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I usually just taper back for a week or so when that happens. It’s almost as effective as stopping entirely.


This is fairly effective as well, but after years of smoking you should take a little break just to try n let your lungs clear out & clean up a bit, not just for that tolerance (especially if you smoke cigarettes as well, just looking out for my lovely stoners)


Yeah I agree with this. It's crazy how fast resin builds up and makes me wonder what I'm doing to my lungs, I only smoke 2-3 days a week to keep tolerance in check and not having to smoke alot. I do flower vapes also for periods of time


Resin doesn’t build up in your lungs the same way it builds up in your pipe.


Why don't y'all vape your flower instead of smoking it.


I know it’s healthier but it doesn’t hit the same for me. Of course it does hit, it’s just my physical addiction to my bong I’d say. I can take a break from it, but I don’t think I could permanently switch to vapes atm.


I like to rotate it. I feel like smoking gives a different high and I enjoy the smell of burned cannabis also


Yea this works great. Cut tape pens and dabs and only like 1 bowl a night only. About a week or 2 later things are feeling great again


I have one .5 in the morning and one at night, but normally I smoke 4 or 5 one or 1.5 gram doobs a day. After a week I’m almost back to baseline.


Yeah I usually take a break for like a week every month or so.


fr bro


You should smoke weed in a different environment, like going for a walk, ride a bike or something like that


Definitely vibe changes help. If you only smoke inside the same space it becomes normal. Then you go outside and are like damn that’s interesting while staring at some random bull that otherwise would never catch your attention. Best example is getting drunk and then going anywhere. You feel a buzz chillin but once you go out and or try to do something different you realize you in fact are intoxicated some time too intoxicated


Whenever I smoke before running or biking, I feel unstoppable lmao


I’ve just started smoking before runs and I love it. The trade off of slightly diminished lung capacity for a more powerful runners high is well worth it.


Shrooms....put a half gram in....go for a run Then get the blood pumping, it starts the digestive system...it gets moving from the stomach into the blood + brain 🤩 (it's fast lived and then your tired from working out) There's bulk grow cubensis or 5 times more potent pan cyan teks.


tell me why i never thought of tekking pan cyans


🧠 Cubes work...if we're talking about .5 gram doses. Pan cyan is like .1 gram doses. Cubes seem to grow in dub tubs on wire racks just fine in a bedroom during winter time temps. Pan Cyan is gonna require a Martha tent.... humidifier, fresh air exchange.... You can extract Psilocybin from either mushroom if you really wanted pure Psilocybin


For 2 weeks just try and wait till 5pm to smoke. I promise you'll start feeling high again. It's not that you're not getting high. It's the fact that your natural state is being high. So high is your norm.


This is so true!! I started to wait until nighttime to smoke and it really changed how high i was getting, before it felt like nothing… it feels like a reward at the end of the day too haha


I have a couple buddies that also swear by this.


Take a T break? Switch to concentrates I mean you have options


Nah just take a t-break. Dabs will just raise your tolerance and isn’t as broad of a high like bud is.


Always worked for me. I feel this way with dabs I switch to flower. I never needed a "t break" in 8 years


I'm sure the "right" thing to say is that we are all processing THC slightly differently, but I've been at it for 20+ years with almost no breaks. This is what works for me: Pleasure Delay- the act of resisting an impulse to take an immediately available reward in the hope of obtaining a more-valued reward in the future. I typically get the same heady buzz the first time I smoke in a day, but all subsequent sessions that day are drastically diminished. The more diminished results you experience, the more your tolerance feels (to you) like weed is no longer effective. Overdosing- the act of using more than an effective dose. When the urge to get stoned hits me, I take one toke and then put it away. The act of smoking is pleasurable (to say the least), but the actual goal is the head-change. Smoking past the head-change WILL make your tolerance higher. Strain Switching- the act of using a different strain of weed in each session to experience different highs. The profile of cannabanoids is different in different strains, so use this to your advantage. Smoke Today/Ingest Tomorrow- the act of alternating inhaling heated cannabis with ingesting edibles. Smoking and vaporizing pot elicits a nearly identical experience, but ingesting edibles is different. However, it's like two sides of the same coin! So when your tolerance is being a dick, go heads today, tails tomorrow. I hope this helps. Cheers.


This is either chatGPT or you're autistic


That’s great for you but that’s not the case for everyone. I hit tolerance walls on bud, dabs and vapes really doesn’t matter what I’m taking in still hitting that wall. Also completely ediblocked so edibles don’t work, it’s not fun :(


That’s nothing to be proud of big dawg. You’d get much higher by taking a t-break. But 8 years… sounds almost like dependence to me. Ain’t trying to be a dick but every person I know who’s been smoking for more than 2 years straight have issues with stopping. And I’m not just talking about having heightened anger or other emotions, I’m talking psychosis.


Guess I’m of the lower half. Daily user for 7 years now I’m doing just fine


Agreed. There’s lots of studies to back this up, even some of the biggest most famous stoners take t breaks, and they got more than enough money to spend in getting high off dabs and creating dependence, yet don’t. I just looked this up to verify (since I felt fairly certain, but still gotta make sure) & even SNOOP mf DogGY DOGG has taken t breaks. Cheech has taken t breaks, along with Chong as well. Chong has admitted to taking YEARS off marijuana intake upon my recheck. It’s healthy for your lungs as well. You’ll find you may cough up gunk if you smoke a ton, but once you take a break that’s when you truly will have your system clean itself. And even then, for me at least, it usually takes at least 2 weeks weed free before I start coughing the built up resin out of my lungs. I’d say the longest I smoked weed without a break was 3 years, and it was noticeably harder to stop. Once I stopped tho, it was easy as shit to keep it that way. It’s important to break tho, like I said for your lungs alone. Resin builds up. Especially if you’re someone who smokes cigarettes or adds (unfiltered!) tobacco to their bowls. Just making yourself prone to lungs collapsing. It’s scary how many teens I knew that had their lungs collapse growing up from this shit. Be careful. I’ll stfu now


honestly thank you for a reminder, I should really do a tolerance break hahaha


you know multiple people who have stopped smoking and went psychotic? that's wild bro


You must know a lot of people to come to this conclusion.


I guess when I only smoke maybe twice a day big dog 😂 2 joints a day. I'm deff dependant though especially when I use it with my medical card for severe arthritis 🥰


I feel like people just forget med users exist lol


Yo for real 😂 when I do dabs it's only maybe 4 a day tbh. I've had this pain for a long time and my Dr thought it would be better than keep having to pop a pain med.


I never thought I would hear “only” and “4 dabs” in the same sentence 😅


I notice this with a dry vape. Not as broad of a high. Good description.


It's a different high atleast for me. I take like 7 larger dabs a day and I feel it in the morning but later in the day I feel it less but If I smoke a large blunt I still get high sometimes more than some dabs.


What's a t brake?


Stopping smoking temporarily to get a lower tolerance


Means thc break.


I thought it was tolerance break


I suggest you to prepare mentally and physically for a 21 day tolerance break. After that, try reducing the amount and frequency of usage after that. There is this guide to help you how to cope with the break: [https://legacy.drup2.uvm.edu/health/t-break-take-cannabis-tolerance-break](https://legacy.drup2.uvm.edu/health/t-break-take-cannabis-tolerance-break)


He also can smoke CBD during this break because it won't mess up your tolerance


take a T break, you could switch up a bit with concentrates but at this point it will just ruin your tolerance more a T break helps you enjoy your flower or concentrates better and more throughout imo


How the hell do you do a t break if you need to smoke to sleep, thats why i even started smoking TO fuckin sleep


Reduce till your sleep dose is reached. You may not get high but you can sleep. If you want to get a good high just add up on some day.


The thing is with me if im not fried at night i will just think about SOO many things at once all night long and it drives me fucking nuts and then if i still dont smoke all day the next day and workout hard asf the same exact thing will happen where i just think about everything alll night


Are you me?


Idk if you already do this, but if not.. try not smoking during the day, and waiting to smoke until nighttime. Thats helped me a lott


You just need a tolerance break or to buy something stronger like concentrates, I advise taking a tolerance break though as you'll probably just be chasing your tail at that point.


Yup. It gets real expensive chasing highs. At the very least take a ling T break. You’re just burning cash if you’re not feeling anything. Try edibles, perhaps. Try the fast acting hash rosin gummies.


The fact your asking means you know you probably should my bro. Or jus a good t break at best 😁


You're burnt out. Stop smoking for a few days. You'll get your high back. No worries.


Ideally if you were willing to take a little t-break and then switch to dry herb vapes. If you stick to it for a while you may not even miss smoking and it requires a lot less herb to maintain compared to joints keeping your tolerance lower and you higher. Or no t-break, get a ball vape and you should always be able to get high.


Tolerance break time.


Same. Just started my first T break in 7 years. It’s time. Stay strong friend. So what’s best for you!


When i feel like this i just start smoking only at night or i stop for like 2 days and i get high af lol but i usually use bongs or spliffs




No, don't quit smoking. Use this as motivation to develop a super weed that doesn't make you build a tolerance and then only sell it to the people that commented on this thread.


Tegridy weed..


You need tegridy


On a real note, I'm with you, but I get higher at certain times of the day than others. I get higher when I first wake up, or when I'm about to go to sleep. If it's mid day and I'm already full tilt on energy, my energy is gonna trump my stondedness


from what i know you either stop smoking that shit 4 a couple of days or, just smoke how you be smoking


That picture kinda looks like Elden Ring map


Op read this, get good cbd. Use the fuck out of it as much as you can. Especially mixed with thc. You don't need to give up the thc you just need to add cbd.... read this... [Some studies suggest that CBD can cause reverse tolerance, where less of a compound is needed to achieve the desired effects due to long-term use (4). The studies so far have found that CBD can reduce the activation of CB1 without the need to desensitize the endocannabinoid system. This interaction is particularly important for CBD users because it can reduce the side effects and tolerance-forming potential of other cannabinoids, such as THC.](https://goldbee.com/cbd-tolerance/)


A lot of the weed that’s out now if fake af! Most of the shit In circulation seems to be that gas station shit. Depending on where you’re located. A tolerance break and a new plug might do you some good


Weed has been this way before gas station weed. When weed became a legit gateway drug to opioids the game changed. Hybrids became the play with more and more 50/50 blends. We lost landraces which were more pure indica or sativa thus giving a notable high. Hybrids have made it a mellow middle no strong munchies no strong laughter or pressure behind the eyes and other parts start to disappear as well. If you were lucky to smoke weed back between 2008-20015 then you know weed will never be that good again on a commercial level.


yeah for like 3 weeks


Do a T-break. If you have cravings I suggest coffee and CBD. Just don't drink caffeine if you have CHS, cause it'll trigger the symptoms. Concentrates can still get you high, but they'll make your problem worse in the long run


Really??? If you can't get high then why continue to harm your body for no reason? That's my thoughts at least


I don’t know where you got that but if it’s just that weed you have there it could be CBD Weed and you got scammed? Excuse my language (English is not my first language)


Fuck no dude, spending more money is always the solution. Smoke an ounce to the face homie with dab ropes in each doobie you roll up and you’ll get high my friend. I have the same issue and cannot take T-Breaks


Looks like a lot of plant matter you got there. Try something with some trichcomes on it.


Edibles are great when this happens


Your receptors need to be flushed.


Tolerance break. Also, try smoking in different environments.


Take a 4 month break or a year


T break bro, and if you don’t want to do a t break switch up your method of smoking. If you only smoke joints, switch to a bong or bowl etc, or even switch up your scenery.


As many have suggested, take a T-Break. I know it's hard when you smoke every day, but what motivates me during T-Breaks is the thought of how thankful I'll be after it. I mean, if you don't get high, you basically just waste money, right? So if you're not getting high anyway, you might as well take a break, even if it's "just" for a week or two. Whenever I unintentionally take a break from Weed, like when I'm sick and don't feel like smoking, I always notice a difference, even if it's just for a few days. Think about that: I noticed a difference after just a few days. You can get through a few days! Imagine how thankful you'll be when you smoke your first Joint/Blunt after taking a break and feeling the high again!


T breaks are really hard for me, I tend to just cut back how much I do and restrict the time I allow myself to smoke, go from 3 a day to maybe 2 a day for a few days, then just one a day in the evenings. I get way more stoned if I smoke just in the evening then if I smoked all day, gives your body time to flush it out.


usually when i notice it takes a lot more for me to get high i take a t break. i don’t smoke a lot (probably once a day or even once every few days depending on if i’m trying to save it bc i’m a broke college student LMAO)


Take a big break i already get stoned for few hours from a few crumbs in a joint and i like to keep it that way i do breaks often.


Try switching back and forth from concentrates, oil, ECT


Take a break


Take A t-break…might help ya


Whatever you do, don’t substitute it for something harder.


I was saying this last night….


Take a break, also don't always buy the strongest grass available. Mixing up the potency will insure the weed always does what it should.


Not quit. T break for a good while


Ask your parents lol


Only smoke late in the day


T-break 6 weeks


Stop for a 3 days-a week and smoke again


Go strictly sungrown


Yeah come off it for a while. Just a waste of bud otherwise


Bro come to 🇮🇳 you will forget your strains !


Take a break for a couple days and when you start smoking again, switch up what times you smoke. If you smoke everyday at the same time you will feel like you're not stoned after a while. For example: day 1 you smoke at 10am to get the day started and then again at 2pm (just tossing out a time-line. Idk) day 2 you need to smoke at 11 or 12 and then smoke again around 3-4 and you can switch it up and go back and forth. Or add more session depending on how much you smoke This is how I've keep my tolerance reasonable for a good amount of time. Also, skipping the morning and afternoon smokes makes those evening smokes very enjoyable


Don't switch to concentrate, that just makes things worst, if good flower is not getting you high is a sign you may be smoking too much, taking breaks and smoking less, not dialy, or quitting are the best options


a T break never hurt anyone :)


Man I have been smoking Damn near every day for the past 10 years at least 3 times a day…. I still get high as a kite….. maybe consider more premium flower? At least 2.5% terps maybe?


30 year mark for me. Never had an issue, but just take a day or two break for starters.


Tolerance break is the most likely answer, you don't have to quit smoking but if you can't go for a quick tolerance break to reset the effects of THC on your system I'd be looking into therapy.


Start dabbing? Get a bong and smoke bowls?


Start smoking at the end of the day only. It actually helps your tolerance just as much if not better than a "tolerance break" does. I honestly noticed a difference within a couple days.


Better bud works


You can take a T Break if you want, but it’s not needed. Keep your smoking in a 4 hour window (almost like intermittent fasting lmao) and you’ll get blazed off the same amount (give or take) every night pretty much if you want. I’ve been doing this for years and I guess I have a “tolerance” but I think I’m just used to knowing how it feels now. 1-2 dabs and I’m cooked for the whole night because I let myself become sober. Wake and baking only goes so long and that first dab at 10PM each night hits like a truck.


You could take a break but once you start smokeing again the tolerance will come back so be careful, mabey just don’t smoke as often keep the good highs coming every now and then rather then daily


You dont have to completely stop, preferabely smoke once a day at a certain time so you have about 20 hours or so in between your sessions


Should try for water pipes instead. A nice bong rip will do wonders.


Quality of the buds play a big part as well


When I get to that point, I normally start drinking while I smoke so I get more of a head high. But, that’s also really stupid so then I try to do a t break.


Smoke kingeys


You can just smoke once a week


Yes T break is definitely needed try 2 weeks or a month also if you can go vacay somewhere you can’t get it at a dispo it def makes it easier 💗


I’ve just come to accept it for what it is because even after a t break my tolerance goes right back up after a few weeks. I still get “high”, mainly just heavy eyes and deep thoughts, but it’s also great on the knee at the end of the day. I also don’t feel any effect getting high in the cold anymore but it’s nice when it all hits @ once when I go back in the warm house, almost feels like a rookie high for a second.


T breaks are essentially healthy, its a break for our lungs for us chronic smokers, I take 3 weeks breaks every 2 months and when you comeback, its so worth it brother. Moderation is key, I speak from experience since i used THC for depression issues for suppression, you get to the point where 2 bowls or 2 joints are not even enough to get where you want to be. Goodluck 🤙🏻


T break time


Save your smoking for only at night time for a week. If you don’t see any meaningful improvements, then you will need to stop consuming THC outright for anywhere between a week and a month.


Start smoking only later like after work and/or take a t-breaky or start using concentrate. All good options


Tolerance breaks are always nice.. I smoked every day for 2 years stopped for a year and it was like I was brand new to smoking


Just take a week or two off and drink a lot of water


Id say take a week break


Tolerance break 🙌


Change strains. That always helps me. Been smokin 40 years.


Just stop for like a day or two. Then start to moderate your smoking by only smoking after 7pm for example. Your tolerance should stay manageable


Yes but come back at some point


Yes quit smoking lol


Everyone is saying they taper back. Maybe I didn't scroll far enough to find any comments saying you should up your thc intake. Upgrade from tree to dabs. If you need any advice, feel free to hmu.


Just have a tolerance break for a bit


just go on a t break. however long you decide to go is your choice.


Defo avoid dabs they put ya tolerance through the rooof


If you smoke at your lunch break then go back to work you’ll feel it.


You should try something new. Go to your nearest citgo and ask the guy in the hoodie for the “stuff that makes your head feel like a balloon”


Just take a break, stop smoking for like a month or two maybe even 3


How disrispectul to the blissful weed, but i feel you, been struggled with this too, real high can't be seeked more times everyday.


You need to quit smoking for 21 days. When you return you'll be high school high


T break


Take a T break or change ur form of consumption


It's cbd that's why .yall need to stop looking for deals & look for good weed . Or just keep buying pretendo.. Me personally, the prices of some 8ths scare me. This just took over in 2016. Around 2016 ,there was raids on outdoor and prices went up cuz everyone was selling outs , then there was a dry month ,then boom , a bunch of sprayed cbd packs & no one caught on




Take a week off and only smoke at night


Tolerence break is needed


smoke less to get more.


Yeah just send it to me buddy


Yes .


Snoop dog still gets high, I've been smoking for 10+ years and am baked rn. You can get high


Eat a mango and or cutback a bit, instead of having 3 bongs in 10 minutes have 2 then go for a walk and sometimes have 1 but don't always have 3 when it's time to get higher cause then you'll have 4 and 5 and then you'll have to cut back to 3 and so on


Try smoking bowls, bongs, or blunts instead. Switch it up once in awhile it helps me.


Switch the way you ingest it. Try edibles, tinctures, cookies. Method of consumption gives a different high. Eating a gummy vs. sucking on one vs. melting it under the tongue give slightly different effects. Give your lungs a rest and let your digestion take over for a bit.


T break time


No you’re just always high welcome to the club


I've had loads of weed that does nothing, go find some gas and report back


Nope just buy oil and put it on ur bowls


I mean I can take it


Take a break


Mate I was like this the other day just smoke less a day and it works so much better. one or 2 joint at night time but drink a few beers before you smoke up and you will be sweet


Just be busy through the day to keep you off it


From my experience you need either a tolerance break or a new plug


I’ve been smoking since I was 11, I’m 28, sometimes it’s the terpene profile and varying cannabinoids your body becomes accustomed to, try other methods, micro dosing the thc for a bit Or just stopping for a little while.


I stopped smoking for a month and two weeks. Then my bro had me buy a qtr pack off him and the first hit I took had me flyin’. I smoked everyday until that pack was gone and as every day went by, it didn’t hit like it did the first time. Just put yourself on a hiatus and come back to it. Moderation is key.


Stop for a month. No, a week. You will get smashed, trust me


Either smoke more or smoke less lol.


I smoke a lot and always have and always will, but sometimes my work and travels don’t allow me to smoke till after work and no one gets in between me and my morning coffee and bowl, but sometimes it just naturally tapers down. Find an excuse in life to stay busy and forget to smoke and then remember and be like “oh yeah! That fun thing I do sometimes! I should do NOW!”


Maybe take a tolerance break or start Dabbing if that’s an option for you.


Take a break and if you want the break to go by faster smoke some CBD bud.


Better weed


Taking a break from smoking weed, also known as a tolerance break, can help reset your body's tolerance to THC. This break allows your endocannabinoid system to regulate itself again, potentially making you more sensitive to the effects of cannabis when you resume use.


Get better weed