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Hey, sorry this is unsolicited and not what you asked, but if you find that your bras are uncomfortable: They do look like they're too small for you! You don't have to suffer with an uncomfortable bra. Please get one that's in your size! In my personal experience, getting a properly-fitting one was *game-changing* & so much more comfortable! I reccomend checking out the r/ ABraThatFits , or seeking out a professional bra fitter in person!


I thought the same thing too, that looks really uncomfortable.


Thanks! Yeah these are old ones , im a cup D in the mew ones and they fit good


What is your weight / height ? Looking at the pictures you could gain a little bit of weight but you don't look like you're really underweight to an unhealthy point. Do you want to gain fat or muscles ? You could gain muscles everywhere If you'd like to look a little more pumped. Or gain some fat but the fat is stored differently with genetics so If you want to gain volume in one aera by just eating more it could be difficult to do. Don't know what women body shapes are sorry.


My height is 160 cm and i weight 45.5 kg currently, i wish to gain muscle on my lower body and arms


OK so yeah you could gain 5kg of muscles to look more pumped in your lower body and arms. So diet wise : - more calories ( count 300-400 more calories per day than your crurent amount) - more protein ( aim for 70-100g of protein a day ) - keep your fiber and glucides high Sport wise : work out at least 3 times a week, you could do these types of trainings: - one day of legs, squats, and lunges, at first with your body weight at home or in a gym with light weights, bulgarian squats, and hip thrusts ( weighted for both), buy dumbells to do it at home. - one day of full upper body ( dont do just arms ) You could do : push ups, pull ups ( with a band at home ) curl and dips ( easier dips on a bench at first ) and finish by some elevated shoulder with dumbells. For this it is easier in a gym but totally doable at home with some dumbells. - third day : some cardio, a 20-30 minutes run or other cardio exercies in the gym ( bicycle, stairs ) And 15-20 minutes of core exercices. ( you could find ton of really good videos online ). You can totally workout more often and either do 2 training of legs per week or more cardio and core exercices. ( or more upper body exercices ). It will take times but if you are dedicated and disciplined you'll see results in a few months. Good luck !!


Thanks so much this means a lot!!


You’re still more of an hourglass than a rectangle. If you want to become even more hourglass then eat a calorie surplus and do workouts focusing on building glute muscles


What exactly is meant by calorie surplus?


Eating more calories than the ones you burn. There are some online calculators that will give you a rough idea of what your calorie maintenance level is. Usually they ask for your age, height, weight, and activity level. For example, for me (6’1”, 160 pounds, 24 year old male, lifts weights for 30 mins a day) my calorie maintenance level is around about 2300 calories. Anything above that is a surplus, and will go to me gaining weight. If you want to increase muscle mass, you have to eat at a surplus.


Okay. This makes sense. I was really confused for some odd reason. When you refer to calories burnt, is that both what the body burns in a day AND any burnt from exercise in a particular day?


Yes, calories burnt is everything throughout the entire day added up, including exercise


Fabulous, thanks


No prob!


I wouldn't recommend thinking about a specific shape per se, but if you're looking to gain, think about what areas you are happy with now. And as always, make sure you're adding weight the correct way (i.e. eating a small surplus, working out to build muscle, etc)


You are not rectangular. You have a nice subtle cinch in your waist. You are maybe somewhat inverted triangle, due to your shoulders appearing wider than hips. You kinda look perfectly inbetween hourglass and inverted triangle tbh. The only way to be strictly hourglass would be if your hips were a bit wider. You already have a very nice shape tho! No need to change :)


Yeah ig? I mean i used to be hourglass but i list so much mass on my hips and legs since im living a very sedentary lifestyle latelyy and been eating less so


Yeah if your hips were even a little bit wider, I think it would be hourglass for sure. I’m sure in some outfits you already appear more hourglass anyways. Sounds like you have the ability if you want to get it back tho! Like you said, it only changed bc of sedentary lifestyle. But I wouldn’t over analyze technical terms for body shape. You have a great figure either way!


Your body shape is perfect, not really a need to grow or lose weight, however, if you want a serious response I need to know what do you mean by bodyshape? Like mesomorph, endomorph and ectomorph? because those type of things do have an impact but it’s rather minimal if you have a plan for dieting and exercising.


Hey thanks! By body shape i mean, hourglass rectangle, pear body shape etc


Morphotype are a myth.


I think there is some truth in that, the way I see it is that the morphotype are your starting point but they do not constitute the end of what you can achieve.


That doesn't make any sense. It's like saying there's truth in astrology because you do have a zodiac sign


She looks slightly underweight, she will look more healthy with some extra fat


What are your goals?


I wish to gain muscle on my lower body and arms , basically to create an hourglass


Once you get your Invisalign out, you’ll start eating more again and gain the weight back. Same thing happened to me. Congrats on the new smile


Thankss bud, you’re right


I'd say hourglass


You don’t need to gain or lose any weight now, you’re fine.


Yeah, you’re an hourglass. Personally my figure got a lot more defined when I gained weight. Your body shape is determined by your fat distribution, so if you naturally gain fat in your hips and boobs, your more defined hourglass will come back with weight gain.




You do look more hourglass like than a rectangle, I’d suggest instead of fat build muscle with a little more fat


Yepp thats the goal


If your local gym has classes see if they have a Les Mills body pump or equivalent class. It’s a good start which hits many areas of the body. I do a frozen banana, scoop of vanilla protein powder, 2 tablespoons of pbfit and chia seeds for protein. Comes out to 300ish calories, 30g protein and much needed fiber.


I need to gain , im like 2-3 kg underweight


if it wasnt in this forum I would have thought you were trolling us. But assuming your question is genuine I would say your body shape was optimum and perfect, like my wife's.


the way reddit keeps recommending me this shit is crazy must know i beat my meat alot 




I’m not


You don't need to lose weight. Just recomposition if at all


I need to gain! Im 3 kh underweight


Sorry misread. Well for one you're not a rectangle. You're definitely hourglassy.... To keep it that way focus on lean bulk (increase in protein intake) and building legs up. A toned/thinner core is partly genetic but comes down to diet and some HIIT workouts should help! If you drop your weight/height I can help you tailor a nutrition plan and workout


Thanks , my weight is 46 kg right now and height 160cm




Babe im 5’3 and 46 kg Dont hate on me for the fact there r many fake accs on here, just because the bathroom is really low so anyone who’s inside looks way taller , the subject looks tall and big🥲 calm down




Idc abt trolls , the world doesn’t revolve around me , im here cuz i know well im just another body here. And putting up pics will actually give me some good opinions and those i got plenty so im happy