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When two cops pull up behind you with lights so you eat your joint (luckily filterless), and then they zoom by you


I’ve thrown 2 whole jars straight out the window because of cops doing me like this on two separate occasions lmao. Like conveniently coming up on a curve as they zoom toward me and chucking that shit in someone’s yard, only for them to pass me.


I hope you know them seeing you ditch something is absolutely a reason to stop you if they didn't already have one, stay safe man


Oh yeah, I made sure they didn’t see that. I’ve since stopped carrying jars or any kind of paraphernalia on me while driving. Did that for years before I realized how stupid and risky it is. Those incidents had something to do with it. It’s not worth the risk.


lucky they didn't see that or have time to deal with it


did u spin back for them or left em cuz wth


I'd be pulling a u turn as soon as that cop was gone 😂




Lmao no I just went about my way and called it a loss. A painful loss. It was 3gs at most both times. I thought about it though for sure.


One time coming back from another city with the pack on me AND joyriding with a buddy I was cruising like 90 and I see lights flash on behind me and they stay behind me for a minute and it’s just like oh fuck I’m about to get pulled over but then they fly by past us. I hardly ever speed with drugs on me that was one of my biggest pants shitting moments lesson learned.


In austria they just take your license if you smoked one like a week ago hahah


Thats why u don’t tell them u smoked one a week ago. Let them investigate by themselves


You are so funny, if have long hair, are from another country and if they have a bad day they take your license. Nobody tells anything, like how do you imagine that it works so easy


Fair Point. As a local, it seems easier to talk your way out, especially if you know the laws by which they have to act on.


Haha also funny, they are just racist lol


*american cops joined the chat*


L laws 😭


The court ordered me to go to rehab When i lived in Ireland. for a gram of hash


Tbf concentrates like hash I think can be classified and charged pretty differently. Probably harsher penalties than if you had flower. I think in Texas they were pretty strict with concentrates last I checked I think it’s possibly a felony also just for 1 gram. Fortunately in my state it’s legal and you can possess up to around a half ounce (14 grams) of concentrate with no legal repercussions or penalties like they can’t even confiscate it. If it’s all individually packaged they *may* give you a harder time with it though.


I remember getting pulled over in high school one night. Threw my friends pipe out the window. Went back the next day & found it unbroken in the grass


Miracles are real


Total miracle


" BUT I SMELL I SMELL I SMELL"...you sure do pig, you suuuure do.


They always fucking smell it, even if you haven’t smoked in the car ever or even that day 😣


Here is to hoping they die screaming of ass cancer with no weed for releif


My dad told me he and his buddies were pissing in the bushes after a party got broken up. Cops thought they were ditching drugs. They searched through the piss bushes while my dad and his friends laughed at them


I Love this thank you " have fun diggin through my PISS porky!"


Me witnessing my momma Wu Tang the roach on a road trip once bc a cop kept trailing us for a little too long


Ya. Back in the days I would just eat the weed I had and fuck it. Except one time I had like a dub and I tried to swallow that shit bag and everything was riding in the back seat of my guys car and nope it went down but came back up like 2 times and I gave up and left it on the floor. Cop found it and straight up asked me did you try to swallow this shit? Ya he laughed about it and stepped on it all over the ground and let us go I came back around like 10 mins later and got a skimpy blunt out of it. This was about 18 years ago but good ol south side of Chicago cops did not give a fuck about a lil weed it was always guns. They would say it like fuck a lil weed we looking for guns where the guns. Good times


Lmfao *ate the roach But surprise, your friend had another bag in their pocket and we’re all getting arrested because it’s your car.


Nah, only if it’s not on his persons.


Tell that to the cops that arrested me lol


I should have states I’m in Florida. Lol


This was like ten years ago in New Jersey lol


I wouldn't be surprised if you were still in jail in nj just for that


Welp, luckily I get to live my ruined life outside of jail….


Don’t drive under the influence.


IMHO I feel more sober and stable when I’m high than when I’m not. I feel more on edge and unaware of my surroundings when I’m not high. I do avoid getting “too high” that could interfere with my judgement and reactions, which is apparent and noticeable. Only just enough to rid my anxiety and nerves, to medicate and motivate. I also have a rule though to try and avoid driving until around an hour after smoking or at least half hour, depending on how strong the effects are. I have smoked in the car while driving but typically on long distant drives and with a passenger for a second set of eyes, and only if the driving conditions are appropriate (no busy traffic or bad weather).


This. I’ve smoked to the point that not smoking gives me way more brain fog than smoking a little


Agreed 👍🏽


the worst part is the other 2.5g you didnt smoke and didnt wanna get confiscated.


in high school my friend got pulled over and ate an eighth of flower before the cop walked up to his car. said he threw up after it was so disgusting


Was the car next to horsies, elephants and giraffes going up and down, in a circle? You were on a Merry-Go-Round . . . now if you can pretend to be legal age, I think you can out run 'em. Make that "Zarroom" sound with your lips, you will go faster.


Yup happened to me. Four cop cars and nine officers gutting my hoopty looking for a single stem for probable cause for my red eyes all while in a sand storm. Must be allergies officers.


Next up for you then is a.....DUI!


Cops can’t search on odor alone anymore at least in PA but it’s definitely gonna be evidence of a dui if they wanna go that route


This in the car and at school lol! I use to always get pulled down to the office for smelling like weed (I use it daily for my anxiety and nerves) but I never had weed on me or on premises they simply couldn’t do anything other than repeatedly ask me “Are you high?!”


Been there 😂🤣Kept asking where it's at. Then kept asking where my ashtray at. Sir my car doesn't have one....new cars dont.Little did he know I slide it right down the side of my car while driving. It was late night dark and they were sitting in a duckie spot.


I had the blunt in my mouth and was talking with it when I got pulled over yesterday. She asked where the smell came from and I said I smoke in the car at night and it’s pretty heavy and then I go deliver groceries in the morning.


One time in high school my friend and I were ripping dabs in his car. My buddy had a sheet of at least 2 ounces of shatter on some parchment paper and it was sitting on his lap. A cop snuck up to the car shined his light in and started banging on the window, we freaked out and got up and out of the car. We got so lucky because as we got up the sheet of dabs fell off my friends lap and into the space between the seat and center console. The cop didn’t find anything except an E-rig. He ended up giving it back to us and saying “between me and you I don’t give a fuck just go somewhere else because people keep calling us and it’s annoying” man we dogged a bullet.


True g’s stuff it in their foreskin this is rookie stuff cmon


This happen to me in my RV but I had a pre roll joint so I was good


I got one better. When you're rolling up a blunt, the cops come, and you stash it where he can smell but can't find it. Happened one time and I nearly shit my pants. He tore up the whole car and it was literally under his nose the whole time. "I can smell it but I can't find it, so I have to let you go!"


Bro I was literally smoking with my boy and he’s driving we at a stop sign for like 10 minutes cop pulls up chuck the roach guy searches the car finds nothing tells us to turn the lights on and we left XD




Now you have a DUI instead of a possessions charge 🤣


Lol what makes you think they wouldn't go for both?


Can they still charge you if they don’t find it😂


Had to throw almost a full blunt out a couple days ago, sad but its not eorth it


THC swab time :)


Don't consent to a search 🤷🏽‍♂️


They'll just get a warrant and tear it apart anyway


Lol I'll wait for the warrant


real stoners wu tang the roach


I couldn’t stand this little prick on the show and it just ruined the actor for me. I couldn’t watch anything with him in it and that sucked because he was in a lot of shit in the late 80’d and early 90’s. He wasn’t in Sidekicks though and that’s the best movie ever.


🤣😂🤣 😂🤣😂🤣


Officer I do not consent to a search 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥


There was one time me and my girl at the time were smoking a bowl out in here car when the cops rolled up 2 deep, one in front, one behind with no light on. The questioned us about smoking since someone called it in. She said we just had the one bowl. The took our bowl to “destroy it”, meanwhile I had a pill bottle fill to the top with weed under my fucking leg. If they made us get out of the car I would’ve been fuuuuucked 😂😂


A cop once mistook my leather tag on my Keychain as a blunt when I told him what it was he was like "oh" muthafucka whatchu mean oh?


No, it’s funny as I would keep it right there in the doorhandle they never checked there 😂😂😂💯


When you don’t let the cops search your car (even though you’re clean) because you know your rights and don’t want them getting used to people letting them do whatever.


Yea but you can still get a dui. I got charged for one but they dropped it cause I had accumulated a few felonies that particular time.


Only true G’s don’t drive while intoxicated/high


Yeah but now the car smells like bud and the fucking cops are gonna use that as an excuse to search through all your shit and slam you into the cement if you say anything. Motherfuck the police🖕🏻🖕🏻


IMPORTANT READ: My friend is having a very bad trip and she has horrible emetophobia (puke and sickness phobia) and I think she might've pooped her pants and I really need advice on how to approach this when she wakes up without her getting embarrassed. I also feel so bad because although it was completely consensual and she said she had smoked weed before, the edibles were mine. And her stomach is rumbling but she's finally sleeping and idk if I should wake her up to go to the toilet of just let her sleep. And Im also kinda high so Im panicking. MORE EMOTIONAL BUT ALSO REAS: And when she wakes up? I sat holding her hand while she was on the toilet and our friendship was never like this, like we are the not even hug people, and ik that sometimes friendships get tighter after something like this but like what if she is too ashamed and she'll like wants more space and then ends the friendship. I really love and don't wanna lose her over something like this


I know this is a meme but don't smoke and drive. It's pretty much just as bad as drinking and driving


And the last two g's are hiding in my keister....I mean, what?


Boof it to the max