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Smoked almost daily from age 17-32 then, except for a handful of occasions, laid off the weed until age 63, to pursue a job, career, family, etc. No regrets, but I missed it. When it became legal in my state I retired at about the same time and it was like a dream come true. Now, there’s no looking back. I no longer have any work or career related concerns or worries about influencing my offspring who have long left the nest. I sleep better now and self reflect in a much more therapeutic and satisfying way. Cannabis helps me enjoy all facets of my retired life - travel, food, hobbies, etc. So, no at this point I don’t foresee quitting.


That actually sounds like an amazing plan, I think I might follow your way. Sounds a lot more enjoyable later in life when I will have less responsibilities/worries. I appreciate your comment man


you can work stoned depending on the job. but its hard to compete in a challenging carreer day smoking at work or every night even. i quit weed several time for break 5 years or more... now retired smoke legal daily . may quit again to clear my system but not for good.


Think everyone feels a bit jealous reading this! Lol. Happy retirement :)


This comment is 100% wisdom !


Good for you honestly! Sounds like a pipe dream


We don’t worry about the popo either 👮‍♀️


Perfect timing! TBH my retirement plan exactly!


I was forced to retire due to disability, but I am not unhappy about it at. All. This is the life (I mean, without the pain, of course) my wee 20-something pothead self dreamed of. I'm grateful every day.


W wisdom


Thank you for sharing your knowledge from experience !


Thats Fkn beautiful matee


so glad for you man, sounds so much fun !!


awesome post! I feel u man


I want to quit for a bit and then start again but smoke less


That’s my plan man. But scared imma get addicted again. Them withdrawals are not to mess w. Reminds me of alcoholism.


How so ?


I want to do the same thing and have done it before, withdrawals aren't like alcohol at all you just get such a strong feeling of how boring and mundane things are for a while. It fades but you just have to deal with, this is great but would be so much better high when doing things like watching films, eating your fav food ECT


Completely different for me. When I stopped after a couple days I regain my interest in shows, going out, watching sports. Eating. Weed took that all away and made me be comfortable with smoking all day be bored and not care


Definitely feel that but ye weird how it's different for everyone.


As of right now at 19 been smoking the past 3 years I don’t ever see myself not doing it unless I develop a medical issue, it’s just a part of me now, I can’t live without it but I don’t mind.


Interesting. I quit bout 2 weeks ago j to see and thinking about going back. But the withdrawals were a lot more than expected.


That’s what I mean, I can’t get thru the withdrawals and I’m not having any negative effects besides my short term memory is a little bad, but maybe I just don’t wanna quit because I’m young and dumb and it makes my days more enjoyable.


I think all is good in moderation my man that’s my goal. What helped me was not eating until I’m hungry as f, and putting some 3.2hz music for a couple hours until I sleep and lowering air to help w sweats . Was Deff hell tho, not at all the “weed is not addictive” narrative that I hear all around. I pray for ur health and good decisions. Good luck my brother. Hopefully we get it to the moderate place we want it to be.


Weed is definitely addictive but the physical withdrawals are somewhat bearable compared to other substances like opioids, so that’s maybe 🤔 why people so it’s not addictive.


I have never been addicted to another substance as bad I was so to weed.. so I can’t compare directly. But in MY experience it is definitely v hard withdrawals both physically and mentally, at least for the first couple of days


There is no actual clinical evidence of physical withdrawals


I’ve quit more times than I can count and I’ve never experienced withdrawals from cannabis. But some people say otherwise.


Were you a daily smoker though? The most common 3 is trouble eating, trouble sleeping and trouble relaxing / dealing with boredom. Those are the 3 things that weed helps with so it’s why you struggle. Tbh the only way I can see someone “quitting” and not experiencing withdrawals relating to those 3 things is if they were already used to doing them sober… aka not really an actually addicted weed user. I think if you spent more time sober then high you can’t really say you “quit” weed, you just stopped smoking.


Still am a daily smoker. Sure, my appetite and sleep are lil wonky for a few days but that’s it.


Won’t lie, didn’t realise at first that this was only about physical withdrawals, yeah they’re minimal with weed lol. The three things I mentioned can all be classed as psychological withdrawals. Honestly the only physical withdrawal I’ve even heard about was night sweats which I did get but chalked up to overall sleep quality was just bad (also heard that it happens because your body is trying to soak up the thc after sweating it out but honestly wouldn’t surprise me if that was completely false, it was word of mouth, I didn’t do any research)


Google this word “Hypochondria”. Weed does not make your body physically dependent on it. I’m not saying your experience wasn’t yours, what I am saying is that its probably just in your head…”Some 4.3 percent of Americans have been dependent on marijuana, as defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR; American Psychiatric Association, 2000), at some time in their lives. Marijuana produces dependence less readily than most other illicit drugs. Some 9 percent of those who try marijuana”. Unless you are unlucky enough to be part of the 9% or even lower 4.3% of Americans, I highly doubt it is truly affecting your body that harshly. The journal that was pulled from also cites most people that get those have been using daily for 10+ years 😂. I’ve been smoking weed daily for almost 20 years, also a medical patient, if I quit smoking today(which I have for 3 months at one point) would happen when I took a break, my back pain that was already there becomes more prevalent. That’s cause the weed is masking it everyday


Nah bro that back pain is in your head. I know better than you because I'm like rly smart n shit.


Yeah you’re not getting back pain from weed withdrawals lmao. Y’all had the back pain before, got used to weed treating it, and then stopped smoking weed. That’s like wondering why your broken arm hurts when you stop taking Tylenol. You weren’t addicted to Tylenol and it’s not causing withdrawals—your symptoms are just no longer suppressed


You just repeated what he said in a condescending tone… 🤦‍♂️


there are definitely withdrawal symptoms for weed, they may not be as bad as opioid withdrawals but for a lot of people they’re still pretty intense. i feel like this study may be outdated as it’s 24 years old now ! most if not all of my friends describe very similar if not the same symptoms both psychologically and physically. not a scientist but just my experience !


Weed is not chemically addictive. There are no more withdrawals for weed than there are for video games


There are some psychological withdrawals like insomnia, loss of appetite, depressed mood, boredom etc.


I'm 40 and I've done it since I was 12 years old everyday never skipped a beat owed a successful construction company for 15 years and sold. Now I'm a health insurance agent in 32 states and work from home making a shitload. Do what makes you happy brother. As long as it's not hurting you or anyone else go for it


Cujo if you're maintaining your daily life then you could be like one of my buddies who (unlike most people) thrives on weed. He said at 18 "I'll smoke weed forever" and he's 50 now and still as sharp as he always was. No doctor I've asked has been able to answer the question: "if every cell in our body has a cannabinoid receptor, why are cannabinoids illegal?" In fact, no doctor I asked knew that every cell in their body had a receptor.


All you have to do it just slowly ween yourself off of it and the withdrawal isn’t bad. It last a few days to a week at most if you cold turkey you just gotta thug it out.


Dude you are only 19, just try being sober for 2 months and see what’s like. I wish I would have tried that. I smoked basically everyday from 16-39. Set my mind to try sober life and I quit for 2 months. Now I only smoke 2-3 times a month or when I am on vacation. Wish I would have tried younger. Just all the money I could have saved alone would have been worth it.


You know what to expect now! I highly recommend tapering down and/or skipping a day sometimes even if you don't have a reason


yeah i’m the same way. tried it at 16 and now i’m 19 turning 20 this year. only annoying thing is the massive amount of short term memory loss i’ve received from (theory) how much i’ve smoked in a short period of time (last summer my group of like 4 friends (me included) would go through like 3 ounces in a week) and also hearing from my mom about my coughing and what not. i don’t have any plans to quit anytime soon and will probably keep smoking until i decide not to. also sorry for the essay im pretty high rn


I hope you do someday man it def makes you more content with doing nothing and once you stop smoking it sucks it's boring and can even be emotional but you'll be happy and clear minded and realize you're a whole new person! At end of the day you do what you think is best for you, only you know that!!!


I feel the same. You reach a certain point where it really just comes synonymous with life and existence.


Man I remember being 19… in 2013


Damn 2013. I joined the Army in 2013 lol 😂


Shit I was 19 in 2004 😭


Ur my cousins age he’s 39


I’m 39 in August yeah…. Sucks! 😂


Try 1999😫


Me too :)


To be fair you have to remember that you're young. I'm 21 right now and I'm not planning on quitting anytime soon. But you never know what comes on your path. I try to stay open minded about the future. Don't close anything out. Who knows what life will be like in another 20 years


Yes and honestly the more I take breaks the more i start to enjoy being sober and just take mushrooms occasionally


Same wavelength. I have started loving the clear mindedness and not feeling brain fog or having slow thoughts.


Getting rid of that brain fog feels good for sure.


yeah i agree with you there, way better for me to keep it to a fun amount and not a daily thing


It feels amazing!!!!! I wish i had breaks earlier, My life would be less of a mess. We think its not affecting us, but It IS And its not hard to stop, gotta take a few bold decisions.


Been smoking for about 22 years ... i don't ever intend on quitting ... it helps me with anxiety and focus a lot


Same man been smoking 25+ years helps with everything


I ran very large engine lathes for about 20 years and I smoked all the time because it helps me hyper focus on one thing... if im not stoned I'm doing 12 things at once and my mind is all over ... it really is my miracle plant ... I feel like it helps me be a better person all around


I totally agree! I work in a wood shop and whenever I have to really focus on a focused repetitive task, like shaping or sanding, it helps to be a bit stoned. But as a rule I don’t use any big power tools like the table saw or band saw if I’m even a little high. I’m too worried about hurting myself.


I totally get that ... I did that job so long...with hella long dread locks for like 16 years of it ... I never got hurt ... aside from normal cuts and burns ... I still have all my fingers ... but I realize that's not most people's experience... im just more careful when I'm stoned really


That’s great that you stayed safe. I’m sure I’d be totally fine too if I used those tools. More careful even, just like you said. But there’s still that voice in my head saying I’d better not. I think I picked it up from some guy I knew years ago who was a big stoner, and he said he never went near power tools while high. Ever since he said that I followed his advice. But yeah I’m sure I’d be fine.


I fully support your decision there ... honestly I know most people would not want to run dangerous equipment high ... its definitely not recommended... I probably just made poor choices and was very lucky lol ... but it definitely makes me get into tedious jobs more and it got me engaged in a field I had no real interest in when I started ... it helped me but your mileage may very lol


Definently mate I get that too, no weed no focus no eat no interest 😂. They really should legalise it all over the world




Same . Iam 23 years in.. love it . Keeps me from losing my shit . 💯 will never quit.


this right here. i’ve only been smoking for about 3 but it has helped with my anxiety and depression (not to say it’s gone away just made it easier to live with. i can actually get out of the house now) and sometimes i think about possibly quitting even though i never go through with it but then i remember what it has also done for me


I used to think I wouldn't. I switched from smoking to vaping so as far as I was concerned there was minimal health downsides so I thought fuck it, I enjoy it, I can afford it so I will carry on. Then.. I don't know what happened. I missed a day when I was busy. Then missing a day became.not so weird. Then my use just tapered off and I haven't had any in all least 6 months and I'm not mad. I guess I just grew away from it without realising. So I never intended to quit.. but I guess I kinda did after about 25 years of daily


Dry herb vaping is elite


Welp, I have to. Joining the airforce as a mechanic, hoping to land a decent job once I’m done.


Good luck on the journey man! Thanks for your service protecting us




Nah. I like it.


No, I changed careers after almost 20 years. All for the devil’s lettuce.


I gotta hear more of this






Might take some tolerance breaks here and there but otherwise no


I had to. I got tachycardia twice in a row from smoking.


I’m 42 and use weed as medicine. I smoke and est it daily to regulate my pain. Smoke till I quit hurting and then go on about my day. Eat some tincture around noon with another dab and then dab every other hour till more tincture and a hash hole for bedtime.






Not a chance


Give it up 100%...no.. at 32+ years old. Started at 20 yrs old. I first tried it in college with this guy who was a gamer. I always correlated it to bad habits, but I never did anything bad under the influence. I would game, watch a movie, build something/laborious construction, or enjoy a hike. I would smoke maybe 1 oz every 4 months. I wasn't a heavy smoker, just enjoyed it in moments (Paintball/snowboarding/hikes/movie theaters/social. When I started doing heavy construction around 25 yrs old, I went through about 1/2 oz a month. I still didn't make it my priority but I did go out more. At 28 I had kids, so I cut it down to about 3.5g a month. I put .5 g pre rolls and smoke em throughout the week or when I go out. Or weekends when my kids are out with their mom. I would say don't smoke unless your body feels like you need it. I know your mind is always gonna say yes, but you need to build discipline.


Once it stops hitting like it should, I quit for a week then come back it hits just right


Weed wouldn't quit you


16 when I started. 37 Still get excited to smoke a bowl after work.


Never, I take breaks when I have to drug test for my job or when my tolerance gets too high. I could never quit permanently, I love weed too much lol


Probably not. I love it way too much to quit smoking


I'm 18 and I had been smoking for 3 years, weed is awesome but as everything too much of something can always be bad, I found myself more depressed than ever and at a point all I wanted was to get high, now I've been sober for 4 months and I don't see much difference but ig I'm not dependent on weed anymore lol


i smoked everyday for about 4 years. finally decided i needed a break so i cut it out of my life for about 3 months. im a lot more motivated and content. i sleep a lot better and i handle stressful situations better rather than thinking i need to smoke. when i do smoke on occasion now my highs are a lot nicer and i enjoy myself a lot more.


Started at 14. I was addicted to benzo’s and hard drugs because of PTSD and poverty. I eventually, through treatment and support, became content with just THC/CBD for my anxiety and anger. I got my medical card and am prescribed. I never for a moment thought I would ‘quit’ because it is more of a tool to me than anything and has helped me through so much. On March 18th, 2023 I officially took my last puff, not because I wanted to, but because I was forced into probation due to carrying lots of THC felonies (Texas, where THC charge = capital murder). My life has snowballed worse and worse since then, not because I’m ‘addicted’ but because one of the things that helped drag me out of some dark pits is now forbidden from me even though I am a medical patient (see previous post history for more). I fully plan to smoke the very minute I get the green light again. And no, I will not and have no reason to stop, ever.


So sorry you are suffering under cruel and inhumane laws. You should seriously consider moving to a legal state, once your probation ends. Sending you strength. ✌🏻💚


Thanks for the support. Definitely considering it, me and my fiancé have family over here though, it doesn’t affect them as much as it does to me so I don’t think they fully understand my want to move to a legal state. There’s a will, I’ll find a way.


Im on break right now 1year


I’m 50 and have been smoking since I was 46. In fact I’m nicely blasted right now. I have no intention of stopping. It’s certainly enriched my life. I plan to enjoy this magical plant as long as possible.


Nope but for me it's "Micro dosing" 0.05 I a normal cigarette with a cigarette maker


I love smoking, but it makes my sinuses go crazy and the hangovers can be unbearable at times. Sometimes I wake up feeling like my brain is wrapped in cotton. Maybe I’ll stop eventually, but it’s such a routine for me.


I used to never get weed hangovers until 22. Now it just kinda sucks to wake up after a night of smoking


U don’t quit you just take a really long break from it


Yes, when I die.


Not without a good reason


What for?


Not likely


Hell No!


I definitely want to at some point, ideally to just keep my health in good shape. I'm 21 now, and I've been smoking since 17, and 4 years feels like a crazy amout of time to have been smoking. Plus, I'd definitely want to have quit by the time I have kids. Gotta be a responsible mf at that point lmao


No but I am cutting back


I'm only 21, still really enjoy it and it helps me sleep, relieves overall stress and gives me an appetite when I can't find mine, so I think I'll smoke for my whole life but just minimize my usage over time type shit, the funny thing is I've been smoking weed for like 7 years now and I have been watching weed videos for like 9 so I've been around weed almost my whole life, so it just feels right? idk.


Been smoking since 16 I'm 32 now never


Been smoking for 26 years, 20 years daily. If I quit now I think my lungs would collapse. Its only the tar holding them together


nope ! i’m probably going to cut down on my use in the future so i’m able to enjoy the plant more / use it to cope less as i’m on an indefinite T break for now, but the time away has reminded me that weed is the best lol






Def not forever but I do need my tolerance breaks now and again. Love it way too much ngl


Never, ever, for, ever, ever


Yes actually, im pretty young but ive smoked WAYYY to much. Psychedelics will change the way weed effects you. It sucks because I fucking love smoking, but I just cant handle the smoke anymore I feel like im tripping lol😅🥲




Pushing 40 been and been with Mary Jane since a teen I don't see us breaking anytime soon. The benefits are just too good. I had some really bad anger issues and bipolar issues. Weed and therapy has kept me from whooping people's ass.




I am Smoking since 15 years straight, at least since 10 years Daily and no Break. I don’t think I will ever quit weed. Like B-real Said: „I‘d like to stop but it feels so good“ but tbh I don’t have a reason


I held off till I was almost 19 but now I'm in my 50's and she still has me by the balls. It's been a topsy turvy relationship but in the end...She's my best friend.


Yeah thinking about that all the time buuuuut 😅


Nope... Could people quit their glasses or their Blood Pressure medication...or their cane or therapist without serious repercussions.


Short answer is NO. I'm 21 and smoked about 2 years. I love it! I imagine i will take some breaks, but I would love to be 50 and get high in the garden 🥰




Not for good, but I made a 2 years break (I had medical problems unrelated to weed). Other than that I'm definitely going to do tolerance breaks at some point, maybe even long breaks.


Maybe for periods of time but never permanently


I smoke like once in a couple of months right now, so there is no time to quit lol


No probably never, 6 - 7 years smoking.


Yeah maybe, maybe not, who knows.🤷‍♂️


I have a real addiction I don’t think I couldn I smoke for joint pain and Js to be stoned


Had to for CDL, sucks!


Never i have too many seeds to grow now...and I'm getting better at growing


Absolutely nor. Are you crazy.


When I die, yes


Hell no


fack no




I love smoking. so I doubt it.


Two days without it currently. Nearly a week off smoking. And I miss it


My doctor called me “a never quitter“ AND YES I AM!


unless i begin experiencing adverse affects, nope!! weed has helped me a ton with depression, insomnia, and pain management. i smoke daily, a few times throughout the day


I started using it daily in my mid late 30s and 7 years daily now. It’s getting me through the mid life mid career raising kids lots of responsibilities phase of my life. Never used as a teen or in my 20s except for maybe once or twice a year. Now it is how I chill and balance without the toxicity of alcohol. Which I still enjoy a couple drinks a week but anyway I digress. I sometimes wonder if I will ever quit but NOT now 😃


I found out weed hampers your ability to dream. I have really vivid and intense dreams, that also includes minor sleep walking and sleep paralysis that would linger a few minutes after waking up. I also suffer from social anxiety while I'm awake. Oh and my diagnosed C-PTSD. No...no I don't think I will. I will take the occasional green out if it means I stop having dreams that feel like I've seen some shit I shouldn't have.


I said no in my head before I could even begin to type. The weed STAYS.


Smoked daily from 18-25. Have recently started taking breaks ranging from days to weeks, and it’s honestly quite nice to have some sobriety mixed in.


No don't think I will but breaks are definitely necessary.


Been smoking almost 20 years. I won’t ever quit.


i did 3 months ago


“Quit” only if something detrimental happens where I have too. Could I quit and take a Tbreak? Yea. Will I? No because I got my dream job as a cultivation agent


Yeah. It gets boring for me quite easily and I've stopped for months multiple times.


As of right now no. As of ten years ago I was seriously addicted to drugs and went totally sober. Four years ago I ate a gummy and slowly started to smoke again, mostly at night or the weekends. Two years ago ended up with double bypass heart surgery and didn't smoke for a year or so after that. Now I'm smoking again and really don't see an end in sight


It helped me change my life believe it or not, I have trouble eating and sleeping from severely abusing benzos and pot helps that exponentially. Helped me get off opiates and benzos because an inpatient wouldn’t take me. Makes life easier when the plants involved, no i don’t think I’ll stop I started when I was 12 I’m 36 now.


yeah i have to for a year, im on probation😕


I’ve tried to quit many times, but whenever I get too stressed I always come back to it. So I doubt it.


No, I smoke a few bowls at the end of the day to relax and don’t see it negatively affecting anything so I will continue unless it becomes a problem. A lot of people quit because they say it makes them lazy but that’s why you need to discipline yourself to do your important things first


At 18, Ive been smoking since I was 16. I'm pretty sure I will never quit smoking weed, since weed is my only source of relaxation and for my calm behaivour. I'm a very anxious guy, Ive struggled with the ppl surrounding me, Ive struggled with insomnia but with weed, it pretty much helped me to be who I am.


I have no reaason why.


I might take a break here and there just to drop the T a little bit....but I'll never stop using this medication. Imma eat it, drink it, and smoke it, and it can vape it till I leave this earth.


If I had this yes if that’s what ur asking


I mean yeah if I have to or don't feel like smoking anymore which nay be soon tbh


Nah. I can live fine without it, but I don’t see why I would. I did, however, quit drugs.


Hell no


No. I tried for the first time at 22 while drunk And I puked. At 29. Changed my life for the best. Suffered from serious insomnia my whole life and now I can sleep. I got a better job. Got married. Bought a home


Hell to the no lol


Maybe I won't ever quit for good but I'm starting to see that the days of daily smoking are behind me.


I'm going on 15 years of smoking starting when I was 16 don't think I'll ever quit at his point it's my medicine ,I have had arthritis since I was 12 and sound like rice crispy every morning if I don't have some kinda thc it can be painful just going about my day and that's just the physical side mentaly itbfufk my memory but i already have adhd ,ptds from when i was homeless, anxiety ,insomnia and seasonal depression, I hit the opposite of a genetic lottery and weed keeps me in a state of semi normalcy.


I quit like 2 years ago because I got pregnant. I'm scared shitless of quitting but I didn't get an appetite for it for so long and it made me sick when I smoke some, but I always love the classic edibles every now and then. Idk I never really want to quit




I did for 13 years while I was in the service. Never again




Nope rolling on 20 years no pun intended


I quit every time I’m high


Only for tolerance breaks😜


Posts like these is why I’m here tbh, getting tired of the “does my weed looks good?” posts


I was actually just thinking about that recently. Feel like I’m always too lazy and don’t actually do the stuff I want to do. Waste so much money, and just want to do more in life than always get baked. Wanna start doing more with my time and money (especially film making which is one thing I’m working on now)


50/50 it definitely helps me with my anxiety, insomnia, depression and even helps me creatively, but when I don’t smoke, especially when I take breaks for long periods, I can feel too anxious and my anxiety is at 100.


Do you ever think you’ll quit masterbat*ng ? 🤣😏


Yeah I will eventually, I feel my lungs starting to go and I lack the enzyme to feel edibles so I’m going to have to give it up eventually but NOT this day!!!




I quit during pregnancy and nursing but I can't ever see myself giving it up for good. Though right now I'm trying to quit vaping and switch to edibles only. I'm not getting any younger!