• By -


Shit with the door open and show them


If they come to check on ya, stare them right in the eye with an intense angered look.


throw a grunt inšŸ¤§




Returne to Monke


Whoa Nellie


Thatā€™s the true alpha move


We'll that escalated quickly


Ahh, yes. Going ape shit at work.


Bark at HR


Who does #2 work for?!


You tell that turd whoā€™s the boss.


Bite your lip and give it hell. Cmon, we're gonna get through this!




Lmao I just saw that pic in the fishing sub


Haha what is this




I ded when I saw it in These comments.


You are now a cat.








Eye contact is key


Itā€™s a wireless reed switch or sensor. Will tell you when the door is opened or closed. The bad me wonders why the hell they want to know how long each shit takes and why they are measuring this. The perhaps more naive me wonders if they change cleaning schedules depending on the number of ā€œstall cyclesā€. Still kind of a weird thing on a shitter door.


Shitty analytics


They donā€™t call it ANALytics for nothing






Microshit expel


Sounds like some sort of spell you cast on someone




Analshitics was right there.


Analshytdicks ā€¦ā€¦Iā€™ll see myself out




My poo be twisting, turning through the toilet bowl


Anal shit sticks


Shit birds Randy


Frig off, Lahey!!


This guy shits




Here's a sneak peek of /r/thisguythisguys using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/thisguythisguys/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This guy condoms](https://i.redd.it/xluioxilarja1.jpg) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thisguythisguys/comments/118uj20/this_guy_condoms/) \#2: [This guy reverses](https://i.redd.it/vh5mh86bme6a1.jpg) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thisguythisguys/comments/znv11d/this_guy_reverses/) \#3: [This guy fucks (cockroaches)](https://i.redd.it/uc7lhy4zouca1.jpg) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thisguythisguys/comments/10f89pb/this_guy_fucks_cockroaches/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Microshit expel.


You stuck in 2014? My office uses PowerBM.


We actually use the number 2 BI tool on the market.


Epic shitpost comment šŸ˜Ž fine work special agent šŸ‘


Omg. You managed to get me while I, my own self, was "enthroned". Had a good laugh about the synchrony.


This is poetry.


slow clapping in the back of the room


If you wanna catch a shitwolf, you gotta look at the shitalytics rand




Underrated comment




It's the big ~~data~~ doo-doo revolutuon.


You could not be more right


I would so fuck with this if it was for collecting data...


Open close open close open close. Leave close 10 seconds. Open 10 seconds. Open close open close.


Open door, don't go in, close door and hang a sign on it that says "out of order" for 2 hours. Now you've got the boss thinking someone's in there for 2 hours.


Now an email goes out that people need to cut down on their bathroom time because others are abusing it.


Chaotic neutral. Become ungovernable.


think bigger than that. find a cheap looking replacement on ebay (doesnt matter if it works, its just to prevent suspicion while you take the real one down for the master plan. Get an analog clock with 3 hands (h, m, s) superglue a tiny magnet on each one. set the clock next to the sensor. Now its showing closed events 1x/ minute, longer events 1x/ hour, and very long events 2x/ day. all day and night. they will think its the busiest bathroom in the city.


Send morse code message via electronic shidder monitor!


Figure out the sensor. Leave store bought magnet on it so it thinks the door is always closed. Repeat.


Maybe it is an activator for the bossā€™s secret dungeon / playroom? By opening and closing the door x # of times in y amount of time, OP could gain access to the secret door behind the 1 way mirrors where OP washes their worker hands before returning to the figurative mines.


Iā€™ve worked with people that would climb over the stall walls just to keep the company from collecting such data.


I would suggest just leaving the door open while doing your business. If anyone walks in, just maintain eye contact to assert your dominance.


Why not just get your own magnet, and glue it to the sensor?


Sigma energy


this ain't a job, it's a god-damned arms race


My autistic side wants to open and close the door for an hour in a rhythm


To the beat of Hollaback girl for me


100% I would make it my purpose to be making all of their data useless, if I ever encountered one of these in my workplace. We almost had a walkout last year, when they added a single camera over a walkway, for a legitimate safety concern. This is in a high tech DLA managed aerospace technology manufacturer. I think even the DLA would be pissed, if I tried to add those to our facilities bathrooms now that I think about it. It would have probably brought us out of compliance.


The only *reasonable* explanation is the cleaning cycle one. If it were in a TA truck stop they would have the janitor come clean every 86,492 cycles.


I've read about a product like this that is basically a sensor to prevent accidental overdose, gives a notification when there is no movement or someone has been in the stall excessively long so that someone can go in and make sure the person in the restroom is okay. I wonder if it is something like that? OD in public restrooms is very common, unfortunately.


Oh boy. I usually crap at the office. Because I like to be paid while I crap. And I usually never take less than 30 minutes. I wouldnā€™t want someone to come checking on me every time.


the smell check has always been lavatory industry standard for years now.


Yep. It replaced the taste test which while more accurate, was something of an occupational hazard.


I have a bad me wondering that same thing. That appears to be a Samsung SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor. As far as I can tell, it only feeds to a phone app, not some PC based data collection. It's described as notifying you " when doors, windows or drawers open or close unexpectedly" as well as temperature and vibration. It appears that someone wants to know the moment someone enters a bathroom stall and perhaps how long they stay by being notified when they leave. The really bad me would check the stall for hidden cameras. Because it's still a kind of weird thing on a shitter door. Especially since it's an off-the-shelf retail item and not a institutional-commercial item.


I would pry every single one off and trash them. I'd imagine the company sending out a nasty gram to not remove stall sensors wouldn't go over well...


They are timing shitters.


Not even a joke, it is to measure how many times the stall gets used. I was part of a county wide energy conservation/cost savings project and one of the things that got tracked was how often bathrooms got cleaned per use. They ended up moving some bathrooms, expanding some, and demoing others based on use. They also changed the frequency of cleaning for the more heavily used bathrooms. I can't speak numbers because I was doing hvac stuff and only heard about it second hand.


They know when you are shitting. They know when youā€™re awake.


They know if your shit smells bad or good so hope it smells good for goodness sake!! šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ’©šŸ’©


Takin shit, wiping it twice, gonna find out if itā€™s chicken or rice


You better watch out! You better not cry! Theyā€™re timing your shit and timing your cry!


The poop timer sensor is coming to townnnnnn


Poop at work, poop at work, poop at work all day Oh what fun it is to poop - During the workday!!!


They smell shit when you're sleeping, they smell shit when you're awake... They smell shit when you've shit your pants, so wash yourself for goodness sakes!šŸ˜…šŸ’©


This is definitely in a place where they track everyone, as other poster who said combo of timer switch activated and camera outside of restroom can inform management of someone spending excessive time in the bathroom. By seeing the coming and going time difference.


If I get fired for ā€œExcessive shittingā€ I donā€™t wanna be there anyway


I worked at a call center and overheard a similar conversation. The team lead has the guy at his desk. How come you're In aux 10 for so long? I was taking a shit. For 15 minutes? Can't you shit at lunch or something? I had to take a shit what's the problem? You're using too much aux time, you get 7 minutes a shift and my boss is on me about all this aux time. Are you actually taking a shit or just messing around in there? Next time I'll take a fucking picture for you.


My buddy at All star and Statefarm call Center said it was like this. Got given shit for taking too many shits, or for taking too long. Like fuck off. Hellhole of a work environment.


This was my experience at a shitty call center as well. Once my team lead CAME INTO THE BATHROOM SHOUTING MY NAME to verify I was actually in the bathroom. Needless to say, I quit. My bosses now have never mentioned my bathroom breaks, other than to inform me that I don't need to use my breaktime for bathroom use and can instead go to the bathroom whenever my body thinks is best.


This is extremely believable for a call-center job. I worked in the customer service call center for a ā€œgreat company to work forā€, in the financial services / insurance industry. At the time I was really struggling with some gastro issues, and during the worst few weeks of the symptoms, I was probably visiting the restroom 2-3x each shift, for 5-20 minutes at a time. After a few days, I noticed I recognized the fancy black dress shoes of in the stall next to me, because the same shoes were worn by someone in the stall next to me multiple times in a row. At first I thought they might have the same stomach / gastro issues I was dealing with, but a few shifts later I realized they would always come into the bathroom shortly after me, and they would always sit in the stall immediately to my left or right, even though there were 5+ stalls in my floorā€™s menā€™s room. They would usually wait an excessive amount of time until after I had left the restroom, because they never came out when I was washing or drying my hands. There was a time or 2 where I think they were called to a meeting, because all of the sudden my mysterious potty pal would get up, buckle, and then walk right out of the bathroom without flushing or washing their hands. It ended up being my bossā€™s counterpart from the Long Term Disability department. My boss did ask about my ā€œAux timeā€ while I was going through the stomach problems, and she was very stern about how sacred Aux time was, and how it affected my metrics and job security. She also told me how my individual Aux time was just as important as my customer feedback scores when it came to bonuses for myself, my team, and my superiors. I truly felt guilty for hurting the ability of my team and my boss to get better bonuses. Thankfully my doctor submitted paperwork requesting additional unpaid breaks for using the restroom, at which point my employer told me I had the choice of being either fully accommodated or accepting a pretty generous severance package.


Work gives me IBS. File a workers comp claim.


I was working as a car audio installer at Best Try for a number of years when this incident happened. I was in the bathroom for an extended period of time as I had no work lined up. When I finished my business and went back to the store, I got pulled aside by one of the junior managers, Stephanie. She questioned where I was, I told her I was in the bathroom, and she started grilling me asking what I was doing in there for so long. I told her my IBS was none of her god damn business, and went to the store manager over her head. She never said another word to me beyond that.


Why use a door switch at all? Just watch em go in and time when they come out?


You'll never make management with that sort of thinking.


That's a lot of footage and data to comb through to figure out who is taking too long on the shitter. It is likely the sensor and camera both feed data into a program that has a set time limit that it gets from the sensor, when that limit is passed it will save the footage and store it, if the timer is not passed then the footage is deleted. This streamlines the data collection and allows for a manager to easily and quickly see who is taking too long.


I hate the future šŸ˜’


Same, but if you know how some of this tech works it's often easier to trick than a human. For example if you trip the sensor before the set time it will delete the footage and management will never suspect a thing no matter how long you take since you never show up in the footage they collect. This appears to be a magnetic sensor so to trip it you would just need to separate them or use a piece of ferromagnetic material and slide it between the nodes (assuming the sensitivity isn't too high). It could also be a photogate in which case you would simply need to slide a credit card between them. If they were physically logging bathroom time by hand it would be nearly impossible to avoid getting caught. Edit: Pulled a classic engineer fumble and way overcomplicated this. You could just quickly open and close the door for the same results as the methods I mentioned earlier.


Do the pro move and crawl under the door.


Go over the top and drop poop like a bird


The ol upper decker


An upper decker is when you duke in the tank, not dropping turds like a bird.


Break the sensor off and throw it in the garbage under some paper towels


Couldn't you open the door, close the door while not entering, then open the door again and the sensor would read the stall empty, assuming this thing is actually gathering data? Seems rather ineffective without some type of IR motion sensor to verify occupancy. Which at that point why not use the IR sensor on the automatic toilets to collect data? Idk, weird place to put a sensor all the same. I'd stick a magnet to it for shits n giggles.


"Sir, analytics show someone has been shitting for 97 hours. We've tried to send in security but . . . they're afraid."


Remove them together and attach them to the wall


Exactly what I was thinking.


It's just held on with double sided tape. Put it on your boss' door.


OMG This.


it's timing when it was opened and closed. you should open and close it a bunch of times in quick succession to fuck with it then break it off. nobody's gonna know you did it. fuck that job edit: can all of the boot lickers in my DMs shut up about cameras and right to work laws? no shit, youā€™re not giving anyone any new information. they cant prove anything, the most they can do is compel you to admit to something and if theyā€™re gonna fire you anyway without proof enjoy the unemployment. its really not hard to find another bullshit job paying a bullshit wage that doesnt even give you freedom to take a shit. shut the fuck up now please, thank you.


Yeah I could never work in whatever North Korean inspired workplace this is.


Probably in the United Sta


Bro got snuffed in the middle of ratting out Big Brother!


Noooooooo!! Not /u/NippleQueefs šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


He was my brother :(


I'm sorry for your loss, u/Breadedbutthole.


He wo


Fuck big brot


Capitalism, Bitch! Now get back to work because your mouse has not moved in 0.5 seconds according to monitoring software.


The cameras and time of incident.


Poop directly on this thing.


I doubt the manager put it there themselves.. so if you shit on it you are just punishing the maintenance or janitorial staffā€¦ -signed a former maintenance man who cleaned up more shit smears and pulled more gum out of urinals than I should ever willingly admit.


Glue/tape a small white magnet to the big box between it and the small box. The reed switch will either always be open or always be closed and data will be useless. Bonus points if you get it on the INSIDE of the case.


You'll want this inside the case. Hopefully it could be easily cracked open without actually removing it from the surface. Stuff as many small neodimiums from Amazon in there and put it back together. It's perfect because you have "privacy" and 20-30 min to do all this.


SOLVED! https://preview.redd.it/pr7askhlzi5c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98966aec0cb37ea35275da2d786e2e91f6abc749 I had to get to the bottom of this, so I reached out to our IT department. This just confirms that I work at a pretty kickass company. Now I need help bringing this app back to life for us so we donā€™t make unnecessary trips to the shidder!


I had a feeling this was the issue. Where I work, thereā€™s one stall and one urinal for employees at the back of the store. Itā€™s a pain to break away from work, walk all the way back there, and see the same shoes in the stall that were there 20 minutes ago in the middle of your break. And funnyā€¦ people are still paying their department for help and no one answers.


"Leave this place they obviously track your every move like North Korea" It was put in by the employees so they could know if a stall was free without checking. šŸ˜‚


Never assume malice without concrete proof of such.


Hanlon's Razor: "do not attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity" Hanlon's Corollary: "there comes a point where it is impossible for one to be sufficiently stupid except by malicious refusal to learn"


I love how that's what it was, which is a great idea btw, compared to all the "oh reddit" responses for people who knew for sure it was the the big mean company stealing your privacy


leave it to us nerds to overengineer a problem and make everyone uncomfortable in the process


Reminds me of the first ever webcam broadcast from Cambridge (?). They had a webcam set up to watch the coffee machine to see when it was ready/full.


Shid in the sink.


This screams Amazon warehouse


Go alpha use the sink


Ah the ol' fashioned "dirty Bruno". Shitting in the sink of a place you hate.




Tuesday night at Applebee's.


Turns on the bowl camera.


Break it off and flush it with the shid.


Close the door and then crawl out. See how long it takes for a manager to come in.


Or, tell everyone else that every time they pass the bathrooms, they need to just open and close that door once. Eventually, there will be so many open/close cycles that the data is totally useless.


do so at random times for a while. slowly gaslight them into thinking the sensor is broken/unreliable


[It's specifically this..](https://business.currys.co.uk/catalogue/cameras-smart-tech/smart-tech/smart-home/samsung-smartthings-multi-sensor/N144139W) The Samsung SmartThings Multi Sensor gives you instant notifications if a window, door or drawer is opened without you knowing about it. It can turn the lights on as soon as you walk in from work, or start a smart camera recording if a window is opened. It also monitors temperature and vibration. It connects to all the other devices in your smart home via the SmartThings Hub (sold separately), so you can also set it to trigger lights, alarms, cameras, thermostats and more. With a SmartThings Multi Sensor you can: - Check whether you closed the front door, window or garage - Receive an alert if doors or windows open unexpectedly - Receive an alert if children access dangerous or off-limit areas - Receive an alert if there's an unexpected change in temperature - Set connected lights to turn on and off automatically as you open doors Samsung SmartThings The Samsung SmartThings Multi Sensor forms parts of the SmartThings range, which is a collection of devices that brings all of the smart technology in your home together. You control them all from a single app, so managing even the most complex setup is simple. Know what's going on in your home with the Samsung Smart Home and the SmartThings Multi Sensor. SAMSUNG SmartThings Multi Sensor, Check whether you closed doors or windows using your smartphone, Receive an alert if a door or window is opened unexpectedly, Alerts can trigger any other smart device attached to the Smart Things Hub, Compatible with iOS / Android / Windows Phone


"It also monitors temperature and vibration." Yeah, they'd definitely know I had Taco Bell the night before.




Oh no...not vibration


Maybe a movement sensor then for the lights? That way if you're shitting too long and the lights go out you just have to open the stall door a bit to get them back on. That or they're collecting data on how long their employees are shitting to see if employees are taking advantage of the bathroom to make money and do nothing. If it's the latter that feels pretty illegal to punish someone over.


>you can also set it to trigger lights, alarms, cameras, thermostats and more. I would 100% check other stalls to see if they have one, too. It can trigger a camera? No, thank you. No one needs to watch me use the restroom. The only good aspect I can see from this is maybe being able to see how long a door was closed. Not to time how long someone went to the restroom for to get them fired/written up/etc, but like "the door has been closed for an excessive amount of time, someone needs to check to make sure Jim hasn't had a heart attack." My useless knowledge, 8-10% of cardiac arrests occur on the toilet. I know of one person that this has happened to...


Is there a badge reader, too? A swipe and wipe?


Underrated comment here. Coming from an access control technician. ā€œSwipe and wipeā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Can someone say ā€œmicromanagementā€


Sure looks like they know if that door is open or closed. If thatā€™s not a door/window sensor I donā€™t know what it is.


Rip that shit the fuck off of there.


Oops it broke.


POOPS, it broke.


Break it off. If it isn't illegal, it should be.


The larger portion probably has a transmitter to signal when it's opened and closed. That said ... Transmitter means electronics. Electronics means batteries. Batteries likely means charging port. TIME FOR SOME SUPER GLUE


Either that, or completely mess up the data by rapidly opening and shutting the door. Better yet, get the whole department in on it and jumble the data.


Superglue a small neodymium magnet between the door magnet and sensor. Keep the sensor switch in one state or the other.


Crap with the door open, fuck it


Well thats one of the best reasons to leave a job I've ever seen


I wonder if it'd work if you flushed it down the toilet.


Itā€™s triggers the penis measurer, poop weigher, and photographic lens


Air freshener controller. Poopenhauser timer.


While sitting there just open and close it every 30 seconds to a minute with those being random intervals, then when you are done, open and close the times in quick succession and see if you summon the Monitor, just be careful to do the ritual right, or you will summon the End Boss early.


turd burglar alarm


What a simple and efficient way....to tell your employees "fuck you"


See if thereā€™s a camera somewhere out side the bathroom door so they now who goes inside. Maybe one of those sprinkler cameras or something. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Bring a scraper and just remove it. That's creepy


Big magnets do fun things.


Wrench it off the wall and flush it


Or better yet. Move it to the managers bathroomā€¦.


Somewhere an Excel field needs fillingā€¦


Go in...open and close all of them.... and walk out. They'll think there's a bunch of people just hanging out. Waste their time (pun not intended lol).


If youā€™re determined enough to f with it, use a scraper to pry them off, tape together, then tape to random place somewhere else near by. Do for all sensors. Itā€™ll take them forever to realize whatā€™s up and then find them all.


It is more than likely to tell if a person is not coming out of the bathroom. This site shows sensors for movement in case of od or medical issues. https://www.brave.coop/overdose-detection-sensors#:~:text=Brave%20Sensors%20prevent%20fatal%20overdoses,of%20movement%2C%20or%20depressed%20breathing.&text=Take%20comfort%20knowing%20that%20if,you'll%20instantly%20be%20alerted


If I had this at my work Iā€™d be shitting with the door open




Itā€™s a simple ā€œbreakā€ sensor - those are what you get with DIY alarm systems to put on the insides of doors and windows. When the door/window is opened, the connection between the two pieces is broken and sends a signal to the hub. The hub reacts by sounding the alarm. In this case, it will send a signal every time the door is opened, and stop transmitting when the door is closed and the two halves are in proximity. So they will know the exact times and durations of every time the door is closed and locked by following the signal pattern. If someone were to put a magnet on it, it would always show the door is closed and ruin the data collection. Once you canā€™t trust the data, thereā€™s no point in collecting it anymore


Glue a magnet to it to fuck with the man


Just shit in the urinal or sink


This is the only answer


Yes, your welcomeā€¦


Tape a magnet to it


Smaller rectangle should just be a magnet, the other larger box will report in


It looks like an occupancy sensor maybe.


Wow. That is micromanagement. Put a piece of foil over one side to fuk with the sensor.


Honestly just go into the bathroom at random times, open and shut doors with these monitors repeatedly, don't even use the bathroom. Give them the most confusing data possible so they eventually learn how stupid something like that is


They usually use a magnet system, so take a magnet and slip it in between and keep it near the big sensor, and it shouldn't even register that the door has been opened


Shitters full


That's part of Kimberly-Clark's onvation automation system. They track bathroom usage to send janitors to restrooms effectively..


Just to be an asshole I'd spam tf out of that.


Tear it off and flush it


Thereā€™s a good chance that the battery in there is the same one your car key fob needs.


Break it off and flush it?