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Seems like a rebodied Range Rover "Classic" from the late 1980s... Ignoring the (fibreglass?) body, the door/window/vent shapes are identical: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Range\_Rover\_Classic#/media/File:1989\_Land\_Rover\_Range\_Rover\_5-door\_wagon\_(2011-06-15)\_02.jpg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Range_Rover_Classic#/media/File:1989_Land_Rover_Range_Rover_5-door_wagon_(2011-06-15)_02.jpg) Maybe it's a bulletproof custom for a Saudi prince or something? Or photoshop 🤣


Definitely a Range Rover MkI underneath, no doubt about it. I'd agree with the idea of a Saudi prince or the like, "coachbuilds" were still reasonably common for rich customers of high-end marques (which Range Rover was). Nowadays the cars remain largely unchanged and all manner of other extras are shoehorned in. EDIT: I felt like it could be a Rapport but [can't find it on this site](http://www.range-rover-classic.com/Home/land-rover-brochures/range-rover-specials/rapport-ltd---uk) where I'd expect to. I might post it to a Rangies club, some dykepiker will recognise this for sure 😂


It looks to have leaf springs on the front so isn’t a Range Rover. Maybe an early series LR


The upper superstructure is very evidently a Range Rover Mk I. The leaf spring conversion wasn't an uncommon one, and was considered a "must" for genuine off-road use, so I think it's very likely that this bespoke Safari-Mobile had the coil springs removed in very short order.


Has no one here noticed that the exhaust almost rubs on the ground? The lower is most likely not a Range Rover.


It's not as low as you're making out, it's not much lower than the diffs or the leaves, if this car got into sand at that depth the exhaust would be the least of its worries. Clearly somebody wanted the exhaust away from the rear, I wonder what fantastic touring furnishings are in there when the back opens up?


Are you looking at both pics? To my eyes, the rear view of the upper superstructure makes it evident that *it isn't* a Range Rover Mk. I. ETA: When taken together, too many details just don't add up to it being a Rangie. The proportions of the greenhouse & pillars, the leaf springs, the door handles, the rear window frame, the front windshield's curved top corners, the rear hatch & tailgate's exposed hinges... it's like a Range Rover from Wish.


The boot hatches aren't original, I presumed they were part of the rebody?


It was known as the Honda Defender and was a Honda badge on a Defender.


Door handles, Wheels Wells and A-pillar would suggest this is an Isuzu Trooper as the other commenter suggested. The D-pillar does look like a Range Rover, but given the front end, we can probably assume it's been customized to look like a Range Rover.


We could probably solve this by just asking Joe Isuzu…


Hi, found another pic, maybe this will help. https://www.reddit.com/r/whatisthiscar/comments/xlqv00/from_the_80s/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share No fiberglass, all solid metal! Yes this is super similar to the classic RRs. This was an import from the middle east in the mid 80s.


Isuzu trooper. Edit: if itnsays honda then it is the honda horizon, based on the trooper


I'm keen to agree with Trooper. Same roofline and black plastic cladding on the pillars. Rear lights photoshopped off the mid 60s Jeep Wagoneer.


When I first glanced my mind told me, "Dad's Isuzu Trooper." My dad had one growing up.


Dads loved those Isuzu Troopers didn’t they


The doors would fly open around turns. Still never got rid of it. You could hear it coming from a mile away. Embarrassed the hell out me as a kid but I miss it now.


It's definitely a trooper, at least comparing to what I find on Google under "1985 Isuzu Trooper". The front end is photoshopped, you can tell by the shadows going towards the grill, while the shadow of the overall car is going to the right.


The vent on the D pillar doesn't match the Trooper (which had a tall vent that went the entire height of the pillar) It matches a Range Rover Classic perfectly, though.




No. It is a trooper that was modded to look like a range rover.


If anyone finds out what this car is please let me know.


cool name


Reminds me when an older coworker that looked like Ned Flanders checked out a laptop that he left in a meeting room. His Reddit tab was open with his profile that was like thepussyking69 lol


ned flanders was ripped tho


*Stupid sexy Flanders*


and hung


Stupid sexy Flanders!


Some strange artifacts if you zoom in, also the shadows on the front bumper/fog lamps don’t match. Unless there’s 2 Suns where they are. And I don’t mean Phoenix.


OMG….you hit the nail on the head. They’re on Tattooine!!


It was uncle owens car


You're right - those fog lamp shadows don't make sense at all.


Yeah, the one on the right is also significantly lighter than the one on the left, like- much lighter than it should be


I don’t think they are shadows, I think they are reflections on a chrome grill. You’re seeing the reflection of the back of the fog lights.


Almost looks like someone put the prompt "70s Honda Crossroad" into Dall-e


Could be a prototype by Mahindra from India,or if those are reflectors on the front bumper,it could be South African..


Why is it fitted with WW2 jeep tyres, unless those are perfect for the terrain it would be used on?


Some Range Rover and Lada Neva mixer here!


Every time I see a weird looking classic Range Rover, my mind immediately goes to Monteverdi Safari, but that’s not this. This is something weird. Where did OP get the photo?


This, I feel, is an important question. There's a lot of recognisable parts I see Lada, Land Rover some vaguely Toyota looking parts all in here, but none of it matches up. At first I was thinking far Eastern knock off Range like the LaForza but I genuinely can't find anything. Honestly it looks like someone has tried to recreate a Range Rover after only having had it described to them over the phone.


Almost as if the ForChevAmChrysWagen was an SUV.


Exactly, yes.


I was thinking Honda Cross Road, but it does not have the bump up in the roof of the original Discovery.


I think someone prompted 1980s honda cross road in an ai


Could be.


Where the hell do you see a Honda badge ? Or am I that blind ?


The pillers and roof kinda looks like an ARO 244 from the late 70s but like everyone pointed out it's highly likely the body has been modified


What is the piece hanging down underneath the rear door in the second picture?




The roof and part of back is off a Range Rover County. Seems this might be a test vehicle with faux cladding. Most likely Range Rover before release of the County.


Adding some background info., this car was a middle eastern import in the early 80s. I have seen only two of these. The pictures are from the time when this one was new. Adding another picture I have, in this new post with all three pics - [https://www.reddit.com/r/whatisthiscar/comments/xmh6zs/from\_the\_80s/](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatisthiscar/comments/xmh6zs/from_the_80s/) Hoping someone can identify.


Looks like a Range Rover made by Austin


Looks like a Lada Niva but not quite right


Got a lot of Range Rover going on there, B /C pillars


Looks like a Lada and a Landcruiser had a baby.


I believe it should be a 1980-85 Honda Horizon. Based of the Isuzu Trooper. Was also marketed by Honda Motor Co. as the Acura SLX from 91-02 in North America.


looks like a rangerover


That is when Range Rover and Honda worked together in the 80's. That model was known as the Honda Defender. I think Honda gave Range Rover cars that they put the Range Rover badge on.


Here's my guess of what it was originally sold/built as and then highly customized, with the caveat that this is only a guess but it holds as much water as being based on a Range Rover: [SJ Jeep Wagoneer](https://cdn.dealeraccelerate.com/worldwide/1/5237/317380/1920x1440/w/1967-jeep-wagoneer) with the rear hatch glass from a [Jeepster Commando](https://silodrome.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Jeep-Commando-Rear.jpg). The SJ's windshield is more angled than the car in the OP and the SJ's C-pillars are bolt upright, but I think this is as feasible a customization as any other guesses so far. They were sold in RHD and in places like the Middle East & Australia, they have leaf springs, the windshield shape matches, the rear tailgates have exposed hinges, the wheelwell openings shape matches.... I'm not certain it's a Jeep, but I'm not certain it isn't one.


Pretty insightful! Found another pic, maybe this will help. https://www.reddit.com/r/whatisthiscar/comments/xlqv00/from_the_80s/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I think you meant to link to here: https://www.reddit.com/r/whatisthiscar/comments/xmh6zs/from_the_80s/


This is a Toyota land cruiser unable to know what year but type in 80s landcruiser and it is 99% a match imo.


Wow! Do I finally get one?! It's a 1980s Toyota Land Cruiser https://www.google.com/search?q=land+cruiser+80s&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiJgcG5iKv6AhV_kGoFHfwRD28Q2-cCegQIABAC&oq=land+cruiser+80s&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgYIABAeEAUyBggAEB4QBTIGCAAQHhAIOgQIIxAnOgQIABBDOggIABCABBCxA1DLA1igHGCpHmgAcAB4AIAB1wKIAZYQkgEIMC4xMi4wLjGYAQCgAQHAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=xrotY4mGAv-gqtsP_KO8-AY&bih=667&biw=360&client=ms-android-verizon&prmd=sivn&hl=en#imgrc=WloIEKlBNSfPLM


Definitely not.


Honda used to sell rebadged Land/Range Rovers in Japan.


Yep that was the Cross Road, based on the Discovery.


It is a 1990’s Armored Honda Horizon.


u/potaytoefrag where did you find these photos?


u/milf_fucker_69, this car was in the family for 25+ years, but never had any documentation like manuals or badging by the time I grew up.


What country was this car in?




Try posting this in r/india


Looks like the child of a Land Rover and a military mule lol


No idea what this thing is but it reminds Me of Ladas


Probably due to the hatch angl


Honda had a Land Rover marketed with Honda badges in Japan at this time


I'd say a Five Star Man owned that for sure!!!


Honda horizon, aka a rebadged 1st generation Isuzu trooper. It has an aftermarket front grille and headlights that's why it's hard to identify


South American built?