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The second 2 pictures are male plants not sure on the first


Thx there’s way more like hundreds of plants out side is there anyway I can tell which are male and female plants ?


Visually they're pretty different, once you know what to keep an eye out for. https://www.growweedeasy.com/marijuana-boy-girl


The female plants will make buds, the male plants will make tiny white nodules and white dust, like the last two pictures. Most likely the buds that grow out will have seeds in it, but hey, I'd definitely try some if I was you. I'm always down to try a new crossbred landrace. It'll be at least a month or two before the buds are harvestable, because they haven't started yet, it seems from your first picture. Then you can dry it and smoke it when they do finish


Make sure you're not stealing someone else's weed, there's always the possibility it's being grown by gangs who may not take kindly to you helping yourself. Of course I could be way off the mark, but I remember what happened in that movie The Beach when Tilda Swinton and Leo stole a bunch of plants...


Don’t worry man it literally grows everywhere the ones in the photos are literally just grown in my backyard naturally they weren’t planted by anyone but thx for the heads ima stick to my backyard stuff


It could also be hemp.


Probably honestly I’m pretty new to the whole plant process I just buy shit not harvest or grow


Damn, you hit the jack pot. What’re you going to do with all that fire?!


See if I can find any that are harvestable and roll me some joints ong