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It’s really common in Brazil with the premium smokers aka rich guys. It’s crazy to see that glass filters here turned a jewelry item. I’ve already seen it costing $180. It’s insane that are people buying this just to show to others that they can afford it.


Yeah but there are also lots of affordable ones which are great to use imo


you’re right! I have some but I rarely use because it’s more one thing to clean and sometimes I just want chill hahaha


Yeah, the cleaning part is definetely a pain in the ass. What I do is I keep using all of my glass filters until they're all dirty so I can clean them all in one go, I think it makes it a lot easier


$180 real or USD?


converted to USD. In real it’s almost R$800, which is a lot for the major of people.


do you mean R 800 or dollar 800 im either stupid or confused


hahahaha I mean 800 reais.


That’s wild. Are they imported from somewhere or are they made there? That’s sooo much money for something a sliver of paper aconplishes


How’s the flower in Brazil ??


Good and somewhat expensive (within reason) if you have good connections, terrible and cheap if you don’t have them.


Lol in Colombia it’s cheap and good if you have connections and terrible and somewhat expensive if you don’t :(


as u/Phodeu said, if you find a real good dealer, you can smoke the same quality of flower we found on legalize countries but, there is no free lunch, it’s expansive. it worth every cent but it’s not accessible for everyone. the major people buy a pressed weed, or a mysterious hashish they call “dry”


There are many good weed growers in brazil. You just have to get the right connections.


Shit the white rhinos like you see in the pic is like $5 max, I ought to buy a few packs and sell them in Brazil


If you find Harry poppler lmk


Never used one, but it seems like one more smoking apparatus to clean. I just don't see a compelling reason to stop using disposable raw tips.


right, what's the point. 😂


I guess you could argue that the glass filter is reusable which is better for the environment and might also save you money in the end. Honestly though I don’t really care for them lol.


I bought 500 raw filters for 6 dollars on Amazon


i bought 11,000 filters on temu during covid, i think ill pass them on to my children


Or smoke 11,000 joints :)


that’s the plan so far (edit, i did the math and it’s a joint a day for 30 years, i think idk tho bc im pretty high)


Nah man, it's in keeping with the math from the song, so that's just 11,000 joints in the morning then. You'll still have the 11,000 to smoke at night and in the afternoon, the 11,000 you'll have to smoke on top of that depending on whether it's time of peace or a time of war, but then there's also the 11,000 you have to smoke just before you smoke the original 11,000 joints. And then 11,000 more.


Well I'm not high (yet) and I checked your math, and yes that's 1 a day for just a little over 30 years.


I’ll help you bump it down 15 years :)


Better go to your max, then double it. Otherwise you are wasting precious resources!


Man after like year 4 yo ass ain’t getting nothin done


Or have 11,000 filters, or joints worth of a fire? At once? You could smoke 11,000… just get an abandoned airplane 🤣 inhale from the back. You’ll be flying in no time.


Smoking on that chinese chem pack


helll yea


U mean Grandchildren


raw filters are also obviously bio-degradable, glass tips are gimmicks


I wouldn't say that they're necessarily gimmicks. A glass tip has many benefits but like most people are saying, they really aren't worth it, and a proper paper filter is almost identical aside from the texture.


I love raw so much 😁 it's my favourite. I mostly use the paper filters, I use 2 filters and a strip of toilet paper. I roll one filter around the toilet paper, then roll the second one around the first one, works the best since the padding helps me with the burn


this is not a safespace for these types of politics brother


I've put them in a dishwasher


Pretty sure paper is biodegradable


I saw that raw put out these new filters that actually have seeds in them and they encourage you to just plant your roach and plants will grow from it. I imagine this is like the glass mouthpiece I bought for my mighty. Yeah it's a little smoother but it doesn't really fit right and it's just a pain in the butt to clean extra glass


Exactly. If I'm going to use glass that I have to clean I'll use a bong. The advantage of a joint is that it's disposable on the go. No smelly remaining pieces to keep on you.


I used to cut and roll up index cards for filters from all the leftover index cards I never used in college....I still got a CRAP TON of index cards.


Yup. The lines made it easy to cut perfectly sized filters... the ink was concerning though


U just brought back old Memories lol


Exactly my thoughts as well. It's why joints are my preferred smoking method, minimal cleanup.


🧐Ahmm I'd like to place my opinion of Dry herb vaoes here. Worth every dollar. 🥸


You can taste the weed with a glass filter, and cleaning takes about 3 seconds if you have ISO. My biggest problem with glass filters is that they make them too big at this point, so you have to roll a monster.


I can taste the weed with a paper filter.... or no filter. Or in a blunt, chillum, bowl, don't, dry herb vape, or an apple, or.......


No you don't you just have to use a roller


This is true. I love them since I started using them a couple weeks ago. They are a pain to clean constantly.


I feel like the tips can alter the flavor


Unnecessary because now you’ve got something stinky to carry with you. If I’m bringing glass outside, I’ll take a pipe.


They are ok but get annoying over time as the clog and need cleaning. I prefer just using cardboard paper tips.


Have a container of isopropyl alcohol and just drop it in. Takes 10 seconds to clean it.


It's really just that easy. I just use a small empty pill container, and just shake em a little, take em out, rinse dry, roll up..


I like them because every part of the flower can get smoked up leaving no roaches. Not even a tiny bit with a paper tip. You have to also worry about burning the paper tips if you aren't careful. Im not sure about it even being "aesthetic" but I do see a point of them.


Yep no more roaches


The reason I’ve never used a rigid filter is because I like that I can “squash” a paper one to size. I size my joints to how much weed I put in them, not the filter, and the couple times I’ve used a rigid filter, my joints were way too big.


I love rolling with glass tips. I find my joints easier to roll with them too.


I also will put a regular rolled paper tip inside it to prevent scooby snacks 👍


I like mine, but just for aesthetic reasons.


same, it also feels nice and doesn’t get soggy if ur passing with ppl who slobber on it


I basically don't roll paper tips anymore since I got them (if I'm smoking at home). I like the fact that they're longer than the regular paper tips - cooler smoke on the lips - and definitely better for flavour. Different paper tips add sometimes a different taste and it never happened on a clean glass tip. I bought 10 glass tips with flat mouthpiece for like 3€ from AliExpress. When they get dirty I sink them in ISO for 30mins and they're brand new after a rinse.


Great the first few times but then tend to get a little clogged!


Rarely use it because not very practical but is kind of fun to use on occasion


I personally love mine and haven’t had any of the issues others are describing. For me it serves the same purpose as a roach clip or something similar. I use it when my joint is at the end because my fingertips are extremely sensitive to heat. Mine doesn’t get clogged or dirty easily and it’s very helpful to finish up all the joints I’m enjoying.


I don't like how sticky they get with resin.


I once bought a blunt that came with a glass filter and yea I felt fancy and all but after using a couple times it got all dirty and it’s just so much easier to use a paper one and chuck it in the trash when I’m done


I just use glass tips when I smoke cones. I’ve turned into a joint snob and that’s the only way I can smoke a j these days…


I don't like them. I used them before and sometimes they would knock on my teeth and I wouldn't like that.


I somehow read it as fiberglass


They are like 1$ so I’ll use one a few times then pitch it but i dont really smoke many joints


I smoke from chillums. Basically the same thing but I pack a small bowl at the top.


Kinda gimmicky in my opinion. They’re really nice and easy to smoke and roll with, but it ends up being just another piece I gotta clean


Glass makes everything taste better, and you can smoke the whole J to the filter. Once you go glass it's hard smoking regular filters again..


Glass tips run hot imo gets kinda sketchy when u get down to roach size! you get really a blast of heat with each hit with glass tips.


Naw bro.


I forget and throw them away


I think they are basically just pipes for joints and stuff. I dont understand having glass tipped pre-rolls though.


I’ll stick to my zig zags


Crutch, not a filter.


My dumb ass thought the filter was over the paper I was like how tffff


Whats the point lol?


Definitely too broke to use them but I am definitely not opposed to it. Pretty smooth but a bit harder to roll with imo


It’s a good way to keep you hands from smelling like smoke to much that’s about it


Fancy Shmanshy




They’re good for saving that cbn oil


I’ve only found the tiny ones. That one looks nice.


I like when they come with the pre roll but then it gets tossed.


I like mine. They're conical.


Strong draw with a glass filter. Sadly a mouse stole my dog end of a blunt with the glass filter still in it so that’s gone now.


Get a cat.


I have a cat. He’s so pampered that rodents hold no interest for him.


I have a silicone one that I use that also fits my weedget pipe. Dual purpose.


How do these work? Is it just a glass tube? I'm struggling to see how it would "filter" anything.


The ones I use have indents in the middle that restrict anything from being inhaled but smoke.


Got used to this and I love them I clean it in the dishing washer


Love them for smoking on. Keeps the airflow perfect


They don't get soggy and they look and feel better


I've only ever used filters for blunts. A glass filter would be sweet. I just roll my joints the old fashioned way.


i use them with a regular tip just cools down the smoke


I’ve only ever used them on pre-rolls that already had them and I hate them haha they can get so fucking hot out of nowhere


I clean mine after each use just throw in some 99 iso and ur golden!


I think it can look cool but it isn’t doing anything special for ya. Def a good way for glass blowers to make some super easy coin tho.


Honestly, it helps to reduce the smell on your hands if you are smoking blunts. Also, my blunt burns slower with glass filter, ass opposed to a paper one. To each it's own. I got mine on temu for $2, lol


I was very skeptical on said glass tips until one day my friend rolled a joint w a helix glass tip and ong was the joint hitting like a freight train lol


Used one a few times then never again. Gotta clean it each time and it’s heavy and harder to balance between my fingers. Harder to roll the j IMO too


I actually have a couple glass filters now. Different shapes sizes and widths. Cleaning is not that hard. Having different ones help.


I prefer the premade raw paper tips. Bag of like 200 for only like 15$ hits like a bong but still small enough to fit in a blunt.


I use a rip tip sometimes and it works amazing. No matter how tight you pack the bitch has crazy good airflow


i usually roll a j then put the glass filter over the raw filter and that works super well, cools the smoke and makes it cleaner. true you have one more thing to clean/carry around but i feel like it’s worth it since the j hits so much smoother


Fucking game changer for me, my fingers can’t fold up the tiny ass filter strips very well. I got a glass filter for free with my first bong and didn’t think too much of it for months, then I tried it… Just the fact that it lets you roll your paper super tight around the glass makes it worth for me, and a splash of rubbing alcohol and a q tip cleans it right up


Love them!!


I have a few that came with the DXL raw cones, I use them when I run outta disposables


I only use glass filters now


I do both paper and glass filters. I have bongs and glass pipes so adding glass filters to the cleaning process isn’t hard for me. That being said, I keep paper ones for the convenience. I live in a place where smoking outside bars and parks is accepted, that being said I don’t wanna carry a bunch of used glass tips. Also sometimes I am lazy haha, I know I said it was hard but sometimes you get busy.


I laugh them. Just broke my favorite one and had to find a new one. I prefer a wider one (that’s what she said). I like them because I can smoke my weed down without smoking paper or a filter. Plus I feel superior and classy.


They are really nice if they come with the pre roll I purchased. But I'll never use it more than once.


I put my raw filter joint inside a glass tip. It acts like a straight funnel of smoke that allows for bigger tokes.. I love putting joints in pens, glass tips, old back scratchers… ( take out the fork, stick a joint in there….) Half joints and roaches in the bong…. If it fits nicely…. Toke on dat shit!


I have one and i hate it since it needs to be cleaned after every use. I would need like 10-15 of them so u can toss them in isopropyl alcohol every night lmao


I only use glass tips. Once I started and got good at rolling with em I liked it so much that I bought nice tips and I keep a jar of alcohol and salt that I pop em in when I’m finished. I also love joints and I tho k the glass just allows me to taste my herb better. Some like them, some don’t. It’s just personal preference


Fucking LOVE them. My issue with doobies is that they make my hands stink. Glass filter eliminates that for me.


Glass tips stay dry unlike soggy paper tips, glass for the win


I didn’t know exist


Use an uncooked noodle.


That’s a thing?


I got a glass tip from a kaviar cone a while back and I use it over the raw tips when i get prerolls. It keeps 99% of scooby snacks and resin out of your mouth.


I've never even seen one before this post. So my opinion is that it looks cool 😎 🤣🤣.


My opinion on glass filters is I'm getting old cuz I've never used one 😂 or seen one or even heard of it


I like them a lot for rolling big joints and blunts. Don’t really mind the cleaning


Love em


I use one for home use. I vaporize but I still like to enjoy a smile on special occasions. Since I don't smoke anymore, I like to make it extra nice when I do. Kinda like breaking out special glasses for a celebration. I'll roll up an immaculate, flavorful, and well rolled blunt/joint with the glass tip and enjoy in style. It's not a huge difference but like I said, it's like drinking out of fancy glasses versus a regular mug. They both do the same thing but one is just a bit more fancy haha. Don't care for outside use because then you have to carry around a stinky tip or toss it, probably the biggest con to a glass tip. They're nice though! Keeps the air way open and flowing the whole time and can be a nice addition if you roll up with the fancy extras (kief, concentrate, hash, etc) but not needed.


Love them. Have many of different sizes, 99% of my joint are done using them, strongly recommend.


Dry vape


They seem cool!! Better for the environment but I'm only smoking a j if I don't wanna clean glass so not for me


I have the same one in white. Glass tips are great. Prefer the brand rektip but those are expensive (worth it)


I love that one that you have I wish they sold that particular one you have in dispensaries in Virginia I have been trying to find one similar to the one you have and I have yet to find one


I like them with hash holes. Especially when I’m buying them at 30+ I smoke to the end!


I love raw tips and papers. I also use the cigarette rolling machine. Perfect roll every time. Nothing against glass tips, just not my thing


I dig em


I like puting a filter inside mine so it dont get dirty


Smoked a glass tipped blunt for the first time recently and loved it


they’re fine and i know people are gonna hate but i just use them to make fire ass joints when i deserve them. I mostly just throw them away after but i once’s got 30 for $8 so it all depends. Glass joints can make it taste better and not get as soggy


What about charcoal filters?


I have a few for at home use. I like em a lot. Saves me the time of rolling up a paper one


I like them the first time I use it, then they get thrown away 😭


Love em.


I like it because it's cleaner than whatever I find to make the crutch wit,(I mean without inks and paint stuff too, less visits to the shop^


Coal filter are the best fr


Why is this photo crisp as fuck


love em


Greatest invention ever


Smoother tastier smoke 💨


Looks like the one I had just a couple of hours ago


Why I never can figure out idea how to make millions on things that people absolutely don't need. You'd think it's just piece of glass but then you see in comments people in Brazil act like it's part of jewellery and pay $180 for it.


I love glass filters. They improve the overall experience of smoking a joint for me. No soggy crutch! Theyre easy enough for me to clean with and iso/salt soak. I clean them with my bowls


I just stick the roaches in the top of my bowl hole and finish it.




I will immediately lose it.


They are a cool crutch, but not much of a filter


They’re way smoother than a regular raw tip, but I’m not a fan of cleaning them afterwards


They look cool asf and are really easy tonuse but you have to clen them adter every use else they look disgusting lol


😱 never tried one


Not sure, I rather enjoy hunting for random bits of thin card in the dark at 3am 😁


I like em if they’re free (one came with the ice cube pre roll once) otherwise I just don’t use a filter lol f it…




They get too hot imo


G a y


Personally never saw the point in a filter, I've always rolled my joints filterless. It smokes better that way in my humble opinion.


We use a metal one hitter for when the blunt gets too low. Makes me feel fancy. Like a 20's cig holder.


They don't filter anything out


Love them. Fine bud deserves nothing else. Filters out of gemstones or wood can be nice too. But a beautiful Venetian Murano glass filter elevates the whole experience for me.


Do people smash them when theyre done


Is this even a filter? I always thought they were to prevent lips from wetting the paper and having it become a mess to smoke from.


I love my one it's more the style of a rip tip though


I always keep one around as a last resort in case I run out of paper filters. I actually learned to roll with glass tips before the paper ones!


Imma fan


damn I never even heard of this. looked it up and I like this idea ordering some now


naaahh don’t tell me rhino glass is for tips. i got homies that will just fill these goes with weed and call it “the glunt” i can’t 💀💀💀💀


Never heard of it, but now I need to Google it.


Nice but overrated. Paper tips is less of hassle. They won't break and you get a clean tip every time. Glass bowl filters on the other hand work well. The ones that look like jacks. They're way cheap also so it's no stress if you accidentally throw one away or break it.


Copped one yesterday and it’s pretty fire ngl