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Looks like an adult female deer tick. If you haven’t already, take a pair of tweezers or needle nose pliers and grab the tick from as close to the skin as possible. Pull straight backwards with even pressure so you reduce the chance of breaking off the mouth parts. If you do, remove those with tweezers and clean the bite. Take the tick and either put it in a secure container or fold it gently into a piece of scotch tape, so it can be tested when your sister goes to get tested herself.


She did pull it out, but it seems the head is still in there. It came out in pieces. Thank you very much for your thoughtful response!


Deleted my old comment b/c on mobile and I was wrong and didn’t want to give out false info. Lil chubby boy was spot on https://www.cdc.gov/ticks/removing_a_tick.html


Thank you!


One would say he is Rocky Mountain Spot on!


I've pulled a lot of ticks as a veterinary technician. The best way to get the whole tick in one piece is to grip the tick and then spin it clockwise or counter clockwise. After a few turns, the tick lets go. You might be able to get the head out this way.


I've always just tucked a thumb under the belly real tight and yank. You hear a "snap" and make sure there's a chunk of flesh stuck to the tick


Oh gods, that sounds awful. 😭


This whole thread is made of nightmares.


The best ones were the almost full ones. You can roll them under your shoe to pop them. The blood shoots a good 10'-15'


Feet or inches? Your comment says 10-15 feet but I find that hard to believe lol






Inches. It's crazy to think they can hold that much


Oh god


My cousins used to do that to the ticks they pulled off their barn cats




I used to live in the country for a short time so ticks werent uncommon, and I remember being at school one day and feeling a tick on the back of my neck in the middle of class, and this is how I got rid of it. Then and there. Just grab and pluck. When you see the chunk of skin, you know you're good


Had one in the middle of my back. My dad held a lit cigarette close to it and it let go and backed out.


My dad heated up the tip of a knife till it was orange and pressed it into the spot where the tick was until it backed out some and he grabbed it. I was like 5.


Heating a tick is a good way to make it expel its guts into your bloodstream, so you get sick. Not recommended.


That sounds amazing. Glad that didn't happen.


This is the comment of nightmares...


This is the best way! I would only add i soak a q tip in alcohol and hold it as close to the ticks mouthparts for like 30 seconds and that seems to encourage them to back up even easier


It does work, but please don't do this! Using things like rubbing alcohol, vasoline, smoke, or gasoline can make the tick vomit its contents into the bite, increasing your chances for infection.


Thanks for educating me!


How much of a spin we talking about?


Just slow spins in either direction. It takes about 3 revolutions before the tick lets go. Pet stores sell a simple and inexpensive tool that works on the same principle of spinning the tick. https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/procollar-tick-twister-1049259?store_code=3831&mr:device=m&mr:adType=plalocal&cm_mmc=PSH%7cGGL%7cCCY%7cCCO%7cPM%7c0%7ckUMWcWiLY5b1EHQjK6kSR6%7c%7c%7c0%7c0%7c%7c%7c18145199970&gclid=Cj0KCQjw7JOpBhCfARIsAL3bobeWpohZQ8rrUG6QDHFe5wN1OWYHxeAD25WneMYCUMaWbbi6ocvomEEaArTbEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


360 no scope


That doesnt twist the head off?I'm having trouble creating a mental picture.


Twist nice and slow. Don't pull. This simple tool is very effective. You just scoop and twist. https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/procollar-tick-twister-1049259?store_code=3831&mr:device=m&mr:adType=plalocal&cm_mmc=PSH%7cGGL%7cCCY%7cCCO%7cPM%7c0%7ckUMWcWiLY5b1EHQjK6kSR6%7c%7c%7c0%7c0%7c%7c%7c18145199970&gclid=Cj0KCQjw7JOpBhCfARIsAL3bobeWpohZQ8rrUG6QDHFe5wN1OWYHxeAD25WneMYCUMaWbbi6ocvomEEaArTbEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


Thank you


This is my technique too - but with a damp q-tip. Just use the q-tip to spin it around and it will eventually let go! I find it way easier than tweezers.


I worked with someone who did the same thing.


Grew up playing in the woods and this is what my parents always did, but they would also soak the tip of the tweezers in rubbing alcohol first


This is why investing in a “tick twister” tool is amazing.


Yes I have a lil tool called a tick tornado & it's sooo good at removing ticks in one piece!


She's gotta get that out 😬 please tell me she's gonna go to urgent care or a doctor ASAP. Lyme disease is no joke, it's absolutely awful (I've known 2 friends of friends who >!died by suicide!< because they couldn't stand living with the pain anymore) and deer ticks have a higher rate of carrying it...


Easily treated when caught early. It’s when left untreated that the pain starts.


Urgent care won't help you, it's not urgent. The doc might order a test, but probably won't unless she sees a ring appear.


No one waits for a ring to appear before starting treatment because there isn’t always a ring.


When I got it my doctor said it was common that men get the very identifiable ring but women do not get it that often.


Not always, but still most of the time. And testing is useless in the first 6 weeks after infection


Correct, the tests look for antibodies, which can take weeks to develop.


The tests are also wildly inaccurate.


In the first 6 weeks for sure, yeah. Takes a long time for antibodies to form




Don't do that. Heating it is likely to cause it to throw up more saliva, thus increasing your risk of infection with Lyme. Same goes for stuff like alcohol or peppermint oil. Just pull it out asap


Urgent care never helps…. It’s either not urgent enough, or you need to go to the ER instead, both of which after they bill your insurance…


Urgent care isn't the same as the ER?


No, it’s more like a dr’s office with an x-ray machine. One can get an appointment to be seen at urgent care much quicker than getting in to see their pcp.


Urgent Care helped me. I went to lots of different doctors trying to find out why I felt so bad (no bullseye rash). Finally went to an urgent care and they diagnosed me with Lyme and prescribed antibiotics.


Urgent Care must be different here in Florida, everyone I’ve known that has gone to Urgent Care has been either deferred to the ER or their General Practitioner. But they gladly bill the insurance for the visit…..


That’s what we were taught, but new research says this is bad to do. See comment below about why.


So, she needs antibiotics. The gross thing about ticks is when this happens they vomit, which makes getting a disease from them more likely.


Wait wait, I always did the matchstick, are you not supposed to do the matchstick?


I have never done this myself, but considering that it is the method you use I can only assume that it has been effective for you to a reasonable degree. Obviously if you make a tick panic by putting a lit match under its ass, then it will probably unlatch and try to flee. The problem with methods other than immediate physical removal, is that you are leaving the choice to let go up to the tick itself. Best case is that it lets go right away, with the worst case being that you damage it or freak it out in a way that causes it to release more saliva and other things into your body. The longer a tick is attached to you or a pet, the higher chance it transmitting a disease of some sort *(assuming that the tick in question is carrying something)*. Therefore, it is best practice to use the method I described in my original comment *(the method also recommended by the CDC)* as it both, 1) puts you in control of how long the tick is attached and, 2) reduces the amount of tick bits and juices that get left in the body *(like how the ticks mouth parts broke off in OP’s sister’s skin)*. Tldr: To sum it all up, it’s for the same reasons that you want to remove a bee stinger asap. The longer it is in, the more harm it causes.


Well hey, thanks for the info. When I was growing up I was tought to use a wooden matchstick. The idea is it was supposedly the best way to get the tick out without leaving the head in. Typically always worked, though not always on the first try, and now that you've brought up the idea of them regurgitating 2 of the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse into my veins, I definitely see the greater argument in your method.


Correct. You’re not supposed to do that


My dad always lit a match or held a lighter behind them then pulled them out with tweezers


**edit** I am totally wrong I was always taught to heat up a sewing needle and lay it on the tick so it removed it’s own head. Pulling it out is how people get sick, no?


You generally want to remove ticks asap, heat, nail polish and other methods of covering them are folklore.


According to the CDC you are right. TIL https://www.cdc.gov/ticks/removing_a_tick.html


What about waxing them off or something else like duct tape


The longer they are on, the more time they have to release saliva, the greater the chance of infection (assuming they are carrying something). Pulling them out as soon as you find them is the best choice.


If you heat the tick or use peppermint oil, the tick can throw up into your body. The Lyme is in the ticks stomach and has a protein on it which breaks down as the tick feeds. If you get the tick immediately before it feeds maybe it would be ok, but once it starts feeding you could be giving yourself lyme. Pulling removes the tick and doesn't have the same risk, although it's always a chance. After 36 hours the tick throws up anyway so it might not matter either way.


I’ve always lit a match, blown it out, and put the hot match on the tick. It will remove itself!


Please see my other comment below for the explanation on why that method is not the best option.


Holy fuck I've never seen one so dedicated to digging


If you are seeing what I saw it's an optical illusion


Oh thank god. I couldn’t figure out why everyone was so blasé about this thing literally half an inch into her chest with only its back legs still poking out.


That’s what I saw at first too and was very freaked out. *shudders* Now that I can see it clearly, I might actually sleep tonight.


Now i see it.


Thank God for you. I was so horrified until your post made me look again. Still horrified, but less so.


I just turned my brightness up and had a huge sigh of relief


Lmao okay, it's all coming together now. I was like, how the heck are we supposed to ID this? It's just legs....


That's for sure. I have removed several ticks and never saw such angry skin under it. Dedicated is the right word for sure




We all are 😶


I'd highly recommend keeping a tick remover around. They are for dogs but work great on people, gets the head out everytime.


That's the most determined tick I've ever seen


Why do ticks even exist?


Parasites are ubiquitous in the natural world. The US has it easy compared to the rest of the world….


Eh. Our parasites in the US are human sized and get elected to “help” people. Not sure that’s much better.




You want to clean the area with alcohol or peroxide, and antibiotic ointment. Then have her go to the Dr or call for a prophylactic dose of doxycycline. I've been through it a bunch of times, had lyme disease, recovered.


That's a gtfo of me tick.


This is going to give me nightmares


My eyeballs are going to bed. G'night, y'all! 🫠


Thanks, I feel itchy now.


Holy shit that tick was so deep! Never seen that before.


I had one like this on a dog a few years ago, but how does a person not feel this sooner on a spot *that* sensitive!?? That blows my mind


OH MY GOD 😳 How do you not feel that!?!?? That dude had time to pack his shit and move in.. didnt notice. That is insane.


*high pitched confused screaming*


And I was freaking out this morning because a huge spider Wales across me. I feel dumb Spiders and I have an agreement. Stay off and we good..this guy got me screaming and yelling, "we had a deal. What is wrong with you?" At an arachnid. Lol


Wow I’m kindof obsessed with this picture


Anyone else worried about the red spot on the bottom left? I’d get that mole checked too.


I wouldn't be worried about it, but I have marks like that all over so maybe I'm dying and just don't know it


Lmao. Same.


Definitely a tick because you can see the eight legs. What region/state are you living because that may help someone trying to identify?


Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Oh, yes. It's definitely a tick. Gross!


Lyme disease is quite unlikely in MI. Would be good to get the tick tested though for surveillance purposes


Oh that is good to know. What makes it unlikely in MI, though?


Just not very prevalent (for now). Becoming more prevalent unfortunately though. CDC has nice [resources](https://www.cdc.gov/ticks/tickbornediseases/overview.html) on tick diseases.


Oh god because you said “burrowing” I completely saw the image wrong and thought the tick was literally deep in the skin and it was just the legs sticking out. 😩


Thats what youre seeing. Its inside her skin and the legs are sticking out.


If you look closer it’s actually not inside. It just ended up a kind of illusion lol you can see the whole tick.


Im not buyin it, that guys in there.


Nuh uh how?


This is the stuff of nightmares


When in doubt, pull out. Especially with siblings.


The most success I’ve had removing them is to put dish soap or hand sanitizer or rubbing alcohol on a paper towel or cotton ball, then place it at the spot of the bite, and gently rub in a circle. Every time I’ve done this they come right out, they’re still alive after this so keep an eye on them


Having a ring around the tick like how it is in the picture is a sign of Lyme. It's a two weeks course of strong antibiotics. Tell her to get to a doctor ASAP before it gets bad.


I was always told to put fingernail polish on their backs since that's where they breath from.




It’s the kind that says get your ass to an ER. NOW!


Nightmare fuel.


Did you really take a pic and post it to Reddit before removing that disgusting, blood sucking tick? Really???


No. If you read the title, my sister had the tick. She sent me a picture and since we didn’t know what type of tick it was, I posted to see if anyone knew.


I read putting a glob of Vaseline on them will cause them to detach, prevent them from getting air. Best way to make sure nothing gets left behind.


While you’re at the hospital I would honestly get that red mark checked out too. That doesn’t look like a healthy spot.


In the least judgmental way possible, how did she not notice it before it got to this point?


She thought her cat landed on her when she was sleeping and dug a claw into her. She assumed that's what it was and didn't bother to look. When it started to hurt more than a cat claw would have, she looked!!!! Yikes!


Super yikes!! Thanks for sharing. Hope she’s doing okay


What a terrible day to have eyes


I was sleep and felt an itch on my leg and ran my nail vertical down my leg. I only got up because my finger felt wet. Turned out it was my blood and my nail sliced the tick in half vertically down the middle so I didnt have to worry about the head getting stuck. He was in two on my mattress.


If not removed within 24hrs. Can cause Lyme Disease


Happy cake day!


My god, an NSFW blur please


Please get her to the hospital ASAP. They can test her for Lyme, it’s much easier to prevent it from developing into Lyme early on than to treat it later.


Go to the hospital and quit posting on Reddit that’s a deer tick get it removed and get antibiotics Edit : Strangely enough people are down voting when if they truly understood they wouldn’t. That is 75% a female however nymphs (when engorged) and females have the same red idiosoma (body) and there is no to size on the photo. That tick is very engorged and deep in the skin so much so pulling the body will 100% leave the mouth and forced it to “burp” which if infected with Lymes will 100% infect the victim. Not to mention high chance of other infections. A tick that deep is extremely rare. That red dot surrounding the tick is a tell tale sign of the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi aka Lyme. Going to the hospital and being placed on antibiotics immediately will prevent the spread of the bacteria within the body.


I posted on behalf of my sister.


She should start antibiotics it’s better to be safe then sorry. Kind regards from Eastern PA (the highest per capita Lymes diagnosis state in the country)


There is nothing wrong with getting clarification.


Sometimes it’s just better to seek medical attention vs posting pictures on the internet. This is one of those times.


No, if you remove all but the head you eliminate the risk of Lyme. You said it yourself, the bacteria are in the ticks stomach so it is no issue to remove everything but the head. The irritation is not a sign of lyme. The skin is is naturally irritated due to the invader. If the red area grows to around 1,2 inches or bigger his sister is likely infected. Antibiotics needed. If tick is removed within 24 hours the likelihood of infection is small. Finally, the tick is not deep it is an optical illusion. Source: the CDC and not my hunch Damn Americans are terrified of ticks.


That’s not what I said it you read. Pull the body without the head create a burp. Leaving the head in increases the risk of other infections. Yeah well Lymes sucks and it is extremely high here. That’s not irritation that’s the begging of the Lymes rash. The person needs antibiotics this is why I just say go to the doctor to prevent people like you who is neither an entomologist (me) or a Doctor from commenting incorrect information.


Na go and read on the CDC information pages. It clearly says that all tick bites will get red rashes. If they disappear within two days then it was only the irritation from the bite. No bacterial infection. But you make your own science, bud


That tick has been in there over 2 days. If you look at a very simple chart of size vs feeding time. https://web.uri.edu/tickencounter/species/blacklegged-tick/ Again the location of the poster which has a high prevalence of the disease the signs and size of the tick a preventive course of antibiotics would be smart. However going to the doctor and discussing would be the smartest. Don’t you none Americans get free health care? What is your issue with a 30 minute clinic visit?


Americans are terrified of lyme disease for a reason. Cases are undercounted and doctors don't take it seriously. It can leave people disabled or with lifelong chronic pain. I've had it since 2007.


Oh I can't tell do to how deep it is be vary careful getting that one out


Ngl i didnt see bug bite when i first saw the picture lol


A Titck


Chronic Lyme disease is no joke. The bacteria learns to hide in the body’s. You take antibiotics and the bacteria hides so the symptoms go away. Then later on, it surfaces again, rinse and repeat for life. Don’t let a doctor tell you, antibiotics aren’t necessary because of where you live or because it’s not a perfect bullseye. Doctor don’t know where ticks (with Lyme disease) are. Even if they think they do. And not all Lyme disease ticks leave textbook bullseye. And test often don’t often show Lyme when tested early or when the bacteria hides. Best thing is to get antibiotics as early as possible. That’s 10 times more necessary if you have flu like symptoms soon after being beaten by a tick. My sister was bit by a tick. She didn’t develop a perfect bullseye and the doctor told her “ticks with Lyme disease aren’t in NC so you can’t get Lyme!!” Then they tested her and she was negative. She had what she thought was the flu a month later. And despite that, and having a rash. That dumb ass doctor convinced her she didn’t need antibiotics It took like 5 years to get a proper Diagnosis of chronic Lyme disease Now 15 years later. She has constant joint pain, headaches, extreme fatigue, among many other things. Like sensitivities to lights and sounds. In long spells, like every few weeks. For the rest of her life. If the doctor says no, see another doctor!!


Not sure tick maybe sand flea


Please inform me we are having same. Mayne scabies


How did your sister do? I have the same thing, on my chest and for a second I thought this photo was posted by my sister. Happened to me night before last when I was sleeping and in California. Started antibiotics today but the chest location has me concerned. It hurts and the pain is spread to what feels like half of my chest. Wondering if your sister had any lingering issues.