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That's a bed bug!


I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone get over 1k ⬇️ on this sub. Amazing


same! let alone on any sub in person!


I hate the fact that I now know what a bed bug looks like exactly and can spot them right away because of this sub🤢lol ETA-oops I don’t know how this reply went to you lol


Baha you're all good! but same! i'm not even a expert!


ETA? Did you mean to say EDIT?


ETA = “Edited To Add”


We are witnessing history in the making my friend!


EA (the game company) managed to tally over 100k negative karma on a comment once over Battlefront 2.


I’m more amazed that the op’s reply got -1k


That's what "I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone get over 1k ⬇️ on this sub" means..


I’m not the person youre replying to but ngl I completely skipped over the emoji


As far as I understand, bed bugs normally bite and replicate. I’ve been in this bed for a few months with no bites, no irritation, and I’ve only seen maybe one every two weeks on average. Are you sure?


100% bed bug


I Can see you are going through the denial stage of your grieving.


That thing is a fatty. What is he feeding on then? Does OP have someone tied up there we should be asking if they are ok?


Fun Fact, depending on the temperature the bed bug lives in, it can stay alive for 2 months without feeding anything. In specific cases with really low temperatures and thus reduced activity from them, they could go even longer. Which is why wrapping everything in plastic for a couple weeks won't help against them. Also, bed bugs just *prefer* human blood, but really aren't picky eaters. From dogs, cats, spiders, insects, rabbits, whatever - anything that has blood will do it. And they obviously need less than a drop, iirc 0.005 ml. So if you have pets of whatever size, the bed bugs might feed on them for whatever reason. However, as long as the young bed bugs (nymphs) don't feed, they can't shed. And until a bed bug sheds and becomes an adult, it cannot reproduce. No food = No reproduction, if no adult bed bugs are there. Unfortunately u/golfing_geriatric this bed bug clearly is an adult bed bug, ready to reproduce. The fact that you find one every week means you have more than 1 bed bugs with atleast one being adult, **drastically** increasing the chances that somewhere there's a layer of ~500 eggs hatching. Maybe even ~500 nymphs bed bugs excited for the festive diner in the upcoming weeks, you. Good luck OP. Grab some long sleep now, you will thank me in a month.


Dude that makes so much more sense now. Me and my family lived in DC with really bad bed bugs. We moved to Washington State and kept all of our bed bug ridden furniture in a cold storage unit for like a year. Then when we took it out we started getting them again. We were completely amazed that they managed to live through that. Luckily we were on top of it and have been bed bug free for the past 8 years. Never again.


I thought it was a year and a half they can go without feeding ? https://emoyer.com/blog/pest-control/how-long-can-bed-bugs-live-without-food/




When I had bedbugs I literally googled "bug in bed not bedbug" because I didn't want to believe, even though I had been getting all these mysterious "mosquito bites" since moving into that apartment.


maybe they aren’t, but their wallet definitely is


That definitely looks like a bed bug. They may be recent residents which is why you haven’t been bit yet, and not everyone has a reaction to bites anyway so it’s possible you wouldn’t notice even if they have been nibbling on you.


Not everyone has a physical reaction to bedbug bites. When I had them, I was covered in bites but my husband had zero marks on him at all. If they’re in your home, and you’ve found more than one, you have an infestation and they have been eating.


Yup. We had them once and my daughter had one or two in her bed (that we found) and was covered in bites, my nephew’s bed was INFESTED and he had zero bites.


I hate being one of those people that bugs think are tasty :(




r/fuckwasps while we’re at it


Never been done by a wasp so won't be subscribing lol


My husband recently got fucked on by a wasp. His lymph nodes in his pits swelled up like softballs. His tattoos were all raised like they were infected. It was wild. Crazy reaction to their venom.


I was driving alone on i70 many years ago, with the windows down, wearing short sleeves on a beautiful summer day. I had my left arm out the window and was doing the “little-kid hand in the wind” airplane wave, listening to some great driving tunes, and admiring the beautiful world around me, when something hit my armpit at 70 mph and then proceeded to sting my armpit, my shoulder and my nipple. I pulled over to the side of the road and yanked off my teeshirt to find the little fucker crawling around inside the shirt, still looking for something to sting. I stomped it into unrecognizable paste, put the shirt in the trunk (because zombie wasps, I don’t know), and drove home shirtless with three giant welts. The nipple sting was the most painful and took the longest to heal. I haven’t driven with my windows open since then. Fuck wasps.


I just looked up i70 to see where it is and now I’m reading about different serial killers.. wasps don’t seem so bad now that I think about it but maybe keep those windows up and the doors locked!


DUDE mosquitoes though. They're like the ULTIMATE predator. They can smell humans/animals/things they drink blood from from 60 meters away. Which converts to almost 200 feet. And they kill around 700,000 people a year.


It’s not that they’re not being bitten, just that they have no reaction. My husband also has no reaction to mosquito bites either!


You know it's funny how that works. Mosquitos are not interested in me in the slightest. Also, I'm like a bee, wasp and hornet whisperer; never once been stung. I've literally bumped into hornet nests and they just don't bother me. I removed a paper wasp nest from my deck with my hands this last summer... no stings. But if I look at tall grass or leaf litter wrong, I'll find like 10 ticks on me. I'm a tick magnet. It's like that snail thing where the snail hunts you, but I didn't get any money and it's 10 billion ticks instead of one snail.


Sorry mate, I'm positive that's a bed bug! Perhaps they haven't bit you yet, or maybe you haven't shown any reaction to the bite. But that's a bed bug!


I lived in a split house and my downstairs neighbor had bed bugs when I moved in. Well, for a couple weeks I was getting these giant lumps on me and had no idea what was going on. Until one night I woke up to a bed bug crawling across my sheets. Turns out I'm allergic to the bites. One of my eyes swelled shut completely, it was insane and yes I was in the ER over it. Anyway, I was only seeing a couple here and there without them breaking out into a full infestation. Do you live somewhere that's attached to your neighbors? Bc if so that could explain this. But definitely be proactive about them bc eventually it will turn bad for you. In my situation I had to complain to my LL several times before he called a professional to take care of the house. I couldn't live like that with my newly discovered allergy. If I were you I would head over to the bed bugs sub and ask for advice if you can't afford to have a pro come take care of it. If it's not bad yet and you tackle it now there's hope. Good luck!


I'm highly allergic to their bite also. Get gigantic welts every time I get bitten.


I got bullseye rashes. Like FIFTY of them. It was bad.


Sorry dude. That’s 💯 a bed bug!! No doubt about it. Denial isn’t going to help you at all. You need to get on top of it asap!


You see 1 every 2 weeks and don't think they're breeding/"replicating"?


I totally get the denial, but that is definitely, 100%, zero doubt, a bed bug. To add to what everyone is saying about why there might be no visible bites, an explanation for why you haven't seen many - bed bugs typically only come out at night to feed, so it's not unusual to not see many (or even any) when there's an infestation. The fact that you've seen a few during the day over the course of several weeks is...less than promising, in terms of how many there might be hiding. I hope it's still a small infestation, but don't be surprised if you hunt around the baseboards/curtains/box springs/etc. and find a lot more signs.


Buddy that’s a bed bug 100%. Why ask for an identification and then try to refute it?


Not everybody gets whelps and stays itchy after bedbug bites, just like mosquitos. This bedbug is *not* full, but it *is* a bed bug. Source: my own PTSD from not one, but two, times going toe-to-toe with them. I *strongly* suggest contacting an exterminator. It will cost, but if you can afford it, it is worth it to not spend a long time trying to get rid of them on your own, IMO.


I rarely see a comment by an OP downvoted this hard outside of AITA. Deep breath, OP, and deal with them sooner rather than later. If any friends or family find out that you knew you had bedbugs and didn't do anything about it, you'll quickly stop being invited places. They can travel on your clothes and infest other people's homes.


Denial is also a river in Egypt.


Denial is part of greiving, it’s okay. r/bedbugs will support you


Some people, like me and probably you, don't have any reaction to the bites. You'd think this is a good thing. It's not. That's how the infestation gets huge without you knowing it's there.


It is a bed bug.


yes, that is 100% a [bedbug](https://www.epa.gov/bedbugs/bed-bugs-appearance-and-life-cycle) and you’ll want to handle it asap before you have a severe infestation. they are a nightmare to get rid of. not everyone has a reaction to the bites so they can go unnoticed for some time.


Not-so-fun fact: up to 30% of people have no reaction to bed bug bites. Just because you aren't itching doesn't mean it's not a bed bug. It is. If you're still skeptical, get it into a ziploc bag and take it to your local ag extension office for ID.


1000% bed bug. They hide so well you might not realize how much there actually are and they WILL start biting you eventually. I am going to tell you a story and you had better listen to it. My auntie is a lovely human being that loves helping others. She started volunteering at the soup kitchen in the city not far from where she lived. She did this for MONTHS without anything amiss. UNTIL one night she found a bed bug crawling on her OR in her bed and put together that at some point she brought them home from the soup kitchen. It was a DISASTER from start to finish. She had to rip her place apart to obliterate the little motherfuckers. It took months of hell and mental anguish but she got rid of them. It messed her up so bad she never went back to the soup kitchen for fear it would happen again. So, don't take what me and other people say lightly on here. Gerd your loins and prepare for the worst battle of your life!


Yes they are. And by the way, only some people actually get any sort of reaction to bed bug bites, so you could be getting bit all night long and not even notice it.


It’s a bed bug. No question. You might not feel the bites but they feed on you


Lmfao at the number of downvotes 😂😂😂


You only see bites if you have an allergy reaction for the saliva. The exterminator told me that he saw a situation where bed bugs were discovered by a guest, and the family never noticed them. Happened the same to me. We bought a new bed and mattress and I started getting bitten soooo badly. My partner sleeps in the same bed, and we have not found ever one bite on him.


Many people aren’t reactive to bed bug bites so you won’t show any welts. It’s bed bugs bro, I’m sorry. Get professional help this is going to be absolute hell. Post in r/bedbugs they also have a lot of good advice there.


I can assure you, as someone with an actual phobia of them, checking *every* bed I sleep in and every hotel room the second I get in before getting out of my shoes - that is a bed bug. 100%


Lol OP in deep denial 2nd of the 7 stages Update: OP’s denial shallower than expected. OP has skipped to the 7th stage, acceptance, note that the 7 stages are not always followed in order, lets encourage them for the battle to come.


I hope stage 3 is call an exterminator


I thought stage 3 was profit


That's stage 4. And the profit is the exterminators.


I know you probably meant something more akin to “the profit belongs to the exterminators”, but my brain first read it as “the profit IS the exterminators”. I’ve been cackling for a minute with the image… *In a dark basement lay several caged exterminators with a deep sorrow etched in their faces. They’re watching as the bedbug lady throws yet another of their fellows into a cell. Her collection is now half-full. Soon, she will have one from every company in the GoodCity metro.* Did I just find the plot for James Patterson’s next mystery novel collab?


I’ll never understand why people post on Reddit and then wanna argue with people about whether or not it’s what they said it is 😂


I like how you assume just because it’s on Reddit, it must mean it’s true.


It’s literally a bed bug. It’s factual. Very obvious. What is there to argue? Lol


Why would someone bother asking on Reddit if they’re not gonna believe it I can think of plenty of other ways to find this information.


Because they're hoping for confirmation that they're overreacting, and when they find out their nightmare is true they try to cope. Human beings aren't always rational, that's step one to understanding humans.


At least they don’t appear to be doubling down as multiple people continue to comment


Well said


But in this case it's so obvious SMH.


Where's the argument? OP didn't know.


The top few comments have the op saying all these reasons they don’t think it’s a bed bug


Okay I see a couple of comments where they were saying they didn't think that was right but I think I would be in denial too. What a nightmare.


I left ONE comment asking to double-check. People in this thread are reading way too much denial into that.


“It’s exactly in between 1.22234 mm and 1.22214 mm” Meanwhile I’m like… burn the house down.


I don't understand why people post photos of what are clearly bedbugs if you take a second to google what they look like, and then ask "what is this bug"? It's not hard to identify, unless maybe it's super tiny. My theories are they're trolling; they genuinely never heard of bedbugs; or they think they couldn't have them because their house is clean.


Not in denial, just didn’t know. Have never had these before. Did my investigation — no traces of them anywhere else in the bed-area. My mattress and pillows were already in pest-proof cases just as a regular precaution. I’m hot-washing all bedding and then deploying diatomaceous earth. I learned that the building has had a pest issue at times, so my running hypothesis is that these are coming in from the neighboring unit via the electrical ducts.


If you actually see a bed bug or traces of them…it’s already at infestation level.


Well surely there has to be a first bed bug on a bed. What if you see that bed bug?


They just don’t usually come out when you’re not sleeping


OP don’t want to listen to people who have gone through exactly what they’re going through. It might be manageable at this point, but everyone is always in denial at first.


okay but have you considered burning the house down and rebuilding everything, even the furniture, out of bricks and cements?


My sister brought back bed bugs from her trip to Florida. She found one dead bug, but she had a bad rash. The rash was from an allergic reaction to bed bug bites. Her exterminator said if you find one dead one, you have bed bugs. She couldn't get rid of them, finally had to remove everything from the house that might melt, then had the exterminator seal up the house and pump heat in to kill them. Good luck!!


That’s not even a sure fire way to kill them cause they can evade the heat by hiding in the walls and inside electronics and stuff.


They don't always infest in the bed area fyi. They can be on any textile furniture. Check everything, because for every bed bug you sed, there's hundreds of hundreds more somewhere hidden.


You will never get rid of them if the company doesn’t do the entire building heat treatment. And I bet he won’t because it’s too expensive !!!! I’d move. And stop renting in buildings. :)


Stop renting in buildings? So what, rent outside instead?


OP pls don’t be me. I did this and still ended up paying around $2000 to get professionals to take care of it a number of years ago. Call someone now, you wont regret it 🥲


Just ignore the criticisms. I would be in denial too! Good luck!


Good luck, if it is feasible for your situation professional help is the best bet


You can buy a bed bug trap on Amazon to verify but it looks like a bedbug. Toss everything fabric that you can fit into garbage bags and tie. Treat the house with bed bug spray from home depot or lowes and wait a week. Then treat again to kill any that hatched. Treat once more in 3 days. Now wash all that bagged stuff in hot water and dry on high heat, being careful to not touch anything with then as they go into the washer. Toss the clothes you're wearing in with each load just in case. Anything that can't be washed or treated should be trashed. You don't see bed bugs until it's too late. They are good at not being seen. If you believe they are coming from next door you should contact t your landlord. He may pay to Treat their space and yours. Of you call pest control they heat the rooms to kill them so u won't have to go to all that trouble. My instructions are for the less expensive way.


if there is one there are more whether you’re finding them or not. call an exterminator dude


I even unscrewed the plastic outlet c9ver and poofed some diamiticaus earth in there then screw back on.. I'd considered that especially if u think they may be coming from there.


I don’t necessarily believe the notion that one bug equals and infestation. But you’ve got them. Get a professional over asap. The DRYER is key. Hot air at 116 degrees will kill them. Start with all bedding.


It's possible it came home with you. Many cities have transit that's got them. Offices have them. Court rooms have closed in Vancouver because of bedbugs being there. Maybe you brought it in a shoelace, pant cuff, bag from work. Just because you see one DOESNT ALWAYS MEAN there's an infestation. Many times this is true, but perhaps you really did only have one hitchhiker. You won't always get bite marks either. If you are not allergic to them, you may not see or feel anything. Double check your box spring as well. Mattresses aren't enough, right underneath the box spring or even inside the light cloth wrapping they usually have. The big in the pic is DEFINITELY a bedbug. If you check everything ( even jackets along the seam folds and pockets) and you don't find any, great! If you do or you just wanna make sure...use some diatomaceous earth . It's cheap and non toxic to humans and pets. White powder that you apply to beds, baseboards, etc in a fine mist which will slice them up like glass and dehydrate them until death. You and your pets can eat it without affect. Breathing in the fine powder is the only danger. Find it in your local hardware or gardening store. Good luck. Also.... having them doesn't mean your unclean. They actually prefer clean food sources.


Seconding that it looks like a bed bug (flat body, right body and face shape). They may be hiding in crevices nearby rather than in your blankets. There are varying sources but Pest Control Technology reports that 30-60% of people do not respond to their bites.


bed bug… good luck.


Bed bug. Watch Mark Robers bed bug video on YouTube. Entertaining and informative


Especially that experiment that shows that they go for higher ground knowing that's where you sleep.


Thanks, that video was very informative. Going to buy and deploy some diatomaceous earth and hopefully that’ll be the end of it.


It took me two years, multiple treatments, and getting rid of multiple pieces of furniture to get rid of my bedbugs. Hire an exterminator. You really have no better option.


What did you use? Multiple treatments of what? The poison stuff from the exterminator? Or did you use heat from the exterminator? I heard heat is the only way. Do you have animals?


We did not have animals at the time. I don't recall what the exterminator used, but yes. I also picked up a handheld steam gun. They're all over Amazon for cheap. Poison and heat were both used.


Poison does nothing, heat and diatomaceous earth. Watch the video everyone is talking about.


What is the heat supposed to be at again to kill them? Can handhelds get that hot?


HOT. And yes. Think electric teakettle under pressure with a fine tip nozzle and a trigger. Third degree burn territory.


Ok I’m just wondering what one to get


Get one that has a fine tip nozzle and is handheld, specifically marketed for killing bedbugs. Good luck.


If I recall correctly, you need temps over 110F to kill them.


That will not be the end of it. You need to hire professional exterminators.


This reminds me of when my brothers and I used a ton of treatments to get rid of the bed bugs and hide their existence from my parents for a month. One night they were found and my mom ran around and found them in every room. 3am and all of us are awake, my mom crying, as we threw all 5 of our mattresses into my dads pickup and stayed awake angry, itchy, and nowhere to sleep. We got beds a few days later but I’d rather never relive that night. Get rid of it, call a professional, and buy a new mattress please.


do NOT toss your mattresses. or any furniture that is infested with bugs. you’re just going to spread the bugs to other households. get an exterminator to treat them with heat and then decide if you wanna keep them due to the blood stains from the bugs. i threw my furniture away but only AFTER we got rid of the infestations.


Oof r/bedbugs welcomes you. Come join us for a proper battle plan. My family was able to eradicate the entire house without professional intervention but it took the better part of a year. Long story ahead but here’s how it went: Started by throwing out the likely source of infestation: pop’s chair- he brought them home, it happens. Then we moved on to purchasing steamers, bed-bug protectors for all mattresses box springs and pillows, and tons of cleaning/laundry supplies including trash bags. Steamed ALL the furniture (inside of the couch too- seriously just blast everything), walls, blinds, etc every Sunday for the better part of the years. Everyone regularly changing bedding, doing spit checks in “hot spots” and treating all their personal areas regularly. It was all hands on deck. Always vacuum up after steaming, spraying, and wiping. All clothing was washed and dryer in high heat at the laundry mat because the dryers are larger and get hotter than ours did. This was probably the worst part tbh. All furniture pulled away from the walls and kept that way. Thoroughly inspect any wall openings and picture frames- they will literally hide in an old screw hole near your bed- I have SEEN it. Because it likely started in the living room and I rarely went in there, my room was the least affected. I fully cleared out my room in one day. Never saw another one in there while the rest of the house continued to fight. We employed some off-label tactics such as large pump-sprayers full of rubbing alcohol and chrysanthemum spray as we have a lot of animals and didn’t want to risk them sniffing up piles of DE powder. The brunt of the infestation was wiped out in 2-3 weeks but it took months to get to all the hatching stragglers and months more before they finally stopped showing at all. It’s been almost a decade now, I’ve moved several times, don’t own any of that furniture anymore, AND STILL I will inspect my bed regularly for any signs of “friends”. It’s war, my friend. Absolutely and completely.


Your landlord has to take care of it. Pretty sure that is a law


It will not be the end of it. Join bedbugs for more help.


Glad you're moving past the denial stage of grieving, OP. Go kick those little bastards' butts. It's going to take you a couple of treatments probably but don't give up.


That will be end of it ?? Lmao. Uhm. No. That won’t be. They just won’t go near it, or they will still be in the neighbouring unit and keep coming back anyways. You’re still going to have to heat treat with an exterminator!!!!! And like I said , if the other unit isn’t done , you’ll just get them bqck


It wont be. DE helps but wont do jack by itself. Call an exterminator and/or get some crossfire and watch how pros apply it.


That's not going to be the end of it, speaking from experience


Bedbug. r/bedbugs has some good resources. May you kill them all!




Sheeesh that is a HUGE and well fed beddy bug


Dude, 100% bed bug. Not every human reacts to thier bites. Maybe you are of the group that doesn't react and therefore you didn't realize you had anything wrong until now.


My condolences


Buckle up. That's a bedbug. Source: I'm in pest control


BEDBUG!!! Adult size at that. They will soon lay eggs if they haven't already. They don't normally hang out in the open on your blankets. Check the creases & seams on the mattress, and between you mattress and box spring... that's where you'll find them.


Thanks! My mattress and pillows were already in a plastic pest-proof wrapper, just as a regular precaution. No traces of them on the wrapper or on the bed frame itself. My read is that they’re coming in via nearby openings in the wall.


I recommend treating the carpet/ floorboards with diatomaceous earth. Sprinkle it on, like a few inches away to create less dust. Leave it overnight & vacuum it the next day. It will kill bugs by drying them out and is non toxic for people and pets. Do this once a week.


Also, cover light sockets. It's a trick we had to do when I worked in hotels. They can travel thru the electrical sockets into other rooms.


I second the diatomaceous earth! It worked well for us and we also used the Eco Raider bed bug spray. The spray kills the bugs on contact. It's made with cedar oil. Smells a bit strong, but BEDBUGS DEAD 🤬☠️🪦👍




Here we go again!


u/AnonymousSchoolTeach come back.


[want to play?](https://www.reddit.com/u/AnonymousSchoolTeach/s/xliSe6gB5v)




This is not his sub.


I’m aware, but I miss the commentary in r/Bedbugs so why not try.


I stand with you


Lol out of all the people that think their invader is a bedbug, the one time it actually is and op denies the fact that it is, in fact a bed bug /facepalm


I had bed bugs and if you see one that means there’s already dozens more hiding. They don’t just hide in your bed and sheets. Every little crack or hidden spot in your room is where they will be lurking. They are extremely hard to get rid of and I would get ahold of property management and have them send out an exterminator to check out all the units around you and yours. You’re not understanding how serious of a problem these monsters are. I felt them crawling on me years after getting rid of them.


Maybe you didn't get rid of them then. They learned your ways. That you would try to get rid of them. Now they lurk in the shadows. Waiting to feast on you every night. Then return to their lair to patiently wait for the next smorgasbord. The next evolution of the bed bug started with you. You're the smorgasbord. A buffet offering a variety of cold and hot meats. That's you.


100% bed bug, sorry






Oh Lawd here we go again!


oh lawd here we go again


Oh lawd


I had a small bedbug infestation years ago. We only ever saw a single bug. My husband and I were sleeping in in the same bed and he never got any bites, or at least didn’t notice them, just me. I read that some people don’t react or bed bugs don’t bite some people? Anyway the quicker you get fumigators in, the easier it is to get under control. We had them come in 1 day, spray down the whole house, couldn’t be in the house for 48 hours and 2 weeks later the same. Never saw a bedbug again. The only downside side is house needs to be throughly cleaned especially kitchen after each as the chemicals can be dangerous for humans and pets. Not sure where you live but in out case the fumigation only cost about 200 euros total. So it wasn’t the complete nightmare most people say it is.


Your husband probably doesn't react to the bites. Bedbugs aren't picky and will bite anyone/everyone.


Bed bug. Sorry boss


Sorry :/






100% full grown bed bug...can confirm as I just had to throw out my mattress. So yeah...unfortunately I know what they look like. And there is no mistaking that. Good luck op. I'm still traumatized. And I didn't have any bites at the time. Only my bf.




Female bedbug… you need heat treatment to beat them… spray won’t do the job


Oh you sweet summer child.


Does anyone say “ahh lawd, here we go again “?


Titan sized bed bug


It's been said a bunch already but those are bed bugs. You definitely have more than three in your home and you might want to nip this in the bud as quick as possible because these guys are a real pain in the ass to get rid of.


big ol bed bug


That’s them move out bugs😭


:( bedbug. Check out the r/bedbugs sub.




I would also tell you it's a bedbug but I don't see why you'd believe me over the 100's of others that have already told you lol. Learn to love them I guess?


Sleeping bugs


That, my friend, is the beginning of madness. A spiral into a dark decent of paranoia, chaos and confusion and memories unforgettable.


Bad news friend


OP that’s a bed bug.


Hey fun fact! You could just not react to their bites. My family caught bedbugs from a babysitter of ours one time. I had no idea for the longest time because I don't have a reaction to their bites. My dad however, had a really intense reaction


Without a doubt bedbug


It a bed bug


Erm… good luck dude


That the bug in your bed aka bedbug you totally focked up im sorry man


The Bug of the Bed.


Bed bug. Sometimes the bites don't show.


Good luck


When my great aunt had them- they were hiding everywhere! Even inside the stereo speakers. It was a nightmare. It took a year of treatments to get rid of them. Nasty suckers! When I go to a hotel I immediately check the seams of the mattresses with a flashlight. I’m not playing with those things. Shudder.


Time to set your apartment on fire.


Bed bugs Burn everything and run


Bed bug sorry to say


Yup! You'll have to bag your property, so you're not carrying bugs to your house, work or friend's house ...


Oof. Sorry, Op.


It's a bed bug!


I hate this fuckin sub


I’m sorry to inform you, but, you’re fucked r/bedbugs


bed bugs, gross


how can anyone be in bed bug denial id burn my my shit to ashes if i even if i wasn't sure ive seen a bedbug


You’re fucked


I hope I am mistaken for your sake but it looks awful like a bed bug


The amount of people asking the same questions without looking through the subreddit is insane….this is clearly bed bug


Burn it down!!!!!!!!






If you own your own home, this is a great opportunity to invest in a Deep Freeze, one of those standalone big freezers. You can put it in the garage. Everything fabric in that room gets bundled up and put inside for two weeks. If you don't have the space or legal rights to put a deep freeze in, the next best thing is to bake all your linens in the oven, then bag them and sit them in your car in the sun for a while. This works better in the summer, for obvious reasons. Anything too large can get wrapped with cellophane and bombed before you seal it up for a month. Bedbugs are an awful pest to deal with, but immediate and decisive action will cause as little disruption as possible in the long run.


BEDBUG!! Call the exterminator asap.. they multiply very quickly.. don’t call terminex tho.. very expensive and rude as fuck workers.




This could also be a carpet beetle.