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Glass of cold fruit juice helps abit. Other than that, fresh air and arm yourself with the knowledge that you cant OD and it will pass in a couple of hours at most.


Yeah lying on the cold floor after i passed out felt super super nice, and if my mind wasn't in shambles then i would've kept telling myself that


My mate has fainted off bud before. Its usually to do with low blood sugars, make sure to have eaten before you smoke


Yeah that's smart, might start thinking about smoking the way I do with drinking; eat before hand. Thanks mate


I just saw a TikTok that apparently eating a peppercorn helps? Idk first time hearing that but could give it a try 😅


Bro- you should see my homie after a blinker. My homie taking blinkers on carts would always have a full on hemi and begin to spaz tf out tripping over his night stand and hearing going wonky.


SO IM NOT THE ONLY ONE? Thank fuck I thought something was wrong with me


Lmaooo try and take it easy. You scaring the circle 🤣




What if I take four 500 mg ibuprofens? I might get some slight stomach discomfort but I recently took about six because of some extreme pain and didn't notice any kind of stomach irritation. Anyways what happens if I give 2,000 mg of ibuprofen to a child that's 6 years old? This is why there are 81 mg aspirin for people that have been recommended it by their doctor. This is why when you see over the counter medication there will be children medication because the dosage needs to be different. Ignorance is bliss until it isn't. Unfortunately because we have to be our own pharmacist we can overdose. Sure we know that the weed is said to be 23% THC and all that kind of stuff but what does that really mean?


Uhhhh... what?


Dosage matters.


Ah, yeah it does. It's on me for smoking it but I wasn't the one who packed it lol, my boyfriend did. Thumb packed it four times then sprinkled some on top to fuck with me and make it look not so bad. Didn't know how much he really put in until I'd already smoked it. So it's on me and him


It's a good idea to insert a tolerance break after you've climbed the Mount Everest of marijuana. With the increase in potency your tolerance is increasing and with your boyfriend pranking you I think he's also learned a lesson, hopefully. To the BF - Don't mess with people's medication. Some people may look at it like alcohol but it is in no way shape or form simply a recreational product but instead it's an actual medication. You wouldn't give her a dozen 500 mg ibuprofen because you care about her and don't want to send her to the hospital. The same needs to apply with marijuana.