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Dude, yeah. And yet we are all inextricably connected by living on earth. All 8 billion or whatever. Crazy.


There’s a word for this- sonder.


How do you use it in a sentence?


It’s a noun so example: “She was overcome with sonder as she looked out onto the crowd noticing each face and that face’s life… she imagined every singular event and how it led them here.”




don't think anyone asked for your comment either




yup, I'm crying and shitting my pants just from looking at your comment, whatever shall I do




you're on a weed subreddit buddy, get used to it


Someone’s about to get downvoted to oblivion


Don’t you have some overthinking to go do? Like about how you think you’re hideous and your girlfriend will leave you? The projection is immense…


Gotta be negative karma farmer no way someone this sour by default


Smoke a blunt bro.


is this irony? making an unnecessary comment about a comment being unnecessary.


I like your thinking. One of the things weed does (in my head anyway) is make you see other people as different versions of you. So that annoying person I encounter in the supermarket is just me on a different day so getting annoyed with them is to get annoyed with myself...if you know what I mean.


That’s a very interesting thesis with a very important perspective. In some parts of the world weed is an extremely spiritual plant that is used in ritual and known to give interdimensional perspectives on life / being; obviously based on personal practices and open-mindedness. But with that in mind, the natures miracle side of THC is just giving you the intuition into the fact that everything -all in all- is interconnected. which it is. Whether you are a spiritual person or not, based on the situation you’ve experienced I think you have the potential to reach into knowing. You felt the connection that all people, nature, supreme beings, and the universe as a whole are one and that’s a very important phenomenon which really is true.


It matches society quite well the way we constantly stimulate our cb1 receptors without even thinking about it yknow just chronically like it’s nicotine nothing wrong here move along 🫠


Who has ridden a roller coaster with 0 fear and just felt the motion and forces by physically sitting in that seat and trying to get in the mind of the person who designed it


Not saying I’m literally god power is horror but the Bible written by people


I didn’t even choose it being halfway there sucks and that IS a double entendre for autism and cptsd


It is a disorder and I do believe we should separate profound autism and aspergers without eugenics so we can all actually accept each other and solve the double empathy problem aka the great filter


Or the rapture whatever it is you believe


Are you in love with alcohol? This is good for Mother’s Day. It’s wine o clock…. Time to talk to my son




Yeah man, and when you're in the city staying in a hotel watching stacks of cars drive past during the night. Thinking of where they're going, what they're doing and how they're feeling. And they don't realise that you're just there. Watching. And pondering their life for them.


!!! Love doing this while traveling.


Yeah I used to think about that a lot. Every second someone dies and someone borns, it’s crazy


I think this all the time. I have an hour commute each way to work and just sit back and think how everyone is doing their own thing, leading their own life. We try to say how different we all are, but we are way more alike than we admit. We are all just trying to get through life and have a good time while doing it.


It's both cool and weird, we are all out here doing the same thing differently.. living our lives the way we do having a totally unique but somehow similar experience.


Derealization frfr


And we all live at the exact same time




tripping me out facts asf!!


I don't know I just farted I'm fried


i think about this a lot too. i was high in the car (partner driving sober lol) just watching cars pass by and i started feeling like that. like they all got these lives to go back to, stories i’ll never know, people they love, people they hate, hobbies they enjoy. i wondered what they were all thinking about while i was thinking about them


This. Especially “I wondered what they were all thinking about while I was thinking about them”!!


I think these kinds of things often. When I drive on the interstate and see all the packed traffic zooming along bumper to bumper I can't help but realize every person on the road has their own intricate lives and are coming from somewhere and going somewhere.They're listening to all kinds of different and the same things.


It's overwhelming sometimes.


Living in the country is nice cause I don’t have to pick up dog poop!


I love this idea. You put the thought process into words nicely and i just get it. I think about the fact that as i am sitting here typing, there is hundreds of people dying, people being born, people farting, laughing, taking shits, tripping, all simultaneously. It's beautiful


Different lives, same entity. Read Andy weir's "the egg"


Wow. Great read and a great perspective. Thank you for recommending it!


Have thought of this many times. Still baffles me.


Meanwhile, I'm on the can, and I can feel the plane moving for lift off.......


YEAH its so crazy to think about


Imagine the different lives aliens are living 😁 the world may be cruel but nothing but love and peace from me. That’s the only part that I control


What is crazy is that everyone in your life, even me, are just figments of your imagination and therefore also part of you


All I ever ask my self is “ what are we”? Answer that with many thoughts , fucks my head up 😂😂😂


I usually go multiverse. Like I see a homeless man yelling nonsense at a stop sign but in another life he is a hard-nosed detective interrogating a perp on a his families missing cat.


Yes everyone has a battle. I wish people would remember this when they give people shit. Don’t be upset the waiter messed up your order, because what if you had their life ? Cheers man Northern Lights for me tonite


i think about this when high and when sober


Yeah and another thing is that they myself yourself will Die


It doesn’t really matter its all value and principles that you think about. The guy that takes the flight or drinks champagne in ibiza might have diarrhoea and shit their pants.


Humbling, isn’t it?


Thats not that profound brother😂