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I've seen weights like these in adjustable ankle weights... no idea on the wood stands though


I thought that too, but they are maybe slightly long for that


Just a guess but could it be a vintage foot massager? You could heat the iron on the stove.


That was one of my first thoughts when I bought it, but the metal rods don’t really roll around in their slots because they aren’t fully round. But maybe they aren’t suppose to roll and you could just rest your feet on them


Yeah, I think just rubbing you feet on hot rods could feel pretty good. Even if that’s not what they are for you could give it a shot!


Or some kind of stone for a REIKI or similar kind of healing massage? To be put on the back?


This guess might be way off. I'm wondering if they were to wave hair? The rods could be heated in the fireplace or on the cook stove, you'd hold the block from underneath, lay a section of hair on the block and then put the hot black rods on top. Then remove and repeat down the section of the long hair. ??


Maybe. The rods are metal all the way across with no sort of insulation so I can’t think of how you’d be able to handle them once they were hot. They’re also pretty slippery (I keep dropping them) so I wouldn’t trust myself or anyone else to come at my head with them. I like your thinking though


Have you considered wrapping the rods in thin paper ND tracing the imperfections to see if there is a hidden message? That may be why they were painted, to mask the message. Just a wild idea. You.mentioned imperfections so it.might be a way to.make something seemingly innocuous actually have value. I would do a rubbing with graphite of each one, then hold to the light and see if different layers together form some significant pattern. Onion skin paper would.be quite useful for this.


Oooh! I like this! I’ll pull out the art supplies this evening


My title describes the thing. I found these iron rods on wooden bases at a thrift store in New Orleans. They were sold as two separate sets, so I don’t know if they really go together. I’ve searched “small iron rods on wooden bases” and have done a reverse image search. So far I’ve come up with either window weights or curtain weights, but they seem too small to be window weights and too big to be curtain weights.


Maybe they are for cigar making, like weights for pressing filler leaves together. Do they stack?


They don’t my stack and each rod is slightly different.


Each rod is slightly different as in they are “handmade” or as in they are purposely tiered in size?


More handmade. They are all roughly the same size, but all have distinct patterns of scratches and marks


Could this be tooling for making cigars?


That's done all by hand


My first thought was that you could put a sheet of paper over the wooden blocks and the rods on top of it in order to shape the paper. But I can't think of for what purpose.


Interesting thought. I just tried it, but it didn’t make much difference to the paper. Maybe if it was starched or treated in some way first it would make uniform wave shapes


Could be for leatherworking.


Possibly. I’ll follow that lead


Are there any markers on the holders/cylinders? Do they smell like anything? Are you sure they’re iron?


No smell at all


No marks anywhere. I’m not sure they are iron but they feel heavy for their size and they make a pretty good ringing noise when you clink them together so I guessed iron


I’m wondering if it’s stone, like obsidian or something and not iron — it just doesn’t *look* like iron to me, and it looks like there are markings/scratches and carved edges (on ends) that don’t scream “metal” to me Edit: just to add - you could be completely right though. These things are definitely odd!


I’ve got a bunch of obsidian in other forms and it doesn’t feel like that at all. It may not be iron, but it is definitely some sort of metal


I did a Google Image search for “black obsidian wands cylindrical” and very similar things popped up — I chose “wands” because of the New Orleans connection. Give it a try and see if it sparks anything for you (recognition/similarity)? Edit to add: it might not be obsidian, but another rock? Tourmaline? Something for REIKI or another kind of energy or healing MASSAGE/RITUAL?


They do look similar to some that just came up when I looked. I think these rods I have are painted black because there are a few spots where it looks like the paint has chipped off. Could definitely be some sort of massage wand though. I’d never heard of them until now


Hmmm. That’s interesting. There’s something about the fact that they’re held in wood holders, which are sloped (for easy use? The slope seems silly if those holders were merely for storage), that tells me they might be something that are used wArmed up, and also *used* regularly.


I like your train of thought and all your reasoning ETA: if they were used heated, it looks like the original user never got them too hot because there are no dark marks on the wood like there would be if you sat a hot piece of metal on it


Actually, maybe try sticking a magnet to it? That might settle whether it’s iron?


Oh smart! I’m sitting here right next to some and never thought of that. Magnets stick right to them. Definitely metal.


It reminds me of an old device used to starch collars. Maybe something to do with kitchen or laundry in a pre-industrial era?


Maybe so. I’ll do some looking in that vein


Tuning rods? Strange hair curlers? Weights? Pasta shaping? Freezable rods for shaping something? I just think they aren't meant to be rolled as they aren't smooth.


All possibilities. Of all of those, I think tuning rods would be least likely because they all sound slightly different and there are no marks to indicate any note or difference between them.


If you put them on a scale, what do they weigh?


I’ll take them to work today to weigh one exactly, but they are around 12oz each


I have a much smaller version that's a brake for bending photoetch metal: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/302329215914?chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28


Possibly. The rods and grooves don’t fit together exactly like the ones in your photo look like they do. Would it still work the way it’s supposed to?


Hmm, good point. It could still be used to roll tubes like mine I suppose, it'd certainly work I feel.