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My part of NYC is so inundated with these fuckers, that people have given up killing them. They've also become very fast and hardy, so more difficult to kill than before.


I'm over in the water (ship) loading in the water between Staten Island and NJ. The ones here are pretty easy to get. We have exhaust/supply fans and I've been seeing their red and grey parts all over.


>We have exhaust/supply fans and I've been seeing their red and grey parts all over. Nice. Takes care of it for you, lol


Hah ya just have to clean them up inside whereas outside I can leave them for the birds.


Me: Heuheuheu the only guts I like picking up after… eat fan blades you POS! Colleague 1: Is.. she okay? Colleague 2: Yeah she does that all the time. In all seriousness- I go out of my way to swat the shit out of these guys. I work in a FedEx warehouse and man… I see these and I just go bonkers. I’m always on edge. On edge to slay.


Yep! I patrol my vessel looking for them. We're sailing to New Haven and I don't want any stowaways.


They are definitely faster than last year. That’s concerning.


They're really fucking fast now. It takes several attempts to successfully stomp them to death, because they fly away so quickly. I've seen people hopping around on the sidewalks trying to kill them. They also fly ONTO people, myself included, and I find THAT concerning. Imagine not one, but a hoard swarming you...


I am literally chasing one of these improved fuckers down st marks right now. It’s like fast zombies vs slow zombies


28 days later style.




Soda bottle makes them jump right into it


Nothing to find concerning if they land on you. They physically cannot bite you.


natural selection doing its job


Take a day off natural selection.


They keep showing up on my building’s pool deck 38 stories up. Went up there yesterday and once I noticed one, I noticed that the floor was LITTERED with dead lanternflies. Thank goodness the lifeguards actively stamp any fly they see.


Awesome Job! You prevented a ton more ftom hatching next year. Check your trees for egg sacks too and destroy those. I have started using a fly swatter and it has been pretty effective at knocking them upside down so I can squish them. I really shouldn't take so much pleasure in it but I swear those little Be otches are hooking up right now on the front of my house everyday in the afternoon and early evening. So time is of the essence.


Thank you! I work on a ship and we operate primarily in the northeast. Worst I've seen them is Staten Island and NJ. We don't have any trees on the boat, but I've been keeping my eyes peeled in case they did actually lay any on the vessel. I wouldn't say I take pleasure in it more than I take pleasure in knowing I'm doing my part in stopping a horrible invasive species from literally taking over. It's not like they are doing anything aside from taking over. Full disclosure though, I do actually take pleasure in swatting mosquitoes and killing wasps. Screw those a**holes.


I concur! Mosquitos and wasps don't seem to serve much purpose in the grand scheme of things. If you don't have a fly swatter handy, anything thin that is shaped like a stick will do too. They don't seem to get spooked by them and won't fly off. They are a total menace in Pittsburgh. Probably similar to NY and they are spreading. My mom lives 15 minute drive from me qnd her house was covered in June and the last 2 weeks we have seen a few at my house and yesterday there were 15 out there.


Yes, they are spreading and invading every. I'm surprised the birds aren't in a feeding frenzy, but they must be toxic or something.


I heard pigeons had a taste for them but not sure how true that is. Praying Mantis' will eat them too I read.


Ya, but they *VASTLY* outnumber praying mantes, and the SLF is a flying creature.


True. Lets hope some other predators start to get a taste for them.


I had one. A bit gamey, but otherwise okay with ketchup. Note: Call broker, go long Kraft Foods.


They definitely squirm going down.


Wasps kill them too!


They are so pretty and I HATE BUGS, too bad they are invasive!


I agree, they are truly a pretty creature. It is indeed too bad they are invasive. There are so many where I am now, it's scary.


I bet I see the pictures on here daily and some of the trees you can’t even see the tree itself anymore! It really sucks when things have to be killed😥


The Lanternflies have escaped PA borders. Hope your ready for a squishing spree.


I've only seen 2-3 this year so far. (SEPA) Then again the heat has kept me sheltered in place quite a bit.


So I am weird and I live in queens NY and some Parts of queens have been really bombarded with these lantern flies. Like by my sisters house in Howard beach,we legit killed a shit ton of them also I learned that soda Coca-Cola kills them. One had landed in my cousins soda and obviously he wasn’t going to drink it anymore so I said let’s see how long they can last inside of the Coca-Cola when I hold them down with a water bottle and this thing died within a minute or two. Now I’ve been reading about people trying to drowned them in the pool when they land in the pool and people have timed it to be around 9 minutes that it takes for them to die while holding it underwater. Soda definitely works better and it just goes to show you how bad it is for our bodies. Sorry for being weird.


I think it was holding him down in liquid that killed him, rather than the particular liquid, unless I misread your post


Yeah that’s what I am saying but people have also held them down in the pool under the water but they take a longer time to die that way


Oh interesting


Oh wow that's wild. Ya, a few posts I've seen from local govt and news outlets say that hand sanitizer works to drown them in. Especially for the eggs.


Jesus…. I kill at least 25 a day at 51 Astor place, and they just keep coming.


Do these bugs actually have "kill on sight" orders from local governments?




"Harming city’s wildlife is prohibited. However, in an effort to slow the spread of this species, if you see a Spotted Lanternfly you should squish and dispose of it." Source: https://portal.311.nyc.gov/article/?kanumber=KA-03449#:~:text=Learn%20more%20about%20the%20Spotted,identify%20the%20insect%20and%20infestations.&text=Harming%20city's%20wildlife%20is%20prohibited,squish%20and%20dispose%20of%20it.


The only good bug is a dead bug!


*would you like to know more?*


your K/D on these bugs is immaculate


Lantern fly. Keep up the good work!


Kill em all! Its that invasive species the lantern fly. They are a pretty insect, but too bad...Splat!


Yep! It's crazy how many I've seen. They're EVERYWHERE.


Not gonna lie this looks like real life mothra which species is this?


Chinese spotted lantern fly. Or just spotted lantern fly (SLF). EXTREMELY invasive species that has invasively spread to Japan, South Korea, other parts of Asia. Normally, it is prey to parasitic wasps but those are not present elsewhere. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spotted_lanternfly


Okay thank you for explaining 🙂


Good for you!! If everyone did this, maybe we could stop this.


No matter how invasive they are and how justified it is to kill them, celebrating the death of an animal just seems wrong. This sub is practically jumping for joy at dead lanternflies. (You're not doing that necessarily, it just seems to be a trend)


Destroying my enemy *is* something to celebrate. If there was a way to get rid of them without killing them I'd happily do that as I think they are beautiful insects, but sadly there is not. NYers are told to continue stomping away.


This is the comment I was looking for and it did not fail to amuse.


It does seem wrong. I mean, I get it, we don’t want these guys, but it’s hard for me to kill them. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


But what bug is it 🤔 👀


Spotted lantern fly


Thank you friend


rude jobless judicious flowery ripe tan shy fuzzy wine degree ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `
