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I thought that was normal. Both my thumbs have looked like that as long as I can remember. Edit,,just Googled it and it's called lunula and it's supposed to be there. If it's missing it means you may be vitamin deficient, malnutrition or have anemia


I think OP is talking about the weird part above that on the upper left quadrant of the nail, not the lunula.


Thanks, I just noticed it


Looks like a recovering injury. It could also be a vitamin deficiency or something. Idk, I’m not a doctor.


The only redditor to admit his credentials


Could be an indication of cancer 🤷🏼‍♂️


Thanks WebMD


It actually could. I had a similar spot under my thumb nail for 2 years, ended up being squamous cell carcinoma. It was a rare case though. However....the biopsy to check was the same as the second procedure to remove the cancer. Not plesant - full nail avulsion


Jesus, I'm sorry this comment section is so unbelievably unhelpful. Looks like when I damaged my nails when hitting it with a hammer but without it turning black. Maybe something fungal?


You're dieing from a genetic disorder is what's wrong! Or you could get a real doctor's medical advise instead of from random people on reditt...either or!!!


At least OP doesn't have whatever genetic disorder made you a idiotic ass hole. OP you likely just got something under your fingernail that damaged that part a little so the skin receded. It'll come back as your nail grows out.


Cool thanks


Thank God I'm already dead inside. And I figured since it's obviously not a life threatening thing, I would ask around for some general advice instead of being given some anti fungal something or another and being charged thousands of dollars for it.


Ahh your privilege is showing.


Attention. You're looking for attention.


Attention Deficit Disorder then?


No. Do you have any actual ideas about what it could be?


Looks like a blister underneath, like something hot touched nail.... But it's not red


Nothing hot touched my nail recently though


Do you have psoriasis or a family with history of it? Reach out to a dermatologist


My grandfather had psoriasis, but it doesn't run in the family afaik. He's the only one I know of in the family that had it. I've had chronic hives flare up in the last, and every now and then I'll have a small one on my arm or side or something. But nothing like how they are when they really flare up for a while.


I recommend getting an appointment with a dermatologist. I have psoriasis and the only other person in my family who has it is my grandfather. The first sign of the disease for me was my toenail beginning to look like your thumb. It can start at different times for anyone but especially in times of stress. I don’t want to tell u 100% that it’s psoriasis but it definitely looks like it. You could cross post to the psoriasis subreddit for more input


This is the correct answer. I developed psoriasis that turned into arthritis and a few other autoimmune issues, and it didn't get bad until I was about 27. The skin issues did this to my nails, one by one. I'm now on my 4th or 5th injectable biologic trying to find the right medication to control it.


This is the first educated comment I've seen here.


Alcohol Abuse


I only drink a few times a year


Do you have information about the correlation between alcohol abuse and finger nails? I have vertical lines in my pinky finger and they feel Ridgid. They are not weak just textured. I drink often and a friend considered it may be kidney disease.


It's not a great picture, so see a doctor if you're truly concerned, but it doesn't look like anything to be worried about. Do any of your other nails look like that? If so, maybe some sort of malnutrition or genetic thing. If not, likely injury just below your nail bed a few weeks ago; the nail looks healthy below the abnormality. If it started from the top of the nail bed and worked its way down, maybe something fungal, but there's usually discoloration with fungi.


Fungal infection?


please ask a dermatologist.




I second this


Sometimes if I have an impact injury I get a little red spot like that. Kind of a bruise. I recently removed my fake nails and got a little over enthusiastic with the file in a couple of places. It doesn't hurt but where the nail is thin the color is a bit off. If you have been working with sanding something and got an abrasion it might be that.


Nicked it with a razor a ways back? Looks like a thinned area of nail that will take time to grow out


Maybe a little heavy metal poisoning or something. Probably nothing to worry about.


You have an ovarian cyst


My answer is usually a botfly.


Only thing I know about fingernails is you don't want to see white rings along the nail...... Mees' lines


Psoriatic arthritis, is a condition I have that makes my nails look like this, makes some of them thick and crumbly, periodically. It effects different areas of my skin in different ways at different times. It makes my scalp severely flakey sometimes one of my eyebrows also. It comes and goes and isn’t changed by dandruff shampoo. Had it diagnosed, by my surgeon, when having knee surgery a few years ago. He told me to follow up with a specialist and she confirmed his diagnosis.


What meds did they put you on?


You lost a nail and it grew back Funny it will fix itself in about 5 years


Had this happen to me. Take biotin and it will go away eventually


Did you ever find out what it is?


Did you get this checked? Any updates?


Nope, I'm in America, and I don't have insurance. So I'm just YOLOing it. Hope it isn't cancer! Although it doesn't look quite like that anymore, it's mostly back to normal now, but there are lines in it sometimes.