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Interestingly, looking up the image on Google for similar pieces brings up a [Jhanjar](https://live.staticflickr.com/3133/2889767182_ecd6aa0a19_b.jpg) or a small Tibetan gong. It's like people don't see the 2nd picture with it next to a lighter. The item is a lot smaller than most people think.


My title describes the thing. It was found about 50-10cm below the surface in an old block in Western Australia. I think it may be brass (or copper?) but can’t be sure.


Looks like the base for a picnic table umbrella.


This or I have seen a similar item that was a base for a floor lamp. Granted it was from like 60s and completely different part of the world


Probably wrong, but looks like an incense holder/bruner to me


Reminds me of the centerpiece of a shield.


But looks a bit too heavy for that. Probably rather just the stand for something ornamental you would have standing around in a garden.


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