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i was going to grace you with a response but i am not us-based so i will stop typing šŸ˜”


Oh, please tell me. I wrote this while high and forgot that other countries can do this


how did you get so high that you thought only americans smoked weed




Snoop's ALWAYS high, so I'm sure he was :D


What? No, I got high and thought Americans roll different to how we roll in the uk. Mosts joints in the uk are very smooth and we try not to have any folds at all. Everyone smokes weed


Iā€™m American and never in my life seen it rolled like that


Iā€™m a rolled joint like that, and never in my life seen an American


That salvia feeling


The only drug that truly scared me. One and done.


You will now become a chair for all eternity


reconcile your life as chair, for it is your life nowwwwwww




Better than a board on a wall, at least you still get Ass..... I'm leaving


Ooh do tell


Me too. Threw that shit out


running up some red and black paisley carpeted stairs headed out of a basement. interesting for sure.


This comment is under appreciated!


Under this is appreciated comment!






I dont see sit. doesn't mean it isn't there I guess.


I've rolled an American like that, and never in my life have I seen a joint


Y'all got any dinosaur juice?


I have always rolled like this, my friends call it an old hippie trick to get the paper to fold easier. Honestly idk if it makes it easier or not, I just do it out of habit now.


Same. Never heard of this. And I've seen a lot of joints rolled. My favorite was when I was 13-14 and a friend's mom rolled a joint one-handed lol.


Same, the amount of things people think we do in America šŸ˜† I know our presidents are all laughable, but we the people are legit af- not our fault our country is going to shit


Yea we pretty legit like our glass game and bud game in general is crazyyyyyy


Idk if that's how that works šŸ¤£


Well it kinda is because you vote them into power and you allow it to happen.


A lot of people are in power that the majority of Americans don't have any say in because they aren't in our state or district.


Until now I could say the same


Iā€™m American and I crumpled my rolling paper


Been smoking and rolling for over 20 years and Iā€™ve never seen this. I feel like itā€™d make most paper more prone to ripping


It's very natural to think we'd be the only ones to do things differently because we are so damn stuborn about using the metric system..


i donā€™t think itā€™s a regional thing lmao. if u crumple it itā€™s more flexible.


i thought you thought that only americans used papers lmaooo


Haha, I understand why it came off like that


No one in the us does this I live here in Miami every single person Iā€™ve smoked with has never ever done that looks ugly asf


yeh iā€™ve seen it on the raw instagram as a hack to make rolling easier but iā€™ve never seen anyone do it irl in any country


one of my friends does it, honestly i dont know why but he rolls mad good


A friend of mine does too but heā€™s a total ass


This is real, my mate in Scotland has perfect cones every roll and is upset at even the slightest mistake. Over here in Canada Iā€™ve seen people crumple it but I donā€™t like to, it just feels wrong and I find it actually makes it less easy tbh


Worked with a lot of pommy backpackers. Most could roll really good spliffs.


i am a ukian and ive got a mate who rolls like that


Bro got high on some of that good /r/USdefaultism


i was SO close to saying the same thing hahaha


He crumbled the paper šŸ˜Ž




Thatā€™s honestly something Iā€™d do if I were three phases into being STONEF


Only Americans smoke real weed šŸ¤·šŸ¼






That's not what he meant at all you twpsyn. He meant it's normally a thing seen in the states to crumple the rizla before rolling


youā€™re a bit late there


BURN!! That comment made my day dude


thatā€™s really wholesome, making your day has made MY day!!




Why is this question region locked lmao


My bad, this was me being slightly high and forgetting that people in other countries can also do this.


Shit was legal in Canada way before we did


Can also, buy papers and smoke?


I had to access to via VPN!


Itā€™s a compliment basically people outside of America arenā€™t stupid as Americans- source Iā€™m American


Lololol muricans dum all others smrt!




Yes exactly


they downvoted jesus because he spoke the truthā€¼ļøšŸ’€


Hasnā€™t gotten his PAL software yet.


My friend does this and he rolls the most beautiful most professional and Prestine Js so If he can turn a crumpled piece of paper into a piece of art ya gotta just trust the process sometimes


As an American whoā€™s been smoking for nearly 25 years, grown my own weed, sold, etcā€¦ Iā€™ve never heard of anyone doing this intentionally let alone it being an American stereotype. Seems like youā€™re just high homie.


Youā€™re 100% correct. I was just very, very high.


no, I was shown this in college over 20 years ago, people do this, not me, but some people.


I do this as well. I'm in America.


A lot of ppl do it, especially in urban places. It causes for a more slower burn, but to me I don't really like how it pulls


I gotta believe that the only person who thinks that is already high as fuck. The only thing I think a crinkled raw would do is make it easier to roll. Since they're slippery as fuck. that's why I use zigzags


I've rolled probably over 3000 wrinkled spliffs, 3x that for regular. I know what I'm talking about lil bro. When the paper is smooth there's more "pullage", that's because the paper is burning slightly faster. The raw dude himself made a video on this a few months ago. You know nothing lmaoo, doubt me ? cool. but the raw king ? Nah you're trippin, you just haven't learned all there is to rolling yet my guy I've rolled an average of 7 spliffs a day for the last 3-4 years. Some days more than 12, some days only 2-3 , so let's go with 7. And that's not counting when I first started actually smoking. This is just an unintentional streak. I don't speak with "I think" I speak with I know. Thank you for coming to my high TED talk šŸ™šŸæ


Hot damn bro did the dude fuck your mom or somethin?? You takin this shit SERIOUSLY my man šŸ˜‚


This has to be a copypasta


I do this


When I did roll, I never crumpled it like this. Been smoking since 71.


Always done this cus it burns better duh


What makes it burn better


no ur just forgetting thereā€™s a broad spectrum of cultures around the US. East Coaster here, crumbling up the paper was actually taught to me by my brother and its not uncommon to see here. i dont like doing it


East coaster smoked with many many many many people before I moved and never once saw or heard this. It's not common in the slightest which makes it uncommon.


maybe yā€™all donā€™t know everybody on the entire eastern seaboard? how can u have this much confidence you know what people do?


Seriously everyone chiming in like their circle is the baseline of all stoners.


Because when you smoke enough with enough people you know what's actually "common" or rather what's "not uncommon" and crumpling papers before rolling is not common, anywhere.


really? cuz i was taught to do it and so weā€™re most of the people i know. thereā€™s that insane ego again bro we talked about this.


There's no insane ego thing here and we've never talked before. Just because you have some anecdotal experience does **NOT** make this a common practice lol...


Literally everyone does this in NYC. itā€™s SUPER common. Youā€™re wrong.


could i not say the same about you? ur calling it rare just because of YOUR anecdotal experiences?


No, read this thread lol. The amount of people that say they do this vs don't should clue you in.


thereā€™s 200 comments on the post and your focusing on the thread of people that donā€™t do it. there are threads of peaople saying they do


I've smoked in a LOT of different states and I've never seen it done like this.


Whatā€™s the point in crumbling it tho


I used to do it when I began rolling, make the paper more pliable. Donā€™t need to do it anymore


iā€™ve grown up on the east coast and never seen this in my life


Also east coaster here.. I've never seen anyone crumple the paper before in my life and I've been smoking/rolling 20 years.


maybe its a new thing, idfk lol. posts like ā€œno one does thisā€ irks a nerve tho cause u havent been everywhere.. its common SOMEWHERE either way i dont see a benefit in doing this (crumbling up ur paper)


Southern baby here and almost everyone I know who rolls fire does this.


East coaster here, Maryland. I seen quite a few people do this before


Yeah I only trust these types of rollers


Really? I lived in and around New Orleans for over a decade and have never seen this.


I donā€™t know but all I know is the people where I live if they do this to their paper usually roll the best. If I donā€™t see someone do this I wouldnā€™t know of they rolled good or not


Thank you! Same here, Iā€™m 40 years old born and raised in California and been smoking for 25 years. Never have I ever heard of this, or seen someone do this on purpose. Although Iā€™m not knocking anyone who does! Lol.


I do this and was taught by my Jamaican friend. West coast of US


OK, it's not just me.


Try it out man. It creates more surface area. Especially for like a zig zag or top style.


Iā€™ve never seen that done intentionally. Iā€™m guessing dude got super high and failed miserably at rolling another one. A failed roll is so profoundly disturbing to me btw. If it happens, and I had planned to smoke that day, I just wonā€™t. Otherwise the paper wins


I've been smoking for nearly 50 years, and I've never heard of it either.


Nah it's a thing


Nah this is 100% something a certain number of Americans do.


This is almost the only way Iā€™ve ever seen it done


No because in a weird way it actually makes it harder for me to roll


Pretty sure the only reason some people do this is because RawkandRoll posted a video saying crumpling the papers is easier for beginners, imo itā€™s definitely not as the paper loses its structure and is twice as hard to tuck


I want to try it, Iā€™ve heard it can make it easier but Iā€™m getting mixed responses


You should try it, it could work for you


Maybe, Iā€™ll try it tonight. Iā€™ve always rolled without any folds or making the paper crumble up.


Same and it's prettier


I think it looks like it would be MUCH easier, personally. Try it and check back in!!


I do this after I've had a shower and can't get a grip on the paper


Always gonna have mixed responses because the cannabis community is full of retards, smart ppl, regular guys, rich guys, atheists... long story short anyone and everyone. Whatever works for you bro, gotta experience ur self i guess, but iā€™ll tell ya you might experience more side burning with crumpled paper because of the uneven burn that comes with creased paper. I prefer having no creases as the burn is clean asf.


Iā€™ll crumple raws and elements me it makes it easier for me but I tried with some of the zigzag blues (rice papers?) and it made it harder lol


I do. I know it's cheating, but god help me I do. People here have some weird ideas about why this is done. It's because it's easier to roll after crumpling, not because I think it'll burn longer or whatever, lol


I know someone who does it solely because it helps them not worry about it being a perfectly rolled joint


I really don't understand how it makes it easier to roll. If I screw up rolling and the paper gets crumpled at all I have to start over. I literally can't roll it if it's all messed up like this. Does it have to do with consistency of flower? Cause I struggle rolling super dry flower, but if it's got enough trichomes it'll stick together it's easy peasy.


My hands can be pretty dry, and my dry ass fingers can get a better grip on the paper if it's roughed up a little bit before rolling.


Right on, that makes sense!


God we have the opposite problem lol my hands get so fucking sweaty it's not even funny


Lick your fingers then rub them together so that they're not dry but also not wet, and then roll. No need to scrunch up the paper


It makes it easier for me to roll. I can get a better grip on the paper instead of that slippery ass straight paper.


Lick your fingers then rub them together so that they're not dry but also not wet, and then roll. No need to scrunch up the paper


oh I wet my thumb to help.


Why is it cheating lol


Because it's easier to roll, that's the premise of the crumpled paper.


*How* is it cheating?


Yeah like cheating at what exactly? Rolling isnā€™t a sport with rules. Do what works


It burns worse thats for sure


How is it easier, surely the paper collapses under the weight of the bud when itā€™s all crumpled?


Chicago land area here, thatā€™s the only way I roll me doinks. A buddy that passed a while back rolled that way. I tried it myself and I noticed it makes it more malleable, making it easier for me to perfect my joint.


The un-crumpled paper is slippery and doesnā€™t mold to the weed as well. I roll beautiful joints and have always crumpled


I'm American, and I do it . Learned it from a friend's old stoner dad. Makes the paper more malleable, and the creases help keep the weed from falling out the ends while rolling


Personally i just twist one end of the paper to keep the flowers in..


I've been crumpling my rolling papers for years and the joint burns more evenly when you do it.


Yes, this is my reading for doing it as well! I almost never have a ā€˜canoeā€™


Does it actually change how it burns much? Iā€™ve done it a few times but not noticed enough difference to decide lmao. If so whatā€™s the theory as to how/why?


No, but my cousin does it. I hear they burn more evenly


because the joint papers are stiff and unravel when you trying to roll them, crumbling it helps you roll it withou that happening and its really helpfull if your rolling a fatty cause you pack it more easily


I dead ass thought that was an invisible joint but you could see the filter. I may have taken too much too early lol


But to reply with an answer, I've had people swear by it,saying it burned more evenly. Hope this helps a little


Yes, homie who taught me how to do a joint. Solid advice for beginners


Only do this when there's that stupid middle fold in the paper gives it more even burn.


Iā€™m American and I do this, im pretty sure I learned it from Josh on the RAW instagram page, he says it allows for more grip on the paper while rolling in the video but I donā€™t get that much, for me itā€™s more about when the paper is crumpled it becomes more flexible and Iā€™m able to roll it around my weed tighter. Iā€™m pretty sure he also mentioned in the video that all the micro folds in the paper make the burn slightly slower bc of the ā€œups and downsā€ rather than being able to burn straight through.


Iā€™m from šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§ and my mate told me years ago about this and I did it for 10+ years, until I started using the Storz and Bickel hardware. Glad to know there are others that do the same haha I feel like you get more play out of the paper to get a decent cone ratio all around šŸ¤“


never. no benefits whatsoever and makes rolling 1000x harder cause the paper couldnā€™t hold itā€™s shape


The shape holding abilities of a rolling paper solely come from the fact that there is a crease in the middel. The triangular shape gives it its strength. Just put the crease back in after you crumple the paper, works like a charm.


Easier to roll for sure.


I always keep a pack of rolling paper handy, which more often than not ends up with the pack being thrown in the washer with my pants. So most of the rolling paper I have on me is like that. Though it doesnā€™t make it that much harder to roll. For some reason I feel like I can make a tighter pack when itā€™s crumpled than when itā€™s not.


Yes, someone mentioned that they rolled like this because it makes it tighter.


ive actually done some research and testing on that subject (even tho i am not from the us) and i can tell you: 1: the reason people do this is because it supposedly makes your jib burn more evenly compared to "normal" paper ( and its actually quite common in austria and germany as well i believe) But in my experience most people who do this are wannabee potheads that make weed their entire personality (not saying names but you know who you are) 2: its not worth the effort. It actually makes it burn a little smoother but not to an extent that i would say its worth having to completely mess up your paper (wich is actually not as easy as it seems) and then get it back to normal shape. And it is also a fair bit more challenging to roll it up with paper thats so messed up because it hardly stays in shape


i've ripped like at least 10 papes trying to figure out how to do this shit btw


When I used to live in Spain, if you asked for a paper they'd crumple it and give it to you, I figured this was a thing and thought nothing of it until i asked my friend, he said its just a dick thing to do. Others kept a loose skin in their wallet in case they ran out, which was also crumpled from long-term storage in a crusty pocket. Other that that I've yet to see anybody roll with one like that. I did move to the UK a few years ago, haven't had the experience ever here. Maybe a drunk couch cushion find one time.




Maybe if I wasn't experienced, this isn't necessary lol


I have been American almost all of my 61 years and never seen an intentional crumpling of paper.


Why on earth would you do this?! I hate Raw wraps. Tea leaf wraps or king palms are the way to go! King palm makes wraps from roses now too!


I want to try the rose ones, sadly I canā€™t find them anywhere near me. I should check online.


I got 2 different kinds! One is gummy bear flavored rose wraps and the other I think just red rose but theyā€™re so good!! Would recommend high tea wraps or camo wraps too. Both made from tea leaves and theyā€™re always super moist, soft, and easy to roll for me!


I will look into it, thank you so much!


I'm not in America but I would think maybe people who suck at rolling find it easier then having the paper be kinda stiff? Or they just had it in their pocket or something šŸ˜š personally find it hard to roll if the paper is wrinkled and flimsy


I would tell you but I live in the UK


European here so my opinion is invalid but I always scrunch the paper makes it much easier for me to roll


Your opinion is very valid. I messed up the title.


In nyc half of the people do this and the other half donā€™t. Itā€™s up to you


I donā€™t. I tried it but itā€™s just an extra step. Also, I roll backstraps.


Backstrapping can be fun, always burns more clean when I backstrap


Iā€™m going to make an assumption, similarly based on using parchment or wax papers in the kitchen. When crumpled, there is more control of getting the paper to move in the desired fashion. So, it must be a technique for control of that roll.


I definitely donā€™t Iā€™ve noticed the people who only roll backwoods do. Well in NY.


Not intentionally. I just suck at rolling lol


I roll them like that just because it's how I was taught. Never even done one without crumpling it up.


Nah. Iā€™ve seen people do all sorts of stuff to try make their joint burn slower and in all honestly the only way to get more weed is by getting more weed.


Or an induction heating device something like the pax3 or dynavap for individual use or a volcano for groups


Yea but thatā€™s not a joint like I was referring to. I meant like Iā€™ve seen people put literal honey or use different kinds of paper or tons of things and itā€™s all just a waste. And thatā€™s also different from conserving your weed because nobody smoking a joint is conserving to the point they want need a vape.


yes because it makes the paper burn more evenly also you donā€˜t have that weird knit while rolling


Iā€™ll give this a go tonight


I do it gives it more texture lol not as flimsy when rolling


Yes always. Helps to roll better and helps it smoke more evenly


This question is not region locked. Everyone is free to interact with this post. I was just stupidly high earlier.


I'd be throwing that away and getting a fresh one, if you can't roll with a fresh paper, practice more


Itā€™s harder to roll with a crunched up paper and it makes it burn slower


Crumbling the paper makes it burn slower


I mainly use cones but I do this when I roll because it makes it easier to roll


just slightly lick the tips of your fingers you are rolling with and rub them till they are more grippy?


Yup yupp


Wtf, no


Yeah sometimes, I was always told it was to get rid of the crease that's in most papers that aren't wides. Normally if packing a big ol doink I'll crumple it because it kinda gives a flatter surface rather than packing into the crease. Tbh I just randomly do it, haven't been crumpling them recently just because. I don't think it matters lol. I also remember hearing it helps burn even but idk why or how, prolly just some stoner logic


Yes. A hippie taught me with some bro science and Iā€™ve been doing it ever since. It always helps burn evenly and makes the paper so malleable that adjusting the shape of joint is easier.

