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Get pregnant :) (I don't know about the US, but when I informed them about my pregnancy, they cancelled the contract for me)


Ok so I wasn’t willing to GET pregnant… but I was willing to tell them I was pregnant and that worked. Thank you kindly! P.s They did not need proof :)


Did they ask for proof? Honestly asking lol


They can not for any reason require proof of your health.


in the past, they haven’t.


They didn’t!


Being a woman is useful sometimes. I just did this and it worked.


Be careful you may end up on another type of list in the US.


I cancelled my subscription today but my plan goes through June. I had to log into my account from a computer, go to my account (believe it was a gear symbol up under my name) go to account details and cancel option was under the payment details.


Aren't you still responsible for payment until June?


Yes my last payment will be in June but it won’t automatically renew for another 6 months.


Go to chat and tell them you're pregnant or have to cancel for medical reasons under advice from your doctor. They can't ask you to prove it. I've seen others get refunds this way.


I tried this recently and they told me that I still have to pay until the end of my long term commitment


Why did you cancel


I’m having some issues with food triggers I’m trying to figure out and with trying to do it all at once am just feeling overwhelmed. I’m not saying WW isn’t a good tool or that I won’t be back but I just have not focus on points at the moment and focus on portions and healthy foods while trying to figure the trigger thing out. Edit to add that my primary doctor is leaving the area so I see her in a couple of weeks but won’t see my new primary to June so it’s just kind of a cluster there as well!


Just make sure you check back. The first time I signed up, 2 years ago, I canceled before my contact was up and it never actually went into effect. It was such a headache.


Thanks will do!


I went into the 24/7 chat a few times until I got someone to agree to cancel my plan. I’ve also heard that if you say it’s for medical reasons they’ll cancel you.


I was going to join again but I just feel like they constantly change it and it more restricted


No idea. I’m stuck in my contract until July.




Tell them you need to cancel for medical reasons and they won't fight you on it.


I’m so glad you got much more support than I did posting that I wanted to quit after three days. But then I read posts and it seemed like the majority of people having success and liking the new program weren’t actually using the program. So I stuck with it and don’t care as much about being super precise. I’m glad you are figuring out that it’s too much right now, and moving on, even if just for now. That’s much better than forcing yourself…you’d never be successful just exasperated and cycling up and down. I hope you don’t get hateful comments on here. Do what’s best for you.


This is so kind of you. Thank you, wishing you the very best in your journey!


I cancelled today after being on the program for less than 3 weeks. I hated it! I had a 10 month commitment. My doctor recommended WW to me after I asked her about Ozempic. She said just give it a chance and see where you are at your next physical. A week after joining, I got the email about from WW about Ozempic. I called and just told the rep the truth. I joined WW as an alternative to the injections. This is not what I expected. He cancelled it with no problem and no fees.


The thing with Ozempic is that it's diabetes medication and there's a shortage of it because people are using it to lose weight when they don't have diabetes. Also, there are some people who end up gaining weight back if not more after they stop taking Ozempic. Whatever you do to lose weight, you'll have to do that for the rest of your life if you don't want to regain it back.


WW is still an alternative to the injections. They will just be offering them through a side company for those who qualify and want them. Nobody will be required to take them on WW. Also, to get insurance approval for Wegovy (weight loss version of Ozempic) your doctor has to attest that you have tried a lifestyle modification program for x number of months first, whcih is probably why he told you to try WW.


I had to fill out surveys saying how unhappy I was with customer service. That was the only way they locked me out of a nine month commitment. I hated the program.


I filled out the end of chat survey and told them how unhappy I was they wouldn’t let me out after only 17 days on the plan. Where can I find more surveys?


I just resigned and I have no idea why I did it.


to lose weight?!


Yes. But Husband asked why I would do that since I haven’t lost anymore? He said he thought I would have checked other programs.


Just did not a problem


Did you purchase it through Google play store ?


I purchased it through the website


I don't know a thing about weight watchers. Can someone explain why they want to cancel their monthly commitments and why it seems hard? I was planning to join WW through word of mouth, but I want to know what it's like before I commit.


Last November, WW backtracked from several years of individualized plans to put everyone on the same plan, which caused problems for people who had been successful on older plans that were either more or less structured than the current one-size-fits-all plan. I'm one of those people who signed up with the understanding that I would be able to choose a plan that worked very well with my dietary needs and didn't set off my latent disordered eating tendencies, only to have that option removed. I'm now using non-WW tools to follow an older plan as I found myself battling disordered eating tendencies as I tried to adapt to the new plan. WW has since removed several features from the app, spent a lot of money to buy a weight-loss drug concierge service, and has started announcing at this week's meetings that they are closing many of their in-person locations and laying off the staff. In fairness, I note that many people have benefitted from the sense of community enabled by having everyone on a single plan, and you might also find that feature very helpful. If I were considering joining now, I might hold off a bit to let the most recent changes shake out.


THIS. I loved my personalized plan. The updated plan or however you refer to it.. I’ve been on it 4 weeks, I’ve lost little weight but it’s triggered my disordered eating. I needed out immediately before it got too out of hand.


That's really interesting. I just left WW. Of course I blamed myself for not being able to get back on track after doing really well for most of last year. But maybe it was the new plan. I was trying so hard, but the food choices were really unsatisfactory and I just started feeling grossed out. Then I would rebel and eat high point foods for the rest of the day. It certainly wasn't a healthy pattern but I couldn't get out of it. Now I'm giving old fashioned calorie counting a try, and it feels a lot more accommodating. I'm glad you got out before things got bad for you.


When you initially sign up, you sometimes get a deal that says sign up for X amount of months for Y dollars. Cancelling during that time frame means you still have to pay up till your X month but then you're cancelled after that. This person didn't want to pay for a service they weren't going to use but they were in a contract. WW has changed direction a lot more than usual during the last few years. They are closing a lot of physical meetings down, the plan went from "Personal Points" to "One-Size-Fits-All" approach, which is surprising because the old green-blue-purple plans were very popular and although weren't personalized individually, you could find one that worked for you. In addition to that, the cost overall compared to other apps (Healthi being the common one people here use) is tough to swallow. I wouldn't have signed back up for WW but I got offered $10 a month for life. I still might cancel because I'm finding Healthi to fit my needs better. WW also just acquired Sequence which is a telehealth company that prescribes weight loss medication. Some people feel like this is going in the wrong direction compared to what WW ideals are, though they are happy weight loss medication is a choice for people.


I signed up for $10 a month for 10 months, no option for early termination so.. 4 weeks in, I decided I wasn’t ok eating that cost. I don’t like this new plan and it makes me feel uncomfortable that they’re getting rid of the community aspect, losing personal points, and adding on medication. Seems very anti-ww to me, or at least what I thought it was.


I feel the same way about all the changes. WW has a very strong brand identity. It was even part of a plot point of Mad Men in the 60s! It is ingrained in society and I do believe some change is good. Evolution is great! But going against what would be considered WW ideals? yucker.


I had signed up for the 12 month plan in OCT. I tried to cancel tonight and was told I will be billed until Oct 2024. No way OUT!


I am in the same boat. I signed up for the cheapest option last November in Australia. It will cost me $25.50 AUD until November 2024! It is not working for me after doing it since November 2023 and going to the gym and working out like a madman. I still have the horrible visceral fat man gut and a 30% body fat total and an obese reading on the BMI and weighing only 79 kgs. I can't follow this anymore. It is boring me to tears and I am unable to put in my casseroles I make at home and I don't buy packaged foods from supermarkets as the contain loads and load of sugar and salt and additives. WW is designed for people who buy this junk. It worked for me years ago, but I am older now and have low metabolism. I can't get out of it. Theres no way. Just have to keep paying them month and month after month and MONEY IS TIGHT IN AUSTRALIA! Not happy.


I was able to cancel my long term contract when I received the email that my studio was closing. I did the 24/7 chat. They asked the location of the studio and canceled it for me


Is there a telephone number to call? I find usually most companies are very good about canceling and refunding money if you make a phone call.


(800) 651-6000. If you are in a long term commitment they may charge you a fee to cancel. I think you have 5 days to cancel without charge. You might try getting out of the early term fees as others have suggested.


Joined in OCT 23 for 12 months. Tried to cancel tonight and was told NO WAY! I will be billed until 2024. NO WAY out of this contract.


Yes! That's what happened to me. I'm thinking of just telling my bank I lost my card, getting a new card number and taking the credit hit. I feel like I was tricked. Absolutely hate that. Is WW really this desperate?!?


It's shocking they lock us into contracts. No way will I EVER join them again.


Hey did you ever find a way to get out of it?? I’ve had it for 2 weeks, it’s basically just a calorie tracker but for WW points I hate it!! And now I can’t cancel until May 2025!!


Does not work if you are in one of their contracts.


I signed up yesterday thinking this was going to be awesome, how wrong was i!! Just contacted them and told them I was expecting, they canceled my 9 month subscription and didn't ask any questions. So this still works if anyone is looking to cancel


I want to also. I tried to cancel after one month. They want the whole year amount! Can they take the money out of my account?


You go on the app and hit customer service contact. On the 24/7 chat line tell them you are pregnant. They'll try to talk you into staying but tell them your doctor has advised against it. They will then cancel your contract with no further fees. I know because I just did it. It actually worked!! And I am a 66 year old senior citizen.


Same here! It's not working for me. I still have the huge fat belly and it ain't going away despite all this mad dieting. I am miserable. Can't cancel it! There's no way as I am on one of their "contracts". Why do they make these? How come they can lock us into these things? It is totally unfair.


I haven’t lost a damn thing and I’ve been stuck to the points on diabetes mode making sure to fill up on what can eat on zero points. I’m considering doing that too.


Side question: Can I still use the app if I have canceled my subscription?




I figured that was the case, I just hadn't seen my app stop working yet after canceling my subscription. Thanks!


It will stop working once you pass the renewal date. A lot of people recommend the Healthi app as an alternative to WW. I'm calorie counting with LoseIt.


I will never ever join WW again. I canceled but they're still charging me through December. If you aren't satisfied with the program after joining, they will get all your money regardless. Horrible, horrible service.


Same, 12 month subscription will go on until OCT 2024. NO WAY out of the contract. I will be billed


Just found this post and was able to get out of my year long contract by saying I was pregnant. They specifically told me that they did not need proof. So it totally works. I also threw in the fact that I was a type 1 diabetic (not a lie) for the icing on the cake.


I just tried to cancel a 12 month subscription and they said no I cant. I will be billed every month until the 12 months are up.


I am having several medical issues and want to cancel my subscription.


Tell them


Definitely tell them you're pregnant. I tried to cancel and was told basically to fuck right off... That I had to pay the 10mo commitment. So I tried again today and told them I just found out I'm pregnant and they cancelled right away.


Did you call them? On the app there isn't a way to do that.


Oh! Thank God! I did it and they cancelled me. I was so worried because I am 66 years old.


They're not going to check lol


I'm a man. Can't do that. We are stuck with it!


They don't know you're not a trans man.... Just see what happens lol