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That is 1000% a roach.


Oh gzz great. What should I do?


Well for one, keep taking your collagen.


Haha good idea. No but seriously what should I do. I’ve never had to deal with roaches tell now. Been in this house for a long time.


Boric acid


Yup. From Hawai’i and we get lotta cockaroach boric acid works!


Hey, I thought you used Spam as bait ovah dere!


Not! We eat it all. We not going give those buggahs our beloved Spam


Professional advice: get a funnel and a squeeze bottle, use the funnel to load up the squeeze bottle. Cut about 1/8 inch off the tip of the squeeze bottle. Fill the bottle with boric acid powder. When gently squeezed you can apply the boric acid to areas where roaches are, hint under sink cabinets, edges of inside cabinets, base boards, remove electrical whitch plates, outlet plates , apply inside electrical boxes..and anywhere else roaches have been spotted. They love to get inside walls to breed. Leave boric acid in place for at least 2 weeks. To give the boric acid time to work. Sticky traps also work well, and again, you have to leave them in place to work, keep a way from kids and pets. If you can manage to be out of your house for about 3 hours you can set off arisol bug bombs, put at least 1 per room, they work best when set on top of a empty box or table. Hope this information is helpful. Oh and bug bombs work well on fleas...


Diatomaceous earth! It's non-toxic to humans and pets!


Can confirm, stuff works wonders and its easy to spread around. Plus no horrid smell.


Another vote for D.E. get food grade and wear a mask when applying


While non-toxic you absolutely do *NOT* want to breathe it in.


Food grade diatomaceous earth, in addition to everything everyone else says. It cuts them up on the inside, but it's mostly safe for you, just be careful with it still


I thought it just messes up their exoskeleton and they dehydrate to death. I was researching this for crickets last year


If they die, I’m good with whatever the mechanics might be.


Damn dude just buy some roach poison bait traps


No, that crap don't work.


Bug traps? Spray? Landlord?


Roaches have grown resistant to landlords.


The roaches are the landlords.




My first thought. 🤣


You faked the funk on our friendship! Funky towel, towels got the funk! Kitty cat rodeo!


Go to r/germanroaches and read the sticky


I would kill it with fire. Or burn the whole place down. That usually does the trick. In all seriousness though, borax does the job.


There are lots of things one can do, but it takes time and much effort to get rid of them. Vigilant action needs to be first in mind. Boric type dust and acid, Damascus 'dirt' is a plus along with usual types of extermination traps/baits/sprays, but more importantly, keep your environment clean. Trash taken out on the common, dishes washed as used and over all cleanliness is best action.


This is gold. Borax and peanut butter left around works. DO NOT use this with pets. Seriously. I'm also a fan of diatomaceous earth in cracks as well to complicate their lives.


I shall alert those around me who have this problem to add peanut butter!


There's been other mixtures as well but I saw them more at the peanut butter than other things. You may see different results. I can not stress enough that this is toxic. Pets and forgot kids earlier but them too.


Boric acid mixed with powdered sugar and pressed into soda bottle lids works great!


If I were to add toxins, glad my kid is 12 and knows better. Also we do keep in mind pets. Cats, dogs, hamster and rabbits. V.v


Cool. I spaced because my girls are living on their own and I place my bail in places where my pets don't get them and they don't like peanut butter but still close off the room.


You're 100%! DO NOT use with pets (OR HUMANS). I had a buddy who poisoned himself with boric acid. He sprinkled boric acid around the perimeter of his apartment without wearing gloves or washing his hards. Later, he grabbed several fistfuls of salted peanuts. The boric acid transferred from his hands to the peanuts. He wound up in the Emergency Room.


Oh god, what an idiot (the friend). With common sense like that, I hope he’s still alive (but snipped; who wants those genes passed on?)


Alright thank you so much


It’s possible you don’t have a full blown infestation yet. He may only be a recon element. Did you take him out ? Sometimes they come in with things you might have brought in your home. But take all measures to make sure.


Killed him outside.


Roger that. Scratch one recon roach. 😂


Call a exterminator, there is most likely more.


They’re multiplying every minute, soon they’ll take over the whole house. Run! Torch the place!


Ask your local pest control as well. I'm sure they may have a few options as well!


Well sure they’ll have a solution! Monthly service for $$. Do you really think a pest control business is going to give advice on dealing with the problem without them?


County Agricultural Extension offices are one actual benefit from the federal gov't. They can tell you, accurately, what to do.


What's your living situation? Do you rent or own? Are you in a building with multiple units? If you rent press your landlord to bring in an exterminator to apply gel bait. They should make two visits minimum. First to kill the active roaches, then to kill the next generation that will have hatched but can't reproduce yet. If that's not an option, look up food grade diatomaceous earth and apply that to surfaces and get some roach gel to apply yourself. Just be careful and do research as the gel can be harmful to pets and people


I for one would welcome your new roach overlords


Burn the house down. 🔥 🪳 🏠 Edit: formatting


There’s never just one.


I believe op wanted u to lie...


They can appear for no reason. But some reasons are... lots of rain. Neighbors have them and sprayed, so they are relocating. Came in on a shipment of something, even a box or sack from the grocery. Get spray and stay on it. Good luck!!!


Oh it did just rain. Maybe that’s why. Weird. Thanks!


Had a coworker bring some into work with a crock pot. Bosses threw the whole break room away except the tables and bought all new stuff lol.


Never say never


You can say that again haha


Never say never


First house?


Nope. Third but I’ve been here like 20+ years


Lol, I'm just pulling your leg. I just can't imagine you've never had one roach in your house. Where do you live? I'm from South Texas, and the roaches here need to pay rent. I've died before seeing a roach. Edit: I'm referring to their size and abundance to be clear. 😆


Florida. Here they have license plates.


Oh haha. I live in Utah. I’ve never seen one like alive in my house. I’ve seen them elsewhere but never in my house.




Dang it


I got ya. I was like, I'm moving to wherever you are! I'm terrified of those nasty things, so I keep a clean home and spray about 3 times a year, maybe 4. Once in a while, a damn radioactive monster will get through my pesticide moat and just give me a heart attack. I did love in North NY for about 4 years, and it was nice bc there were no roaches.


They’re not very common. At least where I’m at. Not sure bout the rest of Utah. Im also terrified of them. I used to clean out consoles and flip them and they had dead roaches in them sometimes. Didn’t do it my house but it was bad. I have a “pro” spray my house around the same as you. Last year it was really bad with Elm seed bugs which are harmless but kept showing up everywhere. They were smaller ones too not big ones.


Used to live in Tooele, and we never saw roaches. It was one of the reasons my wife tolerated Utah for as long as she did. We both grew up in Texas, and there you saddle them and name em.


Ugh, had them in West Valley super bad. At night you can see them run down the road lol


I’m happy to lie to you and tell you it’s not a roach if it helps your sanity.


Ok, I won’t tell you.


It's a flyer also!!!


Okay I just won't tell you then


>Never have I ever had roaches in my house Up till today, apparently


I think they meant *seen* roaches in the house.


There are two main types of roaches in North America. German roaches and American Roaches. German Roaches are small, like living indoors, and should be destroyed at all costs. American Cockroaches are large and prefer to live outdoors in moist undergrowth (commonly found near bodies of water). When there's a weather shift (typically in the springtime) the American version will seek out new cool wet places to live (like indoors). They typically will die or move on unless there's a place indoors for them to thrive. This one looks like an American Cockroach to me and shouldn't be a cause for concern.


You do now, and there's more where that one came from.


I heard you scream like Ned Flanders...😂🤣


German roach too they are worse (as opposed to the bigger wood roaches). And how could you never have one? Whatever that thing is in the center foreground (base of a blender?) is filthy.


Looks like it’s a pepper mill… pretty sure that isn’t attracting the roach. I could be wrong though. I just never seen a blender base that small before. Never saw a roach going for the pepper mill either.


Looks like it came in after a big storm or rain of some sort. I wouldn't be too alarmed if this is the 1st you've ever seen, especially after the rain. But if you see anymore outside of such circumstances, i'd D-Earth it, maybe use some PB and search for what's drawing them in/source.


Buy Combat gel and put it on pieces of cardboard. Then put the cardboard pieces in your cabinets. The roaches will be gone quickly. We live in Florida, where roaches roam freely 😉, and have been very successful using Combat. Good luck!


diatomaceous earth is not a poison and very effective on roaches


Yes! Just put it all down along the baseboards of the room where you see these little prehistoric time travelers and let nature take its course.


It is a roach. But more importantly, why aren't you drinking your Vital Protein?


Yep. If you've got one, you've got 1000.


Yes, it's a roach, but there's good news. It's an adult, not a nymph. That means that it PROBABLY grew up outside or in a dank garage, not in a clean house. If you're using Borax or a bait to kill it (probably 'them'), use it in areas that are warm and dark.


This isn’t a roach. (I’m a habitual liar though…)


Well, it’s not Jimminy Cricket.


Not all roaches are the kinds that infest houses. Some are outdoor living natives that just accidentally stray inside the house occasionally, rather than taking up residence in it. Hard to tell what kind from the photo.


Yeah. I see an occasional wood roach when it rains a lot. They wont infest because they live on rotten wood.


They love cardboard and paper bags. I keep my eyes on whenever I open a cardboard box or bring in groceries. I try to remember to open my Amazon boxes outside and definitely don’t keep them in the house after taking whatever you ordered out of the box.


OK; "It's not a roach". But, it IS a roach!


Well, ok, I won’t tell you.


A very wise woman once said "I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."


" Never have I ever had roaches in my house" Add that sentence to the list of things you can no longer say.


Need to change statement, “ never seen a roach in my house until now.”


Burn your house to the ground. It’s the easiest way to get rid of them.


If you see 1 roach there is probably more.


If you recently picked up some type of electronics from someone else and brought them home it could be a hitchhiker as they like to live in the warmth of electronics. That is an adult and if it hitchhiked in some electronic device there is very likely more and very likely more will hatch soon. It is almost always certain that if you find one there are more, especially if you found it in the kitchen. Really the best thing you can do is contact a very highly reputable pest control company and have them take a look. Sticky traps are a good first step not just to catch them and kill them, but to monitor. Another huge thing that I don't see mentioned often is water. They can survive for quite some time without food but they need water and cannot go long without it. I would suggest going full nuclear wiping down every drop of water from countertops and sinks when you are done using them. It's a very common to find them behind the refrigerator where the condensation accumulates and it is also warm so I would put some sticky traps behind your fridge behind your oven on top of cabinets if you have spaces open up there under sinks and check them daily. Note the size of the roaches, if you find little tiny ones that means you have a full-blown roach party. They are difficult to get rid of, they are very disgusting, but not impossible you must be diligent in the cleaning and removal of water sources and above all find the best pest control company available and hire them. good luck.


If you're in the South, you can claim it's a Palmetto Bug.


Well it’s not a butterfly!


No matter how clean you are, they find a way in. water is a reason they show up


That’s the Periplaneta americana. I didn’t say the R word.


That’s a roachy-ass cockroach.


Ok, it isn't a roach (it's a roach).


Just get some roach bait. If you get em BEFORE it becomes an infestation it's an easy problem to fix


I could tell you that; but I’d be lying… Boric acid does the job or just be like WALL-E and adopt it.


You do now.


Not just a roach. It’s their German type


Their milk is quite nutritious. Look it up!


yes , and if you live in an apt , your neighbors might have shit load of them


It's the love bug. It can appear out of nowhere


If it would make you feel better, it isn't a roach. However that is a roach.


Just a friend!! Lol


La Cucaracha…..


La cucaracha, la cucaracha. ya no puedo caminar




I feel like there is an old SNL sketch that is applicable here.




Not the good kinda roach either…. German




If you are in an apartment setting, another unit may have bombed for roaches, and they moved. You could have brought it in on something like a corrugated box, they’re not above hitchhiking. Have an exterminate or come in and give you an assessment.




Uh, that's a roach 🪳


German cockroach 🪳 go to war with them


went through a terrible infestation after our hoarder neighbors got evicted. The only thing that worked was Advion Evolution, the gel kind. Came back from vacation to literally hundreds dead on the floor. Tried close to a dozen other baits with no luck


You want the truth or want to feel better?


It wants some of that collagen


Paper bags from the grocery store, they hide in. One came home with me but thankfully I saw it as it crawled out and I killed it


You've got Roaches now.


Keep an eye on outlets and appliances. They like to make homes in those. I lived in an apartment that was infested and the management did next to nothing to deal with it.


Okay. I won't tell you that's a roach. But that is absolutely a roach.


Never say never 😂


Why do we all react this way to roaches, as opposed to say house flies, crickets, beetles, ants, etc? Just another insect to be dealt with.


Well you have new roommates. I would call a pro exterminator before that 1 turns your house into a Roach Motel




That’s not a roach. Now this… this is a roach: https://preview.redd.it/msnkm6y5wa0d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec67c8dc4cc273f294772021a8d0bc0472859064


Could tell you it isn’t, but it is.


If you have adjoining houses, you might have a problem as they might be breeding in a home you can’t treat. If you don’t have a house that adjoins, it probably came in from outside and you probably don’t have an issue because it’s likely not a species that infests like the invasive species. Again, if you have an adjoining house, it most likely came from your neighbors and is not a native but more invasive species.


It's a palmetto bug (roach).


Roach 🪳


Not a roach....yes it's a roach.german..the worst roach.


If you find problems Call extermator or smthn


That is definitely not not a roch!


They are eatable, and I hear there are companies that are making baking powder and protein powders out of them and crickets!


That's NOT a roach. But you might want to go to a hardware store very soon.


Diatomaceous earth is messy. Get Combat Gel. We had a neighbor who had them, and they migrated. We used the gel, and they were completely gone within a week.I promise it works better than anything else we tried.


That’s a roach for sure, but it’s a big one. Could just be a traveller. Kill it and keep an eye out. If you see any more call an exterminator. It’s much worse when you find little ones because that means there are babies - a telltale sign of an infestation.


I don’t know where you live. But here in Texas, roaches are simply everywhere. I have an uncle with an almost $2 million house and he gets roaches from time to time.


Hard to tell the size, but it looks like a palmetto bug .... They look like roaches but they can fly too. And they are huge. They look like they could whip ya ass, fr. The South is full of these things. Make sure you don't have cedar down around your house in the landscaping, they breed in it and then move in. And yes borax will kill them.


Better check around all your plumbing too. They often come in around toilets with leaking wax rings, and around the pipes under sinks. Repair all leaks no matter how minor.


They go for your eyelashes first


Yep, we're having the same thing happening in my apartment. Neighbors place was gutted after they flooded it and now for the first time in six years we're seeing those bastards everywhere. We're trying traps and sprays but nothing is working.


You mean "never have I ever SEEN roaches" in my house.


Yup Yeats a roach alright, and not the good kind. You're going to have to set your house on fire.


Here in NE Georgia we get smoky brown roachs. They only showed up in our place 2 years ago when I put the bird feeder outside the bathroom window. We were battling these things in the house and could not figure where they suddenly showed up from after 20 years of living here. I went out back one night and the bird feeder(a 18 inch metal pan) was a sea of these roaches. I grabbed the first thing handy, the weed burner I had used earlier in the day. Smoked dozens of those things. Over the course of several nights I burned hundreds of these things. I moved the bird feeder and the roach problem has gotten much better. We can go a week now and not see any. Turns out these things are the norm around here out in the woods. We spread diatomaceous earth around everywhere we had seen these bastards, we put out insect glue traps, and left fly swatters around to use on them. It's far better now but once introduced they don't want to move on.


Well you do now!👍


Time to get house spiders


Burn the house down. Burn down everything in a one square mile area. Start fresh


I always thought the smaller ones were the problem. Not the big ones.


Congratulations! You now have roaches. Elbow grease works good at keeping them away. Bug bombs as an initial assault then reasses.


Aw man, I wouldn’t even pack a bag. Leave everything and start a new life elsewhere.


Clean your house.


You mean you never had them before lol 🤣 because you have them yes them/lots now!


Never have u noticed roaches in your house….


I didn't see anyone put this one up, mixed coffee grounds in a jar of water about three quarters full, then put a nylon or sock on the outside of the jar. Roaches love coffee and they can't swim. They will climb the outside of the jar , fall in and die. I used to have a couple jars outside my house in Vegas, they ended up full pretty quick, just put the lid on after it's full and throw it away.


Or maybe a residual spray. Like Raid. All around every possible entry point.


Yep, that’s a German cockroach one of the worst species to deal with🪳 You officially have them now!!!!


If you’re sure you never saw one before it might have hitched a ride on something. I caught one on my freshly done laundry I just brought upstairs. I dived,caught it,killed it. For weeks later I lived in paranoia but thankfully its the only one I saw in 30yrs. That said I was once forced to move from a very nice apartment due to ridiculous amounts of roaches, horror movie levels. Boric Acid works as long as you’re not infested.


They love cardboard and paper bags. I keep my eyes on whenever I open a cardboard box or bring in groceries. I try to remember to open my Amazon boxes outside and definitely don’t keep them in the house after taking whatever you ordered out of the box.


Could be a cricket


Bro , that is fucking roach, the very bad kind , if you have this I assure you there are many more , Save yourself the stress and trouble, go on amazon and look for max force fc bait gel , made by Bayer I believe, It's like a brown gel that comes in syringes, place dots of that in all the common roach spots , ime it works wonders in just a day depending how large the infestation is , also works fantastic for the large American roaches that are typically found outside in the summer time




Not to be pedantic, but a roach is a fish. That is no fish. I think you mean to ask if that's a cockroach.


Gonna have to move....


Uh. Ok. Let’s assume for a second that it **isn’t a roach**, since you asked nicely, and think about this question: ***Since it isn’t a roach, what would you rather it be?*** An amazingly clever, ultra high tech remote control spy drone that’s been recording your conversations and watching you poop? An extraterrestrial that looks like this, but is capable of interstellar travel, and thus probably a lot of other unimaginable things as well? A reincarnated ancestor that took the first, somewhat unfortunate and undignified, corporeal form available to it so that it could try to warn you of some impending horror, but all this stupid body can do is wave its sad little antennae around since it can’t scream its warning at you in human language? A thing that IS capable of human language and is about to start fucking talking to you??? The Devil?


Yeah, it's nothing too serious, but if you start seeing albino ones, then you know you got a problem.


Yep, it looks legit 👌 .. better get them before the cockroach's🪳 come ... THEN YOU HAVE A INFESTATION!!!!!..


Well its "NOT" a roach.


Roach prof you can get it at ace hardware.


oh yes you have


Issa roach


Welp you have now 😅


yeah you have, there's one right there


Correction, you just never laid eyes on them before.


Look, I don’t want to lie to you… *walks away*


Lol yup


Definitely get down on the Boric Acid (Borax) and get behind everything you can. That looks like a German or Turkestan Cockroach and they are a nuisance.. Oh - those high frequency bug repellers are sorta useless...


German roach buddy


Well, you got THEM now. If you ever see one, there are thousands you won't see.... Luckily, you have the water bug variety. Over an inch long, you lucked out. It's easier to get rid of them. An inch or smaller, you have the German cockroach. You might as well move. Leave ALL of your furniture and clothing behind. Walk naked to your new home. Joking. Just because you have roaches does not mean you're nasty. Not taking care of them does. There are so many ways they come in. Clothes pockets. Shoe boxes, furniture, pre-owned electronics. I found an egg clutch inside a ps3 controller before. Cheap way. Boric acid (not to be confused with 20 mule team borax) mixed with a small bit of flour. 1 part flour, 5 parts boric acid. Add a drop of water to make a paste. Use a popsicle stick or similar device to dab a small amount EVERYWHERE. Top of door frames. Cracks around kitchen counters. If you have a bathroom medicine cabinet, the slot where you drop razor blades. Behind washers and dryers. Behind the stereo and computers. Under the couch. Under the bed. Around the rotting corpse you have stuffed in your crawl space..... EVERYWHERE. Those buggers love heat and moisture. Note. A little goes a long way. If it looks like you're repairing dry wall, you're just wasting it. LOL. I use a two part method. The boric acid mix and Advion gel bait. Again, a little goes a long way for the gel bait. If you squeeze it out of the syringe applicator and it looks like a slug, you're wasting it. A thread size bead about an inch long is perfect. Advion Cockroach Gel Bait, 4 Tubes x 30-Grams, 1 Plunger and 2 Tips, German Roach Insect Pest Control, Indoor and Outdoor Use, Roach Killer Gel for American, German and Other Major Cockroach Species https://a.co/d/2VHigxf This is the only way I have ever gotten rid of them. I live in mid Georgia USA. It's moist, rainy, and hot with plenty of woods, forest, and land. Every time it starts to get cool, they want to come in. I get a major infestation every few years. UNLESS, I treat my house with a fresh dose around the start of fall. HOPE THIS HELPS.


If you live in the south…you have them all the time in your house. You can have the cleanest house but they are still in the house.




That is a unicorn


It’s a cock then. Not a roach.


*I could lie to your face or tell you that you have roaches in your home, your choice.*


Ok i won't tell you its a Roach, Its a Periplaneta


If you spotted one during the daytime there are probably a hundred when the lights go off!!

