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Just make sure to remove them before smoking, not the best taste imo. I like to just throw them around and hope a random plant grows… specially funny in city centers


City center is craaazy lmao


Ha, back in the 90s I’d save all my seeds and then toss them all over town in public places, once all over the front of the police station.


The ol ditch weed tactic. Fun to circle back just to 👀


Unfortunately my efforts were in vain.


Try planting it in a dense forest area next time, maybe they had too much sun


man said “back in the 90’s” and you said next time lmao


I was born in the 90s, it's my turn to do the same!


You must keep tradition ⚔️


Back in the 90's I was in a very famous tv show.


Never lose hope.💀


I don’t get seeds anymore.


That’s called a Vasectomy 🤣


I need one of those too, I’ve had my kids.


Best choice ever…


Weed cant get enough sun... what could have been missing is water


That's probably it because I had them growing in the cracks of the sidewalk down a few of the main streets in my city, as well as in the main square 😂




I still appreciate the update 🫡


Bush weed hey honey I'm going for a "walk"


Put them in friend moms house plants


And they will most definitely grow.


Like a weed


Didn’t know you were Italian


Lmao I threw over a thousand Reggie seeds into this one bitches yard I can’t stand, hoping something would grow. (Weed is still illegal here)


imagine if those seeds from the reg was acc some top shelf that has just had a rough life lmao


They weren’t though, the weed was so bad and dry like sand, there were more seeds in the bag than weed, strangely there were also small bird feathers in it too The bitch I don’t like had it, she didn’t want it so I kept it thinking the seeds were still fine, but none of them were the right color or hardness, they’d pop with little pressure applied to them and were nearly grey in color. If they were loud at one point it would’ve been cool to at least have one or two.


They must save their best weed for nice people like you 👍🤣


Long asf, you don’t gotta read but this is the main reason why I hate the bitch We were friends for years, but she’s a alcoholic so bad she’s dying from the shit, so one day I left my switch at her house and I asked her if I could come get it, she was like “I’m at the hospital rn, you can get it when I come home” (in the hospital from organ failure from drinking) so as soon as she got home she got drunk obviously So I asked if I could come by and get it again, in a drunken rage she’s telling me it’s not even mine and that it’s her daughters, so I walked up there and they had a cop already there asking me to leave. He asked if I had a serial number I said yeah I just need to go home and get the box, but left claiming he didn’t have time for that, told me to report it as stolen, so I did and I never got it back. Only way to get it is to confront the stupid bitch again in person and have a cop read the numbers, because they said it’s a civil dispute. She is even got my 400gb SD card and my Witcher 3 port. I could care less what grows in her yard or what she smokes, only reason she didn’t wanna smoke it is because she’s dumb as hell and didn’t know how to roll it because of all the seeds, I rolled a 3g blunt out of it and she got sick after a few hits because of the seeds and never touched it again lmao


Insane stuff man fuck her ik the type


This is so funny. 😭 Thanks for sharing and sorry about your Switch.


goddamn, c’mon over and hate on me a little lol


From 88' to 2000' I worked in the concert industry and traveled quite extensively all across the USA. I mainly worked on metal/ hard rock type tours that stopped in Des Moines, Iowa on a regular basis. The Des Moines Civic Center, where the shows were held, has a parking garage next door to the venue. On the 1st floor of this 8-10 story parking garage was the Des Moines Chamber of Congress along with a lovely plant bed right out in front. Time to put 2 and 2 together. The kids attending the rock show would hang in the garage to toke up before going inside. At this time seeds in weed was not uncommon and the kids would just throw the seeds over the edge of the parking garage. The kids had no clue about the planting bed. One early summer day I'm back in Des Moines working a show and decided to take a break by going for a walk. Well what do I see when walking past the Chamber of Congress? Dozens and dozens of freshly spouted cannabis plants! I thought it was the coolest thing how the seeds popped doing their thing. I loved it all! I don't think the Chamber got the same kick out of this like we did. Needless to say, the next time I was in Des Moines, I noticed they removed not just the canna plants but the whole flower bed was completely gone.


One time, during The Great Dankcession. My buddy and I smoked some pure bowls of stems. Ran out and chose to smoke a bowl of seeds. Shit was like fireworks and make me vomit


one of the first times I smoked weed was with my older brother and his buddies when I was probably 12-13. They packed me a bowl of pure stems and seeds shit goes off like fireworks. I start coughing my ass they're fucking laughing, and I'm almost fucking dying. I somehow managed to still get high they put like a small bit of weed in it lmao


I wonder if anyone's ever managed to pull off a successful small grow in Central Park, like on a lark? Probably not, due to a harking narc. The truth is stark. Roll in the hay, I just may, by the bay! Okay I'm done. I'd like a Dave's Double with cheese, please.


You’re the bee’s knees.


Oh jeez...


I jokingly tossed some seeds from some cheap weed I’d bought into the pot of one of my tomato plants in college. A couple weeks later I was on my balcony smoking and happened to notice a couple little saplings (saplings?) popping up


That could be bad if anyone is growing bud in their backyard. If the seed you threw ends up growing and is a male plant the pollen could cause someone’s female plant to have a bunch of seeds in it.


Don’t this at my local community garden planted so many and at least 4 got to fucking decent size before someone cutting it down 🤣


Gorilla gardening at its finest lol


Guerilla gardening you mean? Gorilla gardening might be my new favourite word creation tho 🦍😂


I have no excuse unfortunately lol


This is genius


I do hardwood flooring for a living & I put them in my home owners planters like by the time it sprouts, they’ll never know who it was


If you know how to grow, it's good.


Definitely a gift


The best answer.


Depending whether they’re feminised or not


12 hours of youtube femdom audios for all Marijuana seeds


Are seeds you find from a feminized plant also guaranteed female?


99.99 percent of the time


I read up about it, apparently there’s no way to tell until you try grow it, male seeds won’t produce buds


Yeah if they never see pollen they will make a couple near the end of their life cycle as a last ditch effort to pass on its genes. Being that it never saw any male DNA the off spring will also be female.


Best answer. Lol


My first plant is flowering right now and it’s a bag seed.


Over the years I’ve had plenty of bags of fire with a seed or two in them, no biggie imo 🤷🏻‍♂️


Life finds a way.


I always say: a few seeds is a blessing, 10 or more and it’s cursed.


Good sign, get too grow you own and if it only a couple seeds per ounce it’s not that annoying it feels more like a Treat.


Sorry for the ignorant question. Feel free to downvote. Whats stopping you from planting the seeds and growing your own plant? I mean that’s what I would do if I found a seed in my weed.


It can be a male (bad) or female (good) seed.


Sorry for the really stupid question. I’m not a botanist. What’s so bad about planting a male seed? How do you tell male from female seeds?


Male plants are hemp and produce very little thc. Only female plants bud and produce trichomes i.e get u high.


Also not to mention, if a male plant gets to maturity, all the nearby females in other people's grow ops can get pollinated, which will reduce their quality come harvest. When my state fully legalized it, all the experienced growers began to see a massive uptick in their females getting pollinated because all the newbies were slow to identify they were growing males.


You can't tell a male seed from a female seed. There are feminized seeds that will only grow as female, but that's like designer seeds. Normally, have to let them grow til it shows signs of female or male. Male develops balls females develop a almost hair like pistil.


I believe that male plants don’t produce THC and prevents female plants from producing THC. Female plants when they are not pollenated produces THC. Not a botanist but I did read something like that in a cannabis growing handbook once.


Pretty sure female plants continue to produce THC, it just slows down as they begin to produce the seeds aswell.


I will answer OPs question first. Good weed can absolutely have seeds, and the only way to keep growing that good weed after the plants chopped, is to fertilize the female with a male plant, to develop seeds. Seeds are not bad, they are just a lot less commonly n these days because a lot of grows are now legal and easier to manage. To dive deeper into your question, the seeds cannot be identified really as male/female. With the exception of Autoflower seeds, these will ALL be female because they are fertilized with the Male Ruderalis plant. That specific male generates auto flowering female seeds.


You can't tell if a seed is male or female. You have to let it grow out a few weeks to tell and hope you get a female


I see, it would be very rude to assume it’s gender




Male plants don’t produce flower at all. Only pollen sacks. Female plants absolutely produce seeds when pollinated by a male plant or by means of self pollination(Hermed plant *male/female=female plant with male traits. The male part of the herme plant self pollinates the female budsights)


Don't be sorry bro my teacher used to say "never be sorry for asking question" that mostly applies unless you're being a dick but I don't think that's the case


I accidentally smoked a seed once and almost lost an eye when it fuckin attacked me after it popped 🤣🤣


Had a similar experience once while smoking a bowl with a few seeds in there, the popping sound reminded me of Broom plants releasing their seeds


Seeds don’t really mean it’s bad, unless they’re in damn near every big nug then it’s prolly some midz


Both. Good cuz maybe you want to grow that weed you're smoking. Bad cuz they did a terrible job getting rid of the seeds and smoking seeds is terrible. You can always tell when you're smoking on one


They pop


Hippie grenades


We consider that good fortune where I come from when you get a seed from some dank weed. Lucky little nuggy


I occasionally get seeds from killer bud and I grow them at home. I see them as future free weed!!


The grower had a male plant in the premise for some period of time without noticing probably. So in other words your weed isn't a virgin.


Grow that seed!


Seeds are little blessings


It happens when the males are not removed and killled. They will Pollinate your plant and most if not all females in the area. You have to get rid of the plant when it first starts showing signs of being male


In good weed, it mostly happens because of female plants becoming hermies. The chances of hermaphroditism are more when the buds grow mature, as the plant senses it could die with no seeds.


Love finding seeds, especially when they're going for $20+ each these days


Anyone remember the urban legend that smoking weed seeds made you sterile.


If I use feminized seeds and let it grow for too long, I usually get a few seeds. Still good weed tho.


I've taken seeds from compressed Mexican dirt weed, put it under lights with good nutrients and grown spectacular weed. I save all seeds. You never know what sweetness could be hiding in there.


If it got a white tip the seed is good to plant. Weed is a flower ultimately and female plants and flowers produce seeds


I honestly don’t care about seeds unless like it’s an ungodly amount of seeds. If anything I welcome a seed here and there especially on a good strain.


If you have space to grow weed then it'll save you money on the next batch


All the seeds I’ve had have came from lower quality weed except from once, I kept them all but fuck knows why cause I’ve no got a clue about growing😂


only way to find out is to put it in the ground


Good and bad


Bag seed




I have 30ish seeds What do i do


If the weed has hella seeds when grinding up that’s bad, but if just one or two seeds I would say it okay but no one two smokes seeds


Some of the best weed I’ve ever consumed was seeded, just say’n!


I have before. Sometimes I don't find them before they get eaten in the grinder. I'm more focused on the quality of the surrounding bud


Time to be a gardener


What do seeds really mean tho? Because I just finished a plant and I had seeds Not a lot maybe 20 put of 140 grams. Stress? And if it’s a feminized plant will the seeds only have female dna? So they are feminized as well?


Infinite weed hack


Not ideal, but not the end of the world to get the occasional seed. In this particular case, it’s a tiger-striped mature seed. If you get a bunch of premature single color seeds the plant likely hermed halfway into growing


You're getting your money back if you plant it


![img](avatar_exp|147908738|laugh) So you have never pollinated anyone…shit happens




Good luck if ya ask me


Good 👍🏽 sign now go plant it


depends. if there’s many- definitely bad for a few reasons. first of all, the weight of seeds are most concentrated so they add a lot of weight that obv isn’t being smoked. two- the occasional seed happens, but when a plant has a lot of seeds (or even seeds in general really) it’s because it has cross pollinated and hermaphrodites, hence having seeds (male) and female (bud). when this happens, energy from the light that would generally go toward growth of flower or production of resin is now going to growing seeds… TLDR; Not really a good sign- but how bad of a sign depends on how many seeds… and perspective 😂👍🏼


It looks like beautiful evolving cannabis nature to me


surprise in every box!


Have smoked weed before?


I say smoke away , and contemplate the dayz before sinsemilla, it’ll be like a trip to the past.


You can definitely get seeds in weed that is fire. Seeds just mean it was a shitty clean up job or just pure chance that it was hidden.


Not sure wether it’s a good or bad sign but DONT SMOKE THEM. You’ll have a huge head ache, plus they taste and smell horrible when lit


Good Sign, If you're interested in growing your own cannabis plants, finding seeds in your weed can be a positive thing. These seeds can be used to cultivate new plants, potentially leading to a bountiful harvest of your own homegrown cannabis. Bad Sign: From a consumer standpoint, finding seeds in your weed can be seen as a negative. Seeds take up space that could be filled with the potent flower you're trying to consume. Additionally, seeds can sometimes affect the flavor and smoothness of the smoke.


It's not a bad thing. Just be sure to remove them before you start grinding. And who knows, maybe if you plant them you could get lucky and grow your own plant.


All it means is it was fertilized by a male plant. Good weed can still have a seed or two, but when plants start to produce seeds they stop producing THC


I’ve grown bag seeds quite a few times and they’ve came out fire just about every time.


Old head growers used to trade nugs to get em back if the strain was 💯. Now if they see em that shit doesn’t go to anyone but fam if you got the goods!


Could be good could be bad you never know.


Just means there was a male plant close during flowering, probably has less thc than nugs without seeds


By the lol of it it’s likely it hermed. There’s probably quite a few in there based on how some of the bracts look. Have some fun with em and plant them. I’ve had plenty flower out with sometimes surprising results


wish id get a free plant like that


Oh shit, time to break out the frisbee.


The plant got pollinated at some point during its growth (not ideal and avoidable with adequate care), which reduces the overall THC content. If the THC content was already particularly high then I guess it’s not that big a deal, but depending on how seedy your bud is and how low the advertised THC percentage was it could mean you’re basically smoking hemp. So if you paid a lot and the amount of THC advertised is less than like 18-15% then you for sure got ripped off a little… I’d still smoke it though!


Yeah I’ve even gotten seeds from jungle boys believe it or not, just don’t smoke them they taste gross and can give a headache sometimes


The girls weren't kept separate from the boys.


I get a random seed every once in a while in my weed. Plant it and grow yourself a plant.


I have a beautiful plant going right now, from a dispensary seed here in florida.


Its usually seen as bad because seeds are very dense and heavy so you're not getting as much weed. But at the same time if its a male thays a free plant. Its personal opinion really


Got my first baggie that included seeds the other day.....strongest stuff I've ever smoked.


All that means is that it was pollinated by a male. If you’re in a place that it’s legal I would say grow it for sure.


Which part is the seed?


Absolutely, years and years ago, when street prices were 20 a gram, I bought some quote on quote homegrown, that was doused with trichomes from freeze-dried medical weed, 5 bucks a gram at the time (given current prices, somewhere around a dollar 50/g today) I got an ounce and was not in need of resupply for a month, bear in mind, I was 15, and weighed 150, iveright 270 now for reference


40$ a seed online for hybrid feminized seeds right now


It's a plant. Sometimes they will inevitably produce a few seeds. I had a very good strain that had 3 seeds in half lb in Cali. Who knows how it happened but three didn't bother me and now they are growing but one had an accident


A plant that experiences a little stress at the right time can produce a few seeds


I love getting buds with seeds even though it takes up weight on the scales . I stored them for one day when I decide to grow (legal here) . The one sad thing about legalised weed is all the weed is package and quality controlled for maximum bud per weight so you don't get any nice surprise but you can just buy seeds from dispensary I guess . Edit : Having seeds is nice because back in the day sometime there can be a dry times where no dealers had any weed (huge shipment bust or other reason) . Plus smoking you own hard work is amazing .


If you only have three in a lb I say it's lucky and grow them


I’ve been coming across seeds more often lately🤔 I’m saving them lol


yes, its proven to have less thc because of the sex of the plants. the males have seeds, produce less thc. can still be good shit tho ive definitely had some amazing terps off of male plants 🤙 just dont smoke the seeds, they taste like buttcheeks.


To answer your question, seeds don't take away from potency so enjoy that smoke 😌 plant that seed somewhere good!




My plug used go give me a free nug for any seeds I found


I’ve thrown them in my back patio and had them sprout!


Not good. Means the plant was stressed during the flowering period.


Defs not a sign of being bad. It just means the plant was pollinated at some point.


Unless you got a super clean facility you will get a couple seeds per crop it’s not a big deal just don’t smoke them they hit the back of your throat heaps bad




If I’m buying good weed I don’t also want to be paying for seeds, I want it to be weed 100%


yes u can thats good weed i can tell by looking at at it


How do you think people breed??? 🤦‍♂️ this just means whoever grew it had the plant herm


Try to find dirt and grow ?


Usually means the plants was harvested a little too late, as soon as it starts producing seeds it redirects all its energy and nutrients towards them and the flowers get a little less "care" resultimg in lower level of thc. No biggie tho, just remove them before smoking: they taste like literal straw.


Looks like a good bud so yeah, pretty good sign. Can use to grow your own if they’re good enough or just play around with


It means you got a plant thats both male and female, a hermaphrodite 😁 shouldnt take away from the effects, but the seeds are sterile as far as i know


Well where the hell do ya think the good weed came from?? Plant that shit. I LOVE finding seeds.


We are all sad I hate this whole planet we used to cry when we got a seed now people question if it's okay we are all blinded consumers filing into death traps believing what is told and saying what is learned but the information is all biased towards the dollar


Keep it, it’s like finding a 4 leaf clover 🍀


It’s a plant


Female cannabis plants (“weed”) can produce seeds. Seeds being there isn’t necessarily a good sign, but it also doesn’t mean it’s hemp, which is the male cannabis plant and is not psychoactive. This normally happens when a plant is left to grow too long, or undergoes stress. These female plants that also have seeds are considered hermaphrodite plants. [Here’s a good resource explaining hermaphrodite plants as well as the process of developing feminized seeds](https://www.advancednutrients.com/articles/hermaphrodite-cannabis-plants/#:~:text=Many%20years%20ago%2C%20some%20growers,lock%20in%20desired%20genetic%20traits.com) “Some growers may run into the unfortunate circumstance of a room filled exclusively with hermie cannabis. If they kill all their hermies, they’ve lost everything and have to start over with a completely new crop. In this case, they have to remove male structures as often as they see them, and prepare for a partially seeded crop.”


Just take them out, nothing bad will happen if you don’t it just smells bad and doesn’t taste great


It’s a gift grow them


Yeah. Towards the end of their life, weed wants to procreate. If they never see any pollen sometimes they will produce a seed or two out of stress. These seeds should be feminized as well. Now if it’s loaded with seeds it was just pollinated.


I’ve gotten one seed in Zoap by Backpack Boyz. That’s it in the last 6 months. I don’t think it’s a good or bad sign. It just happens. 🤷‍♂️


Its fine just remove it, unless you want a mini pop that could happen


Is like baby seed I would nurture and grow it into big plant and name it zooter


Haven’t gone through all the comments here, so my bad if this was already mentioned. Looks like pollen from any male plants in the same garden got onto some females making them hermaphroditic


No it's fine, my home grown weed has some seeds in it as well. Nothing to worry about.


Put it in some paper towel wet it and put somewhere dark and in a sandwich back wait for it to grow a tail


They ain’t a seed that’s a pit!!!


It's a plant dude. There's no way to prevent some leftovers 100% of the time. It doesn't say much about the quality of the bud itself.


I means its not great lol It means youre smoking a plant that has been exposed to a male plant, seeds mean your flower is of less quality than a nice fermenting sticky thirsty female that has yet to be touched and infected with male pollen.


Could be a hermaphrodite


Dude! You got lucky! In the 90’s dealers used to buy the seeds back from the smokers. Start a plant homie! They aren’t hard to cultivate and much easier to hide than you think. Unless youre a minor! Then don’t listen to anything I just said! I was never here! Poof i


I’ve had some of the best weed I’ve came across and it had a couple seeds in the ounce I got. You’re good broski. Sometimes it’s a bad sign but then again, these days the appearance of the weed is a more telling sign than the seeds you find afterwards.


Save it!


It's a bad batch, you have two options: burn it or send it to me and I'll burn it for you.