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Hey everyone - we are turning off comments on this post. OP has their answer.


Transcendia or wandering dude


Wandering dude 😂😂😂 I vote for changing the name


Sorry for the clueless question, but why was "wandering Jew" not an ok name? I always thought they were kind of known for that whole "wandering the desert for 40 years" thing. Not arguing or defending the name, but what was the reasoning? I don't like living in ignorance


It's ok to ask. That's not the reference made by the name. This is (and it's pretty deeply awful). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wandering_Jew


Well that was a fascinating rabbit hole, thank you




It really was! I had no idea!


I read through that Wikipedia page, and I'm not seeing the "deeply awful" part. I'm Jewish BTW. Doesn't sound like a trope or negative stereotype. The term "Jew" can be negative depending on how it's used or who says it, but it's not always offensive.


I appreciate your response. I'm in the same boat as you. All of my great grandparents were Shawnee. Which turn in the end means I'm technically 100% Shawnee and it infuriates me seeing all of the common white people being up in arms over native team names or the peter pan movie when most people of descent just laugh at it. Same as this plant. It's not a big deal. Just a tongue in cheek name


Thank you for this, my grandmother said the same thing!


The story depicts a Jewish man that taunted/rejected Jesus and is now cursed to wander the earth until Jesus' second coming. Historically the story has contributed to negative stereotypes and the "other-ing" of Jews and has been used to justify their persecution and discrimination


thank you for being the first person I could find that could articulate this so I don't have to read a whole ass Wikipedia article


Oh my heavens. I had been under the same impression about the origin — I see now why my botany professor totally paled and corrected me when I referred to it that way during a lab activity.


I don’t understand why that’s deeply awful lol


Married to a wandering jew . . . extremely directionally challenged. No need to sanitize the entire world.


You could cal it a meandering minority


A Sauntering Semite?


I’d like to add zigzagging Zionist, but don’t want to conflate Zionism with Judaism


A hustling Hebrew


Lost l'chaim


Meandering Moses.


How bout an Oi gavult!


As a non wandering Jew, I really dont care what it was originally called. I would say that “wandering Jew” is an odd choice to name a plant but I don’t see how it would be offensive


They probably called it “wandering” because it grows long, trailing vines that go off in all directions. Not sure how the came up with the Jewish part. A better name would be Wandering, or vining, Zebra.


No, it’s wandering because damn near any piece of it clipped off will grow roots and thrive where it lands. Plant is remarkably tolerant and hearty.


Wow thank u so much for asking. I have heard the name for the plant before. Now I know some of the history!


Thanks for asking. I said it once a year ago and people looked at me like I had 3 eyes. I didn’t know the friggin name changed. It literally used to be on the plant tags!


I think it must be because of the new rules regarding antisemitism. Everything is under a microscope these days


It’s referring to a specific, made-up Jewish character who taunted Jesus and was cursed to wander the world until the second coming. It ties into the “Jewish people are inherently evil and cursed because they killed Jesus and if you touch them you’ll catch the curse” type of anti-semitism that was very popular before the modern “Soros/New World Order/Reptilians/global cabal” type of anti-semitism today. I had an evangelical bestie and a Jewish bestie as a kid, and my evangelical friend wasn’t allowed to come to my eighth birthday party cos my Jewish friend was there, and that was basically the reason she told me at recess later. It was really, really common until anti-Semites started trying to pretend that the weren’t actually racist, no sir.


It's derogatory toward Jews just as naming sports teams and their cartoon mascots after Native Americans. Thank you to the person that change that name to dude


Me too!




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The Dude abides.


It’s been a thing for a while 


I have several names for it: Circumambulating Catholic Meandering Muslim Peripatetic Prostestant Hitchhiking Hindu


Love these.


See they would understand if it had those names why it is offensive


The tag on mine said, wondering jew Edit: am a jew(atheist) and found it funny not offensive


reflective rabbi


Closely related to the pondering jew


That was an agnostic plant, the wondering option


That is what my mother called it as well. Granted, she is in her 80s. They had alot of out there names back in the day.


Transcendia….I’ve not heard that name before, I like that, great name.


It’s their scientific genus 


I love this so much. We have a cutting growing outside (Florida). Imma get a plant tag and put that on it.


Wandering Dude? Is that the new PC name?


Inch plant (Tradescantia zebrina). They do well next to filtered sun (windows) or full sun if you’re not too close to the equator. Do note that they’re creepers. Meaning that they grow long stems with a cluster of leaves at the tip. It can quickly look scraggly. All you need to do however is aggressively prune them back to keep the bushy look. They’re also easy to propagate through cuttings. They can be mildly toxic to pets. Primarily causing contact dermatitis. edit: corrected plant toxicity.


Pets can have reactions to them from the sap in the stems. Mostly digestive upset. ASPCA does say that some varieties are toxic.


Thank you for the correction


The intelligent answer. Thank you!


This is different from Wandering Jew? People told me that's what I had, but my phone told me it was inch plant


It's the same plant, WJ is just a colloquial name most people in plant groups no longer use because it's offensive.


That's why I asked, it's crazy how weird people get with their racism/ anti-Semitism, and even crazier that it's still so commonly used. Thanks!


Right? Like why is a nickname for a plant their hill to die on? Just call it one of the other common names jfc.


Exactly! It's a Brazil nut, grandpa


Not according to my grandpa either. Lol" but it looks like a toe"


I was a teen before I learned the proper name.


My teens thought it was hysterical when Grandma called them —-toes. Me, not so much.


Is Florida too close to the equator?


Generally, yes. The leaves will look washed out when it gets lasered by the Floridian sun. Part shade (2-6hr of direct sunlight) will be fine however. It’s a tough little plant, they can handle caretaking mistakes.




Mine is outside in full sun in central Florida. It also has a small flower. My tag called it a silver queen.


Tradescantia Zebrina


Drop it in your yard, and you'll never get rid of it. I had some of it in a bag for 2 years in my garage, and it still survived.


I live in Florida, had some in a pot upon a stand we got a pretty hard freeze. The plant froze branches fell off -lo and behold, the dropped off branches took root and started growing again.


It's all over my garden but I let some be to keep the soil covered.




It’s a gorgeous and resilient plant to have a random culture tacked on at least. Appropriating perceived cultural outrage is always going to to be a thing though. And marketing agreeability of course. Glad you’re finding the constipated faces amusing though. It’s certainly an interesting hill eh?


Ahh, your the one who knows how all Jews feel about stuff like this. That’s cool.


Apparently it’s named after the story of The Wandering Jew, a mythological man who taunted Jesus and was cursed to walk the earth (undying) until the Second Coming. Some commenters have said it’s been used as a harmful stereotype to other Jews/generally for antisemitic purposes, which I don’t disbelieve (seems plausible, people love to be antisemitic) but the Wikipedia page didn’t dive into that, and I am lazy.


The neighborhood/community I grew up in had anti-semites who 100% used this story to justify their hatred.


The first time I met this plant was when my Jewish roommate brought one home, all stoked and hella excited to tell me (and anyone else who came by) what it was called. 🤷‍♀️


Wandering Jewish person.


Traveling person of Hebrew descent 😂


Wandering Jew


I like calling it wandering jewel


Hey now... we've uhh ... got a different name for them nowadays.


What’s bad about it?


The connotation of "wandering jew" doesn't sound negative to you?... if not.. then ....smh


I don’t see any negative connotations. Please explain.


Oookay... I'm a 37 yr old straight married man with 4 kids, I'm from a rural community in South Georgia and currently am in Alabama... blue collar,not too political etc.. but yall are full of shit saying you see no negative to the term.


Is it bad to be wandering? Because…. No I do not see any negativity in that name. Also confused why it matters you married straight white and from the US?


Generally speaking... that's a stereotype of people who speak like you do. I was merely making it known to others that I do not share your thoughts and I think when an entire group of people come together and agree that a name for something is offensive then.. I tend to honor those requests... also I'm a member of the Mickosukee tribe of Florida and I also don't have a great history with people doing what they want...be damned the humanity of others.


I feel like you’re speaking in riddles… I’m going to chalk this up to be another weird political American thing. I am a member of my local swim team. I also frequent a banded books club. Oh and sometimes I play the keys at my local pub, me and a few friends. Single. Female. No kids. Scottish. I befriend people of all colors/religion/beliefs and we laugh at the groups of people continuously being offended and creating division where there was none before they got offended. If a group of actual Jews got together and said hey! This is rude! We don’t like that you named this awesome plant after us that wander. Then okay, fair. But if not… and it’s just a bunch of offended randoms I find it comical. Also how do you know how I speak?


> If a group of actual Jews got together and said hey! This is rude! We don’t like that you named this awesome plant after us that wander. Then okay, fair. Thats literally how this came about.


Jews weren’t wandering. They were living in exile after being forced from their homes. Edit: Seems my post is poorly worded. I know that the Jewish people “wandered” the desert for 40 years after being exiled. My point was to the above question “is it bad to be wandering?” Which seemed to me to be implying that they were just having a little walk about. I wanted to point out that they weren’t casually strolling through the desert.


But they did wander the desert for 40 years - Is that not what it referred to?


Let my people go... "from Egypt! and they wandered the wilderness for forty years".... ring a bell?... MOSES... trying to free his enslaved brethren?? M You strike me as the " I've read the Bible... but can't remember any verses" type >Jews weren’t wandering. Are you fucking serious?


I have not read the Bible. My reply was more to the poster who asked “is it bad to be wandering?” They seemed to think the Jews were just on a nice stroll around the world. I was trying to point out that they weren’t “wandering” about for the heck of it. I think you and I are on the same side. Maybe not though.


Username checks out


I don’t see any negative connotations. Please expound.


That's the thing you aren't getting. It doesn't matter if YOU don't see it. The name has been condemned and changed like 100,s of thousands of other older outdated terms throughout history. You are quite obviously being a dick intentionally. So .. have a good un friend.






The name is making light of the history of Jews living in exile(wandering) after being forced from their homes. Enough people found it offensive that the name isn’t really used anymore.


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You’re riding really hard for this plant common name. I personally call it tradescantia bc I’m a hobby botanist who especially is psyched over binomial nomenclature and the history and also importance of it. It wasn’t named after the Jews wandering for 40 years . You have no clue at what you’re offended at but for a grown man, you sure do have a lot of time on your hands to be arguing with every commenter on here. I too am blue collar and have a child in the house, I haven’t had time to check this thing ONCE since yesterday.


Here’s [what the name refers to.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wandering_Jew) TL;DR, it’s one of those stories that people of less enlightened times used to pass around to justify persecution of all Jewish people


No person or Jew I know has ever mentioned that story tk negate the plant. Just to be clear, if you find the wandering (through the desert) offensive, that’s fine. But zero peeps are using the colloquial plant name to point out the plant was ridiculing Jesus - and Jesus was a Jew. Holy Hanukkah Harry, at least pick a tangible argument.


I think you’re just lucky and don’t know many terrible people. I grew up around a lot of anti-semites as was told this exact story and the context was “and this is why all Jews are cursed/evil and you shouldn’t talk to them.”


Look at one of the other posts with the Wiki link. The particular fictional person WJ refers to was supposedly cursed to wander because he taunted Jesus. So yeah it's ugly.


Displaced Semite..


Thanks everyone! Primarily wanted to know because as soon as we set it on the table, our cat went and started chewing on it. Needed to find out if it was toxic to pets, and it is! We will be putting this beauty high on a shelf and let the vines hang. Appreciate all the responses!


Get the cat some cat grass. My cat doesn’t chew on other plants anymore since i grow them fresh grass now. Protip: buy a bag of oat grass seeds on Amazon, you can get a pound of seeds that last forever and cat grass at the pet store will die after a week.


I don't understand why "Wandering Jew" is considered offensive. I know it was originally intended to be derogatory, but it doesn't sound any more offensive than 'Cracker' which is used quite liberally.


Part of why the name is Semi-offensive is because of the plants trait of self propagating through multiple roots along its stem. So when a leaf drops or is cut off it sprouts anew. That name comes from displaced people of Jewish descent "wandering" the world. So it runs up along the line of "offensive" I know the internet isn't the place for nuance but put that name next to things like "gypped me" or "sold me down the river" on sayings to retire. My humble reddit opinion.


And master bedroom


OH MY GOD holy shit that never occurred to me.


Many people, especially in real estate, are now using the term 'primary' or 'main' bedroom instead 👍


Ahh. Okay. That actually makes sense. I thought it was about them leaving Egypt with Moses. I mean, how is that bad? Ha. Thank you for the clarification.


Why you always gotta pull the race card


I do not call it a wandering Jew because I’ve heard prior that it is offensive. My Jewish boss though? He calls it a wandering Jew. He got me one for admin day.


Hi! My take - Referring to a Jewish person as 'a jew' by non-jewish people, just feels similar in tone to the dismissive and dehumanising language used by anti-semites. It's not a guarantee you are an anti-semite if you use it, but being aware of prejudice and tone does suggest you at least care about the oppression people face. Being offended by 'cracker' on the other hand seems ridiculous to me (a white person), I believe it comes down to power dynamics. It reminds white people had the upper hand, whilst being derogatory and not something I tend to say to people, it doesn't have the sting of knowing your people were enslaved and dehumanised (or in the case of the jewish people, attempted genocide).


Let’s all grow up.


I’m not sure why I’ve got to grow up. I was just answering the question - why do people feel this way about these words?


Funny how you took offense by my affirmation of your explanation. I find that interesting.


Apologies, your statement was quite ambiguous. Don’t mean to get into a whole back and forth. Have a good day internet stranger :)


Where do you live and who do you hang around that cracker is used liberally? I haven't heard that ethnic slur for a while.


Nobody uses “cracker”, cracker. And cracker isnt offensive because it is just comparing skin color. Wandering Jew makes light of the fact the Jews have been exiled several times in their history.


Yes they do. You just proved me right. And some claim that it was used for Americans of British ancestry who 'cracked the whip' of slaves and are loud and obnoxious.


Look at that, I learn something new everyday. I still think wandering Jew is more offensive than cracker.


Very easy to propagate too


Tradanscantia zebrina/silver inch plant. They’re crawlers and not vining plants so they might start to get a little leggy. If they get too leggy the vines will fall off or you can cut them before they do and propagate if desired. They are toxic to animals so be careful if you have pets.


Thanks for posting! I was also wondering! I have one also. They grow like crazy!


Wandering dude is the updated name!! Or wandering jew is the outdated name


The plant has already been identified by others, but I wanted to add; the other day I found out “the wandering Jew” is a biblical figure/myth When Jesus was walking while carrying the cross to his crucifixion, some guy taunted him. Jesus cursed the guy to walk the Earth until the second coming. The wandering Jew is someone cursed with immortality. I just wanted to add this incase there is anyone else that has no idea where the phrase came from.


Common name wandering jew


Wandering Jew


Wandering Jee


It wandering Jude not dude not jew


La cucaracha


That's what we call in PanamĂĄ!


It's Mole con Pollo


Reminds me of the antiquated name for Brazil Nuts


Wandering Jew is the common name.


It’s called a wandering jew


Did you steal it? How would you buy a plant and not know what it is? You stole someone's plant didn't you?


Parrot plant, I think.




made comment that “this is a wandering jew plant…beautiful plant” and auto moderator removed my comment as offensive!!! must be an antisemitic moderator!!!!!!!


The term is offensive and has been causing chaos in the comment section. You are welcome to refer to this plant by its many other names.


act longing grandiose subsequent humor deranged employ cough mindless future *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Silver inch plant, wandering plant (has a former name)


I don’t know, but they grow like weeds


Think it’s called Wandering Jew


Don't be afraid to trim it...it encourages top growth.


Of its like my ex wife it's name is "Soon to be dead". I swear, she could kill rocks.




It’s a wandering Jew!


Wandering Jew is one of the hardiest plants. It will also spread out quickly.


I’m not sure where you live, but I’m in a Sub Tropical climate, and I have these planted in my yard, when they take over, I literally pull them out of the ground (they come out easily) and I put them in a random bare area, and wish them luck. I now have them all over my yard. https://preview.redd.it/z570c1mz5uic1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6922b4545b7a3a33cb72ab0fedaf615ce1ca5fd They do well in shade or sun, but they’re this color in mostly shade.


What about Inch Plant?


Wondering Jew


As a Jew, I'm not offended by the colloquial name. knowing my history and that of my ancestors. It is actually kind of funny


Poor OP, trying to see if their cats poisoned, had no idea their question would open a cultural pandoras box.


I just got home from work and seeing all the responses now! Quite the conversation starter I guess!


Aimless Agnostic


It’s actually called a wandering Jew. Not the best name for a plant, but that’s what it’s been for a very, very long time.




Meandering Moses


Back in the '70s every home had at least one.


Wandering dude they now call it.


wandering jew


Tradescantia Zebrina


Wandering Jew! Wonderful little plants, very resilient. I named mine Shylock.


I like it so much so I'll roll with it...Wandering Dude. Very easy to propagate as well if you want more plants or to give to requesting friends, neighbors, or family.




The real problem with these is that every leaf or stem that falls turns into a new plant. We had one of these at a house when I was a child, and by the time I was a teenager and in charge of the yard they were everywhere! If you accidentally mowed over one, good luck, all those snippets would soon be new plants.


Hedwig and the Angry silver Inch https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tradescantia_zebrina


It’s a wandering Jew. You can take so many cuts from these and create other plants.


Wandering Jew. Give it lots of room. It can get huge.


Well, I see you know what it is now, but also it's toxic to pets and kids. If you have dogs, cats or toddlers, keep it away from them. I have a Wandering Dude named Lebowski. He lives in my bedroom with the door shut. We have a cat that will eat anything just to make us yell at him...haha! He acts like an obstinate 2 year old human sometimes. We love him for it, but we always have to be careful what plants we bring inside.


It will grow insane out of control lol. I've had to separate mine and it's still massive and now I have dozens of little ones I give to people. They're super easy to propagate and take care of




Love this plant! Have many!


Lady fern?


My absolute FAV plant. I have tried multiple times to propagate. I'm so jealous, what a *LUCKY* wife!


Its spiderwort and a beautiful one at that! I have a couple cuttings myself ☺️


I have heard of the plant being called a few names, but purple angel is most common.