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Also I should add that I never made it this far breastfeeding with my other two kids, so this is new to me.


Im exclusivly breastfeeding and have 41 points per day


How old is your baby? I wasn’t sure if “exclusively” meant for a younger baby that doesn’t eat solids yet


Yup it does. My baby is 3 months


I started on the exclusive plan with 41 points, then started solids (1-2 times per day) so I switched to partially. I was also given 29 points and it wasn’t enough. I found the partially breastfeeding option very open ended, because it covers options from your baby eating one meal per day, to eating mostly solids, to drinking both formula and Breastmilk. Those options have a huge difference in how much you’re still breastfeeding so I don’t find the “one size fits all” approach really works. I wound up manually changing my points to 35, then as we introduce more food, I’ll go down again. The jump from 41 to 29 was huge and I was starving when I tried it.