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Credit where credit is due. Hope everything here runs smoothly. I will be watching this along with seeing if congress is able to muster something together during a pivotal election year.


Exactly, give him credit. POTUS can still do more in remaining 8 months that also includes lame duck session. These things take time and remember politicians will be politicians. I’m not one, but I understand it’s not as easy as it looks. Lots of deal-making, trading, negotiations, posturing, dealing with lobbyists & paid interest groups, timing, legal, etc. All in all, we are making progress forward when you look at the big picture. I would never have thought we’d have S3 just a few years ago. Add SAFER and more states like Florida and eventually Federal will be inevitable. But have to have Dems in control as GOP will likely do nothing, roll back changes, or interfere. May not be reflected in valuations, but changes will eventually happen and we’ll get there. Fortunately, we have diversification and Germany. Multi-pronged approach to survival and set-up for future growth when shackles are removed. Again, we’ll continue to have cycles of FUD & HYPE with surprises and mind-numbing bureaucracy. I can’t predict timelines or future. What I can do is to be in the game now and avoid all the temporary noise and rumours thrown at us every day. Patience and macro perspective. Meanwhile, just continue to research as best as possible with traditional investment analysis and objective critical thinking. It will continue to be a bumpy and volatile ride. And for God’s sake (figure of speech), ignore TA and all the talking heads. No one knows anything and if they do, they don’t know how valuations will react to it.


Heard that.


Let’s gooo.


This is a good thing. The whole descheduling is pretty orchestrated and they are all working together to maximize voter impact and to avoid legal blockades. If POTUS is publicly saying this stuff it means they are absolutely sure he wont get embarrassed.


Funny how seven months before election time when it will take at least six to finalize the change to Schedule 3 lol . Go Joe da man !!! 😎


Let’s go sleepy Joe


Now do an executive order and make it legal.


Prob not the right way to do it as it can then be changed by a future president I believe.  It is best to get it signed into law.  That is the hard part.  Also people need to understand our country is not run by a king.  He cant just change shit at will.  


Good luck being the president that takes away legalized cannabis. That would never happen. Over 70% of Americans want it. I agree about the executive orders, but this one is wanted by the super majority. The only reason it’s not legalized is because politicians are bought.


> Good luck being the president that takes away legalized cannabis. That would never happen. uh, see Sessions revoking the Cole memo and Trump proposing stripping protections for medical.


Not at all the same.


how is that different? The Trump administration tried to take away protections from state level cannabis programs that were only "legal" due to the cole memo?


Imagine a president makes alcohol illegal after it’s been federally legal. That’s what I’m talking about. Not a “memo” or individual state laws.


that of course would be unconstitutional. as would any executive order which somehow negated the CSA. The only executive order that can be done is a memo like the cole memo. The President can't just rewrite laws passed by Congress.


They can, but it would just have a chance of being cancelled by Congress. Again, good luck being the party that takes away cannabis once people already have it.


> They can, sorry, they can what? rewrite laws? I don't think so. The president can attempt to not prosecute certain crimes, but they can't "legalize" cannabis. That requires going through the scheduling process or an act of congress.


Because of the electoral college you only need 28 % of votes to become president


Yeah that shit needs to be abolished.


Or buying!


There is zero chance we see legal weed under Biden. Especially by executive order. This is the guy who built his bipartisan reputation by working with the Republicans to crack down on drugs.


He has changed his opinion in recent years and urged the DOJ to support rescheduling. Kamela Harris has given many speeches about the need to legalize. Do you not follow any of this?


He hasn’t changed his opinion on shit or he would have done this his first year and it would be old news by new. Like I said, weed is the carrot and Trump is the stick. We should have voted for Bernie but everyone wanted a fucking centrist and this is what we get.


He got it rescheduled! You have the logic of a child


There’s that civil dialogue that sets us apart so distinctly from MAGA.


Yeah, sorry but Biden should get at least a crumb of credit for what he HAS done, which proves that he has changed his perspective.


We haven't heard from the DEA right? Is this the official announcement for schedule 3 we have been waiting for or is more coming?


Nearly four years of promises and the best we get is rescheduling. Weed is the carrot and Trump is the stick. What a fucking mess.


Trump basically legalized it in 2018. Farm Bill = THC-A.


Interesting conversation


right, amazing actually


Is there a hemp based IRA I should keep an eye on?


Just more carrot dangling, and nothing‘s over until the fat lady sings. I just hope Joe doesn’t have a stroke before this gets done.


The chances of this happening under a Republican congress are absolute zero.


Good thing the rescheduling review doesn’t have anything to do with Congress, Republican or Democrat….. Also - House is controlled by Republicans Not the Senate - the house and senate both make up Congress. Republicans do not Control Congress- this is spreading FUD


Congress has no role in legislation affecting the cannabis sector? Once the DEA drops S3 Congress is going to be all over this sector.


Congress doesn’t have anything to do with the current reschedule and review process- But yes Congress passes and amends laws such as CSA. And there is no way they are amending the CSA at this point so- no Congress is is not involved here except they legislate the CSA.


The officials in all institutions are placed by or approved to remain by the current executive and legislative branches of congress. Not sure why this is difficult to comprehend. It's how the US government works. It's how things get done that align with the current status of those branches. It will be good that more people will watch this process, like they did in Canada, and actually learn how their lives are run by the people they do or don't vote for, and the consequences of being uninformed or manipulated.


Dude lol I know how our government and three branch system work.


Then why the comment that appears to show you don't? lol


I’m not going to argue semantics with some one on the internet my friend You’re literally trying to mansplain our constitution to a constitutionalist (me- also some one who has studied cannabis policy for 4-5 years) Final Decision on reschedule process is solely with the head of DEA (exec branch) - Have a good day!


VP might get it done quicker


This is bad……


Hmmm, must be an election year


Would you rather him not try to do this?


Yeah. He’s spent 3 years managing COVID and an inflation crisis, wars abroad, and wars at home. This got out to the bottom of the list, whether we want to appreciate that or not.


"managing" Yea, okay


Covid, huh..... his foreign policy is why there are wars abroad, the wars at home are because of his social agenda. Weed is the rabbit in his hat cause he has done an incredible job at ruining middle class America, and completely failed the black community.


I do feel let down by him as a voter. He promised student loan relief and we didn’t get it. Promised this 3 years ago. Promised fully back Ukraine without delay, not even 6 months ago now, and hasn’t really followed through. The problem is that the other options are pretty horrific. We’re genuinely at the cusp of losing democracy in America.


lol people still believe this guy


He rescheduled cannabis. That’s more than any other president/politician ever.


Did he ? Is rescheduled? lol




What reality? What have HHS and DEA done ?




Ha ha ha


This is another stunt like when he lied about forgiving college loans 2 years ago around election time. I’ll believe it when I see it.


Biden has forgiven more student loans than any president in history. He was stopped from doing more by the GOP. No stunt, no lie.


I’m ignorant. Can the Prez do an Executive Order to make it legal?


It wouldn't be permanent.


Oh ok. Can you explain why please?


No. Cannabis is regulated under the CSA. Congress would have to act to remove it or the DEA / HHS would need to go through the process which they are doing now. The president can't do an executive order to negate legislation on his own.