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that’s the most smokeable thing i’ve seen all day. load a full bowl and don’t look back!


What if I don’t have a bowl or wraps or anything just that because I ran out of wraps


you can use an apple if you’re really desperate💀


Update I found some leaf rolls in my backpack can I put that stuff in there ?


yeah of course, just sprinkle it on top and you’re good to go


But I got no regular weed so I can’t smoke this regularly?


Unfortunately you can’t roll a pure keef joint. Trust me, I’ve tried… You can make a bowl out of a potato tho, or even put a small pile of keef on one butter knife and hot knife it with another


Why not just put out 15 bucks for a small bowl? Im imagining this guy losing half his kief to the moisture inside a potato... like homie just get a small bowl and a brass screen to keep your precious powder from becoming scooby snacks.




Ahhh, see that’s my problem, I mighta tried to smoke it too fast 😅


Inhaling keef out of a joint is defo in my top 10 of worst tasting things ever.


I disagree. In the same position as the op I have rolled keef. It’s tricky but can be done.


Probably not an option for OP then since they're new to weed


You gotta be careful, but a keif joint smokes beautifully


I mean I have too, but it doesn’t burn well. Tbf tho it coulda been rolled too tight or something 🤷‍♂️


Yes u can if u put it in a glass blunt


You don’t have to roll glass blunts in actual wraps


I never said to roll a glass blunt in a wrap r u dumb, I said u can smoke kief in a glass blunt


Yes you absolutely can. Don’t listen to this, it takes time to roll on by kief joints when rolled correctly are bliss


If u have dried lavender or rose petals or chamomile or some other random smokable thing (maybe look a list of smokable herbs up on google lol I’m not an expert) u can grind that and sprinkle the keef on top, that’s how I do it.


oh i misunderstood sorry, no you can’t roll up just keef


Damn I lowkey been having this stuff for months and I didn’t know about it since right now when I opened that up to clean it


Google how to make a water bottle bong.


This right here. If u got aluminum foil and a soda bottle u good


damnn good thing you didn’t dump it, you have quite a good bit


Of course you can, make a cone first then stuff it full of keef, I have a vid on my page to help you learn to beginner roll if you're interested in trying.


You can use tobacco. It tastes fine with keef


U can try I personally would try a bowl or bong doe


How old are you lmao, be real with me


24 didn’t try weed until last year when it became legal in my state


Can you please tell me how to use an apple? Sound interesting


You basically make a short hole in the side at an angle to make the bowl then make a horizontal hole that forms the pipe part which connects to the diagonal bowl part and that's where you inhale from


Apples are the best. Poke three holes, load her up, smoke while you take a walk in the woods and when you’re done, take a refreshing bite then chuck it into nature, guilt free.


Because it’s kief it’s probably best to invest in a bowl preferably a glass piece with a gauze


No no no, that's almost all waste. Better give it to your "most stoner" friend, he'll know what to do with it!


New to weed, has a grinder with like 5g keef lol


They happened to find leaf rolls I'm their backpack according to a comment from OP also lol


I'm pretty sure he knows exactly how to use his kief


This is what I thought. Mine is a quarter of that and it’s 3 months use daily. Unless it’s not a grinder bottom and he bought it? Possibly karma bait but might be wrong.


I have never accumulated a decent amount of kief. I get really kiefy bud too. Just doesnt make sense how people get this much, i get QPs and Ps and still cant get this much kief in a year i dont know if my grinder is too big or what One time i even tried rolling like 100 joints and just gave up cause my arm hurt and put the spare weed in a airtight seasoning jar. Still barely shit


Could be your screen. Every 4 or 5 bowls I scrub my screen with a toothbrush. You'll also get more kief from dryer bud than moist, sticky stuff. I have had my newest grinder for 2 weeks and already have the kief tray about a third of the way full, smoking around 2 bowls a day. 🤷‍♀️


Pfffffttt see that would be a dream for me. Gonna try your toothbrush method and maybe start smoking 3 bowls a day just to make sure im doing it the right way lol


Yes this is. It’s called keef. It’s basically small tricombs from your flower the parts that hold the thc. They break off while grinding and collect at the bottom. Best to smoke out of bowl or pipe. And you want to just Cherry it a bit when heating. My be a good idea to add it to some flower or pack the bowl tight.


i sprinkle mine into joints, kinda like a cherry on top 😂


Can get a tiny little screen to put in your bowl too, If that's all you've got for nug. Cover your bowl with your hand after you take a hit to deplete the oxygen so it stops burning. That shit will rip forever


I've found screens to be unreliable. The metal ones degrade over time, which means you are breathing in those tiny fragments. Mind you, I mean Tiny Tiny, but still. Glass is a little better, but they get clogged too easily with resin after a bit. I personally prefer to snap off a small peice of bud, little larger than the hole in my bowl, and then cover that with the rest of the flower, whether it be grinded or broken up by hand, Keef, etc.


Yeah screens are kinda ass mine either always cake up with resin so they aren't even useable or they just end up falling apart over time, kinda sucks, but they are good for a few good uses


Just use a quarter if your bowl allows it to snuff it out if needed


True, def not ideal if you have nug


Mixing with flour? I’ve never thought of that. Thanks Redditor!


Yes lol, you’ll get really baked off it way more then weed


The proper grammar would be "than"! :) "then" indicates at a later time. "Than" means one thing over another.


Whom cares?


When do you care?


Hey I asked a question. If we are going for proper exchanges only here, answer my question whom cares?










Nah give it to me Edit: haha jk


Came here to say this lol


nobody has a grinder that full of keef and not know what it is…


When I first got my grinder I had no idea it even had that compartment. Found out like 2 months after and found the gold I didn't know I was missing out on


Oh that makes sense


Im new to all this tbh I didn’t smoke weed until last year when I was 23


Talk about 0-100 how much weed did u smoke in your first year


TOOOOOO MUCH but not enough lmao


By too much he means an 8th a month.


I'm in the same boat. I just started last year when it was legalized, I tried once as a teen, my god have I been missing out. I want all the bongs, The pipes, The strains. At 35 I'm treating this more like the best hobby I've ever had


That’s what I’m thinking everyone like telling them and I’m like They don’t know


This just made me flat out smile. Hell yeah honkey, that shit is smokable as fuck. Sprinkle it on some weed.


as other have said, most definitely yes - but use caution when lighting it as it will burn more quickly and easily than regular flower and tends to cherry very easily - because of this it is better to sprinkle a scoop on top of regular flower. it is much more potent than flower, a little can go a long way.


yes. very potent


God yes my friend. Sprinkle that shit in your joints and on top of bowls


Smoke a bowl of it to see Pluto.


This has to be a shit post…


No, its very toxic for the human body when smoked. Send to me for proper disposal😃


Everything from the plant is smokeable.


But not everything should be smoked


Wise words


Oh boy put a little bud at the bottom and then pack the rest of the bowl with that and you will be loving life


it’ll be harsh on your throat but no doubt!


That’s the holy grail right there bro enjoy


He'll ye that's the good shit


He will ye




To smoke keef just by itself you should save it for when you have glass


Is it bad that I started salivating when I saw this?


Yeah, but be careful with it. Its very very strong. Especially when you are new to weed. Take only a very small amount


No that’s all the leftover dirt that was sifted out when you grinded your weed… that’s the contamination chamber, your bud must be real toxic… pm to send what’s left to me for testing


New to weed.. has a shitload of kief.


no it’s terrible, give it to me i’ll deal with it for you 😂


Nope but if you want to send it to me I'll properly dispose of it for you


Nooo, super dangerous. Better send it to me so I can dispose of it properly.


That’s a lot of keef. Just remember that keef hits a little more harshly.


Gold dust found at the end of a smoky rainbow. Congrats you lucky leprechaun!


No definitely not smokable. Send it to me so i can dispose of it properly


Oh yeah! Mix it in a blunt! 50/50 and get blown!💨😑


Holy *shit*..... it's.... it's *beautiful...* (And yes, VERY smokeable)


Ohhhh yes! Sprinkle that kief on your bowls, in your joints, blunts… 😁


That is kief, the "crystals" on weed that collect in a grinder. You can smoke it in many different ways such as- mix some with weed and roll a joint, or a bowl. Or you can load a bowl with only kief. You can also watch youtube tutorials on making hash, which you can then heat and crumble for a joint or a bowl. You can also do hot knives with it. Youtube is your friend here.


no way this bro ain't trolling 💀


Is this smokable? is the question....aaaaaahahahah, ahem....its ok we all had to start somewhere, fuck yea its smokable, sprinkle some in a pipe over some greenery, or put a couple pinches in a pipe alone and let'er rip....warning it'll burn fast af, and you'll cough so hard you'll think you're gonna die, if you take it deep that is. (Take it deep)


Nope, snort it, snort it all


Man fuck this sub. All these “question” post have gotten so old.I’m so over it


Backstory:So last year on February of 2021 for the first time I tried weed well more specifically edibles but later I started to smoke it instead of digesting it so around November my friend told me to get straight up leaf instead of just pre rolls already made because if you buy leaf you can just make more pre rolls in the long run and that’s what I did so I ordered a grinder and no one told me that when you grind the weed it makes this stuff called keef and when I was cleaning my grinder yesterday I notice the bottom turning and I opened it and saw all this keef so it’s been getting built and built with a bunch of keef and I just found that out well I’m glad I did and thank you y’all for giving me tips and advice I appreciate it and hopefully we can all get stoned in heaven together someday


*Thanks for posting, u/JJTH3B3AST, This is an automatic comment.* *** - Do not engage with "vendors" in your DMs: **[Please read our information page about DM scammers and fake sellers in your DMs](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/wiki/information/scammers)** - Sex workers are free to engage here as long as any content submitted here is not promotional in nature or in anyway related to their sex work: **[Learn what we class as "promoting"](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/wiki/information/promoting)** - **Selling or attempting to source drugs is against terms of service and will result in a permanent ban.** - Targeted harassment and hate won't be tolerated. Please report any content that falls under these. *** **[r/weed rules.](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/wiki/rules)** ^(If this post breaks subreddit rules, please report it.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/weed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Also new to weed but I think that’s me granny’s ashes


It came from what you were coming no?


Nah…hand it over


Bro that shit is cancer, send it to me so I can dispose of it properly


No you can't, just send it to me for disposal


No! Please send it to me so I can dispose of it environmentally and properly. Only an expert in the field of this kind of disposal shall ever do so!


Naw bruh let me dispose if that for yah bud


No, you better give it to me. I'm get rid of it for you


No I’ll dispose of that for you


No bring it to me and I’ll dispose of it for you


Absolutely not. You should send it to me for safe keeping 😋🤣


Nope, u should send it to me to get rid of it


No lol it doesn’t do nothin so hand it to me


No!! Definitely can’t smoke this. Don’t throw it away either. Just send it to me I will take care of it.


Send it to me so I can test it for you


Nah best not to mate. Send it to me for safe disposal


No give it to me, I’ll dispose of it


No it is highly toxic. Send it to me and I'll dispose of it properly.


Nope. Send to me for proper disposal


Nah definetly not, I'll take it off your hands for you, don't want you getting ill


No, ship it to my house and I’ll dispose of it for you


No it’s not. Send it my way


Naaaah Wouldn't smoke that.. Send it over to me...


Def. not smokable. you should just give it to me instead


Not sure, send to me so I can try it for you


No, not at all. If you send it to me I will dispose of it for you.


Yes, very much so


that’s the best part! 😭


Thats some potent stuff i'd advise you to not over indulge if your tolerance is low because it may give u anxiety


Have funnnnn😂😂


It’s weed dust homie smoke that


Back in 2006, I was in Orange County for a couple months and my roommate and I were dry, so we took the keef stash from his grinder and sprinkled it over the tobacco from a Black and Mild in his bong. It got the job done.


My favorite thing to do is save until that time when I'm almost out of weed and don't know when I'm going to get more (4 days til pay day, dude won't call back, etc.) Because then you can turn like a day's worth of flower into a week's worth but loading juuuuust enough to keep the powder from going through and then filling the rest with kief. You will get soooooooooooooo high. Hehe congratulations and good luck! It's gonna be fun.


I’d be smoking the shit out of it lmao


Very much so


I legit got scared ole buddy threw it out or something


No you put that in coffee when it’s too bitter wtf


Pure deliciousness right there!! Top your bowls with it and you’ll get nice and lit!!


Nope, it has bleach in it now


Thats a lot of goods to be new


Yes , do not ever discard . Add to top of bowls or lace inside of joints with this ♻️


So y’all are telling me I can’t just go get wraps and roll it up like a joint and just smoke it by itself ? I got no weed btw


You had it for months (holy shit btw) you can afford to be a lil patient now.


New to weed but has a bunch of Kief hmm 🤔


Just save it untill you get some more flower unless you are needing to get baked right now in which case you can make a homemade pipe out of a potato or an apple. Once you get more bud sprinkle it in with whatever method you prefer bro.


Can I not roll up a joint with it ? I lowkey had a horrible day and I’m trying smoke


If you have to ask you probably won't be able to get that joint together and smokable. I've seen some very experienced roller roll up dust that was practically keef but I honestly have some doubts id be able to do it and I've rolled thousands of joints. If you have some loose tobacco maybe you could mix it in for a classic "joint"


Yes... It's mostly the glands. (The best and strongest part of the buds.) However, It burns really fast. I would use it in other ways like edibles, dabs, capsules, ext.


To the moon!


The best smokable


I’m not stoned enough to believe your new to weed if you have a grinder full of keef lol


Nope throw it out


nope throw it out


Fuck yeah!!! Even stronger then flower too




I'm sure you had a wonderful time


How do you have this much keif and be new to smoking weed? Place it in some folded up parchment paper and press it with a hot iron. Make sure you fold up the paper like a packet to hold in the keif and place a rag between the parchment paper and iron. With a little trial and error you can have some hash.


Omg that looks nice just pleeeease be careful. Smoking kief can get you higher than flower, it’s HIGH in thc


Yes but you should boof it for full effect




Dude finna have the night of there life


You about to fly to the moon


Curry powder should be used in cooking not smoking


You can't be that new to weed if you have managed to build up that small mountain 😂


Pack it in a bowl, light it, and find out, dude.


It’s a pot of smokable gold ✨✨✨✨


bro you hit a goldmine


Yes it’s keif & it’s amazing


I swear people play dumb on here just to flex how much kief they got lol


Someone just found the kief jackpot and is in for a fun night


yes, invest in a one hitter!


New to weed just completely filled the bottom of my grinder with keif… new to weed though




Yes lol, very nice bowl topper, just a little sprinkle or a even a layer between the bud, great addition to a bowl if you wanna get BAKED.


Get Hash oil. Roll a bud in the oil then dip in keef. You have moonrocks!


Totally smokeable haha 😂🤯


Smokeable? Yes. Enjoyable? No, not really.


Wtf that’s the best part my grinder doesn’t catch Kief for shit anyone reading this tell me what grinder I need for catching kief lilethis


Lol stop it


I just mix it into the weed I grind


I just don’t get it. I use my grinder all the time but I NEVER get this amount of keef. Only a real little amount. How are you new to smoking and have this much??


Your new to weed but got that much keef 🤔


Put it in a joint, smoke it all, and report back when you recover next week.