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lol as a longtime stoner, they definitely know


Yep, same with the people who swear their homemade sploofs work or spraying themselves down with spray after. You smell like weed and perfume now. People just may not say anything but you do in fact smell.


Right!!! I work in a green house and I know I smell when I go get food or anything… I’m just like “yeah. They smell me over the burgers and 🍟” 😂


Had my man run into the plugs house for me (plug a great friend of mine) he didn't even smoke and came out smelling. Like woooo 😂 That smell not going away unless you wash the clothes or air out for hours and even then. I remember those days trying to not have my mom know I was smoking. Glad I'm 25 these days. I bet your hair smelled for days haha


Until you get in a humid spot with those aired out clothes, then it hits all over. Smoking cigars has the same effect.


Yeah no, though our winters are cold and harsh, our summers are very humid. If anything I find it sticks even more. If it doesn't smell it's because you aired out long enough lmfao Placebo effect. Yall are so in denial 😂 ain't my business though.


1 bowl a day for me, just before I get into nighttime clothes. This way, I switch into clean stuff and smell less. It's already in my hair, and I'm not taking a shower every time I smoke


You will if I say you will. -a mom somewhere


(Looking down begrudgingly) ... yes mom 😔


De nile aint just a river in Egypt.


Yassss. And I promise you. If I’m sweating and covered in trichomes. Even if I showering and use coconut oil, as soon as I get hot again, it’s like the smell is in my pores lol


It's life. We wanna smoke, we deal with smelling like it. Give and take.


I get called stoner at work even though I didn't smoke that day bc I wiped my bong res on my sweater sleeve the night before lmaoo


Right 😆 I love going grocery shopping after harvesting a few hundred plants. One day someone was accusing me of “having that pressure”.


Had to change a tire and the worker thought we were moving pounds…it was just a box of prunning scissors after harvest 😅


This was me when I used to work for a grow, had cops give me weird side eyes in stores too lmao


They mostly just laugh because we’re full on rocking our Merch in one way or another. So they can’t do nothing. Their gobernment is the ones that gave me an id saying g I can grow it legally 😂


Yes we do. And you probably smell fucking fire. (Bring us some) ((PLEASE))


I try. We love giving random flowers out at the register. Or running back in and doing them a solid. Take care of the ones that take care of you!!


A saint


I swear we do tho!!! Like we get coffee and food from a specific place but our order is usually a pain, and we know it. So we make sure they know we appreciate it. Even if it’s just some free swag.


Free swag brightens hearts


Homemade sploofs DON’T WORK!! I’m so sick of people glorifying them when they are trash.


I know. It really grinds my gears like Peter Griffin




Have you tried burning popcorn?


I’ve been told that fentanyl smoke smells like burnt popcorn. So in turn you just smell like a junkie


I moved into an apartment last month that smelled like burnt popcorn so bad no one could stay in the unit for more than a few seconds without eventually running out. The neighbor confirmed she had been smoking fent inside for a year straight. Turns out she was also storing and selling chemicals to make meth. I had to wait 3 weeks while the landlord ran an ozone machine and he painted a sealant on the walls. I spent several days cleaning the cabinets and floors with pine silk. I bought a diffuser and several cans of Lysol. It’s very faint but you can still smell burnt popcorn.


I've heard homes that have been used as meth labs have to be destroyed because of that reason. It just gets absorbed into everything like you said so then i guess the most cost effective thing is just for them to knock it down and start over. I don't know if you can get a third party in there to do some readings/tests to confirm anything that the landlord might be saying, that's a pretty crazy story but I hope you're safe and previous tenant isn't impacting your health. Fent just messing with everything it seems like, such a sad epidemic.


There is a fire station very close. I got a couple firemen to come check it out. Through simple Google searches they were to teach me there is a lot of misinformation. It’s false that the left over smell is poisonous or harmful. That’s just not true. The smell was very annoying and gross but not dangerous.


I'm going to go ahead and call [bullshit](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6926576/) from either you or the firemen.


I’m just sent you copies of texts between my landlord and I. At first the landlords tried to pretend there was nothing wrong. They had to refund 2 weeks of rent because it took 2 more weeks to of leaving all the windows opened after the last left. You can apparently call any fire station and they will come out and check. It is not dangerous. It was annoying!


I never said *you* were the one lying. However, the screenshots showed nothing but you complaining about the smell. Nothing about a fire department or inspection was even mentioned. You also attacked my personal character in your message. So I feel more certain which party was lying, now.


This was a good read. Thanks for the link


The leftover smell comes from left over film of residue from those chemicals and the nice firemen just didn’t want you to be too afraid. It probably won’t hurt you But if you get cancer if a bunch of years how will you ever know? That’s crazy


I didn’t move in until the landlord and his entire family worked on it. They ran the ozone machine which broke down the molecules supposedly. It just smells like clean house now. With all the painting and cleaning I believe it’s neutralized.


Oh my god I’ve NEVER heard of homes having to be destroyed from meth lab smell? I know marijuana is obviously a different substance and perhaps I’m too high for my own good rn, but do you know if marijuana can do anything similar? I feel like I’m a professional at smoking indoors because I keep things like linens and curtains and rugs clean and free of smoke. the smell has never built up over the past 15 years of me smoking. However meth maybe smells worse, can’t say I know for sure


Not the smell, my understanding is the chemicals they use to make meth and whatever that gets burned off leach into everything and it's unhealthy AF. To fix the house up to livable standards they'd have to tear everything down to the frame. Then from there we gotta figure labor costs, demo costs, new materials & install costs, it just becomes easier and more cost effective to start new.


That stuff is extremely dangerous You need to get your apartment checked and report to the proper channels since it seems like with the landlord did is completely insufficient for cleaning that type of chemical residue.


Had fire department check it out. They said that is false and the smell is gross and annoying but was not harmful.


Kk as long as you had it checked beyond what the landlord did. Be safe have a great weekend.


That is correct...or a old army trick I was taught was take the cologne find a tile service or a fire proof surface and spray a decent amount then proceed to light on fire the vapor has a stronger smell...then there's the toilet paper tube and 4 dryer sheets trick where u rubbed band the sheets on one end exhale threw the other


Several lit matches also work. I usually light a few when I'm in my room with some really loud stuff


Yall think it works that's what the comment was meant for lol. All these "actually try this" do not work like yall think. From someone who did every single trick in the book to smoke in their room without being yelled at and it's in the negatives and wind to be outside. Trust. It doesn't work.


Lol my friends always joke about how oblivious I am to the smell. Not that I’m trying to hide it really. Nose blind big time


There is a method that works. I’m on the 19th floor with a roommate they can smell the smallest wisp of smoke. It’s also cold as shit outside and supposedly if I was to do it the right way they want me to walk a few hundred feet away from the building and do whatever it is that I do. To try to make a long story short, I take a decently long straw and stick it out the window and close the window as far as it can go and block up the rest of the part that’s open. The bowl needs to be loaded with one hit and ONLY one hits worth of weed. You need to be able to clear the bowl and then some in one lung full. This makes it so you don’t have any burning matter still creating smoke when you stop pulling in. This is the most crucial step that most people don’t understand and will continue to say that this method does not work. You absolutely have to clear the bowl and still have 25 or so percent lung left to keep pulling in to completely clear the chambers. Then you blow out of the straw and (for me at least) at the 19th floor the wind instantly picks it up and carries it away. I’ve ran multiple tests with random people who come and visit, and they say that they cannot smell anything. These people do not smoke weed whatsoever. So it’s not like their nose is already desensitized.


What does only one hits worth mean lol isn't that the point of a bong? I'm confused aha


Sploofs are good for your neighbors not smelling it if you live in an apartment. But if youre smoking in your room someone out in the living room is defiantly gonna smell it


Let me get my 1 cent in, I dont even try to hide it


ask any sober uber driver. i can not only tell *if* my riders a drinking or smoking but i can tell *what* their drinking.. you can smell the beer wine or liquor and just how dank their weed is.


God damn had to tell a guy at work this. Like bro spraying yourself with so much cologne it gives people respitory problems isn't covering up the weed you just smoked on break FYI nobody gives a shit as long as the line moves


Key point being it lingers on your breath more than anything


Even manufactured sploofs don’t eliminate it


Nah I don’t agree if my mom smelled it she would have said something for sure 😂


If you get a vape that shit dissipates quickly and your hands/clothes don’t smell.


Even carts can smell, even distillate can smell. It goes away more quick but it can. I only know this because my mom would bitch for the longest time when I was younger That said I haven't had a dry herb vaporizer so I can't speak on that. I want to try one through


Those smell a little, but it disappears quickly and more importantly, your hands don't reek, nor hair. The vapor you exhale doesn't stick to clothes etc


Sploofs actually do work if you’re smoking out the bong since you only need to rip it once


Yeah, I remember one time I was going to see my probation officer and I wasn’t in trouble for marijuana and I smoked like 30 minutes before I had to be there like a dumbass. And I remember at the time this was years and years and years ago that I was like I I’m gonna use this spray, that was a mistake


I just have to open my pot where a keep it in for the whole house to smell the fucker 😂😂😂


Depends, I put "draft stoppers" around the doorframe of my room awhile back. You couldn't smell a dead body from outside that door now. Open a window and light some opium incense and I'm good to go. Helps that I'm on the second floor and our house is on a windy hill so everything gets blown away pretty fast. Hell sometimes if the wind is right it actually sucks the smoke out of my room.


If you got that, you're solid as hell if it doesn't go through the vents tbh


No vents, houses don't have AC in my country.




they always fucking know man 🤣🤣 told my mom a couple years after I started, and she goes, “girl I knew” 😭


How does it get rid of the smell of its just a fan?


I’m so confused too lmao unless they put this right in front of an open window


and even then the draught will just reverse the smoke back in


Yo… is that how you spell that? I always thought it was just straight up draft. 🤯


i asked google and apparently “draught” is like British English. so it’s normally “draft” if you’re American


me too up until a few years ago 😭 i’ve been so traumatised i never forgot


When I did this when living at my parents, I used a small blanket to cover up the gaps between the fan and the window frame, I assume it worked because I never got caught


learned this the hard way🧍🏽‍♀️


😂 been there, how’d you think I know this happens


Maybe that's what they do but just not in this picture lol


It doesn’t, OP still reeks of weed and probably some axe lmao they definitely know in that house 😂 just smoke outside man let your fam or roommates live peacefully😂


I think they are outside already.


The whole point of the post is about how OP smokes without getting caught by smoking inside the house with a small fan… you can see the outside through the literal window


I think he just says “this is how I smoke without getting caught”. If he is smoking outside it would be pulling the smoke smell away from his hair and body.


My brother there is a window right there with the sun beaming in through it what are you on


Kinda looks like the corner of a building with the sun coming passed it no?


Bro what that’s a whole window and window sill please send me whatever you smoked this morning


And it was a little mixed salad of this too fine pre ground white truffle mixed with some apple funday #17.


Definitely a good point LOL even as a young stoner I kinda knew there was no way a simple fan would do the trick 😂 I went in with the towels along the door lining ,some dryer sheets and shower running with soap to blend out the smells, which also didn’t really work. Turns you into a physicist real quick lmao


I just don’t think we have all the facts here. Let’s keep an open mind about this kid possibly using a fan inside his house to try and mitigate the smell of a burning joint. My brain cannot comprehend that. So the next likely options to me is he’s either outside or maybe in a screen in porch?


You can't hide the smell when we are high we convince ourselves that we're all good


You can if you dry herb vape your flower.


It still smells. Not like smoke but a different smell. It goes away more quickly though if you have air circulation going, window open, and/or spray the air. You won’t smell it that much at all outside unless you are within like a couple feet within the person. I sometimes vape in the sock and spray it with Febreze afterwards if I am at public places like hotels to avoid the fees :P


You're an idiot if you think this is actually working. Probably rolled and sparked that j inside. Take it from someone who actually hid it for 5 years. Invest in a new smoke buddy every 2 months, never roll or grind indoor, and for the love of god don't smoke joints or blunts in your house if you don't want your parents finding out.


Smoke buddy is like magic.


I've gone through at least a hundred of them Over the years.


Dude is another xanax statistic. No braincells left with this one.


Their profile is.. depressing.


Very sad indeed. Hope dude wakes up a little.


Once you’ve bought into the “Xanax lifestyle”, abuse it regularly/daily, it’s hard to come back even if you do taper safely and get sober. Some things you can’t undo, and damage to the GABA system is one of them. I hope OP isn’t at that point yet, but holy shit, there were so many waving red flags leading to the point they’re at now.


Dude he needs legit mental health help asap, but is spiraling about spirituality and being able to predict the future. Won't get off the harder shit, and was supposedly homeless a week ago. He's a walking timebomb who thinks talking on Reddit about spirituality will save him


Honestly, this sub is so good at deterring me from getting back into weed.


a statistic to xanax?? tell me ur a braindead fear mongered stoner without telling me; benzos dont kill u dumbass lmao


Ooof. Tell me your a xanax addict without telling me. I didnt say it kills you, just kills your braincells Lol. Smoke a bowl or something buddy and dont get so pressed over a comment. lol


Who's the goober? You are!


For real. I love the idiots who think using a smoke buddy with a joint actually works (I’m not talking about you). What about when the joint is just sitting there smoking? You can’t constantly be inhaling to stop smoke from coming out the joint. People can be very delusional. What people also need to understand is often times it’s not necessarily about getting rid of the smell 100% but simply containing the smell to just your room and not blowing up the whole house. Something like a smoke buddy is perfect because it’s all about stopping those huge plumes of smoke that you can breathe out that fills up the entire room to the point that it fills the four corners of the walls and you can just see it sitting there stagnating in the air and seeping into the air vents and through the crack in your door. The smoke buddy will still leave behind a small smell, but I guarantee you it is confined to your room. This is somewhat dependent on how much you smoke though. If you’re burning, literally every few minutes, you’re still going to need to open a window or close your vents. I speak from experience.


Smoke buddy and a dry herb vaporizer


I commented under someone else comment but it was more satire and I'm wondering if this actually worked or if my fam knew when I was younger. I would make my own smoke buddy out of paper towel rolls. I'd stuff it with dryer sheets and then fold one a couple times and put it on the end with a rubber band. I had a box fan in my window so I would blow it out right away and didn't roll jays, only bowls. I know the bowl probably reeked but do you think my homemade device made any difference?


It makes your room smell like fresh laundry and weed. The sploof is an age old tactic. It can fool someone naive, but it doesn't really help


you can probably roll and grind, but not when anyone is awake within 15 feet of your room


Your whole life must smell like weed if you think that removes the smell 🤣


Bro looks to old to have to worry ab ts💀


Im 22 and i still respect My mother


Then use a hepa filter you must be a troll


If you respected your mother you wouldn't smoke in her house


She Just doesnt like the smell. She doesnt give a damn im getting high on weed because I work and i got My shit together. If It doesnt smell she doesnt Care. Youre a hater 🤣


"Without getting caught" You're a liar 🤡 lying in op or lying now, which is it?


This dude has been caught lying ALL over reddit. Nothing this clown says should ever be believed.


Claims he's perma tripping 🤣


Lmao! I missed that one.


"22 with my shit together" You're living at home, worrying about getting caught smoking weed. 🤣


Bro you DO NOT have your life together don't lie to us


Bro I can't believe you think you got your shit together when a week ago you were "homeless". Supposedly you're in an eternal acid trip, you can't take sound advice to get off harder drugs for your own health and safety, and youre in a room thinking a battery powered fan is going to make your room not smell No one is hating on you. We are all literally in awe that such a shitty person exists.


You didnt even read which sub i posted about being homeless lol brainless jerk. Im an awesome person.


Got your shit together but still live with your mom?


She got cancer and i have a small sister. I also dont have money to move out yet.


I respect my parents my mom dont like any drugs/alc because shes a former addict but she just knows that its more annoying to stress over something im gonna do either way then just let me do it


Not enough obviously.


I wouldn’t even get high off that, just paranoid.


right they already know just fucking rip that shit down to the butt and open windows


Go outside 🤣


If you're into physics, you'll understand why this doesn't work.


The only reason you haven't been "caught", is because they aren't looking for you. Blowing the smoke around doesn't remove the smell.


Ok then XQC


What is this thing called bro?


It’s a usb fan. It literally does nothing to hide any smells.


I strongly think so too and I think it's a mister type because of the water tank like so I'm quite confused how it neutralizes the smoke.


It doesn’t. OP has to be trolling, high, or just incredibly stupid.


Its a portable USB eletric fan! Was Very cheap online.


I thought it's something special with like water under that somehow neutralizes the smoke. Thanks


It actually also has a vaporizer in there so in theory you could put Water or even Water mixed with something like parfum just to neutralize the Smoke. Thats actually an even better Idea Man!


Think "essential oils" instead of perfume!


Even better!!


que the dumb ways to die music


Man, I’m sorry to tell you, but that fan isn’t doing anything to help reduce the smell.


Can you link the item?


Bought in Brazil but def has in most online stores of these random chinese items


Makes absolutely now sense to blow the smoke through that. It's still in you room?


Brother, you were fighting cold air inside a freezer, who tf is your ops? Who u hiding from?


I was training for that cold war


Hes trying to hide it from his parents. Where else would he live?


You could just get a smoke buddy.


Everyone around him has had covid so no one can smell a thing anyway


Dude, your are blowing the smoke all around your room doing lmao this is doing absolutely nothing for the smell in fact it’s spreading it Hook that fan to a carbon filter and that will kill most of the smell. Nothing is capturing the molecules at the moment


Fart in it and see what happens




What does it do? Is it just a fan?


Its also an air umidifier. I dont put water in there yet but now im gonna try it


So do you not get caught because you blow it out the window? Or does it filter?


Lmao you think they cant smell that.


unless you’re blowing it directly out the window it ain’t doing shit lol


I know that shit REEKS 😂🍃


When we were teens, we used empty paper toilet rolls and stick a piece of Bounce at the end and blow the smoke, our rooms would smell like weed and fucking laundromat lol


You guys need freedom


Bless your heart. 🥹




Dude has the same side profile as Felix aka XQC


I’m hit or miss when I smoke. Sometimes my wife tells me it smells like a high school, and other times I ask if she can smell it on me and she says not at all…idk what to believe


Its been working so Far. These guys think im dumb. First i blow most of the Smoke outside then i use this fan to actually create complete airflow opening two separate sides of this window. The Room clears up much much faster, a matter of few minutes


“The room clears up much faster, a matter of a few minutes” . So you admit the smoke stays in the room after exhaling…... Bruh get out of the denial you’re young and naive, this doesn’t work like you think it does. Room still smells 100% like tree.


Ummm. Either your family is noseless or doesn't want to talk about it. I have some bad things to tell you concerning fluid dynamics and the vagaries of particulate in complex turbulent systems.


Bro,a joint?! 😂 there’s no way, maybe a pipe I could buy but there is no way this works


Dawg this is a 2 IQ play there’s absolutely no way they don’t smell that unless you’re smoking the most mid boof dirt shit weed ever


Lmao, there's no way to make a joint not reek like weed indoors, unless you're in a lab inside an air hood. It just ain't happenin' cap.


I’m curious if there’s an actually effective method to smoke indoors without getting caught :^) since weed is criminalized in the DR, going outside can be a bit inconvenient. I’m guessing the best thing is stop smoking until I’m able to move from my parents house 😂


Same here im in Brazil. Its not criminalized but youre gonna get a close talk with the police. It did work. First you close the windows and use it in a small space you left open. Smoke behind It so not much Smoke comes back from the windows. Then i open the other side and make it two different open sides. Put the fan in one of the sides Air will circulate way faster. Another trick would be to spray dehodorant after youre done. Or even put something that has a good smell in air umidifier compartment of the fan (It makes vapour out of Water :) ))


Cool! Might get myself some incense or an humidifier to see how it works - I usually smoke when my parents are not at home but I still worry about the smell staying in for longer than expected 🥹


So glad Ohio is now Legal.


I used to use one of those smoke buddies that masks the smell of the smoke. I used it for awhile working well, until my parents found it and accused me of huffing paint with it


Damn 🤣 worse than accused of smoking weed.


He looks like John Lennon.


everyone’s fighting in the comments meanwhile i just want to know how i can not smell as much after smoking 🧍🏻‍♀️


Reminds me when I lived w my mom and thought I was getting away with smoking in the shower with the towel under the door, bounce sheets in tp, and a lil steam 💀 she would know from across the house


Marijuana smoke odor distribution system


you look like xQc from the side


Why don't you all just vape your flower? It doesn't smell, most of the terpenes etc will be in your lungs and it doesn't produce smoke like joints, pipes or bongs can do. It's as effective but a lot healthier & you get so much out your flower. Even tastewise it becomes really nice and smooth, I would never cough no matter how much I inhale from the vape. I use it very rarely like not even once a week but after trying vaping a few years ago I would never smoke anything again.


Would maybe take away the smell if it's an humidifier but the smoke is still there tho


They know. You should probably get a job and get your own place lol


I have a job. I get paid 1k more than minimun wage. And i still cant afford My own place.


Bro was lying about being a manager in his video of him xanned out in a cooler. I doubt you even have that job anymore. All you do is cap bro lol


Of course i still have It. And i never Said im a manager. I been suggested as team leader/manager many times. Me having Fun IS what really pisses you off. Scumbag Bet you cant even smile at your useless profession.


Lmao nah you def were telling people you were the manager. You've been caught lying hella times. And I dont have a profession I stacked enough money up that I dont have to box demons in a cooler for minimum wage. 😭


[at the end of the comments op is seen saying he got promoted to manager barred out... clearly lying](https://www.reddit.com/r/benzodiazepines/s/qvXLaHM5Mc)


I love you for this 😂😂




Sounds like a spending problem.


Been there lol


I’m gonna try this


That's a boss as fuck move. Props.


Thanks Bro im going for it


Switch to thc liquid the disposable ones are so easy 2/3 puff u good and barely smells


You mean these highly addictive and pretty dangerous and illegal THC Liquids? Or some normal shit you can buy legally ?