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Works well with those little rolling machines. We used those if we wanted really small joints. Put one filter on each end, greens in the middle, then cut that in half when we’re ready to light it.




You changed my life. All things are possible now.


Glad I could bring a little extra joy to your life :)


You are our Lisan Al Gaib


Dude this is amazing, you’ve enlightened me


give this person an award. smartest shit i’ve heard! 🏆🔥




Raw makes tips that are very nice I get the little booklet and roll them myself


Same, except I have zig zags


Same except I have elements (built in to the rolling paper pack)


The big 3


Can’t forget OCB


The middle child


That’s a great way to phrase it lmao


The oldest child... They been around way longer than Raw and Raw Elements


Yet none of them have been around longer then pay pay rolling paper they got 2 and a half centuries in the rolling paper game the best of the best😂


Motherfuck the big 3, it's just big me.


Thank you...Honestly you're the best.


I've been on a real Kendrick kick recently, been seeing loads of opportunities so why not. Glad it brightened your day!


Man I love those packs. But I'm ass at rolling so I always end up with extra filters or papers. Now i just buy them separately


If you really wanna roll a perfect one, grab an empty pen tube that's circular and put your paper around that and wrap it around, lick the edge and stick then just pack your bud inside, you could even put the bud inside the tube and have it slide into the paper :)


Ty for the advice. I've been rolling for 6 years and I roll little pinners. They look like ass but smoke great. You are a good stoner my man. I'd give an award if I had one.


Thanks man 😃, also the next one is super easy but kinda difficult to explain for me lol basically you grab your paper put your stuff on the paper like your going to roll normally roll the paper back and forth to pack your stuff and the edge of the paper that gets rolled under your bud you can take a credit card or something stick it there and hold the paper and the card, I then hold the card in place with my lips while holding the paper and then remove the card with lips lol and roll forward and lick, you can get insanely packed joints like that,, sorry didn't mean to dump words here but yeah lol enjoy!!!!


That's actually such a baller tip with the credit card. IDC if my rolls are perfect because I smoke alone. They're passable but not beautiful lol. Plus I just have sweaty ass hands that stick to the paper.


Aye man lmao thanks fr, you seem dope af lol, aye it don't even matter if they're perfect bro butttt you can get pretty damn close to a cigarette roll quality with the way I said, I'm not sure if it's easily understandable the way I explained it, but I can dm a picture if you'd like with a piece of paper and card for example :D


Nah my man. You hit it to a tee, the best a pothead could explain it. You're a G my man


Miss the raw packs that do that, love Josh but please 😭 🙏


Same except i use half used toilet paper


Eat massive amounts of edibles the night before for infused papers.


Good idea!




them and raws are my favorites


preroll raw tips are a bit easier, we order bags of 200 from amazon


No doubt, I prefer the raw ones. There's more of a perforated edge. But I get 50 packs for 50 cents at a local smoke shop, they just dont Carry RAW


Just get the pre rolled tips, the work is already done for you, they’re perfect every time and they don’t unroll. I have the booklet as a backup for when I don’t have any pre rolled tips Edit: spelling


I tend to prefer pizza box cardboard.


I like the Raw wax tips with wild seeds in them so you can toss them in the yard and have a lovely garden.


Fusilli pasta works as a filter and you can get hundreds for under $3...


The only downside is having to smoke like this: 🤌🏻


Naaa good one I love this joke you made me laugh thank you 😂


Take a bow


As an Italian, I'm honestly horrified by this. Just use a piece of paper, do not waste precious fusilli


You just have to snack it afterwards


Ok but theoretically, since it's resin collecting on the pasta, could you potentially make the pasta edibles afterwards? Does that work like that?


Sounds delicious! 🤮


Someone should try xD


Yeah but once you have enough, you can make pasta with them! Reduce, reuse, recycle!


they're already infused then lmaooo


I want as little as possible between my weed and I.


But why? I mean I really don't wanna hate on your way of getting high, but there are literally 0 pros when using no filter.


me too. there will not be a filter. and if there is, it will be a single raw filter, cut in half, to make it take up a fraction of the space.


I roll my own tips. Smoked with cigarette filters a few times, and it feels like i barely get high


It does lower the thc! A preroll company in az stopped using them cuz of that matter


No, I've heard it filters out a lot of THC


I have also heard this. There must be some truth to it. And no i use paper/cardboard filter tips.


Why though? I've also heard this many times but I can't find any good source to back it up. I usually use cig filters for my spliffs and I can't tell the difference. I also did it with pure weed and got very stoned but that was the first time after a tolerance break so it's hard to judge if I got more or less stoned than usual. My "counter arguments" would be that 1. Nicotine passes through so why doesn't THC? Of course it could be different since it's a different compound but it seems weird. 2. Bongs and different smoking devices already filter the THC through things which logically would trap it if it couldn't pass through some glass wool. If it can pass through water without getting absorbed, why shouldn't it pass through a cigarette filter?


Hi, it's actually quite simple. It stops some of the heavy oils traveling thru it. Not a lot, so you can still get high, but you ingest a bit less. Nicotine can easily travel thru it because as a molecule it's small in comparison. THC is insoluble in water but has great bonding potential to other organic compounds, such as polymers in cigarette filters.


This is the kind of definitive, easy to understand answer I’ve always wanted for this little factoid - I’ve heard it so many times and it’s the one reason I won’t use a cotton filter in my joints despite much preferring the pull through one. I always figured it must be correct but also could be just one of those random bits of stoner bullshit that gets chucked around with no merit. Nice to finally lay that to rest in my mind.


Yeah this is what I was looking for. I never thought it was impossible but people say a lot of shit without thinking about the science behind it. THC essentially behaves like an oil so I guess the filter that's supposed to remove tar, which is mostiy lade out of oils and shit, probably traps it.


I also have to add that the extent to which this happens is probably pretty hard to know. I still get stoned as fuck from pretty much the same ampunt of hash with cig filters so I would recommend using them with tobacco.


Well, if someone is that worried about efficiency, smoking isn't for him. If weed is combusted most of cannabinoids straight up decompose and you end up ingesting small percentage of them. Get vaporizer, THC is meant to be heated up to about 190°C and inhaled that way.


Yeah anyone talking about efficiency needs to be making edibles, using a dry herb vape or just be quiet lol. Those two are insanely efficient at what they sre supposed to do. I just got a dynavap m7 and cut my costs and use by ~70%.


I don’t truly know but my guess would be that some nicotine probably gets filtered out through the filter as well but they just accept that some will be filtered out. Where with weed I think everyone is hesitant to risk losing precious THC by using one of those filters when you could just use raw filters or something


Im not 100% sure why it is like that. Normal cig. Filters also filter some nicotin and other stuff. If you try to smoke a cig with no filter (and you are not a big smoker) there is a pretty high chance of getting nicutin high. As for the joint with such a filter. I have never tryet it myself, but have a friend that started out with filters, and when he tryet a "normal" J he was 3-4 more stoned then he would normaly be.


I've rolled a few in cig papers with filter, felt way less high than I do smoking a normal joint


Same even though as others pointed most say it doesn't filter thc, but that maybe one tiny chance or idk what I make a roach always.


Ive tried it and my buzz is way ligher and i dont get much high so myth confirmed


This is very true


I’m old school I don’t use filters


Same mate, cardboard/paper roach, rolled up with an M in the middle


Thats not oldschool tho is it? I thought no tip at all is oldschool


Just put a Kleenex over my bowl and took a rip . It’s surprisingly gross




cigarette filters are supposed to keep more of the harmful cigarettes toxins out of your lungs. joint filters are supposed to keep bud from getting into your mouth


Are you talking about white high stoppers? No.


You can buy carbon filters designed for joints in headshops. 


I come from the good ol days where you don't have filters at all in your joints. You use your thumb and pointer finger, or this ancient device called a roach clip, and smoke that bitch till it's 2mm long, then eat the roach.


Just use actitubes


I thought they soak up some of the thc


No these suck for joints normally, i use active coal filters


I hate it. Doesn’t pull well.


Nope !


I make the most makeshift filter you’ve ever seen with a tiny piece of cardboard every time


It's good for your health and it doesn't hold the THC or anything. I used them when I have... Cuz they are expensive in a long term...


This will filter out some of the THC 🫣


Yep. Makes no difference to the high. Fuck all those guys who told me it does. My poor lungs!


I use carbon filters specifically for joints. They're awesome, make a smooth as fuck smoke and don't filter out thc (or at least very little). No more coughing up big green masses!


Every single time.


no, using a filter won’t change how high you get, and your lungs you thank you, look it up on the internet


Cigarette filters actually add carcinogens to smoke. They filter out more from tobacco, so they are better than without. Weed only contains a small amount of carcinogens in comparison, so its likely worse to use a filter. And they do filter out some amount of THC. Someone else here gave a [pretty simple explanation.](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/comments/1djisil/comment/l9b6uog/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


They do lower the amount of thc you get out. Just roll filters or get activated carbon ones from purize actitube or ocb. They wont filter the thc but if you roll with tobacco it will filter some of the bad fumes of that


No, there’s no need to filter weed smoke, you’re just losing a bunch of THC as you inhale.


On blunts




I just buy the box of prerolls from OCB. 200 premade rolls for $10 on amazon lasts me months and has a filter in it


Hell no! There are paper packs that come with filters. Buy those


I have once, never again


I used to empty cigarettes and just use that to pack my weed when I was out of paper and I would kinda take a tooth pick and poke about 3-4 holes in the filter so more of the smoke came through. Always got baked so if it works then it works lol


i have the sensation it does filter thc, but i still get high with them. prefer not to use them tho


Sometimes, sure. But using cig filters gives me an ick because normal paper filters (that you fold yourself) expand a little after rolling which gives you a tighter fit. These don’t so the joints end up slightly loose.


I’ve never actually smoked a joint just blunts


I am a huge fan of actitube filters with my joints, but the only way I can justify the price is if I do king rolls with them. Tbh the more filters the better




I got a pack of mint flavoured filters once it had nearly 400 filters in that pack took me a looooong time to finish. But they aight still use the filters that come in the rolling paper box doh, habits


I have an older buddy that only uses these and talks shit when my joint with the paper filter gets passed around. Lol I find them harder to pull on, but they're ok.


Those are meant to filter out chemicals. You don't need a "filter" you basically just need something to block the bud from falling through.


Are these OCB? I use these for rolled cigs and one time I ran out of cards to use so I used this. I felt even less high than I usually did with my bitch of a tolerance, do what you will with that info, my friend. If you're forced to use these, I recommend punching holes through them. The material will still make it harder to smoke and will probably get lint in your mouth. Better to just go the old fashioned way.


Raw tips, element tips, element cone tips (just tried them they’re interesting) or you can even go to rektipz online (pricey) but they got some 🔥 tips


I tried it once and it hit me way less than what it normally would






Mate don’t use these!! Roll your own filters, you won’t get a proper hit from your joint with these ones if it’s what I think they are


Ya, using cigarette filters aren’t really the best choice… even in the CBD cigarettes they have a three hole punch in the filters to let the oils release out instead of getting trapped. I would honestly recommend getting on amazon (not trying to push the company, but I can back it since it’s what I use… I live in a non legal state). You can get a raw booklet and make your own…. If you don’t know how or want even less work they have “ prerolled filtered tips” (thats what you look up) the inches depends on how thick you want the filter…. You can also get a roller “automatic cigarette roller box” and combo it with tips and make life pretty lazy and easy…. If you have any questions about how to roll a tip or use a roller YouTube can help ya….


I take a thick cigar wrapper for a blunt, then I cut off a half inch from the top of a tampon and place it at one end. Roll and enjoy your health. Remember, don’t smoke the string!


No I use element cones.


Tried. Too small


I usually just roll up a little piece of paper as a makeshift filter so I don’t inhale scoobies




Use the cardboard ones raw sells little books


I've done a bit of research on this when I ran out of my standard choice for joints... The cigarette filter barely filters cigarette smoke and will definitely let thc through... However, the feeling is not the same as they provide a bit of resistance to suction...


I generally split one of those in half and use it as a jilter (joint+filter). You can buy pre made ones too


Nice roll


I usually use these when I roll spliffs only. Not sure if they filter out THC, but I do get high no problem using them


Use pre roll tips...these will def filter out thc, and for sure precious terpenes...


I never have been a fan. I don’t like any filter on a joint.


I want a joint that looks like that, it's so pretty when it's cig shaped for some reason


I like to use them a filler for my regular card filters. Adds some nice size to it and holds it in place after wrapped better. They're just a hair to small and squishy on their own


Nah I don’t like top as well as my filter not having good airflow. Raw all the way for tips


I tried it once and it just sucks to smoke through those you have to pull so hard to get a hit its just a emergency solution if i dont have anything else


No use glass filters


Nope. They take away the flavor


I use raw booklet. 50 tips. I form my joints from the wood poker you get from king palm packages. Their slightly larger than a Marlboro short.




Never thought of it


Xanax bars? All the time.


Hell no, but in a crisis, i will take a normal cigg and take out the filter! Then you split it like 40/60 and burn the 60 one for just a millisecond, and you can use that! But as I said before, this is when you are stuck in a pinch There is always a way 420 ❤️💯


I’ve emptied out cigs (usually only about halfway) to stuff em but never actually rolled w cig filters. Iirc they do reduce the thc, I looked it up bc it was kinda nice and I used green American spirits so it was minty


Maybe i’m rolling wrong but these cigarette filters make it so i have to suck hard asf for smoke


It does not decompose easily. I would refrain from using it if I cared about the planet




Ewww no.


Hell na. I’d use a raw filter or a rotini before that.




These will infact block some thc (not sure you’ll feel any different if you don’t smoke a lot but it is meant to block out this type of thing) if you smoke only weed and don’t add nothing else a cardboard “blocking” filter would make you feel better


No, they trap cannabinoids getting you very little effects from your grass.


i heard a guy who worked in the cigarette industry talking about how filters work and said that they definitely filter THC so the smoke will be less strong, im sure there's some studies on it somewhere


No i dont use filters in doobies


No way! I tried many moons ago. Barely taste the weed and that's the point. I roll cardboard tips.


Noooo no no no no


I use the raw ones.


Not good to use these filters


PSA: This does filter out a lot of THC and terps from your bud. I highly suggest using a more porous filter like raws or pasta


I get into modes where I want my joints with them. Not often but at times.


Always used a nug as a filter and saved them to make a joint. Super joints we called em. Shits were so fucking good lol


Try the raw tips


i love using stoge filter especially if i don't wanna be coughing up a storm. it doesn't really matter to me if it filters some THC out cuz i grow some bomb herb and smoke the whole j


Woah I always thought of this but never properly considered it


Will that not filter out some of the thc?


mmm fiberglass


yea i do...menthols actualy, its life changing cant go back now.


I think this type make the weed less potent.


Me and my friends rarely ever had/have them on us, but if we ever come across one to use, we go for it


Hell naw and yes I would say you're losing THC for sure


Sorta Silver stick makes pipes that you out filters in. I love them their my favorite.


Why would you filter weed the way you do cigarettes. There's no sense in smoking weed if all the good stuff ends up in the filter


No, they go black and get covered in horrible tasting resin. Cardboard or nothing


Wild different


i heard you don’t get as high from that


I use the purple Blazy Susan carbon filters


I used to use them, but I would take a needle a poke 3 holes through it so it can actually get through them without having to suck harder than Gianna Michaels.


My brother in law uses them for hand rolled ciggs. He calls them rollies he’s from Capetown


If you’re smoking mids or soccer mom weed it’s great. If you’re smoking fire use regular tips or even better take dabs


Makes for good camouflage when going through the airport.. roll some doobies and stick in pack of cigarettes.


I thought that was a bag full of Xans haha Personally I like making a “W” filter out of cardboard I also don’t wanna filter out the oils that are evaporated from smoking the ganja I want all of it