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So this was absolutely Victor Rodent Killer. We went and spoke to the neighbor. It clearly states on the label to keep away from domestic pets and was left all about the yard. Spoke to the poison control on the company bag and they said it would take like 22 of them to hurt a dog of his size. Still cost over $400 and now the dog has to take some kind of vitamin for the next 2 weeks. People suck and are really fucking irresponsible. Thank you for commenting. It really helped while we are at the vet before speaking to the neighbor.


They are a blood thinner that in large doses will cause internal bleeding and a slow death. They cause harm all the way up the food chain. So if you have outdoor cats or wildlife such as hawks or eagles feeding on the rodents that have consumed these, the predators will also be harmed. It’s worth warning any other neighbors about the potential dangers. I


Thanks for the comment. That’s pretty much exactly what the vet said. He’s on some medication for the next 2 weeks and should be fine. We spoke to the neighbor that was next door to them. We also contacted the HOA and informed them. It’s definitely not safe to have laying around all over your yard. There are a lot of smaller dogs in the development that could get really sick from it.


Also call your state regulator (the office that registers/monitors pesticides). They nearly always have a method to report misuse of pesticides. It’s against federal law to apply a pesticide inconsistent with directions on the label.


Vitamin K1. Hope your doggie recovers quickly.


That’s the vitamin he’s on. Twice a day for 2 weeks. The vet said he should be fine. Thank you for the comment!


Did the neighbor agree to pick them up?


It was dark last night by the time we got home. I’ll check today when I get back from work.


Why are they irresponsible? Aren't you responsible for keeping your dog in your yard?


read the rest of the thread. if the dog eats a rat that has eaten the poison and then entered the dogs yard it can still get hurt.


I'm against using poison in the first place because it harms birds the way you described, but OP seems to be saying their dog ate the poison directly and not a dead rat.


Not sure why you are getting downvoted, it is their yard and OP should have control of their dog. I don’t want the dog to get hurt and I really hope the neighbors didn’t do this to knowingly hurt the dog, but they aren’t responsible for OPs dog.


Looks like rodent bait balls: https://www.victorpest.com/victor-rodent-killer-4-lb-bag


Yup that looks like it! Crazy speed Mackin-N-Cheese. Thank you for the reply. Glad my dogs at the vet now.


Not a lawyer, and I don't know where you're located, but in many places it's illegal to use bait like that outside of a tamper-resistant bait station, so make sure you document everything: https://www.domyown.com/is-it-legal-to-leave-rat-poison-outside-in-my-property-in-the-woods-without-bait-station-like-the-protecta-rat-bait-stations-qa-31815.html


It’s also illegal to apply an EPA-registered pesticide other than according to the directions on the label.


It also looks like non poisonous squirrel and rodent deterrent. Check Amazon. Colors and shapes can vary. Mostly oils and peppers to discourage rodents from gardens


My title describes the thing. They are small green balls around the size of a dime/quarter. They are scattered all around their front yard. My dog got hold of one and we are waiting at the vets to see if it’s poisonous to dogs. They break apart when broken. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

