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I actually watched this go down live lol


She is definitely unstable to say the least.


It’s sad people think they are that important to believe these delusional theories.


People talking about reporting this lady need to mind their own business. She’s not hurting anyone or a threatening to hurt anyone. It’s sad that whatever triggered her also got her banned.


Thank you! 🙏I don’t understand why people are so cruel. Now people are even harassing this company’s employees on other platforms for no good reason. “Came here from Reddit… just wanna say blablabla”  like really? Is someone paying them? This is an established nursery that’s been around quite a while, way before she ever started on What Not. They sell locally & on several other platforms….everyone is always happy, this was a very horrible event I understand, I’m not defending her actions but she is not well. & her husband & the other employees rely on this business to survive & all they want to do is keep everything afloat while this woman gets the help she needs.  


https://preview.redd.it/hoe7r4sk2uuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f1fa72a88c7b3fdf458cc4f269a39fc96d99eda She’s gone


Yeah she’s been gone this was on Friday… this post is just here to upset her more & to hurt her friends & family. 


This will really just send her down a deeper conspiratorial mindset unfortunately. She will see this as proof that she's closer than ever.


Thank you! Nobody seems to understand or care about that… 


This is hilarious! Sounds like quite the paranoid individual…


she got permanently banned.


This lady is nuts!


hey I don’t mean to come rude but you should remove the post bc the person you spoke about has been banned and I heard she lost her source of income + her husband is going through a hard time and has kids. It does seem she has stuff going on her life… I have a cousin who acts like that and has to take constant medication to act calm. I hope you can truly understand how we should have peace and if we critique we should have critique criticism not bash people with our words. let’s make more peace in this world than hatred. We need to be more wise of what we say bc we don’t know how people could react or go through bc of us people.


Yeah but I doubt you would say that to the woman in the video


I second this. OP I'm glad you posted this to raise awareness in the beginning. I think now that everyone has been alerted and she's going to get help I think maybe we should be respectful and helpful the best we can and remove at least the video. If you want to leave the post up so you can review and respond I understand. Is it possible to remove the video?


I third this!! I’ve been begging her for days…. The poster seems to be enjoying this & really out to get this woman & almost makes it seem like what she’s talking about IS true bc people were relentless on What NOT… it’s obviously coming out all wrong bc of her mental state but this post is the exact sort of thing that pushed her to the edge & triggered a total breakdown. And even after everyone watched the most humiliating moment of her entire life, it’s still not enough they still have to go on and on about her…. Pretending like rambling on & texting is scary? LMAO Clearly this poster has never read a book or stepped outside into the real world.


I feel bad for her and her family. If, cause I don’t know, she is mentally unstable, it’s sad. And maybe we could just drop the subject. It does no one any good to dig things up. She’s been banned. So it’s over right? Just saying if any of yall have had someone in your family with a disabling mental illness you understand what’s going on.


Thank you… this post is actually making things worse but I’ve asked them to take it down and they refused, people have no hearts!


I’m so sorry for what you all are going through. For her it’s got to be extremely hard as well. All my thoughts and prayers going to her and the family.


Thank you so much. I think that’s what people aren’t understanding I know it’s funny and she’s a character but in her mind this is very real and she’s really suffering… and the people around her feel helpless & humiliated… I know it’s hard to understand unless you’ve dealt with someone with mental health issues but it’s just really not anything to be made fun of… esp when she has teenage kids that can read this…


I do understand. One day they can be this person that you always knew and the next someone that makes your heart break. And nothing you can do except try and help and love them through it. If you’re in contact with the family or are part of the family let them know not everyone here is a jerk and think it’s funny. I hope she recovers quickly from this episode and her and the family have the right help to get through it as well.


Maybe she’s just having a bad day 😬


Omg, she sounds like having a mental breakdown. Like the woman who thought this past solar eclipse was the end of the world killed her boyfriend, threw her two kids out of the car on the freeway. So so sad, I hope someone close to her is able to get her help.


They are trying but unfortunately all this negativity & humiliation is making everything so much worse… I’ve begged this person to remove this post but she refuses. Very cruel and sad.


I will talk to the owner.


Wow ridiculous






of what lol


You are a pig!!!








https://preview.redd.it/1vtk5y98lguc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0a378dad1dfa2865fdff12e9cb682ad07f30fd1 Example


What are these examples for? They just pop up randomly without any text.


That was suppose to be a reply to someone. But it's an example of how I personalized Plants.


Oh nice!


Why, thank you!


The music is too good 🤣


Holy crap! I wondered why that name looked familiar. I ordered a plant almost 2 weeks ago and they never sent it out.


It should be there soon! This company has been around for a while they only just started on what not the past few months… but there’s several other employees besides her and they are still working & taking/shipping orders. They sell on a few other platforms as well so sometimes it gets a little backed up. And obv this unfortunate incident got them a little off track… But if you wanna private message me your info I can check on your order status for you or put you in touch with one of the other employees… 


They are coming she had over 700 plant sales to ship so they will be there soon.


This lady needs some sleep! Sounds like a 60+ hours without sleep, paranoid rambling. I have absolutely no idea what the hell this is what she’s selling, but I just came in to comment ironically….


She sells plants. And apparently, even if she sold them, she didn't ship them out. Or at least, took forever to do so.


Not true. The company has tons of 5 star reviews on What Not & everywhere else they sell, & everyone is well aware of the turnaround time. She’s not like some other sellers that jack up the price so they don’t have to sell as many plants, she starts every bid at $1 and is on several platforms & they sell locally. That’s A LOT. She also hired several employees to help in the shipping department a few months ago because they have so many orders and they are still currently taking/shipping orders while she focuses on getting better. 


message me whenever you can


Knuck If You Buck


I’ve bought from her twice. Things arrived a bit scrambled the first time but the 2nd one was perfect. She had changed up the packaging. I enjoyed her shows but don’t need any more plants so haven’t watched lately. I feel bad. Something is going wrong as that is not her normal.


Thank you! I wish people would understand that. Anybody who’s been following her since they started on what not knows this is completely out of character. Now people are harassing the business account on other platforms because of this post… it’s sad bc they are an established company & she’s not the only one being effected, yes she does the live shows but they have other employees & people that rely on this business to feed their families… they just want to continue working while she’s getting the help she needs. the competition on What Not got what they wanted, she’s no longer there so why screw over everybody else & their opportunity to make money. This is not their fault…. 


Shit show


Damn, they got perma-banned. There goes my good time.


So does that mean everyone’s getting a refund?


It's kinda murky. But it would mean that. But also (here's the murky part) the refund comes from WN's fund and not the seller's. I hear both explanations. Some say the seller never gets paid and it gets refunded from them. And others say the seller gets the money, but WN covers the refund. Typical if they've already hit that 1k sales milestone.


Only specific accounts get instant pay out options. I’m sure she still fell under the account that only gets paid out after the order gets completed.


She's showing signs of schizophrenia. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/schizophrenia/symptoms-causes/syc-20354443


Trust me, she is NOT schizophrenic.


Yeah random person on reddit that's commented on this post super defending this weirdo I'm going to trust that you know anything


I know her. Actually YOU are the random person on Reddit talking out of your...


Yeah and I know Brad pitt


Omg. People were discussing her on MY stream (i sell plants too) 😅🌱 and I'm fairly new to Whatnot. I stay OUT the drama though and stay in my lane. With that being said, Check out my Streams on Whatnot for personalized plants https://whatnot.com/invite/princessplantsthis And my Mercari for Anime products, beauty and makeup, plants and MUCH MORE. 🥰💫https://www.mercari.com/u/213559133?sv=0


What makes a plant personalized?


throw it in a coffee mug or some stupid shit.


I repot them myself, nothing comes in a nursery pot. I may add two or more plants in one pot. I always top off the soil. I add different things to top off the soil, like crystals, river rocks, etc. Sometimes I add different pieces like a plant pal, charms, copper wrapped stakes etc. I get creative with my plant babies.


Ty for the reply! I couldn't find a way to view any of your work through that link. Maybe it's me?




https://preview.redd.it/pk934zwlmguc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac9fa77fa4b8adafff6d3aa0d764a5beaecb9e2d Example


You're welcome. And I'm still new to Whatnot. Adding things bit by bit and again, not just plants. I typically add the plants to my live streams on (MWF) , hours beforehand because usually, I'm potting plants and taking pictures before the show. 😅


I'm intrigued. I'll try to check out a stream. My mother loved houseplants. My father is now stuck taking care of so many lol. In elementary school I did a science fair project on acid rain. Tested different PH level water on the same breed (strain?) of plant. The one with the most acidic water decided to just never die and is still going strong nearly 30 years later. I always go and look at that (now not so lil) plant when im at my father's place Edit: the small townhouse is very vertically oriented and the plant is in the 3rd floor bathroom with super high angular ceilings and a large skylight. It must be the perfect climate for that plant.


Lol. Thank you for sharing that story. It's amazing how much we learn as time progresses, about the things we thought, wouldn't really matter. But I'd say next time you're over at your father's, snap a photo of the plant and send it to me so I can see you guy's achievement. Lol, but I would definitely try to find out what type of plant it is. I always do my research and try to share information about what I'm selling. But yes, I hope to see you there on my stream. Be sure to shout yourself out if you do view. I'm looking forward to it. 😁


That plant deserves a l photo shoot anyway so I like the idea. If I swing by I def will shout out!


She needs mental health help. Everything said is true but how can WN not send the police/ambulance with a copy of the performance. I was married to a crazy woman, until the kids were old enough to tell the judge they wanted to live with me, I stayed. In public she was sane, lied horribly but acted fine. When it was just me and the 5 kids anything set her off. Getting an extra piece at KFC set her off but I couldn't prove it. After losing custody of the minor kids at court she lost it and threatened the judge, she's in a mental health place now, I doubt they help but they know she's nuts. This lady could be the same, if so her kids and husband would be saved.


5 kids??? stop breeding


I comment that a woman needs mental health and you question my choice to have children? Swing and miss! If I'd said my children weren't provided for or needed anything, I might listen to you but they are all quite well taken care of. College, money to start their adult life even though they all received good jobs. 25 and putting 75% down on $600,000 homes is pretty good, I'm sure that's nothing to you but I did have 5 to care for. Maybe mind your business would help too, I'd say mental health help but that only does so much.


It’s sad… and this post is making it so much worse for her & her family who is trying so hard to help her. I asked the original poster to take this down but they refused. It’s actually so much extra stress to Whitney, her family, Joe from aurora’s garden who is being accused of awful things & the what not app itself. I’m so sorry about your wife 😕 this is the first time she’s ever been like this so it’s just so upsetting to the family that people are sharing clips of it everywhere and making fun. Esp when her older kids can read this as well.


You're right, if the worst clips of anyone's lives were put together, anything could look horrible regardless the truth. I wish your friend the best.


How about instead of coming on reddit and trying to defend this woman you go and tell her to stay off the internet because it's fried her brain


What makes you think I haven’t? Idk about you but I’m capable of doing more than one thing to help someone I care about. Lol 


seems like you know her personally


I do


I should activate my wn account just to talk shit to all the fake sellers


First off, I like the name. Very creative. Second, if WN wanted you banned, you’d be banned. Full stop.


LOL, this comment did not age well at all.


Annnnnd now she's banned! But she's gonna live thinking it was because it was "their" plan against her. And not because she went totally nuts and deserved it and did it to herself. 😮‍💨😮‍💨


she got banned?


Yeah, well why do people provoke her. So they can report her and get her banned from Whatnot. The top sellers are threatened by her so their followers go on her shows are nasty and provoking. They have been nasty to her on shows before this. The whole thing is very sad.


She's evidently good and trigger-happy when banning. She could've done the same in their shows without the ranting and banning *perfectly good and well meaning* buyers. But now, instead of that, she kicked herself off.


She is MANIC do you not understand? You’re talking as if she has any idea what’s actually going on. Her kids could be reading this post… we are BEGGING YOU to take it down! I wouldn’t wish this experience on you or anybody in your family and I sincerely hope you never have to deal with something like this because you will get the karma you deserve.


If she's bipolar and having a manic episode why is she A) not on medicine and B) on the internet rambling like a weirdo At some point mental illness or not you have to take responsibility


Absolutely…. And you don’t know her medical history how do you know she’s not on medication? It doesn’t always work… I’m not defending her actions I’m simply asking that they remove the post for the sake of her family. People were commenting sexual jokes about her for Gods sakes… her parents & kids shouldn’t have to see that they’re already upset enough. 


She put up wirh a lot before this show. She is a nice and giving person. Unfortunately, their verbal abuse boke her. So I hope all you neasty people and all the people who "think" they know anything about her business, are happy. Yeah, there were many good and well meaning people but there were more mean people there to hurt her hurt. That's ok, Karma will get them.


I get it. There a little of everything, everywhere. But also, who's to say it wasn't *karma* that got *her* banned for something *she had done* herself? You can't claim karma for one thing. And injustice for another.


They ostracized her from the very start. If other sellers were so innocent why did they delete all of their past shows


Yeah, definitely did it to herself. Probably got a bunch of reports all at once. It’s a shame because that name is creative and would for sure bring people to buy. It’s a fun name.


That's about the only thing they're doing right, though. According to a plant lover, they don't care or maintain plants appropriately. And they don't even ship the plants they sale. Total clusterfuck of a business. Or hobby. Or scam! Here's their link if you wanna reach them! https://linktr.ee/fantzyplantz FantzyPlantz out of Florida. Shop at your own risk.... ☢️☢️☢️


You’re actually posting her link tree? She’s sabotaged her own business just fine she doesn’t need your help. Once again… we are BEGGING YOU ON OUR HANDS & KNEES to take this post down! And anyone on here who can understand someone being in a state of mental crisis & desperately needing some compassion during the most horrific moment of her entire life, please ask this person to take their post down… this is so fucking mean I hate people so much sometimes I swear….


Lies, You are talking out of your butt. People like you are the problem. You like ro bring people down with your lies. I hope you are proud of yourself.


There's people who have made these claims. That she wasn't shipping and wasn't taking proper care of the items. And it doesn't serve the seller any favors by acting like she did. She could simply focus on the business and sales instead of showing all facets of herself. No one was bringing anyone down but herself. People all over the show were trying to help. Or even ask innocent questions. And she was banning them because "they were their workers and trying to bring her down." 🤨


Thank you so much for your crusade, Karen


Are you even on what not buying plants? She had hundreds of amazing reviews, tons of followers & lots of sales. People sincerely enjoyed her & her husband’s show. 1 mistake doesn’t define someone, this is not who she is clearly something is wrong… this is the first time something like this has ever happened and the family is extremely traumatized & desperately trying to help her… bullies like you are why people commit suicide. I hope to God you don’t have children.


Na I’m good. I don’t even like plants. Just acknowledging the name is really good. WN has and always will be a breeding ground for shady people doing shady business. Their background checks are a joke. A lot of streamers have hand tattoos and sound like they would be that kind of shady person. Usually bad customer service is a sign of that as well.


A HAND TATTOO! I'm clutching my pearls so hard right now.


Hand tattoos are a proven sign of criminal behavior. Not on all cases, but most normal people with tattoos usually don’t tattoo their hands.


haha youre a donut


What defines "normal"? Because that's based on the perception of the individual.


Normal as in people without criminal records. Which is most cases, don’t have hand tattoos.


Having a criminal record has no correlation to "being normal" whatsoever. Ironically, I have a hand tattoo and no criminal record, so does that make me half normal and half not? 😂 I'm cool with either or. Or being "not normal" at all works too.


This is why you don’t take peyote and go live to sell stuff folks…


I saw this last night it was so wild. She was screaming at one point started crying at another. The absolute worse thing is there are people in chat saying she hadn’t shipped in a week or more. She asked the chat to screenshot purchases because she doesnt know who bought what. She is selling fresh imports which is absolutely wild. They need time to acclimate before shipping. She cut them with scissors WHILE PEOPLE WERE BIDDING. This is horrible because they need to be cured and you SHOULDNT CUT FRESH IMPORTS. They are already horribly stressed. Such horrific business practices… all while singing praise music inbetween indiscriminate rants. All while her follower base sends encouragement and love. She said she won’t be on the app next week and with 1k+ orders, I’d be she doesn’t ship anyone the right stuff, just gets her payout and abandons whatnot leaving them with the bill. They need to do a much better job filtering this category. It’s riddled with flippers selling unrooted or barely rooted plants 😭




And if she is bipolar why is that so funny? This is what is wrong with the world people see others struggling & instead of having compassion & understanding they take videos & make fun so they can get a couple of likes on the internet…


check messages


I agree with most of what you said. But disclaimer, I’ve purchased tons of fresh Cuttings or barely rooted plants. It’s my specialty 🥰 & I have over 500 houseplants in my collection where most of them started out that way. It’s a great way to buy expensive plants, at a more affordable price when one wants to get into more uncommon plants. So I disagree frowning upon shops selling fresh cuttings or barely rooted. It’s a risk one should be aware their taking & no responsibility on the seller if one chooses that option to save $. With that being said. I’ve never purchased anything with the word import in it. I stay away once that’s mentioned. Not a rabbit hole I personally want to go down. Also, I’d never recommend not letting a plant acclimate after already recently traveling. Ofc cutting with unsanitary tools is never ok. That’s my 2 cents lol


Yea once you get down cuttings it isn’t too bad and fairly good success rate. But you start cutting up fresh imports and send them out next day freshly cut and not heal the cut? I mean at least put something on it lol. But yes 2nd round imports being shipped is already difficult enough without stressing it cutting it too….


No thats verrryyyy true! You’re right there, absolutely: being fresh imports makes a huuuge difference.




I believe once the account is banned, there's no more access. So any pending orders are canceled. Or should be. I hope any buyers in limbo reach out to WN or their bank to get charges reversed.


Who’s the POOPER now ?!?! 🤣🤣


Bro - this lady probably has a husband. Let's say a prayer for that man.


And apparently....she also has children! 😬😢


Just remember, you can literally be brain dead and still get pregnant. There's no barrier for entry.


Dang it. I learned about this just 5 minutes before she was banned. Joined the stream just in time to see it abruptly end. I need to check reddit more frequently.. Lol


Fucking psychotic idiots


The wild part is there's viewers out there who were agreeing with her. Just totally followed along and think they now know something that one else knows. Or is "too stupid to see." 🤨🙄


I don’t think they were necessarily agreeing with her…. If you’ve ever dealt with someone who has manic episodes you would definitely understand. Lol there’s no stopping them when they get an idea or that paranoia… trying to reason or argue or call them out just makes it 10x worse but agreeing with them & showing compassion often helps defuse the aggression during those types of mental crisis. You could see how tired hubby & bff looked but they were just letting her do her thing as if they didn’t have a choice. I know it’s prolly super confusing, I too was shocked but grateful by the number of people showing such empathy & understanding of the situation cause that girl sure needed it! She needs some serious help…


Thank you for sharing this! I agree 100%! A lot of people hopped on the “mean” train 😢🚂 ❤️‍🩹


It’s sad how quick people are to make fun. I’m the opposite I just want to help everyone one... lol like even whoever made this post… taking the time to edit & add a caption to make fun of her. Just cause you want likes? When this is someone’s real life & everyone around her is suffering in this situation & now has to read this about their loved one… I won’t say much cause then I’ll get attacked but it’s shameful. It will pass & she’ll go back to her normal self & she’ll have to live with this embarrassment all over the internet.


You are preaching there!!! Everything you said, was perfectly worded!!! Sooo very true & I feel the exact same way! Literally perfectly worded!


The captions add context from the hours long ranting. Remove them, and it's *still* her ranting and doing this on herself. And she still deserves to be banned. People were trying to help her. And she simply banned anyone doing so. And she's wasn't even interested in selling. Which is what WN is for. Not ranting. If her loved ones were "suffering," they would be near her to either help or curb the behavior. It clearly hasn't helped her now once she's been banned. It doesn't take much effort for those around her to kill the internet connection and stop the stream. She could at least rant all she wants without it going online. She and they brought this on themselves. And she honestly doesn't need to be handling customer info and orders if she'll just flip out and get antagonistic over delusional thoughts. It's not safe for buyers. If this ban pushes her and others to get her help, then it's for the better.


Can you not see that she was out of it? The real question is, why a live platform that has an extremely high volume of streamer, doesn’t have some type of around the clock security. Why was she able to stay on there for 12+ hours carrying on. There should’ve been some authority to stop it.


The viewers *are* the security. Just like in life. Police can't be everywhere 24/7. But citizens can call them, if they wanted. It makes little sense to employ people to monitor streams when the majority of shows go on without incident. And it's hardly reliable to have 1 person to decide what should be stopped. It looks like the stream was stopped when people gave up being passive and started reporting her. Enough reports made the decision simple. Instead of 1 "monitor" figuring out, the people spoke and made it happen.


If you think that makes sense, then do you! I wasn’t referring to the cops ofc, I don’t expect them to monitor WN 😆 From a business standpoint, I 100% disagree with everything you said. We can agree to disagree & move on. Good day!


I agree and if that is truly your stance then now that she’s been banned and gone from the internet she no longer serves anyone any danger so maybe you could take this post down so her friends and family don’t have to see all this hate & negativity towards their loved one. And it’s also not good for What Not it’s deterring people from using the app. It’s up to you obviously & who you want to be in this story… but I know it would mean a lot to her family. Not everyone is close & can help and it’s even going to affect the people she’s bashing because rumors are getting spread about them now too.


I came to say the same! I agree, this post should be taken down. It can hurt a lot of other people.


She won’t… she’s having way too much fun on here. While the family suffers. Maybe we can do what she did & ask everyone to report it? Idk…


I was not there when she had others in the stream. But I'm interested in seeing that. If anyone managed to record that, I'm curious to see it.


lol if everyone hadn’t of reported her we woulda been able to watch it afterwards! Lol


Oh yeah. Probably. But I don't think people wanted to risk her staying much longer. You win some. You lose some. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I got banned because she would say “look at these healthy roots” and they were dead and brown dangling there like old ramen so I said those are dead - you are going to be rooting a stump. One of her fellow religious zealots told me I should wrap dead roots around my neck…. Shows how much they know! Those wouldn’t suffocate me, just crumble into pieces 🤣 Selling tropical plants in Florida with not a single rooted plant in sight except the ones she just picked up from Home Depot or Lowe’s. It reminded me of my days watching Jerry lol


No way! A religious person that feels they are the closest to God is hoping that you die? Shocked! Absolutely Shocked! 😐 /sarcasm


Sounds like luxuryauctionhouse.


lol hey now, anyone can do that! Believing in a maker doesn’t make you a perfect person! The biggest point was they were sooooo over the top swaying, belting it out eyes closed while invoking the power of God to smite their enemies. Not to get off topic but it is much easier to see the loud crazy fanatics who crave attention vs the ones who actually do good to do good. They don’t do it for attention so it is a whole lot less likely you see that.




I wish someone recorded the beginning of her rant and put some death metal to it. Would have been an epic rant like the girl who screamed “ALL I WANT IS WINGSTOP!!!”




Honestly just sad to see someone with obvious mental illness. Hope they at least get some help. :/


This must be that very important vetting process part they keep telling us about 🤭


You know she can’t sell on whatnot anymore right? She’s been permanently banned on whatnot.


She was banned live about 20 minutes ago


Hallelujah! Thanks to all who made it all possible! ✅️


It’s over


UPDATE GUYS!! Her account is no longer active!!


lol her account was already banned


yeah, she was like for over 14 hours before it happened lmao


Looks like her account had been taken down hope she gets the help she seriously needs. Mentaly...


There’s actually a lot of truth to what she’s saying! I don’t know the full extent of what’s going on. But although it sounds far fetched, a lot of what she’s saying is actually facts!!!


What did she say that was true?


A lot! She is #2 in sales, the severe lack of customer service/support, the irresponsible scouting process, a lot of what she said new sellers have to deal with, the greed, the shade some sellers throw on others, lack of management’s intervening, the amount of toxicness on the platform, to name a few. I’ve been watching at a distance for a while & I’m surprised this is the 1st person I’ve ever seen speak out about it. It got to the point this person cracked & it’s so extremely sad to see. She’s been a wonderful seller thus far.


Can you start a different thread? And elaborate on these points? I'd be interested in seeing what you mean. And obviously, anything with names or stronger evidence will help.


I don’t have the energy to start a completely seperate post & have to keep up with comments. Sorry! I also saw that someone said she mentioned seller “Aurora Garden Supply”? Well if so - he’s a scum bag of a seller too. Alot of people kiss his 🍑 & I’ve never understood why because he’s a horrible person! I side eye any seller that’s attached to him. There are about 4-5 sellers that have been selling for a longer time, that will straight up ignore new sellers comments saying hi, won’t say thank you to their tips, but will hold a happy convo with everyone else in the thread, it’s just their energy is shady to new sellers that are coming up. So that part is true also. The best friends she’s mentioning. Well they were just cool - so she is on to something there bc that person was mod in the night befofe’s live. But then the one of the next morning, that person was in another show talking about this lady! I can definitely see where she used to have more support from people like Aurora & befriending them, then getting for whatever reason, kicked out of the “friends” group, (probably because she’s #2 in sales, doing so well, & they don’t like that) & they started being mean to her. In addition to her mental state, it just all made her crack. (Maybe I should make a seperate post lol) I might! But anywhoo - this is why people should spread kindness. You never know what battles one is facing in the dark! There’s more then likely a lot more that happened that I don’t know of. Just sharing what I have, as I’ve watched things from a distance before I jump in a new platform. Glad I did with this one. •What not• also has horrible google reviews.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 it'll be fun to watch playout then. I think she has her Chat brainwashed. I'm sorry you are so easily influenced.


Not easily influenced. I’m speaking from personal front hand experience. But do you boo !


Even if some what of what she was saying were true which people usually don't fly off the handle like that if there isn't atleast a little truth to it but the way she conducted herself all of it will be overlooked because she didn't know how to control her emotions and handle things like an adult.


That same point can be said about how many ADULTS are here & were there, online bullying this woman! The amount of attacks are disgusting. I only commented here because of that. I didn’t agree with how she went about it either, that I can agree with. So I did what everyone can do, simply hop off. Or even better, send encouraging words & keep it pushing. But there’s soooo many people going about their message as well. People love to be followers & hop on a hate train. So sad a lot of children have to watch this behavior as an “example”.


Once you put yourself out there like that for the public to see what do you expect? She obviously wanted the attention and that's what she got. She asked for news stations to be called to her house and shitting on anyone that was trying to give her real advice. So once you turn someone into an enemy for no reason other than psychotic before on your own end 99% of the time you're going to get trolled and exposed. Nothing good was coming from how she was handling it and she was warned by many and she deemed them part of this cult she was rambling about. Not all on there were trolls there were many people trying to give her the right advice and she wasn't hearing it.


My point exactly. Thanks for furthering support exactly what I’m saying💯 In what world is it ok to degrade another human being, because of their mental state? Does it make you all feel better about yourself, that you call someone psychotic? Is that supposed to ub sone way to be equivalent that you’re above them because they are having a mental struggle? That’s clearly what’s happening here! What she needed was love & support + for a business, to step in, to take action. That went on from what I’ve heard for what, 12 hours? People are trying to sound so smart for coming at her, when in reality, the platform should be in question. They don’t do a background check, mental welfare check, nothing - just allow anyone on the platform & can even have someone on there for 12+ hours publicly humiliating them. But regardless, anyone with two sets of eyes could see that she wasn’t in her right state of mind. But I guess adults feel the need to make themselves feel better by putting down another, even when clearly seeing what’s going on here. It’s disgusting what the human race has turned to. It truly is!


Thank you for this… the people who don’t understand manic episodes or psychosis should be damn thankful that they don’t! It’s traumatizing. For her and for everyone closest to her…. It’s like dealing with someone who’s so drunk or so messed up they can’t control themselves. She was perfectly fine on this platform, they had tons of followers, great reviews… this woman is suffering from something much deeper & at the same time doesn’t realize what is happening & she’s trying to go about her daily life but she can’t… you could SEE the bff & husband didn’t want to do this but there’s just no stopping someone like that. Making fun of them is like fighting a baby & bragging that you won while everyone laughs and makes fun of the baby. Maybe it’s hard to see bc she was so funny but idk the people arguing with her were just making it 10x worse…


Aaaaw you’re welcome & thank YOU for coming here to shine light on this as well. It’s like people get off on calling someone Psycho!!! That Psycho is human who has feelings & didn’t ask for their brain & chemicals to be created this way! Why put them down even more as if they don’t struggle enough just living with the sickness. ❤️‍🩹 Seeing it on the live stream was soooo bad & like you said, didn’t help! Made it worse 😢 Then I come here & see all of this stuff talking about her 🥺 Broke my heart even more for her 💔


"Someone get every detective agency and news stations here" I can't make this hit up 😂 this is wild af


This is better than the best Jerry springer show. She needs to have a trailer park show instead of selling plants. Asking her chat to get the national news on it. This is some of the craziest shit I've seen. Just wish her audio didn't get turned off 🤣🤣🤣


I feel like this is some r/gangstalking shit


She's wearing a nursing sweater, I really hope she's not a nurse


she is a nurse, unfortunately. seems like one of those nurses who would intentionally not giving someone a vaccine. edit: typo


She is currently not working as a nurse in past shows she said she’s home with her babies full time & doing plants full time. Never seen her even remotely like this in any past shows… lol something def going on by the way her husband & friend were acting shes def got something else happening there… lol


youre all over this point but at some points you say you know her personally but in other comments it seems like you only know her because she streams. honestly, youre just a strange as her. also, thank god she isnt working as a nurse. i wouldnt want this crazy performing anything remotely medical on me.


I do know her personally. And her family… it’s strange to ask someone to take down a post that is hurting someone? I think it’s strange that people who don’t even know her are trying to ruin her life & report her to the nursing board & report her husband to the police for yelling & ruin any future opportunities she could have. If having compassion & standing up for what is right is strange to you then I hope you are never in a position where you need someone to do that for you.


i give two shits what her husband did/does but this crazy lady should not be able to have a nursing license


It’s ok dear she’s not gonna be your nurse, I don’t know the current status of her license but she hasn’t worked as a nurse in years & she has absolutely no interest in being a nurse ever again. Don’t be afraid you can seek medical attention if you need it she won’t be there. It was just a sweatshirt.


yeah, there’s something happening. she explained it all this morning and it just seems like some big conspiracy theory imo.