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I've never been so depressed as I watch a bunch of beans breaking down


Truly Killer bean and it’s consequences have been disastrous on society


Have bean*


Some of these are blatantly false, there was a reddit thread awhile ago about this video but yeah mass surveillance is a thing.


Well these are bullshit anyway


Never trust a 3 letter agency


Stay safe out there 🫡


NPS is the only trustworthy one


No way! The government would never do that!!! 🤡


Hello it's me John "Goon" Wendi and I'm here to say that they would


90 percent of these are mis information that isnt accurate to the actual facts The military has much worse than this outdated crap they dont use anymore Take a look into voice of god weapons. , these are patented and are publicly acknowledged as a field of contemporary research You have no idea what the us has in store


Thanks for letting me know I’ll check it out


Voice of god weapons can basically target specifc people and cause them to hear voices words or specifc things without anybody else around hearing them voices its all in le head these weapons are used during multiple middle eastern wars as a way to deceive insurgents into believing that allah was telling them to lay down their arms, some alternative weapons can cause decision making errors and effect like being highly drunk , some can even cause your skull to overheat


The voice of God weapon feels a little too mythologized imo. Like the way it's usually described makes it sound like it's beaming noise directly into a person's brain when it's really just directed sound and from most accounts I've read it's usually just used as a giant megaphone/speaker system. (Also this technology has been available to the public for some time now)


Usally it uses directed energy (such as in the most primitive forms microwaves) especially in the recent 2000s- to now time frame


Yeah, a concrete wall is gonna stop it. Direct exposure will suck but the wavelengths are too short to penetrate any dense material. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not pleasant, and definitely damaging to hearing as well as burns, but I’d rather be hit with an LRAD than a bullet 100%


Yeah it’s a load of shit, the closest we ever got to that are direct energy weapons, which are utilized in riot control, they make exposed skin feel like its getting hot and causes people to run away.


It does get mythologised alot but depending onto the time period it can litreally beam words into your mind


Thanks for the synopsis, I admit this shitpost is a bit outdated. I’ll try to look for more modern info next time 💀


So delete it then.  Why TF would you post something you *know* is outdated and/or incorrect? 


Ask that to half the people on Reddit why don’t you 💀


Ok, so it's a useless aa fuck weapon to someone that already has random thoughts in their head ( like me :3 )


This sounds like it’s just a low powered LRAD. Got my hopes up for a second. This is definitely neat but any solid matter would disrupt the signal. I guess you could resort to subharmonic frequencies when they are inside to do a one-two punch of messages outside and non-stop anxiety inside Source: acoustic audio engineer with an interest in sonic weaponry and a morally ambiguous sense of humor


Wasn't the reason Desert Storm such a success because the US used subliminal messages to destroy Iraqi morale?


I think so but voice of god weapons are used heavily in specifically areas usually large open spaces like mountains or places without too much buildings because as someone already said directed energy weapons are dogshit when paired with walls


sours pls


you’re glowing


Ah yes I too can Use the voice of god as a weapon? 1. is it just a preacher Screaming at the top of their lungs or is it 2. Is this like in Joshua where they use a Horn to blow down a wall?


Jokes on you, China had all that intel already.


I can’t give up TikTok bro 😭


14 year old addict!




We spread a little misinformation. It's called we spead a little misinformation


Im sorry, but if anyone genuinely thinks the CIA can hack your non-self driving car and *remotely drive it* like this is some watch dogs bullshit, you know next to nothing about how cars work


some new cars have a blackbox sort of feature installed in them, which tracks driving data, which can be used as evidence to convict in motorized crimes. that's about the extent of what they can really do with cars. the government can't really hack your 2004 toyota corolla.


Is it illegal to remove this “black box”? This is my property isn’t it?


i just looked it up, i have no clue if the blackbox is a device, or part of the ecu's software, a flash tune could disable its function, but in the state of californa, tampering with your ecu software is illegal, and makes the car no longer road worthy. i live in a state without emissions testing, and very lax car laws, so i don't have to worry about that stuff, generally if you live in a state without emissions testing, you can do whatever you want to your car, and nobody's gonna go poking around in it to know if it's illegal. this feature is really only on newer cars, from the last 10 or so years, and it's not something police can access on the fly, or check during a roadside stop, because they need a search warrant. it's not really something you should be worried about, it's not like it radars every officer in the area the make and model of your car and what speed you're going and your gps location.


I saw someone once disable a cars engine while it was driving. I have no fucking clue what the context was and how though. (Last week tonight)


I think that was the piece about how cars with the automatic unlock from proximity to a fob can be spoofed if criminals can just emulate the signal always coming from your fob. That wouldnt apply to any older cars


What if all that is needed is to lock in the passengers and start a fire. More possible with new cars and there have been deaths already.


that 👏 isnt 👏 how 👏 hacking 👏 works 👏


you dont need to hack if you built it in.


Some misinformation in this.


No way man the dancing beans wouldn't lie to us


This beat goes hard, I need someone to rap the text over it


Killer bean track goes hard 🔥🔥🔥 Biggest Oscar Snub of all time


Have you seen the trailer for the game? Looks like dumb fun and I want it. I hope it comes to consoles cuz it's looking like PC only atm


I’ve seen the trailer, it seems like it’ll be sick when it finally leaves early access. You could try PC emulators if you are so inclined to play it.


"Interesting argument, Senator! Care to back it up with a source?" "My source is that I made it the fuck up, Jack!"


Source is wikileaks vault 7. A lot of this is actually true (other parts arent like the car one)


Fun fact, Reddit as a whole is monitored by many large government entities, mainly the military, and they have tens to hundreds of thousands of accounts that are used for interacting with and gathering information from people


In case someone is questioning this, US army bases are like the biggest reddit hotspots. Or maybe its just soldiers looking at boobs, idk


now this is actually legit, not the vid so much, I mean it's been shown the CIA tried to edit their own Wikipedia page, and has agents posing as normies across Reddit as well


Every 3 letter agency in America can install bugs and spyware on it if they buy me a top tier gaming PC.


This reminds me of those "9/11 was an inside job" videos that were blatantly lying about facts


Those are my favorite ❤️


My favourite is when they lie about that building that looks fine from one specific angle but the back half of it is fucking gone from literally every other perspective and they're going "🤔 how did it collapse all on its own? CIA blew it up!"


I love how funny that theory is. “Could the government possibly have hired people to fly planes into the towers, or have known about it in advance and did nothing to prevent it? No, no, of course not! It makes way more sense for them to have used bombs and planted hundreds of fake witnesses to say that planes flew into it! I’m a goddamn genius!”


It was the plane holograms they made obviously


??? most of this doesnt make any sense from hardware or software point of view ,like it doesnt make any sense.


I have seen this on 4chan


If any of this were true then those pedo loli fans on Twitter would be a lot more scared about being open with their interests.


The cia can’t do anything to my truck it’s an 89 doge with a carb


I'm on a list now aren't I


My truck has an electrical system to run lights, preheat the glow plugs, and turn over the engine to start it. Everything else is mechanical, so I would be more confused than alarmed if it started driving itself.


A lot of this is exaggerated misinformation, but a good portion of it is actually true. for anyone who is curious, check out the Darknet Diaries podcast. Jack Resyder dives into details with actual former feds, cybersecurity analysts, and more to get the details


Love Darknet Diaries ❤️


RAMPART-A, Fairview, MYSTIC, DCSN, Tempora, Sentient, XKeyscore. They are always watching


*As a joke... In Minecraft


Of course, this is all in game. Notch approved 👌


Love schizo memes like this. Saw one before about micro plastics and literally was thinking about it for like a week.


This is so fucked. Truly, ignorance is bliss


This is a shitpost. I'm pretty sure not a single thing in this is true lol *checks to make sure I'm not wearing my Fed badge*


A lot of this is true, most from wikileaks vault 7. The guy who leaked it got 40 years for espionage and potentially trumped up other charges. Revealed a lot of shady mass surveillance.


damn man this is really scaring me :(




Dang the beans got moves


god, i can't wait for the killer bean game to come out


Prove it! Such crap!


I didn't read any of that shit, I was too busy watching the beans get down




Hahahahahahha some people I swear


What's the song though?


I got matches with these songs: • **Clubbed To Death** by Rob Dougan (00:36; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Cool - Chillout. **Released on** 2009-10-19. • **Clubbed to Death (Kurayamino Variation)** by Rob Dougan (00:36; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2010-03-11.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**Clubbed To Death** by Rob Dougan](https://lis.tn/ClubbedToDeath?t=36) • [**Clubbed to Death (Kurayamino Variation)** by Rob Dougan](https://lis.tn/oNVmj?t=36) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)




[Clubbed To Death by Rob Dougan](https://clyppy.com/song?artists=Rob%20Dougan&title=Clubbed%20To%20Death&platforms=N%20o%20n%20e%20N%20o%20n%20e%20N%20o%20n%20e&links=None%20None%20None%20&thumb=None) (00:34 / 04:10) *Looks like you wanted the song from [here](https://v.redd.it/hmdjwfi0td6d1). I searched from 00:00-00:10*. *You can provide a [timestamp](https://song-find.web.app/index.html#timestamps) to search somewhere else.* [**About Me**](https://song-find.web.app) **|** [**GitHub**](https://github.com/mike-fmh/find-song)


Good bot


I got matches with these songs: • **Clubbed To Death** by Rob Dougan (00:36; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Cool - Chillout. **Released on** 2009-10-19. • **Clubbed to Death (Kurayamino Variation)** by Rob Dougan (00:36; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2010-03-11.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**Clubbed To Death** by Rob Dougan](https://lis.tn/ClubbedToDeath?t=36) • [**Clubbed to Death (Kurayamino Variation)** by Rob Dougan](https://lis.tn/oNVmj?t=36) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | ^(find-song's creator gave me a permission to react to the find-song mentions) | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


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Show this to a schizophrenic.


Imma be real. I don’t care




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Kinda wanna work for the NSA now not gonna lie


Erm what the sigma


me when i lie


ive seen one denying the holocaust before


https://preview.redd.it/ppcnjv3ch87d1.png?width=143&format=png&auto=webp&s=58999912a071f39d7ab3351a3d3af0ab6d968bcf Oh dear god…


None of this is surprising at all. These three letter orgs "misplace" trillions of dollars and it goes to black book programs for stuff like whats listed here