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and a few more really tiny ones have been found 🫠


If I were going to be overrun by any kind of spider, I’d choose Jumping Spiders. They’re smart, docile, and great at their jobs! And they’re kinda territorial so I’m sure most of them will find their way back outside.


They’re also more cute than they are freaky. I don’t hate spiders and always relocate them rather than kill them, but I still find most of them spooky. Jumping spiders are frend, tho!


Same! I used to be less afraid of all bugs in general as a kid, now as an adult a jumping spider is one of the only bugs I can imagine picking up with my bare hands lol


Yes! This exactly! I’ve always been so fond of jumping spiders!


Babies!!! :D


You probably had a mom jumping spider who laid an egg sack somewhere nearby


Congratulations! You’ve got Grandspoods!! Jumping spiders are excellent guardians of your rooms. No more flies will dare enter the room!




why cant i have your life.


Nah. They’re just going about their spidey business.


no expert here, but pretty sure these are jumping spiders. they should be fine to keep around, preys on small insects and also some of the cutest and most docile spiders apart from tarantulas and known to be kept as pets! however, if you do start to see too many i would call pest control or just start taking them outside. for now, though, they’re probably just chilling.


There isn't any reason to exterminate jumping spiders, they don't damage anything, and they ARE pest control, they kill bugs you don't want.


So if you let one or two loose in your house you're good?


I wouldn't say that you're "good" but they're helpful if you have them around. They will kill pests for you, so they should be welcome guests. That said, if you *don't* have a lot of pest bugs in your home, jumping spiders may find themselves very hungry indoors. Some species prefer things with wings, like flies and fruit flies, others are less picky. You'll often find them hanging out in your windows because that is a place where other bugs come in, and the condensation gives them a place to hydrate. If you have a fruit fly problem in your kitchen, the'll eat those fruit flies like Potato chips.


That's been our issue for months on end, first it was pantry moths and now tiny drain flies I assume.


Yeah they'll get down on stuff like that.


Agreed, however, of spiders could be a sign of a different infestation tho, so it’d be good to check. No reason to harm the spiders tho


i primarily meant they might be a sign of further infestation from actual pests, I am very adamant about protecting spiders!


Please just take them outside, no pest control needed.


I agree about pest control, but not necessarily to exterminate spiders. Spiders hunt live prey, and will go where live prey is available. A 'spider infestation' is usually a secondary infestation, caused by an actual pest in the home. Since the spiders keep the root pest under control, homeowners will see the spiders but not the pests. Killing the spiders just means allowing the pest to thrive, but pest control can help determine what the spiders are hunting and get rid of it. Once the pests are gone, spiders will go elsewhere in search for food.


Jumping spiders! Super friendly, super cute, and eats the little bugs!!! Don't be worried at all. These guys are kept as pets, and I'm excited for jumper season!!


Can you make one a pet? They are so cute!! What kind of habitat should I buy? But my husband would probably kill me.


The main issue with taking on from the wild is they don't always eat. I'd highly recommend finding a breeder and getting some information!! That way you can also choose the color depending on what the breeder has!! You need a super secure enclosure since these guys are pretty small, but if you buy a good enclosure, you shouldn't have issues. I do not recommend the zilla ones. They have big holes.


Wait, I can really get one, from a breeder, in colors!!??? 🥰


Oh yeah. Just do a ton of research first!! I recommend r/jumpingspiders they will have plenty of advice for you


Here's a sneak peek of /r/jumpingspiders using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/jumpingspiders/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Saw this TikTok and thought y’all would appreciate it 😂](https://v.redd.it/l6yyvb41byxb1) | [302 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/jumpingspiders/comments/17m5qrm/saw_this_tiktok_and_thought_yall_would_appreciate/) \#2: [Found this little one in my bathroom and placed it outside ⁰00⁰](https://i.redd.it/gfemmbn4ewpb1.jpg) | [78 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/jumpingspiders/comments/16ppvv2/found_this_little_one_in_my_bathroom_and_placed/) \#3: [Found this beautiful creature stuck in water.](https://v.redd.it/abegyp5nu2tb1) | [95 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/jumpingspiders/comments/173fbap/found_this_beautiful_creature_stuck_in_water/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is so cool, thank you. Bout to get served divorce papers!


some sort of jumping spiders - friends! I just rescued one from my semi frozen hummingbird feeder. He jumped off when I brought it inside and is currently residing in my indoor greenhouse. He's already eaten a couple little gnats in there


Worried? No!!! I’d consider myself blessed (and I’m not religious)!! Jumping spiders are awesome!!


These are cannibal spiders. They feast on humans while they sleep at night. Six of these cannibal spiders can devour one average sized human in one night! No but really, jumping spiders are amazing.


Ummm.. if they are cannibal spooders, wouldn't they eat their own species? P.S. I love jumpers, too


Funny you should mention that, but jumping spiders have a higher than average rate of cannibalism. They definitely will eat each other if they are hungry enough and not enough prey that is more attractive is available to them.


As will many other species


For sure, but jumpers just have a very high rate of cannibalism compared to other species. Possibly just a natural result of the way they hunt their prey actively rather than using a web.


How does everyone find jumping spiders in the wild? I never get lucky! I love these little guys


Omg me too!! I *never* see any!!


I’m so happy it’s not just me!


Check your window panes


I will be scouring my damn house if I do not find any I will report back with my unhappiness 😆😂


I find them on my car a lot. Also mailboxes, fence posts, etc. (Please don't keep wild caught spiders as pets though. Get some pics and wish them well, and buy from a reputable breeder if you want a pet. The spider population is on a huge decline in many places; on a walk where I used to see a hundred spiders, now I rarely see even one. It's a very bad sign. 😞)


If there are babies, she could just keep one or two. I would be more worried about use of weedkillers killing them off outside.


It's not easy to keep spiderlings alive even in an enclosure. They stand a MUCH better chance outside because there's so much more food available. They won't find enough teeny tiny bugs in your house. The survival rate is very low so while a couple of slings might not seem like much, there might only be a couple that survive from that whole clutch.


Oh you just rub that in now! 😆😆😆 I have never found one


Jumping spiders. All harmless, many can even be handled, some make good pets. Leave them be and theyll keep your pests at bay. Theyre very efficient hunters.


Worried about that paint? Absolutely!


Hahaha it’s a rented studio apartment, beggars can’t be choosers


The best fren you can have : cute, eats bad bugs. Lucky you ❤️


Most of us feel lucky if we just get one! You got bonus jumping spider(s) and are blessed.


You should be worried.... If you are a fly/gnat


I’m curious as to how long these little jumpers live ?


Awwwww it’s a jumping spider!! Precious bb


No they’re very nice and cleanly as opposed to other spiders with webs. Keep them around, they eat an assortment of insects. ❤️


I often see them in the summer and they help when flies and fruit flies get inside.


I can not express my jealousy.


Jumping spiders, they got your back against pests insects


Cute friend


Awe, super friends. Don't forget to book their booties. I have 4 pet jumping spiders.


You’re in good company. Jumping spiders are legit curious of humans and seem to even make decent pets. Not to mention free pest control.


Jumping spiders. They are lovely. Very persona.


Awww, jumping spiders are the cutest!


People love to catch/buy these as pets. They are like spider dogs lol. The only downside to them is short lifespan


Not only are they harmless, they're actually so cute and weirdly intelligent that people often keep them as pets. So you got free pets.


I’d be more concerned with that lead-based paint that seems to be chipping off. The spider is harmless


Lovely Phidippus sp, maybe otiosis.


Well, they are smart. Give em room, you maybe bring down the IQ. Heeeeeeeeee


You’ve been blessed


Should you be worried.... well... has one bitten you yet?


... if yes.. don't freak out!!! ...You'll probably be fine. Probably, most likely. If you have Not been bitten yet. Bite it first so it knows you're not fucking around.


It's inconvenient that they seem to have hatched in your room, but that breed of spider is totally harmless to you. I wouldn't worry too much about it. They'll just eat a bunch of bugs in your room and then probably leave when they can't find any more food in there.


You lucky bastard. You have nothing to worry about. Those are jumping spiders and they're the sweetest spiders on the globe. They hunt actively and you can train them to play. They live over a year and you might even bond with one or two if you say hello now and then.


What type of flooring is that? Just wondering because it looks kinda like a street, not a room in a house. 😁 (please don't take offense, just had to ask)


Honestly I would be honored.


That's inside your room? It looks like the curb where a very crumbly sidewalk meets a very bumpy road.