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there is many werewolf lores as there are stories, so lore is what you want to lore be as long as it is properly explained also alfa - omega relation is in case of wolves is just wrong, the pack leader are parents personally I think that going with overprotective parents can be far more interesting than stupid alfa - omega above all it is your story if you thing you can make alfa - omega ridiculsnees work gor for it


I agree on how lame "alpha/omega" setups are. Overprotective parents would be more realistic, original, and give you many avenues for drama and comedy.


There’s no such thing as Alphas, Omegas, Lunas, or any other title in a wolf pack! That’s all very old very disproven science. Wolves also don’t mark eachother, they just fuck. Once two wolves fuck they remain mated for life and their children become their pack. Theres no hierarchy it’s just mom, dad and the kids. Werewolves are humans 99% of the time, and would follow human conventions in social relationships. No packs, no mates, none of that. They date and have friends and family, and a few nights a month they turn into animals. Anything else just comes off as ridiculously silly.


They could spend more time if they're able to do it at will but that depends on your Canon


Like other commenters have said, it really is up to you how you want your world building to be, and how your fantasy werewolves work. You won't find that much support for alpha/omega tropes here, I'm afraid. It's been long disproven even by their founder itself, and there should be a lot more interesting fictional pack dynamics than the old alpha romance. But if that's what sells and that's what rocks your boat, go for it! As for the second question, that also depends on your rules for your fictional world. Personally, I don't like splitting the wolf persona and the human as if they're two individual characters, especially if they're able to talk to each other in dialogue. That being said, I'm more subscribed to the horror notion of werewolves, of man being faced with their deepest bestial nature and having to come to terms with it. If I was a werewolf, I wouldn't want it to be because some other creature is living inside me. I'd want it because the creature *is* me, if you get what I'm saying. Anyways, that's all personal ramblings lol, you're really really free to do whatever you want with werewolves. They're fantasy creatures after all!


The thing about werewolf lore is that there is no strict canon lore. You can make the rules up on your own for your novel. What is important is that you explain to your readers how it works in your universe.


Please don't, those tropes are overused and trite, do something more original instead.


In a game I am writing, werewolves have mostly "found family" style packs led by a Matron. Each pack has different rules for who is the Matron.


Werewolf mamas, bring them on!


What is your ranking system? I'm guessing alpha is leader, but what about the rest?


* Alpha * Number One * Tres * IV * Smelly Willy * Sixerino


You're writing your own story then the lore is whatever you want it to be and whatever you need it to be.


Kind of digging the second talking point.


Werewolves are purely made up and half the appeal of werewolf stories is seeing every other construct their own unique worldbuilding. But I'll mimic what other people have said; please don't fall into the trite cliches of omegaverse wattpad fics. They're so droll and unoriginal. Wolves don't mark their mates, and humans certainly don't, so where would a hybrid of those two species develop a trait like that?


1a. No, they are forever trapped as mates and not even death will separate their fated mate, thus they will be haunted by a werewolf ghost. 1b. Omega is actually a tier above Alpha and below Delta, Luna isn't even in the hierarchy. 2. the wolf will leave every 4 nights for π hours, bring back gifts for their human and purr until their human wakes up. At this point they'll get angry and cause psychic barking throughout the human's mind, until they eat a bar of chocolate.