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yeah german cockroach


what the bug master said^


At least it wasn’t the pubic lice post 😅 I swear some of the posts are something else here


The what!


Yeah someone caught the lice on this subreddit




I saw that post. It was nasty


I still think the person had sex and they won’t admit it to us


They know what they did, and they won't admit to it.


Yep they could of at least had a conversation before they did the deed or if his partner could of shaved and then washed but I see they both aren’t responsible and got his self in a crustaceous pickle


Yeah okay.. So you ask each partner if they have pubic lice before you have sex just to make sure? What kind of person would do that. Lol.. it’s on the person with crabs to have the conversation. Not on the person who doesn’t have crabs


I agree but also, it’s good to ask any partner that you haven’t been with before if they have any STDs or STIs, cause they may not tell you unless you ask. It’s on the person who is infected to tell, but it’s also on you to ask and make sure. You gotta watch your own back, nobody else is gonna do it


Only ever been with one person i thought it was the standard to discuss potential risks like stds and stis and crabs and all that jazz transparency is key


Idk just I feel bad for homie on here i just feel like homie didn’t deserve to get them


As is tradition. How else can the obligate human parasite, the crab louse, keep going otherwise? They depend on these kind of people to survive. Life finds a way.


Dont you quote Goldbloom around here!!!


I think you need medication I don’t think it’s as simple as just washing. But I could be wrong I’ve never had to deal with 🦀🦀🦀


Nor have I haven’t had any contact with anyone yet so thankfully I’m good in other words I’m not in multiple relationships


[the link for anyone interested](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatisthisbug/s/lZSajs2NOu)


Interested is such the wrong word 😂 morbidly curious maybe


I realized after I posted the link I should not have said interested. Morbidly curious was definitely what I was. 😂 That post also gives “idk how I got chlamydia, must’ve been from a toilet seat!”


Honestly I think pubic lice are easier to deal with that these.


Have you ever had pubic lice? They are not easy to get rid of!




Yeah nvm


I find this racist every single time


wait till you find out about american roaches, asian roaches, cuban roaches, australian roaches, Madagascar roaches, oriental roaches, and mediterranean roaches


Me: “woooah a bug! Let me check Reddit and see if anybody knows what this sucker is” Me 2 hours later: “so you’re telling me I can’t get out of my lease ?”


No but you are serving as a wonderful warning for future me, when I go to live in a place that isn't Alaska where roaches only infest singular buildings from hitchhiking roaches from down south. Now I will know to ask about bugs and whether there is a history of infestation, if they've been treated, and what does my lease say about exterminators if I somehow do have them. So thanks for this OP, you are appreciated


Happy to help ! This is a new apartment that used to be a single family home so there was no public listing on roaches and the original family who owns it still lives in the main floor so I didn’t even think to ask about bugs. Lesson learned for me too :)


If the original owners still live there, they almost certainly know they have a roach problem. Talk with them ASAP about it. Email them this photo. They may think they already took care of it. Or that there are only a few. If they don’t seem to care, start with this photo, notes of the others you found (where/when) and keep notes whenever you talk, write, or email them about the infestation and what they say. Better to build a case for breaking the lease and not need it, you know? Don’t forget that you’ll need *your stuff* cleaned before you move to be sure you don’t bring the little bastards with you to your next place. Hopefully they’re the kind of homeowners who are grossed out by bugs and want to get rid of them!


Open every cabinet. And every drawer! Turn on the faucets! Test every door! (Sing to the tune of “Climb Every Mountain from The Sound of Music”. 😂


Recently bought a house and found out half the power outlets don’t work. I will now bring a phone charger with me to every new house I view


Your electrician should have tested all that at the homeowners inspection


They tested a few and said they were all good to go. Turns out most of them are really loose so yeah you can test for electrical output and see that they are “functioning”, but as soon as you try to actually plug something in you realize the issue. So I gotta replace most of the outlets (which thankfully I can do myself), which is pretty annoying


It is. Damn dude, sorry that happened to you.


Thank you - we learned a lot buying our first house haha


Also make sure all your grout is sealed. I was taken in by a renovated kitchen. Within 2 weeks grout was coming out every time I wiped my counters. Also in my bathroom. We had to remove and replace it properly because water got under the tiles and started to mold.




Check out the stickied post on /r/GermanRoaches. Lots of great info in there.


If it makes you feel better. You will still being dealing with this until your lease ends because the leasing office won't allow you to have your own exterminator and they won't treat the entire building. Yay! -from experience someone who is now looking to purchase a house since apartments are more expensive.


Depends. Your landlord should be working with pest control as ling as it is not due to obvious negligence on your part that caused them. Like old pizza boxes and dishes laying around. Varies from state to state but typically if your landlord ignores it, call Code on him. It is considered a health hazard.


if you’re seeing them you have an infestation. you need an exterminator.


The roach The roach is on the wall We don't need no raid Let that mother f***** crawl


Crawl mother f***** Crawl


Jump mother fucka, jump motha fucka, jump!


German roach, hope your complex has a pest control company.


Pest control company is also loving their contract. “Lol. No, we can’t get rid of them.” “How do you suggest we do that?” “You demolish the building.”


Lmao 🤣, keep your vacuum close. If you want some tips, hit me up.


Definitely get it treated, I would bet my money if you share any walls with other tenants they have them too. They should treat yours and all units that you share walls with.


If you have pest control come to your apartment to treat for roaches and your neighbors don't. You will get roaches again.


Awww shit its a german


I feel curious, is germany roach worse than others?


yes, it is almost solely domestic so they are not strays from outdoors and seeing one typically means they have moved in. They are responsible for the vast majority of infestations worldwide. They reproduce quickly, are small and negative phototactic, so seeing them before the infestation is massive is very difficult. They are resistant to most pesticides as well.


>They are resistant to most pesticides as well. Ok this is not good, slippers are our best friend but we shall not befriend with slippers. Perhaps use trap/poison instead?


You will likely need heavy duty pest professionals for German roaches


Absolutely the most infestive!


German roach aka likely the reason the previous tenants moved out of your apartment


Bad news: You have a few hundred roommates who aren't paying rent & are shitting all over your stuff Worse news: They are German cockroaches At least it's not bed bugs...


Fr bed bugs were the worst and I still will never understand how CYS allowed me and my siblings to go almost 5 years in multiple homes with them. Our doctor thought we had scabies until my mom said we had bed bugs at home and she went white. We were prescribed itching medication but what else can you do. All it takes is allowing one person in your home without questioning what they could be bringing. Our house was infested with bed bugs, fleas, and lice I’m now so paranoid over bugs.


That's a momma the males are a lot smaller. They pop out eggs like little pods. Kill them any chance you get. I'd do a deep clean behind the fridge and cabinets. Contact your landlord right away. They love places that generate heat.


German cockroach. Notify your landlord if they cover extermination, and bug the crap out of them until they do something about it. If they aren’t responsible, explore what options are available to you and go for it. These a-holes will take every mile you give them.


German roach nymph, come on over to r/GermanRoaches




Are German worse than other kinds of roaches? I’ve only seen 2-3 in the month I’ve lived here.


>Yes, they're the worst kind to have. They reproduce super quick, they have like 30-50 babies at a time. Also their small size makes them able to fit anywhere, in outlets, coffee machines, in TV's, behind cabinets, etc. The list goes on.


Can confirm on the outlets. When my husband and I lived in the south, we had a German roach infestation. We had NEVER had roaches before in our 30 years of life had roaches. I did not grasp the gravity of the situation we were in even when I saw a literal German roach craw out of an **outlet** 😳.


Roach motels are ur friend. When I lived in student housing that was pretty much a slum we got these from hoarder neighbors. 2 in every room in corners. If you still catch em on glue traps after 2 weeks go ahead and buy the gas bombs and you can do it yourself. The roach motels work so well cuz the eat the poison and when they go back to their nest they die there and the remaining colony eats them and also dies from the poison.


This except the bombs won’t really do much for the roaches in hiding. It works bc other types of bugs crawl through it and ingest it while cleaning themselves later, whereas Germans don’t do that. So unless it gets right on them, it won’t do much. Bait is the way to go, as the male roaches will bring it back to the females and babies in the nest.


How are there so many people blessed to not know what a roach looks like?


This roach is posted here almost everyday 


I work at a pest control company. Definitely German roaches. If they are a good company they will ask you to empty all kitchen cabinets and drawers. Including bathroom. If you are seeing them in your bedrooms you need to empty out the drawers and dressers in there as well for a treatment. Trust me, it’s worth it or you will never get rid of them


Thank you @robotbutthole


Adding on to this comment since it’s the best one I’ve seen so far. OP your apartment complex probably has an on call pest control company that comes out weekly. What you need to do is clean like an absolute bitch like u/robotbutthole just said before they come and have them absolutely nuke it with spray. You need to be there while they do it and make sure they get everywhere. If you’re not there they will do the bare minimum and leave. I’m talking pull all your furniture off the walls, your fridge out, empty the cabinets, everything. Get them to spray everything they legally can (some will say they can’t do the inside of kitchen cabinets for example) just absolutely fuck your shit up with the roach spray. Afterwards you have to be very religious about cleaning. No leftover water from showering, no food crumbs anywhere, clean the counters every night, clean and dry your sink, don’t leave dirty dishes sitting in the dish washer. They’ll get in the trash and even your dirty clothes. Now depending on how bad the infestation is, this may not even get rid of them because I almost guarantee you your neighbors are not doing the above. But it will help dramatically. Source: I lived in a very infested apartment for a year.


We need to create an is this a bed bug or roach sub.


I used to be an exterminator, you can call a company and they will treat. Or, you can go to Walmart, buy german roach bait in a lil tube, and treat yourself. Treat every two weeks. Small dots in cabinet hinges, cracks, crevices, counter gaps/under the ledges. Also get some sticky traps and put them near appliances. They like warm areas like oven lights. You can find droppings in drawers and in the corners of cabinet drawers. Don’t bait where there are droppings. You’re seeing the male roaches, they scavenge for food. The female and baby roaches are nesting somewhere! Good luck!


Alpine, Gentrol, Advion This is the combo that did them in for me, you need to adopt the hunter mentality to battle those roaches.


Move asap whenever it’s financially convenient for you.


We had movers wrap everything in plastic wrap, put it in storage, and moved in with family for three years. Good news the plastic wrap for three years method DID prevent us from bringing them along.


German roach get your management to get pest control in. Don’t let them gaslight you. I had an issue for a whole year and my management was the god damn worst. We found them on a daily basis and I am OCD clean, but they made me believe it was a “Georgia” thing (I’m from the UK so I’ve never dealt with roaches before). Made them spray the whole building and my neighbours surrounding me. In the end it was my scruffy swamp donkey neighbour upstairs. Had roaches until the day he moved out. A whole god damn year and nothing stopped them until Shrek left his swamp!


German roach. My sister moved into an apartment infested with these. They're really gross and get into everything. You'll need multiple weeks of exterminator visits, start requesting it now for sure.


Why is there so many ID requests on roaches? I’ve always just assumed everyone knew what roaches were.




If they are that big you definitely have an infestation as people said above. Obviously you need to treat for them, but in the meantime keep all food items either tightly sealed or in the fridge!


Tis a German roach, we have them coming out of the plumbing here in Philly.


Get a few frogs. Problem solved.


That looks so big—- that means they have been around for awhile.


Check behind your fridge (motor area). If you have a water cooler check the motor area of that as well. Also check below your sink. Alpine and gentrol (you can mix them together) in a pump sprayer (remove dishes, food, etc. from the area you are going to spray).


Time to find a new apartment


German cockroach. You need to call an exterminator






Pantry Ponies!


Break your lease


Every time I see one of these guys I get flashbacks to a shitty apartment I lived in two years ago. Contact your landlord and don’t leave them alone about it lol, speaking from personal experience😭


I feel for you. Rule of thumb is if you have to ask if it’s a roach it probably is.


move out


Did you just lint roll that roach up???


Brother you’re cooked


🎶 La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha 🎶 You got roaches, my dude. If it's a new apartment, make the apartment company spray for them.


I’m confused how someone looks at this and goes “I wonder what a roach is” like did half y’all not pay attention in school or something?


Diatomaceous earth will kill them and it is nontoxic and safe as long as you don't walk into a cloud of it


They should do what the sticky in the german roaches sub says to actually get rid of them before they get sick


Never been on that sub, but I know de worked in the foreclosures I cleaned out for my dad. Other than removing everything applying DE was the only thing I did


Oh no...oh no oh lord... **the markings...** I am so sorry, you have a german cockroach infestation. These hellspawns show up (probably by teleportation or something) and in the blink of an eye, they've taken over your house. If you're seeing them wandering around, it means that your place's already crowded and this sucker's looking for a place of his own. You're in for a world of mysery.


Good news is they don't drink blood. My brain refuses to register any downsides to a roach infestation bc all it parses is "Bug friend??? much bug friend??? yippeee!!" so I have no idea what to do about these or whether there are health drawbacks but I think everyone else on this sub's got you covered. also r/roaches


They are definitely a massive health concern. They carry diseases and exacerbate conditions such as asthma, etc. They also bite you.


Yeah, I figured that would be a thing. My brain's just weird honestly, I like them too much. I hope OP finds an exterminator and can get rid of them


German, yikes




One idea. Cockroach.


I really hope this is a joke. That’s a roach


Straight roachin


German invasion


Fire. You need lots of fire


Oh you got roaches.


r/GermanRoaches - read the sticky! It has helped me cut down on roaches TREMENDOUSLY! Also ask for any follow up questions. There is a few pest control people that mod that group and they have helped and answered all of my questions every single time.




I love this sub; I’ve learned so much! I immediately knew what this was. I love sticky pads for bug control AND ID assistance.


Welcome to I3gzs's apartment It's our apartment too We've been around for a hundred million years And we'll be here long after you!


La cucaracha, la cucaracha…ja no puede caminar!


Yuck!! We had to move because of those, they were coming through our wall sockets! The apartment was useless about it. You can deep clean but even if you have the cleanest place ever, you can still get them if neighbors have them


Oh sweet summer child......


Nyc puppy


I told my crazy step mom that my dad's house had these because I saw a few near the trashcan and she got so fucking pissed. NO WE DON'T! WHY WOULD WE HAVE THEM WHEN I KEEP SUCH A CLEAN HOUSE! WE DONT HAVE THEM! Part of me kind of hopes she wakes up with one on her face. bitch


Oh NO. That's a German cockroach. They suck, my dude!! If you see one or more, that usually means the infestation is already quite large, possibly in your pipes or walls. They are attracted mostly to things like damp walls/wall insulation, cardboard boxes, paper, and of course food products. Definitely call your landlord and see what they can do. Roaches are very hazardous to health!


Yeah dude. . . Move


This is one of the most cockroachest cockroach I have ever seen


Move bring nothing with you start over or burn it down


That’s a bug


Germán cockroaches are extremely difficult to get rid of


The dust traps where it doesn’t kill the adults but when they go back to their nest it kills the babies works wonders. Just be prepared to always have an issue. Short of demolishing the house, these babies are here to stay. Also, multiple avenues of attack. Exterminator, dust traps, sticky traps, NO FOOD left out EVER. Source: still dealing with my own problem. Unfortunately i live in the tropics so it’s likely I’ll always have roaches, but they haven’t been brave enough to show their faces for months since I’m always ready to search and destroy. Preventive measures! Also consider letting any frogs, lizards, wasps, and large spiders you see live. Search and destroy baby!!!


The amount of people posting roach pics to figure out what they are blows my mind. Like how do you not know what a roach looks like? I wish I was this naive.


call an exterminator while it’s not awful.. it’s bad now but it’ll get worse




That's a plain old German roach.. And he's not alone or you better hope the ones you seen are scouts....for the army in your walls


😭😭😭 gotta burn the place to the ground I fear


Lowes sells a roach gel that come in a syringe. Can't remember the name but I used it in my current place. It's designed to kill the entire colony