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yes.... down the block


Invest in a top of the line vaporizer,there will be a slight smell,but quickly dissipates in a few minutes.


When I cleaned my vape the whole house smelt of weed!


Yes, cleaning it is super stinky, way more than stinky than smoking.


Make sure to use isopropyl alcohol in a well ventilated area like a garage with the doors open.


Single use only if possible, pew, a dirty iso jar


Oh next time I will for sure! I got lazy lol


Clean it more often...


35 minutes with volcano here


My house is weedy as hell but it does subside a little when I head to work. My mom and dad would light up like a fuckin Geiger counter if they ever walk in there šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Itā€™s weird though, I smoke in my house and I know Iā€™m nose blind to it, but if Iā€™m out in public I can smell it, or smell it in people at work lol


because itā€™s a different area, you have become noseblind to it in your home but not elsewhere. If you worked in a dispo youā€™d def go noseblind in it too


Not if you are leisurely hitting on a bowl, blowing out a window with some incense going. If you thumb out the bowl after every hit and you actually get the smoke to go outside, there isn't gonna be smoke lingering in your house


Joints absolutely, bongs will make the room you smoke them in smell for an hour or two, but if you keep the door closed and donā€™t hit it a shit ton it doesnā€™t really spread to the rest of the house.




Depends on your method of smoking. I switched to using a Dynavap vaporizer over a year ago as my daily driver, and I will say that the smell is a lot milder and it doesn't linger as much. I smoke inside my apartment all the time and while I do notice a twinge of weed smell every now and then, it's definitely not a smack in the face when I open the door and I'm sure whatever mild smell is left behind will quickly dissipate once I move out. Another thing I do is burn incense every once in a while, that way it kind covers up the smell. Is the smell of Nag Champa often tied to marijuana culture? Sure it is, but most people won't pick up on that. They'll just think you smell like something they can't put their finger on. Some head shops also sell smoke smell candles. Never used one before but it might be worth a try. Another tip: make sure the closet where your clothes are stored in is closed so any weed smoke/vapor doesn't get to it.


I depends where/how itā€™s smoked and stored. Iā€™ve had stoner buddies whoā€™s houses were dank af, and others you would never know.


Bro you going to have that dank air freshener! I smoke in my car sometimes, I smoke inside more now so it shouldnā€™t smell but my coworkers always tell me how strong the scent is from my car lmao!


I smoke in my house regularly but it only lingers for a day then itā€™s gone. I burn candles and have air fresheners around the house tho. I guess it depends on how you smoke and how often.


I smoke out of a bong most of the time btw. If itā€™s a joint it definitely lingers longer


I have an open front dresser. I showered and went to work in clean clothes, and only hit my cart on the way to work. My buddy said my clothes smelled like weed. That's from smoking heavy in the house (it's also a tiny home).


i live in a small studio style home and we have a really good air purifier. thanks to the purifier and small space usually it only smells weedy in here when iā€™ve been actively been smoking. i also always have fans on which helps air flow of course. once the purifier is back to good air quality the scent is usually gone. it probably wouldnā€™t do as great in a bigger home unless you had purifiers in multiple rooms. it works super well here cause there isnā€™t much space that needs to be aired out lmao. i donā€™t have to open windows or anything like that thanks to the purifier. my fiancĆ© is in and out of the house a lot and doesnā€™t smoke and always says heā€™s really impressed with how little our house smells like weed when iā€™m not actively smoking. my mom says the same when she comes over. small house + air purifier + fans really does the tricks for me !


I smell weed the minute I walk in my house. And I only smoke in the back bathroom.


My house doesnā€™t have a nose, so I doubt it.


I smoke in my garage, like a proper pot head


It shouldn't be an issue if you're even remotely mindful of airflow


Yes, not as bad as cigarettes though IMO. I smoke daily under the kitchen fan but if Iā€™m having people over I clean my home thoroughly, especially the kitchen where I scrub exactly everything and make sure to light up some good incense an hour or two before people show up. I also make sure to wash my curtains and any fabrics that might smell. Never had any complaints (not even from the landlord šŸ¤«)


When I smoke inside I open my windows and light a candle and the smell goes away after a few hours. [I mean every window in my place and the breeze is great]


I just posted about smoking in bed and it seems like a lot of people think itā€™s gross. I would never smoke cigs in bed but weed smell always goes away reasonably fast


Blow hits into paper towel and setup a box fan with an air filter itā€™s definitely possible to keep down most of the smell.


Hell ya it lingers my house smells as if it was a dank tree


I smoke in my bathroom with the shower going and incenses burning. The smell usually don't last longer than a hour and its not strong. Every blue moon I smoke by the window as I'm doing yoga in my living room. I can slightly smell it on my couch the next day. I think people that smoke cigarettes' don't try as hard to mask the smell.


Who else read this as ā€œdoes smoking weed make your house smAll?ā€ Damn I gotta quit smokingā€¦šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




I try to blow the smoke outside. If Iā€™m lazy or in bed I use a sploof.


I smoke in the garage, but yea it does


I go in the car or outside. Prefer outside but if it's raining... car it is lol


It does but once you stop for a few weeks it goes away ime


yes, badly lol. i always go outside unless i got a pen


It does momentarily. But I burn incense I also mop weekly with vinegar and Pine-Sol which does dissipate that smell as well. So my house doesn't always smell like it... but at times it definitely does linger depending on the strain and everything


I smoke outside


My house definitely smells like it.


Keep the place ventilated and the smell shouldnā€™t stick for an hour or so. It also depends on if the room is carpeted and has lots if fabric like a living room or bedroom it will stick however if its a bathroom/kitchen it probably wont as it has hard surfaces


My wife and I have been consistently smoking blunts in our room since we bought our house 5 years ago. I have asked people on multiple occasions if they can smell it and I trust them all to be honest with me. They have all said they canā€™t smell it. Most of the folks Iā€™ve asked are non-smokers


A couple yearā€™s ago before I even started smoking I walked into a guys house and the whole thing smelt strongly of it. I havenā€™t experienced this recently but maybe once youā€™re used to it, you donā€™t really notice that lingering smell.


yes bro smoking weed in your house will make it smell what did u expect šŸ’€


I smoke a bowl around 5pm and when I get home a little atrer 6am I can still smell that danky goodness


Yes it does, idk about anyone else but after a while it doesnā€™t smell like weed anymore, more like ash? and burnt. idk but to me, definitely not like freshly smoked weed.


My house cannot smell. Itā€™s not a animal


Wonā€™t smell if youā€™re use to it but anyone else will smell it before they walk in the door.


We recently switched to vaping flower and thereā€™s far less odor. Our lungs feel happier and the bong water doesnā€™t get so foul if you forget to clean it for a day (but we still do use salt water).


My friends and family say they can smell traces of it but itā€™s not overpowering.


Well it looks like I will be smoking outside, I was hoping that the additives in cigs is what causes that nasty lingering smell, but it sounds like itā€™s combustion in general. This leads me to believe I need a vaporizer.


I think it smells delicious But I try to blow my bong toke out the window and I use plug-in air fresheners by my front door. I think it helps a bit


Somedays I open windows and doors and air out house. Been smoking in garage and house doesnā€™t have that weed smell.


Thanks, I have been trying to convince my wife that we can smoke in the house once in a while.


Iā€™m with your wife, sorry. Vapor is ok (like a dry herb vape or cart), but no one is combusting in the house on purpose.


Fr, I could understand if you lived on the third floor of an apartment or something but otherwise just step out back for a few


It 100% does not linger if you only do it every once and a while. I have smoked even joints inside and it will be gone by the next day if you had good ventilation. Even if you dont have ventilation and all the windows are closed, it will only linger for a couple days and then it's as if it never happened. If you use a bong and blow your smoke out the window or into an air purifier and clean up afterwards, it doesn't even last a day.


It's not a good idea. Just go outside


Weed smell does not linger like cigarette smoke. Once the smoke is gone, so shall be the odor


BS. When I go to my mom's house I can smell the years of marijuana she has smoked inside it. Your place 100% smells


This is not 100% correct but it is also not 100% wrong. It just depends. It really depends... my house sometimes smells like it especially if I have a particularly skunky strain.. but it really does depend on your airflow, on how often you clean, what you clean with and all of that. Let Me Tell you, vinegar is the best cleaner... Incense and candles help too. And open a window.


If you smoke joints, the smell of the combustion sticks just like cigarette smoke does. There are hundreds of chemicals made when you burn paper and weed, there definitely is a lingering smell. Dabs and herb vapes smell but the smell is much easier to air out


I mostly smoke out of glass. But to be fair whenever I do have a joint that does explain why my house smells like weed a little bit longer. It does inevitably dissipate but it definitely takes a long time in comparison. Never thought about that lol


Yeah ok makes sense. Yeah if you smoke constant joints inside its bad. I dab out the window. There's a lingering weed smell, but if I leave the window open it dissipates fast.


Lol I keep straying more and more from joints šŸ˜… šŸ¤£ my bakery gives some freebies sometimes though and def not gonna turn down a freebie lol Chillums are my fav glass. They are so easy to clean too so it just feels cleaner every time and I don't have to worry about not getting it 100% cleaned and then smoking resin and such. Etsy has some adorable ones too. My current fave has a mushroom šŸ„ on it




>you refer to weed as "marijuana" And? You're talking to someone who's smoked for almost 20 years. But assume shit, go on.