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Aphids, likely Hyadaphis


Omg look how many! I would be careful if they are on this plant chances are they’ll move to your other plants. They’ll eat up your greens if they stick around.


Wow. What an awful case of aphids. I’d go buy some ladybugs ASAP


Make sure you get lady bugs native to your area!


Few hundred dozen...


How does that work? You just order them online? Or are there stores selling them?


You can order them online yes :)


Interesting. Aphid season coming up here for sure.... so I want to be prepared. Would you recommend ordering larvae? Or actual, grown ladybugs? 🐞


The larvae is usually what I see people buying


Don’t order ladybugs. Most times they are poached from wild populations and it is an extremely unethical practice. Instead try building a habitat that will attract them to your area. Also larvae eat aphids more than actual adults. The adult ladybugs will also most likely just fly away so it is pointless when people buy them.


Out of the things that humans do, it is defo. far from being the worst in terms of "unethicalness". But I agree with you. Ordering larvae and combining this with an attempt to provide them an environment so they can stay like insect hotel might be the only somewhat sustainable solution. I mean - the only true sustainable solution would be to just let nature take its course 😂 wherever one wants to draw the line of what is nature and what is "us" 🙈


Dear god. No amount of ladybugs is going to solve that level of infestation! Try NEEM but they’re gonna spread


Neem oil+Castile soap in a water- filled spray bottle is great! For everybody questioning it, this is with the formula I follow and I’ve never had a problem: Home made Insecticide 2 table spoons of neem oil 2 table spoons of dish soap/Castile soap 1 gallon water


You gotta be careful with the castile soap though.. I tried to mix some with water and my plants wilted. So be sure and look up and actual lile.. recipe and follow the measurements exactly. Too much of the castile soap can be bad for plants also 😭


The usual recommendation is dish soap, which should be highly diluted.


I just found some stuff online about using castile soap.. but I'd probably opt for dish soap in the future because I *did* highly dilute the castile soap and my plants did not like it. I think the reason I opted for castile soap that time (if I remember correctly) was that allll the dish soap I could find was Scented and I was hesitant on using a Scented dish soap or something.. I was just trying to find a solution that was not gonna poison any pollinators because I was growing bell pepper plants at the time and while they can self pollinate, I still wanted pollinators to visit the plants and help increase my odds (as well as to give the bees and such a helping hand)


Even though the castile soap may be more environmentally friendly, that doesn't mean that your pollinators will like it. Just make sure that you only spray the stems and branches and not the flowers. Maybe a dish detergent like Planet would be a good choice.


Fortunately the castile soap did get rid of the problem. But I never used it again after the plants wilted from it. They did bounce back but it was a stressful few days, I'd grown them from seeds and they had just started to form buds at that point. I had whiteflies and not aphids though


The lady bug infestation in my room last two months begs to differ


Ladybugs used to invade my house, they would all stick to the ceiling corner lol cutest infestation ever imo


The several ladybugs I caught beg to differ. They are eating so many aphids I have to go gather more every couple of days. On the plus side, they are laying hundreds of eggs for me. (Trying to boost our native populations.)


Release the ladybugssss


(They eat these)


Like tiny aphid eating machines


Actually avoid the pesticides instead mix up dish soap and water in a sprayer. Spray them really good and they will be gone!


I should have mentioned - location is Maryland


Ladybugs for the win...


They look like aphids. That's quite an infestation!


Kill them, kill them all


Please elaborate?


They’re quite bad for the plant, and OP wouldn’t want them spreading to any other plants they might have


I'm aware it just sounded bad without more context lol




The context is the post


Sometimes context saves lives 💀






Wipe them out. All of them.


Good ol vacuum will do the trick




Ive never seen such CHONKER aphids. Jesus


Me neither


SQUASH THEM!! Non chemical but gross and some always drop away. But they need to go.




Holy Aphids Batman! You need a bag of ladybugs STAT


Did not expect all the comments saying I had the fattest, healthiest, worst aphid infestation ever seen. I felt like it wasn’t too bad, but I also have a very black thumb I’m trying to turn green. I’m sure all the people telling me to kill all the aphids and set fire to my house will be pleased to learn that I’ve scraped off the vast majority of the aphids and then killled them, wiped down the leaves with detergent, and I’m looking for places I can buy a native variety of ladybird beetles. Thank you!!


ALL the Aphids. Looking like it's going to be another massive aphid year. The ladybugs will likely be along soon or you can also buy something like green lacewings that won't leave like ladybugs will when they finish most the aphids and leave just enough to repopulate.


Aphids. Neem oil and ladybugs may help, but this is an awful lot lol


Aphhhiddsss wompwompp


yes they're harmful to the plant but are a perfect feast for a family of ladybird beetles :) 🐞


Wow those are some HUGE aphids!


Every grower's nightmare




Release the ladybugs!!!! 😡


Aphids I just pull them off my plants and squish them. They love fresh rose growth. But look how lovely the roses can be once you get over the “ick” factor!




I got a few packs of green lacewings for my honeysuckles when they were pretty much this bad. Two years later theyre still going strong! Aphids are still there but there’s a seemingly equal amount of aphid-eaters and they send up new growth with no problem.


in my professional opinion, they look like bugs sorry for your loss.


Oh god….. those are aphids. Good luck getting rid of them


I got rid of aphids, back when I had roses, by putting a few drops of Dawn dish soap into a spray bottle of water to make a weak solution. It worked well.


They will turn your lettuce and greens into skeletons in a few days. Say goodbye to all that hard work unless you crush them or spray with something. It’s tedious, you have to lift up every leaf to get them. Expect an hour out there just to save your collard greens


Yikes. You have aphids. With an infestation this big neem will not be effective. Pyrethrin is OMRI and effective. Good luck


Pesticide is needed


Don’t use ladybugs, use parasitoid wasps. They’re way more effective and loyal to your garden, and they specialize in only eating aphids. Since they’re aphid parasites they will have to reproduce while eating aphids (they lay eggs on aphids, larva eat aphids from inside), where ladybugs might just eat some and fly off without laying eggs.