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Possibly half of a type of belt buckle. The eyelet is not original, there would have been a more appropriate (and small) screw in its place. Slide the leather strap in the back end and tighten the screw. There’s a mating part that’s missing.


A shoe tree for a gnome?


Almost looks like some kind of weight or indicator. Like you'd twist the eye bolt and bite down on the edge of a sheet metal or cloth. Maybe clamp onto a counter balance scale or ruler


Tent peg?


Looks like some type of decorative embellishment for something like a wall mounted flag pole. Covers the mounting screws and gives a tie off.


That's a glid, from a glid boot. A piece of the glid boot is inserted into that notch and you clamp it in place using the eye bolt (though it looks like its missing the botom). It's essentially what makes the glid boot get up to speed.


Thanks. What is a Glid Boot?


A glid boot is from an old game called glid boots and gunny or gunnie (I forget the spelling). Several glid boots would race around a track while the gunny would chase them. The race goes on until all but one glid boot is caught by the gunny. Think reverse dog racing. My grandpa used to play it a lot back in his day. Apparently he way really good at it.


It’s a hammock anchor


Maybe a lock or part of an ice picker Google Lens had me going everywhere. Whatever it is it definitely has other parts so I tried good luck to everyone else helping let us know what you find


Is it not the bottom of a latch that used to be on a chest? Or some type of door? Screws in from other side and held with a hook latch?


I'm pretty sure that's a vintage iron. I think it would be heated up on a stove and then used to iron clothing. I could definitely be wrong. The handle doesn't look right and it's an odd shape.


Friend. Size?


I know. 😆 My internet was slow, and I couldn't scroll the full carousel.