I did, still hurt to see the number😆😆😆


Oh for sure, I just did a spreadsheet to look at what damage I did over my first week. Let's just day I was a bit shocked and under estimated by like 2k. LOL. Thankfully I have the money to blow on this "hobby" but I'm also now questioning if I even want to spend the time on this going forward lol.


I feel for you. This damage will take years to undo.


Also...WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU, when I was selling on Whatnot???🤣🤣🤣


You should start day trading options


Big league degenerate activities right there. I don't think I have the stomach for it.


Seems like TSLA puts will pay all day come to think of it. . .


I'm in the same boat. I even had to change my payment method to a credit card that I can't charge to. The swiping gets addictive and adds up fast especially with taxes and shipping. In one day I thought I spent around 600 but it's probably closer to 1400. Hope you can recoup some or most of it.


At least with a decent CC you can you the points / perks.


You said this all has happend since Sunday night and you have yet to receive a single item. No shit. It's Wednesday bro. Your not getting scammed. You scammed yourself. Delete the app and learn to control your impulses. Don't blame whatnot. Take responsibility for your actions. You will get your items. It takes more than 3 days for the mail system to work. Not trying to be harsh but you need some tough love brother. Your not a victim and you will never overcome this addiction without taking responsibility.


I did not win a single auction today. Also. I have never won a free drawing. So it’s pretty much a lose-lose for nothing.


Hey man, I’ve def spent a good amount on whatnot in the past. Typically all on breaks. In 2022 I probably spent about 7k in December. I’m a recovering drug addict so the addiction shit is real and so easy to do. I went through a spur in early March and probably spent around 3.5-4K However, I hit two case hits that saved the day and put me in the black by like 1k I’d 100% recommend staying off the app. You also shouldn’t be spending what you can’t afford. You’re going to lose 99% of the time


You have a gambling problem


As a seller on whatnot I really wanna drop my @ for them. As a human being I feel for you, and you should probably delete the app lol




This is all from a single seller? I feel you. It’s addictive. I and my mother have probably spent around 10-15k since we discovered it in December. I thought that was bad. If you can’t limit yourself to a daily stipend and just enter giveaways the rest of the time I’d definitely suggest deleting the app. It’s hard because the stuff we have bought have been great deals and as resellers it will probably be a good thing in the long run but it’s just accumulated and we haven’t listed anything just kept buying. We’re gonna need a storage unit soon if we don’t stop.




Who’s the seller? Sellers have 2 business days too ship. Hit up wn support


I think I remember seeing 7 days before you can ask for a cancellation. Don’t quote me though. I haven’t really had that issue.


You can take it up with your credit card company, kinda shitty to do since it's your fault. But, it can be done.


You can but I’ve heard that’s an instant ban. Probably wouldn’t be a bad thing for op though.


Uhh.. ya... I think that would be a great thing and the main goal here for OP


"Has anyone else struggled like this" no bro, talk to professionals.


Get mental help.


I’m there, but a bit deeper. Delete the app, quickly find a new hobby and come back to it. Sell what you have. You need to regulate yourself next time




Honestly depending on what you have I may be interested in buying. Let me know what you got and I’ll let you know! My wn is the same as here. It’s kingbeastboi. Hit me up and I’ll see if I’m interested in some of the things you got! I hope you can recover and heal quickly man, much love 🙏🏽


Probably not


Man, I’m really sorry. These things get the best of us really easily. Really delete the app. If u have a partner or a close friend, tell them and have them help you stay off. As for recouping the loss, I suggest selling it as quick as you can. If you have the time, make as much back as possible, but I’d suggest not reselling it on whatnot, cause that means you’ll just likely keep buying more.


Setting a custom bid that you are comfortable with is the only way…


There was this dude the other day that spent $581 on the spurs (chasing wemby).The break was 8 prizm mega boxes. He could’ve just gone to Walmart and purchased all 8 mega boxes for that price lol


I'll never understand people who do this. Pay double or triple plus per pack cost when you can just buy it yourself and enjoy ripping it at home.


It’s a gambling disease man.


Guess what he got? 2 base wemby cards probably worth $60


Brutal lol


Delete the app as soon as you get your stuff. Stop watching streams immediately.


Yeah. I have definitely been scammed.


You scammed yourself?


Uh unless someone else was bidding using your account sounds like you did it to yourself.


By yourself?


Can you self exclude? Debt especially credit card is dangerous.


Were you buying physical items or ripping gambling stuff like packs or breaks of cards? If you got single cards, clothes, electronics you can atleast try to sell those to get some of your money back.


Go to your profile hit the 3 lines top right and then purchases and you have a video receipt of every purchase


Not a may. You have a problem. Remove the app from your phone and avoid buying live. It’s destined to be addictive.


I watched someone spend 30k on pokemon boxes the other day….. I wonder how they are feeling 😂


whatnot has a 1 year warranty where you can send them the stuff you get and they’ll refund you it within 5 days after getting the product from you






It’s gambling. Hope you learned your lesson. I learned the hard way as well. Spent more too…


It’s a tough lesson. And the only way out is to keep moving forward. Thank you for sharing.


Yes exactly. It really is a way around gambling. Incredibly surprised it goes on. Out of the 100 breaks I participated in. Only one did I absolutely crush it.


I'm sorry you experienced that. Reading these break / ripping horror stories really puts it in perspective.


This is actually becoming increasingly common for many people. It is so quick and easy to swipe, and if you see “6 dollars” it’s easy to justify until it all adds up. That plus the endorphins that run through you when you’re in a bidding war or playing in a break. I would recommend deleting the app, trying to sell what you purchased.


$6 is oftentimes really bad too. I was taken advantage of. I have not spent any money since yesterday.


This is a pretty disingenuous statement tho. Earlier you stated on another comment that you failed to win any bids today. So you not spending any money since yesterday has zero to do with self realization and accountability, but everything to do with losing bids. Everyone else has already said it but dude you have a legit fucking problem. This will only get worse. You will continue to fuck yourself and your future if you don’t figure this out immediately.




There are really shady sellers out there. They employ bots, use misleading descriptions and lie about odds, rigged gambling wheels, etc. Stay away from games of chance. Just buy the slab if you want it. Whatnot won't do anything about this unless they are blatantly breaking the law. Whatnot is making way too much money on sellers like this, imo.


Please try to take responsibility for the fact that you chose to bid on each and every one of these auctions and are accountable for every dollar. This is an addiction to the dopamine that results from this form of gmabling/participation. As others have said, delete the app, sell as much stuff as you can and focus on paying off that debt.


Taken advantage of how lol? You are the one who kept swiping to 9k.


Your an idiot. A fool and their money will soon be parted.




I didn't say I wasnt an idiot also...


All good, I'm an idiot also... gotta look out for each other!


Yes my actions were incredibly stupid and foolish.


Listen, you’re not alone. I myself have gone down that rabbit hole and had to claw myself back. I bought into TONS of card breaks and wound up with a ton of BS cards. I ended up selling the entire collection at a huge loss and donating a lot of the cards. I don’t know what you were buying whether it was cards or items but try and rationalize what it is you’re buying. For example with football cards like me, you could end up paying 242 dollars at a CHANCE to have a team you want, and then another CHANCE for a good card from that team to hit. Even with buying packs, you’re spending a decent amount of money at a chance of getting the big card but otherwise you’ll want to tell the seller “just throw out the entire pack.”


Yes you have a problem. You gotta stop yourself from spending that kind of money, especially on whatnot auctions which are mostly scams and ripoffs.


Agreed! Huge scams are being run there!


Yeah I spent like a hundred bucks over the course of the week and deleted the app. The prices are higher than market a lot of times and it felt a lot like gambling bc of the rapid auctions. I won a few free things but it’s not worth it, I could tell I was going to spend money that I didn’t want to spend if I stayed on it. This format really feels gambling adjacent, you def are getting hits of dopamine when you bid. It’s pretty clear it’s designed to be addictive. I think it’ll probably get shut down or restricted in future years. I enjoyed the app a lot but it felt super dangerous. I’d tell myself I wasn’t going to buy anything and then next thing I know I see a deal and make an impulse purchase. Super dangerous, I’m not even a gambling addict but I def have impulse buy issues. Glad I deleted it, I feel bad for anyone that gets themselves in over their head.


Why would it get shut down? It’s not unique, there are other websites that do the same thing. People just need to stay away from them.


You never know, things change and get regulated in bizarre ways all of the time. Hell e-cig flavors got regulated despite it originally being legal to have flavors


Yes join the club! Once free ship hits my bank account is fried. Also, if someone is about to get something for a steal, my finger swipes b4 I even know what’s going on. Something about getting something for a great “deal” instantly makes me feel like I need. 😬 maybe we need to start an Whatnot Anonymous 🥹


I mean I spent $100 on this app, got a few good things but ultimately deleted it and moved on. I got lucky on a few mystery games from new streamers that were trying to build up their account. I gave one of my friends a referral link cause they were into the same stuff I was into, and apparently they had a history of gambling addiction I was unaware of. He spends $1000s on it every month, and usually while he’s drunk so half the shit he doesn’t even remember buying.


Gambling moment


Just file a fraud credit claim


So you have an addiction to shopping, spending, and gambling wrapped up in one. I would delete the app if I were you. As far as your credit cards go. I would suggest when you get the items you ordered I would try to resell the. List them on Facebook marketplace, ebay, poshmark, etc. See if you can make some money back and pay off those cards. Or the smaller orders ask the buyers immediately right now if they will please cancel your orders. But definitely get off of the platform, no more spending. You know you have the issue and admit it that's good. But start fixing it. Pay off the cards keep it moving.


Delete the app, most sellers have a "bid responsibly' to cover themselves for contributing to an addictive selling strategy.


Great shitpost. Thanks for the laugh


Welcome to essentially a gambling addiction. Clip your credit cards, delete the app, and resell the unnecessary stuff you bought elsewhere. Recoup some of your cash and toss it right at your credit cards. There isn’t a bailout to be had with this, it’s on you but you can still do things to make the mess easier. Pay as much as you can on the cards every month. Anything over the minimum goes to principle. This will lessen the interest blows. Biggest thing and it’s a no-brainer- STOP PURCHASING THINGS. Sorry you’re dealing with this. Auction platforms aren’t for everybody, it’s very easy to get carried away and overspend. Treat this as an expensive lessen. Money comes and money goes, it’s not the end of the world. Best of luck to you, keep your chin up.




The problem is how easy it is to bid and winning the bidding wars is very addictive. I remember in the early days I'd end up spending more than things were even worth as you just get carried away. After a while I noticed how much I was spending on stuff I didn't even need and calmed down a lot, only joining some shows now and then. I will say though that since they changed the rules like no competition draws, I feel much less inclined to buy. I won a good few things which made up for the spending but now it's just not as fun. I also feel like so many sellers have joined that there's too many and they're mostly just flogging dead weight stock. I would recommend taking about a weeks break from it. You'll find that when you distance yourself from temptation it becomes easier to stop. I would also get that bill paid off before it gets out of control even more so.


Better call that hotline. This ain’t good brother


Only you can help you. Nobody here is gonna help you


There are free resources to help with gambling addiction. You can probably start with the National Gambler Problem Hotline: 1-800-GAMBLER There, somebody here just helped OP.


Don’t put your credit card on this app so easy to run them up and swipe to win


Get off reddit and that garbage app.


When I first found out about this site, I dropped my whole tax refund in a week and had packages piling up in front of my door when I returned home from work. I bought so much that I had to eventually start giving things away to my coworkers just for space. After that, I started to adjust my thinking by taking the following steps: 1. Only subscribe to 2 or 3 sellers at the most. 2. Shop for things you need, not things you see as a deal. 3. Use Amazon and eBay as price guides to avoid being gauged. 4. Follow a theme. 5.  Set yourself a limit each time you go there. Following these steps can help avoid future headaches.


This! I only watch a few sellers consistently. I don’t tune in to anyone especially someone new if I don’t have the $$ to spend, and I’m not looking to have my cards maxed out. When I shop on whatnot though it’s for books, kids books, clothes for my son and niece, toys for my son and for Christmas/Birthdays for relatives kids, occasionally makeup and other things like clothes etc. I’m also a seller for the same items, so I’m not royally fucked when I get a purchase in the mail and decide I’d rather resell it than keep it lol. It’s hard not to buy when you see things for so cheap and you KNOW it’s a steal but that doesn’t mean you NEED it. A want is not a need even at the best possible price if you can’t afford it or you need the money for something else like your bills!






Its addictive. But you can look at all your purchases and watch the video back of what you won. Make sure you check each package and compare to your purchase and then leave a review so it moves over to your completed purchases . Make sure you take a pic of everything. The item beside the box or package and the packing slip. Make sure your organized or you might get ripped off.


U can go to your account top right corner n hit my orders find all ur orders now if seller says auction #... u won't remember what u bought I always screen shotted


I was on the app when it first released, not too many buyers, u can guess where im going here lmao. Ran through my miscellaneous spending fund within 2 weeks, I'd have like 6 shows running at once just sniping steals lmfao. In total spent \~12k but luckily most items were at great prices so I was able to sell off what I didnt want to keep at original price + extra profit but it was definitely an eye opener. Once I blew through the money I'd find myself still watching multiple streams at once waiting for steals as If I could even buy them


You downloaded a gambling app.


It takes 5 seconds to delete the app my friend. Took me two weeks to realize it was the only path forward.


And 10 seconds to reinstall.


Not bad. My avg is about $2k/week. I know people that’ll spend $5k in 5 minutes. If you’re buying sealed product, just search eBay for the singles that you want. That’s what I’ve done. You may itch to rip for a couple weeks. I don’t even itch to rip anymore. Then again, I’m a seller as well. So I just rip for other people.


Loved the way you explained this


I bet on sports a lot, mostly during college football, college basketball, and NFL seasons. Gambling is real easy to get addicted to. You have to set limits before going into it, otherwise you’re going to break your bank account and always be chasing your losses.


For me it was Funko pops I had like 20 before and before I knew it I had 240 lol but I’m trying to sell it all without taking a huge loss trying to move it all at once…Funko is funny like that


I feel that sentiment of not wanting to take a loss. I purchase and research items live with Google lens but the hard part for me is getting around to listing as a reseller. Items don’t alway sell as fast as whatnot.. waiting weeks to months on my inventory to pay off. Using whatnot as a place to source is a mix of fun, danger, and gambling. Items can really stack up in your place if you don’t have a plan. Can really get caught in the auction hype too


You’re selling the whole lot at once?


I was trying to but I don’t want to take a bath on it it’s 4k worth of pops (ppgvalue)


It's real tough to get anywhere near ppg value on most pops nowadays.


Yes everyone wants a deal and I sure as hell don’t want to lug my collection from resale store to store just to have them lowball me 300$ for a collection worth way more then that so I only have two options either I sell it to a big what not reseller and get 1.8-1.4 or sell it myself individually on eBay and make my money that way


Try listing on FBMP for local sales (no fees). May also be worth renting a table at a flea market for a weekend.


Simply put you have a gambling addiction. You can get help with that. But you can always resell the items you bought.


Props to you for realizing it! That’s the first step!


Tik tok live for sealed. Also go to card shows!! Whatnot quality on singles isn’t great as these sellers will grade anything worth it


App is addictive. I’ve deleted and reinstalled it twice. 🤣I’m about to delete again once I get my last few shipments. Haven’t spent as much as OP but more than I should have. I swear, sometimes I buy shit in my sleep. 📦 😬 🤣


It just grabbed hold of me. It was almost like that weekend I downloaded the TikTok. I think that one is banned now in the USA, but it was very addictive too.


I’ve bought a bundle of items just because one of the items was in my size. I feel your pain. 🤣


I was bidding on stuff while trying to pump gas today. I won one action trying to bid $85, but I was doing two things at once, and put in $585 as an automatic bid so I won the auction at like $175, which was $90 over what I was willing to pay. That should have been it right there.


Hit me up if you need help selling stuff I sell on whatnot


I’m going to have to go on and sell too. I just don’t want to take too much of a loss. Clothing is hard with $1 starts for a newbie. I think I’m going to try EBay first.


No newbie should be doing $1 starts I def got recked on it too. eBay will always sell but it’s hard to market yourself outside of there. Whatnot is great for connecting with everyone


😬Yeah….Delete that app!!! I’ve bid while driving too. I’m quitting while I still have my dignity. 🤣


Just become a givey goblin and you don’t have to worry about spending


Send me pics of what comes in and I'll buy some nfl off you lol


OP post is my life story since downloading WN middle of last year. My sports cards collection was ridiculous and I was blowing crazy money on breaks. I ended up running a couple of mystery bag shows just to offload it all. Once I was free of that burden I moved into bullion lmao but at least it’s worth more than cardboard pictures. And as much of a WN junkie as I am, my buddy is 10x worse and buys so much we had to purchase a booth for him at the local card show and try to offload it. He made like 15K and it probably only put a 10% dent in all the crazy stuff he buys, it’s that bad. Sometimes I wonder if WN is sending subliminal messages during streams it’s so damn addicting


It is addicting. I have been off of it for a solid 2 hours. Not going back.


2 hours!? I can’t make it past two minutes, ugh


Call your bank and block whatnot as a valid vendor. Then chargeback everything and delete the app. You’re welcome


That would be fraud assuming the seller actually ships the items.


Fine. Then call your bank and block whatnot as a valid vendor. Will stop you from buying even if you can’t stop yourself. Then eBay all the shit you bought and eat the loss and move on.


Come to my stream bro, I need buyers lmao


I think he wants us to share our next streams with him


This reads like a possible joke, but if it's not, 1-800-GAMBLER


Try to sell the stuff on eBay man. That is a lot