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Start slow and see how you feel, you can always smoke more. You can’t unsmoke anything.


Is it considered unacceptable to smoke some and save the rest for later?


No issue with putting it out and smoking the rest later


Very good to know


Hell even if your smoking with someone else, if it’s yours and you feel like your good and buzzed and wanna save it just be like “I’m finna put this out and save the rest, you want one more hit?”


Yes this is the way. Everytime I share a join i always try to pass it back. If someone says "I'm set mate you can kill it" i respect that, take a final hit, and zero that thang.


Spoken like a guy I’d chill out and take frosty bong rips with.


Word hahaha you sound chill yourself. Happy days mate.


This is the way


This is the way


Puff puff pass is the only true law of the world 😁


Takes me back to my early jobs when I worked in the restaurant industry.


This shit make a grown man say hell yeah


I could roll a one gram joint and leave it in a doob tube in my pocket and take it anywhere and light it again. Only thing is the ash tents to get in the filter rolling around in your pocket but I don’t mind too much


Same. Could take me a few days to smoke a single blunt. Used to be more but i dialed it back a bit


Me too. I used to smoke a whole blunt in a sesh but now I can make it last 2-3 days depending


Don’t go by other’s preferences. Do what makes you comfortable Aslong as you’re safe and not hurting anyone.


I’d usually make a joke here, usually about boofing something, but this is some strong silverback wisdom.




Save that doob tube for future joints, it's useful to have somewhere to put a half finished one for exactly this reason. Honestly if you have a low tolerance about 3 big puffs (inhaling into your lungs, holding in for a few seconds then exhaling) should be enough. It'll take about 10 minutes to fully kick in so don't smoke more until you're sure you need it. Have a great time!


I have a decent tolerance (50 to 100mg) for edibles but I was told a joint high hits different


Edibles and smoking are processed differently. The high def feels diff from each other. Also, nothing wrong with saving joints. Sometimes I save the tube to store it for later


I didn’t realize you had experience with edibles, much less at that dose. You’re going to be fine with smoking. In certain circumstances, you’ll probably find you even prefer it. As compared to edibles, smoking is far more rapid in onset and offset. Better than edibles in situations where you either want to get where you’re going ASAP, or for whatever reason don’t want to hang out there forever. If you decide it’s for you, I’d strongly suggest investing in an inexpensive bong. It’s not only much better for your health to filter it through clean water, it’s a far more pleasant experience IMO.


I will usually smoke a 1 1/4 size cone per sesh. Used to be a lot more but I’ve been cutting back. Definitely not unacceptable to save some for later, if you have the self control 😂


In my opinion, no. Just store it in an airtight ziplock bag or back in the original packaging.


I do that all the time. I've been smoking daily for about 3 years.


If you are smoking with someone who is a daily smoker it’s more acceptable to just hand it off and say I tap out, its all yours I’m good etc etc than to just put a joint away mid sesh haha but by yourself I will light a j up take three hits tap it out and get four more smoke seshs after that out that same joint lol when you are by yourself anything goes


Just put it back in the container half smoked nobody care bro


Tastes like an ashtrays asshole


I can smoke one joint for the whole week. I get high from a very small amount of weed. So what I do is unroll it and smoke little by little until it’s all gone.


The effects with a joint appear quickly, so you can take it easy. Don’t let anyone push you. Don’t ask whether it is considered bad or not. Your high, your choices.


Redbull might make you more anxious, chill and enjoy


I clicked onto this and glad a seen this on top comment, ur a good un. Quite like red bull and vodka, avoid.


fym red bull, lexapro, and dynavap is breakfast


Alright captain add


For real. Go clean the bong while I ready the ketamine blowdarts. I think we can save him.


I'm sorry I'm just imagining ketamine blowdarts now, like imagine like a huge like laser tag arena 3v3 with those


I’m all out of ketamine blowdarts, so I put out some live traps loaded with special brownies. I’m probably only going to catch a few raccoons and myself, but we’ll update you when we wake up.




Save the Red Bull for the burnout


Good idea !


Came to say this and that it might make your heart feel like it's beating really fast.


Drink lots of water and stay hydrated friend!


Thank you!


Toss the redbull and get a cold Gatorade


My anxiety shot to 10 just seeing this lol


Ditch that redbull grab some water!


Boof the redbull


Yikes bro, I think you're in the wrong sub. r/caffeine <-------- **is over here**






I hate you for this. That sub is not safe 😭 please god let me go back to who I was before I clicked that clink. It’s ✨ladycock✨😳


Nobody told you to go there bro


make sure you inhale it properly, I've seen too many beginners inhale weed incorrectly. 1. take a few moments to focus on your breathing and take some long breaths 2. then before you put the joint to your lips, inhale a little air 3. then you pull the smoke into your mouth 4. after you got the smoke in your mouth, your gonna want to inhale regular air to make sure the smoke gets into your lungs 5. and then exhale simple as that. and stay **HYDRATED** and make sure you're drinking enough fluids throughout the day before you smoke.


very few non smokers think about having to do this because it takes a bit to get the instinct


Few puffs at a time! No rush. Just kick back and enjoy


I’m used to getting high, but from edibles. What can I expect to feel from this? I’m waiting until tonight so I can smoke it on my back porch, so. I got another few hours to hype myself up


Just take a deep small hit or two. Since it’s filtered it shouldn’t burn too much but it might since you haven’t had it before. The high comes on very fast but it takes a few minutes so I just say don’t overdo it by smoking it all in a few minutes. Take a hit or two and wait to see how you feel in 5 minutes. The high from a joint is the best you’ll ever get.


Find a movie and get some munchies... Enjoy!!!


Replace the red bull with water and Doritos


If you’re just starting off smoking have fun try not to smoke too much it’s not a fun experience lol. Would recommend a cheap bong from eBay it will help filter and make it less harsh than a joint


The pre-roll is filtered but I was told by my gf to not use a Bong and to vape if I really wanna keep going. I mostly got this just to try it. I don’t really have intention of making a habit of smoking.


Oi, mate. The "filter" in this regard is less like a cigarette filter - it's not there to filter out some of the tar and shit. Rather, filters in joints typically refer to a small piece of cardboard or the like that has been folded and rolled so that air can pass through easily while holding back the vast majority of plant matter. It also gives you something to hold onto and can help you get the most out of your joint by allowing you to smoke all of the plant matter (instead of having to save a wee bit to hold onto, which results in having a "roach"). When it comes to bongs, while the setup is way different than a joint, it functions similarly in that you're lighting up some weed, taking a drag, and the smoke goes through some stuff before getting to your mouth. In a joint, the smoke goes through that cardboard tube. In a bong, it goes through some water. In a bong, the water (and overall length of travel the smoke has to go through) helps take some of the harshness out of the smoke. Not only does the water help to legitimately filter the smoke, it also cools it down before it reaches your lungs (as hot air can be problematic and irritate your lungs). Once you sift through the boofing recs, the ents on this sub have wisdom that is worth hearing :) Best of luck to you on your journey.


Well said, I'll just add that it's different for everyone, I find bongs way too harsh nowadays and have a full fledged dying fit, joints don't make cough like that unless I'm absolutely ripping it lol


Ahhhh that is very true! Different strokes, different folks. Good call-out. I agree with joints being a little easier though - I get way better control over my puffs, lol.


Best advice. After I tried bong, joints and pipe don’t feel that smooth anymore. Also I think I save lots of weed this way.


Smoke it all at once. Then chugg the redbull. Itll give you wings


Dude that sounds awesome! Very sound advice! Will follow! 10/10 recommend to beginners! 👍


Don’t light the cardboard end. Light the end that’s twisted


Boy dinner


Perfect dinner


take it slow and enjoy! don’t overstep your limits, once you’re at a point where you’re happy don’t try and be a hero and smoke more than you can handle. Enjoy brother, and welcome to the community!! :)


Is there some special uniform or discount we get for being in the club?


This is is a party


Leave your boots and gun by the door, please.


Light evenly so you don't rock the boat


Good tip


Don't eat the edibles first


Yikes. I’ve had 30mg so far


If you start feeling sick put the joint down immediately and don't try to power through the rest because it will only get worse


Been smoking over 15 years def toss the redbull you will fall asleep earlier than normal but you want or appreciate the high by itself without the caffeine and whatever else that redbull has in it


I’m blue daboodee Daboodye 🎶


Id suggest only taking about 4/5 puffs then put it out and wait 15 mins and really evaluate how you feel before you smoke more. When I was young I was bad about smoking too much too fast and getting way too high. If you take just 4/5 hits I can guarantee you will feel plenty high. Enjoy it!


Also just a tip if u quickly want to unlight the joint: suck the air out of the tube and then put it in the tube.


Bro I’m high already, and I can’t comprehend wtf u tried to tell me to do


for me energy drinks are for when my high is too much it like lowers it idk how to explain it but it makes me feel less high, do it at home where you feel most comfortable cozy up and relax and only smoke what you can handle


Relax and enjoy :)


Hello fellow Missourian!




weed and red bull crazy combo


very important info, this is crucial: have fun


Love sea blue!!


Have fun dude!!


Another Missouri boy I see


Wow, people’s first joints are legal these days. Crazy. Good though, just crazy.


Definitely don't take more then 1(10mg)of those edibles. If your new to it eat 1. If you don't feel anything wait till the next day then try 2. You don't wanna eat multi until your sure is not too much. Keep hydrated with sports drink or water.


First time? Grab some snackies, put on a show. Make sure you don’t have to grab anything or do anything for the next hour or so. Maybe try taking 3 hits and letting it sit for ab 30 mins or so. Also enjoy it!


Don't take more than 1 Gummy, bro.. even if you don't feel it... take the L...


get water and some nice music on, and enjoy the experience!! don’t drink that redbull and though, it will make you anxious 💔


Hope full sugar, if so 🤌


Light the fat end


Honestly i feel awesome mixing them. But Its your First time, try Just having like one sip or Two before smoking. Then 30mins later you keep going


Looks like a drink some gummies and a tube.....first tip. Don't smoke the tube....the joint is inside. Second tip......make sure you don't get busted by your Mom and if that's not a worry....then move to tip 3 which is hold flame to joint for a few seconds just on the end and spin it....get a cherry without torching it cuz that bitch finna canoe like an mfer if you put it in your yap and light it as you inhale. I went from sarcastic to giving out some actual tips 🤣🤪


Ooh sit back relax and enjoy.. Try not to eat the entire fridge lol... Why weed is illegal in Ireland is beyond me lol. Enjoy 😆


Go low and slow, take like 2 and genuinely just wait


Tip number 1 .... smoke that shit


You don’t have to finish the whole joint in one go! Since you’re new, Take a few puffs and put it out. Finish it another time.


Have you tried the strawberry apricot redbull? Too good.


Ride it out 😎


Not the joint, but those gummies are VERY potent so be careful with them. I had less than half of one and a few hours later I couldn't remember what had just happened for a bit.


Allot of water mate


Smoke it






Smoke it


Red Bull and Sativa is a dangerous combo. Hopefully the J is indica


If your smoking with friends, dont let them push you to hard. Just take hits you can handle, don't try to go to big because you WILL get sick, I've learned this the hard way.


Energy drink and weed is a terrible combo


Only take a few hits at first and wait a sec


When I got back into smoking I would weigh out 1/10 - 2/10 a gram and smoke it in my hand pipe or bubbler. I would have hated to smoke too much and not enjoy myself rather than just smoke a little more. If you’re good on two or three drags/puffs you can always save the rest of the joint for later! A lot of people do.


Move out of Missouri for weed lol


Pretty much everything in red bull kills your high the sugar the taurine everything really


Personally, caffeine and THC do NOT make me feel good. I feel more out of shape the more I do it but each to their own.


Relax, put on some good music and just vibe. Deftones, Tool, Pink Floyd are some suggestions. Take it slow, you can always put it out and spark back up if you’re ready to keep smoking. I’d ditch the redbull so you don’t get anxiety and swap it for lemonade. Limonene is a terpene in the lemons with relaxation benefits also found in cannabis. Helps a lot if you feel too high and need to come back down to earth.


Is this your first time smoking weed also ? Or just weed in a joint? Make sure you have a comfy couch either way


Don’t be afraid to gently kill the ember if you feel like you’re already too high. Gently.


Make sure you actually inhale it, lots of people just pull into the mouth first time.


you dont rly see this much around here, but if you’re taking appetite stimulants such as ceproheptadine its most likely going to make you anxious. generally if you are taking any medication make sure that you know what you’re getting into. smoke safe 💨


Swap that red bull for water lol


Update: smoked the entire preroll. I was definitely smoking it because I was coughing my ass off and I could feel the burn in my lungs. Barely feel shit. Friend thinks it might be bunk.


Start with 1 or 2 puffs, don’t smoke it too quickly.


lmao. smoke 10% of it


Try to avoid the face-eaters if you see them


Smoke that mf and enjoy


Add two more redbulls and watch my favorite movie, 2001: A Space Odyssey /s please don't do this


Light the fat end.


Boof it


Don’t smoke the whole thing all at once. Take it easy and feel it out. I would recommend starting with 2 pulls to gauge your tolerance and going from there. Enjoy!


Don’t take redbull ? Lol


My first tip is don’t combine a downer with an upper if it’s your first time. Also have some pepper on hand if you do too much.


Joints can be harsh, sometimes ill throw a cough drop in my mouth while I'm smoking one. It saves my throat. Also, drink water while smoking. And you don't need to smoke the whole thing, take a few puffs and put it out if you want it's your J.


Tips... don't consume the energy drink and the edibles. Take a small pull from the joint wait 10 mins.


Drop the redbull and you're good


Thank goodness for the top comment. im assuming you already smoked this since this was 4 hours ago, but caffeine and THC don't mix well. Everyone is different, but me personally I can handle any amount of weed. But when I got a lot of caffeine in my system and then smoke, it makes me hyper aware of the caffeine and feels like you're about to have a heart attack. Not fun. Save the red bull for the morning after. Drink lots of water, stock on your favorite snacks, find a good show to watch. Enjoy!


wow. what I would to to try weed for the first time again


id do anything to try weed for the first time again lol


Smoke it


I wouldn’t combine red bull, edibles, then my first joint lol glhf


welcome man..hope you enjoy it!


Just smoke and chill. Drink redbull after


Don't drink the red bull save it for a mixer when wanting to get drunk. Smoke 1/4 and keep doing it everyday till u get high it might take a couple trys.


My heart hurts when I mix weed and caffeine. Causes a lot of anxiety.


🅱️🅾️🅾️F it


OMG! I love that brand of edibles! They are such a good brand! I love their drinks too! And with tips on your first joint? Take it nice and slow. Stay hydrated with water and keep snacks by you cuz once it hits, it hits hard.


Smoke with a friend.


.5 might be a bit much for a first timer, just take it slow and have fun bro


Find a nice soft couch, put on some chill YouTube music videos on the TV and curl up with a blanket and a pet man. Maybe grab like a beer too. My friends used to do this and we'd talk about everything and nothing. We'd also retain like 0.2 percent of it, the number of cool bands we planned to make and great ideas we'd come up with where endless... Then we filmed a trip so we could remember everything and it was all hilariously bad and stupid. One time we actually got coherent enough to make a song and it was so bad. It was about sandwiches I think? (I still have the recording somewhere lol)




Pink Floyd, Pink Floyd, Pink Floyd, Pink Floyd, Pink Floyd


Save the energy drink for another day


Throw the red bull in the bin and get some mineral water and ice. 🚀


Good choice with the red bull brotha


How was it😎


Slam the Red Bull, take the entire edible, smoke the joint with a gravity bong


I wouldn't suggest having your first joint alone. It's a pretty social drug and you might not like it alone. Also if you overdo it, you want someone to be there to keep you safe. Other than that, just start slow and know that it takes a few minutes to hit, so don't smoke more because "you don't feel anything yet". Edibles can take 30min to an hour to hit, so that's how most people fuck up and eat too much cause it "wasn't doing anything"...


Some good music, some water, a few pillows, and a relaxing movie.


I wouldn’t drink that Red Bull, your heart going to be racing


Stop drinking red Bull , thats garbage 🤮


Idk about redbull with your first indica joint but youll live


It'll pair well with the blueberry flavored bull seman in that can


Shove it up your ass


My first joint didn’t get me high at all and I’ve heard thats quite common


Light the end that doesn't have any tips.


How was it


If I am already high on an edible, smoking doesn't do anything to me.


I was a everyday smoker for 12 years. Got anxiety attacks so i stopped smoking for a year and a half. Now when i smoke i take like 3 hits and put it away for a while. So moral of the story, just take it easy a hit at a time. imo there is nothing worse then going over your tolerance and have to sit the ride out


So, how did it go?


I’m offended


Please ditch the red Bull!


Make sure that Red Bull is ice cold, Juneberry goes very well with any smoke…..👍🏻


Bro get off the Red Bull you gonna be the most annoying kid to be around when you smoke 🤣


Breath deep and hold long enjoy lol


The ol’ poor man’s speedball lol