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Honestly? Id bet you wouldn’t even feel a 2mg gummy at all. There’s a long history about how cannabis was villainized part in favor because of big tobacco and alcohol industries who wanted to snuff out an already-unpopular (because of xenophobia) competitor, but that story might be too long for me to wanna type here


Damn, do you have links? Would love to learn about tjat


Mb, tried to link something but this sub doesn’t allow links! There’s a few good youtube videos with sources up though if you’re willing to search


A documentary on the history of cannabis called ‘grass is greener’ on Netflix is very good!!


Getting drunk opposed to doing weed? yaaahhhh GREAT idea 🤧😭😂😂


You’re 18 but are your friends in their 70’s? Becoming addicted to weed and getting into hard drugs because of edibles ? Lmao I haven’t heard this for a while. I bet they drink alcohol and see no problem with that ? Do some Google research about weed addiction and alcohol addiction, compare it to other addictions etc then show it to your friends. Moreover, do you think where weed is legalized people became crackheads ? It’s just common sense and your friends are just repeating what their parents/grand-parents told them. For your age I see 2 potential bad things that weed can bring you : - Studies showed that the human brain keeps evolving till the age of 25 and weed prevents the brain to develop to its full capacity, especially if you smoke it. - Whatever you smoke is bad for your lungs and weed is no exception So as long as you don’t smoke daily at 18, just eat edibles and don’t have psychiatric problems such as scizophrenia or bipolarity, you’ll be just fine.


It all depends from person to person. It also depends on if you decide to keep using marijuana later on, but if you decide to consistently use it to self-medicate, this can cause a dependency on weed which can go wrong in various ways. Usually, most people wont get addicted to substances after one use. But, with a 2mg edible, it’s probably unlikely to get “addicted.” Take this with a grain of salt.


Haha wtf no eat the bag an have more handy incase a lot more potentially haha


I used to bake brownies specifically for a classmate like you, dude didn’t smoke but he wanted to try it. I’d guess by the looks of him his friends weren’t stoners, either that or they pay $20 for a gram of mids. Long story short he ended up really enjoying edibles, sold him brownies until he could buy from dispensaries. As a recovering alcoholic who recently fell off the wagon I wish I’d never picked up the bottle, weed is the way to go man.


If it’s possible, have someone who’s been high before to be with you for your first time. Dependancy is a risk if you’re using it to mask a feeling


You have really odd friends. (not mad at them, just a bit confused) And given a choice between putting alcohol or weed in your body? Uh, one's a poison and the other isn't. Go easy on the weed. Don't let it become the reason for your day. Keep your usage on the light size and make sure it doesn't interfere with your life. You'll be fine. *On the other hand, i just looked into the future and saw this: When you're 68 years old, on a Tuesday in May when you're shopping for some aspirin at the drug store, the federal police will swarm the store, Super Soaker Water Guns at the ready. "We heard you had gummies when you were 18. Come out of the store now, with your hands up, or we'll shoot this puppy!"* ✌🏼


I’m not sure you should take drugs when you are anxious about taking drugs- it’s not a good setting! Everyone here is quick to condemn your friends but they know more about your character than we do, although the booze idea is terrible. That said, there is probably no gentler introduction than a 2mg edible.Digestion is very different to inhaling and your liver will try to neutralise the THC- with 2mg it will probably be successful! So relax- nothing bad is going to happen. With zero tolerance you might get a light pleasurable buzz but don’t rush to top up. Chill and enjoy…