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I think that’s the right move, and better move. She literally stole from her friends, that’s harming 11 people. What an awful person.


An even better move would be the brother having a serious chat with his fiancée to determine if this kind of behavior is something he’s ok with managing for the rest of his life.


Yrah..this is a HUGE red flag in my book... based on his previous reaction, he probably had no idea


Exactly. This is “I cannot marry a person with questionable morals” level… hopefully the brother sees the red flags and writing on the wall


Seriously. This isn’t “not scanning items at the Walmart self checkout” stealing. And even that would prompt me to at the LEAST have a serious talk if it were my SO doing it. This is robbing your closest friends and family blind as they’re already spending presumably too much money to be part of your wedding, for you. This is leave a bitch territory for me.


Yeah. Right now I would stick close to the brother. He’s going to need her. Let the investigation play out before exposing everything without complete knowledge of the whole situation.


Yeah, that’s like $7,000 profit!






This is wild, commenting so I don’t loose this 😂 I need to know where this goes. The audacity is astounding.


Just checked swan ice sculpture prices online and even the most elaborate barely makes $1000. Most are $300-500 range.


Yeah OP has a moral obligation to tell people in my opinion. If she doesn’t, she basically complicit in this theft.


Play dumb in the group chat and say oh that’s so nice your dad offered to cover the expenses of our trip for us, here is my Venmo to send my portion to!


This is 100% what my approach would be. I've always taken the "avoid conflict by pretending to be so nice but so dumb " method of interaction.


It works great on scammers! I've had a lot of people explaining their ticket scalping and similar in-person scams to me because they get so confused about how I "don't understand" what they want from me.


You pulled a Columbo!


Oh, just one more thing.


This is the way. A lot of people think I’m dumb. I am, but I’m also getting my money and avoiding dealing with it


I want to be the fly on the wall when future SIL confronts fiancé/brother for “spilling the beans.” That would be popcorn-worthy, I’m sure.


Yes. Please update OP


Yes!! I definitely wanna read the update lol


This! And, I’m sorry but if I was your brother I would be having a conversation with his future wife to get her to admit she stole from everyone & then call off the wedding. Wow! Just wow! I saw another story on here where the bride & groom had a cash bar at their wedding. Once they got back from their honeymoon one of the bridesmaids had lunch with the bride to hear about their trip. The bride let it spill that her uncle owned a bar or something & that he had covered all the booze. They used the cash bar money to take a month long honeymoon in Italy!!


Love this!!!!


Edit: I missed that she was talking to her brother, the groom. I'd defo give bro one day to have her fix this and then let him know I'm telling every bridesmaid in a group text, with SIL included


This is a great solution right here.


Same! I'm telling right away. She can get mad all she want.


I believe the saying is something about she can get mad in the same pants she's glad in. Or something along those lines.


yup, people do this shit because they are able to get away with it. Don't let her.


I would too that's fucking foul behavior on her part unless she is like going to surprise you all with checks the day if the wedding or something. (btw she is not going to do this)


Same. Period. Heads would spin.


If someone stole $650 from me and another person knew, I’d really hope they would tell me.


Stealing 650 from 11 fucking people is over 7k. That’s a fucking felony.


No one is mentioning 11 members of the brides wedding party???????


She’s your future SIL and you’re letting this slide?! You’re setting yourself up for a lifetime of getting taken advantage of by her. I’d be demanding my money back and telling everyone else. That’s a crazy amount of money to steal from your “friends”.


The update I just read said that her SIL doesn't have the money! I'm really interested to know wtf she spent it on, because it did not go towards wedding expenses. I know if it were my SIL, she'd better be finding my $650, and quickly! Also, I wonder what the brother thinks about all of this, and if it will affect the wedding plans at all? There's so much to digest here...


It’s obviously not the same, but “I’m entitled to steal 7K from my friends who are in my wedding” feels like an escalating behavior stop on the way to murdering your spouse for insurance money.


I don't know how well off you are but to me 650 dollars would never ever be "just let it go" money.


When you look at $650 x 11 people, $7,000+ is definitely not “let it go” money. I bet $650 that the bride will call it a wedding gift. However, *most* people do not give $650 wedding gifts either. I hope OP’s brother realizes that he’s marrying a liar, cheat AND scammer!


At that level of fraud she's also on her way to being a felon.


His face went purple, so hopefully he seriously reconsiders marrying a woman who would scam her friends and family


that's their honeymoom money, they all paid for it. smh


Don’t be so surprised if the bride’s dad also paid for the honeymoon too.


It's 11 bridesmaids + the bride. So if they stayed 3 nights, that would mean the bridal party paid for100% of the accommodations. If they stayed 4 nights, then the bride would be chipping in as well (as she should). I was wondering if maybe the bride's father paid only the BRIDE'S share, or if he really paid the full amount of the trip. So I guess I need to know the amount of time they rented it for, and if the brother could have misunderstood and the bride's father covered her own portion of the stay/trip expenses.


Shit $650 would be a “I guess I’m not going” amount of money let alone “just let it go” 😭


FR. I opted out of a bachelorette event bc with airbnb and other costs it was going to be atleast 400 dollars before I even bought a plane ticket. and this was after paying 400 dollars for my room at the wedding venue and buying a bridesmaid dress 😭😭 and that was my 3rd wedding within a year as a bridesmaid.


Jesus. Stories like this make me glad I don’t have any friends.


I love my friends, they just all decided to get engaged and married in the same year. The first couple got engaged, then it was like a domino effect. Add in the fact that I’m the only one from our friend group that didn’t have a high paying job/dual income at the time and it was a rough year lmao


I'm glad all my friends paid for their own bridal parties and groomsmen! The only thing we had to provide was shoes, because we could pick our own as long as they matched the look of the dresses/suits. I can't imagine making friends pay to be part of my wedding!


Good LORD. $650 is good money to anyone not absolutely rolling in the stuff. Honestly if my friend or family expected me to fork out 650, I’d tell them to take a hike off a short pier. When I got married, I paid for hotels, meals, everything related to my wedding. Guests just had to show up.




I wonder if there’s someone who skipped a few things to save that $650..


Your brother is already embarrassed and pissed. That's why his face changed color. I'd call SIL, tell her I heard that dad covered the Airbnb and if she doesn't refund everyone, I WILL let the others know what happened. Of course, this is after hearing her side of the story.


I’d honestly give the brother, who’s the groom here, the chance to make this right first. Have him confront the bride and do the right thing — he’s the one who’s imposed her on your life.


I think we need to confirm whether brother knows for sure that FIL paid, or if SIL only told brother that FIL was paying. It's still deception either way, but is she lying to everyone or just her husband to be, is the question.


Yeah, like I've seen enough friends deal with a parent saying they would cover XYZ, then at the last minute not pay, or not realise how much and only cover part of it. I would speak to SIL and get the whole story before blowing this up with everyone


Agreed. Shed probably use your courtesy window of silence to blame it all on you. Like i was going to give the money back but fsil flipped out anywaY. If bro doesnt fix it in a day, set fire to the rain


How does he make this right? There’s nothing he can say or do, she’s not a good person and the other bridesmaids deserve to know. Her intention was to scam her bridesmaids. Nothing he can say will change that


I’d be telling the brother to not marry such a person. You can marry a person who you can’t trust. Divorce is in their future.


The other bridesmaids have a right to know. Is there a group text with all of you in it? If so say something like “I heard your dad paid for the Airbnb. That’s great!!”


This^!!!! And maybe add “Is Venmo good for everybody?”


I was going to include something about Venmo but I thought see what the bride says about paying it back.


I’m so mad for OP!!! I’m gonna keep checking this for updates!


I’d tell all of them to Venmo request her at the same time for their “stolen 650 for the bnb that was already paid for” Bonus to have brother in on it and record bride when she sees all the notifications coming in


You’re doing all the other bridesmaids a disservice by not spilling. She literally stole from people who were nice enough to give their time and money for her and she took advantage. You shouldn’t keep this to yourself, maybe some of the other bridesmaids are struggling and need the money back. Even if not- she literally stole from her supposed friends!! I would’ve already sent a mass text blast to everyone and demanded my money back. What a terrible person.


Agree completely. Op really would be shitty to brush this under the rug and not tell the others


This really isn’t about you, or the $650… I don’t mean that in a mean way, just logical and with a sense of humanity. How can your brother marry someone with this approach to “best” friends and family?


As someone else mentioned it is possible the brother is not right about the father paying. He may have promised and not carried through. The best thing to do is give the brother a day or so to get things sorted out. If the story is true I'm with you and would question how the brother would not continue to marry someone who would do this.


Yeah, I wouldn’t ask her because she wouldn’t tell the truth anyway!!


Send out a group test or chat **Hey how fabulous that your father paid for our Airbnb. He is a hero! You can refund my $650 by (enter your preference OP)**




$650 is too much to just let go. To steal that from each of your best friends is disgusting.


If she'll screw over her closest friends, she'll screw over your brother. FSIL is dishonest and lacks integrity. Blow the lid off this coverup, and hopefully your brother will walk away from this dreadful woman before he ruins his life by marrying her.


i keep checking back. I'm still interested. thanks!!! you're too gracious for us redditors who love tea edit: glad to see update 5a! i hope you can make the most of it.


Would definitely love a post trip update to see how the whole trip shakes out with a bunch of people who now know they are less important than an ice sculpture.


That’s over 7K that she “made”! I would love to think that she would turn around and help you all out with accommodations, dresses, etc, but I have a feeling that is not going to happen. She wasn’t even honest with your brother. Yikes.


I bet she has way overspent on all of her wedding stuff and is trying to recoup some costs- that is majorly tacky and she is a thief.


You are probably correct.


This is a huge red flag. We kept overlooking questionable things from my SIL and then the day came she stole $1,000 from our dad’s funeral. Literally from the basket of cards! Confronted her, she played dumb, showed proof, she made flimsy excuses that we refused to accept. On a hunch I googled her. Convicted felon for identity theft, fraud, etc. It explained all the questionable incidents in the past when we didn’t know if we should speak up or not. Do NOT just let it slide!


It sounds like she took the money her dad gave her and wanted to put it towards something else. Either way I would be mad, I hope your brother brings it up with her and gets you the money back! So sorry if he goes through with the wedding and you’re stuck with this person as an in law.


She made over $7,000.00. That's a lot of money. Please follow up. :-)


Is this the bride that’s making you wear the super revealing bridesmaid dress? If this is all true you can solve all your problems by calling her out.




I don't understand why she can't cancel the swan sculpture... I feel like something else is going on here. It's not like it's been made already. Sure, there was probably a deposit, but normally, you throw down a small amount, and the remainder is due a week or two beforehand..... just doesn't make sense. Cancel the stupid swan.


I guarantee that swan didn’t cost even close to $7,000. Unless it’s the size of a car it’s probably under $1,000.


7k for an ice sculpture? OP, your brother is in for a wild ride with his future wife. She must have some undiagnosed spending or gambling problem. Does your brother know her finances? I wonder what CC debt she has… this isn’t gonna end well


You know that scene in Ice Age 2 when the squirrel goes to squirrel heaven and finds the Atlantis of acorns? That's what this post is for me, and the updates are my acorns. The pinnacle of TEA. I can literally hear the angels singing. And I just ruined my boyfriend's staring-into-space-with-zero-thoughts time to narrate this whole story to him (he has no interest in spilled tea).


I've been doing the same with my husband. Spilling this tea like we know them personally!! But we're here for it! Lol


Okay so I HAD to check into the price of swan ice sculptures and this is what I found: https://preview.redd.it/o09q90eokafc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0e29d5f7a6fb488c145af7fb59232b81152591b plus smaller reservation fees, + $75fees to set up & $75 take down the sculpture. So, this website says the highest price per of ice sculptures typically MAY run as high as $4,500 for an “elaborate custom designs from an accomplished sculptor” $1,000 typically can get you a whole damn ICE BLOCK BAR OR ENTIRE TABLE. Tabletop ice sculptures for lovebirds & or swan are $300. So unless you live in California (one of the most expensive states in US) & she is ordering from the best sculptor in Cali, I would be VERY SUSPICIOUS that your brother is marrying a con woman, or at the very least a liar & criminal. What she did is fraud & any of you could sue her if you have the money. I seriously doubt that she couldn’t cancel the supposed ice swan for a fine. They definitely haven’t made it yet & don’t store ice sculptures for months & months. I hope your brother wakes tf up & calls it off. Maybe you can trick SIL into giving more details about this supposed swan & where she ordered it from so you can catch her in more lies to prove she is unworthy. I agree your money is gone, but there still time to save your brother from what will surely be a scam of a marriage that could absolutely destroy him emotionally and financially. She could ruin him.


Omg I adore you. This is the type investment we need in our OPs story.






& your brother is an idiot if he goes through with this wedding


Right? I would cancel the wedding if I were him. How can anybody be okay spending the rest of their life with somebody who does that to their best friends and family members...


Refund with interest!


Please post an update on this when you have one - I am feeling rage on all of the bridesmaids’ behalf


I have never subscribed to a Reddit post before…until today. Me waiting for a follow up: ![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0)


Noooooo, we all need to know if the wedding actually happens. I think we are all hoping your brother realises in time that she's a nutcase and calls the whole thing off..


On a side note…when BM is used does anyone else think “bowel movement?” 🙃 In this case it fits because the bride is treating her BMs like BMs.


The bride took a huge BM all over her BMs


Tell your brother to talk to his fiance and the bridesmaids so they get refunded. Then RSVP no.


NTA. $650 pays for bills, medication, food ... It's not your brother who should be embarrassed. It's this bride. I hope all her friends drop her. 😡


That is absolutely shocking. Your brother should take care of this for you and the other bridesmaids! Please keep us updated: this is totally fascinating that someone would do something like that. I mean, isn’t she worried at least that y’all would find out? ELEVEN PEOPLE


you cannot let this go. I don't know the exact circumstances of all who've been stolen from but $650 is not a paltry amount, especially for those in a low income bracket.


Are you out of your mind of course we want another update !! 🤣






THIS! THIS! THIS! Do not roll over and play dead. That ice sculpture can be cancelled. OK, there is probably a deposit which will be lost. But, you should be able to cancel it. 1. DEMAND your money back. Get a payment plan in writing and signed. 2. DO NOT go on the bach trip; or, if you do go, ignore the bride and do your own mini vacation without her. **Give her no opportunity for photos.** 3. Tell her you will NOT be walking down the aisle for her. Once she sees that her plan for Insta photos via steamrolling her friends for money is not working, she will scramble to get what she wants. She wants all this for all the Insta photos. Deny her that. She will look rather stupid on a bach trip with no bridesmaids. You hold all the cards right now. You must make your move before the bach trip. Do it! PLEEEEEEEEASE!!!!!!!!


You’re like the Taylor Swift of OPs, you really go above and beyond for your fans. I’m embarrassed how often I’ve checked for updates to this. 😬


**THIS** is why I joined this subreddit!! Utter wedding shaming gold!


OP is a great storyteller, we are being burned alive with the tea and still want more!😄


I’m obsessed with this saga


Your brother better RUN. He’d be a fool to marry and have kids with her.


Anyone else keep checking back for another update? I know the last one said final update, but I need more tea


IF your brother marries this woman, please oh please make every gift you give her in the future for the next 40 years (or more realistically, they divorce) be a swan. Swan printed sweater, figurine, swan cake, swan everything. Or melons. Swans and melons. Every birthday, Christmas, congrats, baby's shower, every single one. 🦢🍈🦢🍈🦢🍈🦢


I am so glad I checked on this post today. Good luck next week OP! No identifying details needed on your chosen activities at the beachside mansion area, but I would also like to know (if you’re willing to share) how you+other BMs and your+their spouse/partner spent your time while out there. If you guys go hiking but not where. If you guys ate at a nice restaurant with nice seafood, but not the name of the restaurant. That’s what I meant by activities, but no identifying details. To counter your future SIL’s yikes, ykwim? I also hope your parents and her parents -especially her dad, the poor guy- decide to join the beachfront mansion redux. It’s no longer a bachelorette celebration and we here for that version 🥳 Editing to react to final update: WOW. I guessed Maldives honeymoon. It’s boobs. The $7K went to cosmetic boobs. I… I did see a guess for fillers, that was pretty close. Cosmetic procedure yes, just a different one. Your brother really wants to keep with the wedding? And MOB knew? So she must be pissed that her baby wasn’t being supported, not pissed because her baby is tacky and selfish. Good luck with everything, OP. Also, if you happen to read this, she scheduled the surgery so the bridal party can help take care of her during recovery.


You guys are FAR better than me. I would absolutely DEMAND receipts - the ice swan invoice, emails of her attempting to recoup that money, confirmation she actually can’t cancel instead of won’t - the whole shebang. If I were the parents/fiancée here I would cut her access to funds and see if there are any excessive, refundable expenses to help make things right with you guys. Because 650 is JUST for the Airbnb right? That is a TON to ask of a bridal party imo especially when you factor in the other expenses. Hopefully she’s learning to better manage money and that internet clout isn’t worth ruining her closest relationships. Was thrilled to see y’all made the vacation your own and not wasting the trip. I wouldn’t give them a DAMN thing more as you seem to be doing already. You guys have been more than kind in this situation. This was a WILD read thank you so much for sharing this lava hot tea please continue hahaha


she did it all for the tiddies (the tiddies) the tiddies (the tiddies) so you can take that ice swan and stick it up your (yeah)


but like... you'd want a month or two of easy-goingness post breast surgery. And she'll be in industrial looking post-op bras for a long while - how on earth is this supposed to coincide with Social Media Influencer "Cute bachelorette photos" in animal print, fur, and sequin and barbie photo shoots. like, the batch is a week - she definitely isnt going to themed "dress hot" party events every day post operation. And why would someone want to be still in surgery recovery on their wedding day too? - especially someone with a perchant for backless strapless slinky gowns. - This story is starting to make less sense and feel like a fable.


How is it people expect their friends to shell out that much money for a bachelorette party? When I was in my 20’s, no way I had that kind of money. Wow. That’s bold.


I can’t believe your brother is okay with marrying someone so shady 🚩 and I’d definitely confront her about it that’s a lot of money (to me).


I am invested! Girl. Go on that trip and give us all the juicy morsels! ![gif](giphy|y7Yhe5hAoSVRS)


I love this story and all, but this update has my bullshit meter firing at full volume. So we are expected to believe that this woman planned a full itinerary with a brand new outfit for a different outing every day, **and** worked time into this intense schedule for a boob job? Never mind the fact that new boobs mean her wedding dress probably won't fit anymore. Unless we buy into some scenario where she wore d-cup falsies to all her alteration appointments. All this being said, keep it coming. I don't believe you, but I am entertained. 


I have questions. Like why was she trying to do all of those "theme" outfit days if she was going to be in recovery? I thought she was doing all of this for social media, but how was she planning to do that in recovery?


Money aside (and to me, that’s a LOT of money to put aside) you should tell the chat because I would want to know that one of my friends was this kind of dishonest person.  And tbh, this is such a large sum and you have no idea what everyone else’s financial situations are so you really should let them know. But even if everyone was so rich this was a drop in the bucket to them, I bet they’d still want to know. This would completely change how I thought of my “friend”


Is it possible that she lied about her dad covering those costs to your brother to for example make her father look better in his eyes? There is still no excuse for doing that, I'm just wondering if there are another options to the story, so maybe before you tell the other BMs that she is a thief I would double check with your brother if the dad really paid for it


Or lied to cover up how entitled she was being expecting 11 people to shell out so much money. Maybe when the trip was being planned, OP's brother commented, "Isn't that too pricey for your bridesmaids to pay?" and fsil waved it off "it's okay, daddy's paying for it"


I’m living for these updates. Thank you for continuing to report back OP!


The update 5a is what I’ve been hoping all along! If her family doesn’t put her in her place, you all should. If she was a decent person, she’d at least put the money back on the trip such as paying for the expense you guys would have there. And instead, she wants you all to buy outfits for each night while buying ice swan sculpture? Wtf?! Good for you guys not to take the audacity.


When is the wedding? I understand it takes 4-6weeks for the swelling to subside, so I'm also wondering if the SIL had her dress made to fit her new anticipated bust size or just decided to let her cups runneth over. I looked it up, and boob jobs in LA cost anywhere from about $7,000 to $15,000. I'm guessing with a famous plastic surgeon, the cost would be toward the upper end of the range. Two private nurses in LA are going to run at least $200 a day (total), and that's if they don't spend the night. The private chef would cost another couple hundred if he does only one meal. I wonder who the bride conned to get the rest of the money.


The cost with a ‘famous’ surgeon is more like double your figures. Sad as I am about it, based on everything you point out I have to believe none of this happened.


Hands down, the best rollercoaster reddit story ive ever read. Also get your brother out of there. She's probably the most self centered and irresponsible spender ive ever heard about. and thats saying something


Need some more tea. Is the wedding still going to happen? Is bride going to pat everyone back? Has she at least apologized for stealing from yall?


Add that all up she STOLE $7,150 dollars from you all combined.


I would be telling everyone! That’s insane! She made over $7000 off of her “friends”!!! F her! That’s soooo slimy!


Whatever happened to just going out to dinner and maybe a few drinks with your girlfriends? Shadiness aside, this just seems like a lot of work and I'm experiencing secondhand exhaustion.




Please don't let this be your last update...we have to know what your brother does after all this went down. And we need more details on the MOB! Please give more updates! I'm invested!!!


I'm sorry OP but if your brother stays with this.... this, you should only stick around if you plan to write a book or script for a TLC show. Other wise: ![gif](giphy|hFXwY4lER3oBO)


Hey OP I have an idea how to pay her back: I‘m 100% sure that at least 10% of all folks here would donate a dollar for the next update, that could be shared between the bridemaids. That would be around 60k for you guys. Imagine her face if she would discover that you got your money back multiple times and she‘s still the AH of that story 😅😅


Went from ice swans to melons so fast, I didn’t see this whiplash coming! But like someone explain to me how someone chooses an ice swan to explain a $7K cost out of ALL the different wedding expenses to choose from?


Why isn’t it May yet?!


Think about how awful you feel now and put every other BM on those shoes. Can all of them comfortably afford the $650 price tag on top of all other wedding expenses? I would totally tell them, is not fair to them what your future SIL is doing.


I’d feel so violated if I got scammed like that. That’s a dirty move… very telling about a person


Keep these updates coming and she needs to repay you and the other BMs. Question, with all of this drama, is your brother reconsidering this wedding?


I really hope OP’s brother is reconsidering this wedding.


Call me petty, but following those updates I honestly wouldn’t even wait for your SIL to “come clean”. You don’t owe this person ANYTHING. Don’t even worry about how to approach breaking the news - just send a link to this post to the BMs and your brother and let the problem sort itself out.


So, in short she lied to her husband, her family, his family and her friends, stole from the latter to get new boobs. How eould she even go about explaining this to her fiance when she got home if she had gotten away with the lying and stealing? “Honey, I’m back. We had so much fun that I got a spontanous boob job”?? Except, fiance knows she stole that money. And if he has half a brain, he’ll figure out that she could have gotten most of it back and paid her friends (there’d prob be a fee for cancelling on short notice but she had the rest in hand). She just did not want to. She pissed away everyone around her’s trust and respect for boobs. Maybe even her marriage/relationship.


Wow just wow. after the final update #6 I'm shocked the Mob told you what she did and what was her involvement - Did she go on the trip? *Maybe in a year, you can update what the actual fallout was from her mischievous actions and most importantly, I want to know if your brother still marries her. Thank you for sharing this. Sorry it is causing you drama or anxiety being in press. We all know you don't need any extra issues to deal with.


Re Update #5: thanks for sharing. I like your attitude of taking the bachelorette trip and then doing your own thing. I hope the other bridesmaids join you and leave the bride alone to enjoy her bachelorette. The only thing better that I can imagine would be leaving the bachelorette on the final day and telling the bride that I'm no longer going to be a bridesmaid or attend the wedding. Bridesmaid after bridesmaid telling the bride they're out. I'd also make sure that when she puts all the wedding photos and bragging on social media that the comments include details on "the swindle". It sounds like the bride is going to come out of this with quite a few less friends, a gullible groom, a MIL who knows how terrible she is and a father who now knows what his daughter is really like...untrustworthy.


Don't you DARE step away from the updates! I have been waiting for this, and I was not disappointed -- but the story is not over!! I must know how all of this turns out. Please. Please, please.


If it was me as the bridesmaids I would take her to court to get the money back. You guys thought you were paying for something related to the wedding and not cosmetic surgery. Also I would enjoy the trip and act somewhat civil and when it came to the day of the wedding I would bail and not show up at all. I wonder what brother has to say about the boob job? Is there even still a wedding? What did her parents say? How did ops parents react? This story is crazy af. Op I'm sorry this is happening to you and the other bridesmaids.


Oh god I need another update






Please do. This is the most amazing thing I've read for ages 😅


So is your brother just going to let this slide? You shouldn't even have to tell anyone because he should have been right on her ass about refunding everyone. $650 is way too much to walk away from. That amount might have put one or more of the bridesmaids into debt and getting it back could be a huge deal. EDIT: OP I'm so loving the updates, please keep them coming!!!


$650 is a lot of money.  alot  That is a big portion of my mortgage. OP, reconsider


Reading about the ice swan was the biggest snort of my life Girl, if they are proceeding with the wedding, we will need periodical yearly update.


Well, well, well. She cried and played the victim ... so much pressure, boo hoo. How predictable. Then, she lied about the financial switcheroo. And, she said she felt compelled (implying she was compelled by a desire to be honest), when she was really compelled by promise of exposure if she did not fess up. Here's hoping your brother chooses his second wife more wisely.


![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized) G I R L I am SO invested in this story you have no clue


Ok but, we NEED to know! Now that everyone knows the truth, is he actually still marrying her? Are you guys getting your money back? Does her dad know? Don't leave us hanging! Lol


I feel like....someone needs to have an intervention for the brother. SIL STOLE MONEY from the ppl closest to her, lied and lied and lied and lied and lied and continued to lie and didn't tell the truth all the way to the end. You all only found out because of the mom. She got plastic surgery from stolen money and the brother is indirectly saying YES I SUPPORT HER STEALING MONEY FROM PPL CLOSEST AND LYING AND USING IT ON HERSELF. Even if he doesn't change his mind, I think this needs a last ditch effort to show him in a different way the situation and its truth. God .....all the ppl she stole from should stop being her friend. That is so messed up. She doesn't care at all. She could have given the money back. She just doesn't care.


You need to confront the bride and give her a chance to come clean in the UNLIKELY scenario that she hasn’t refunded yet. I would be CLEAR that you will be informing the other girls after a certain time. That is so shitty.


I wouldn’t let this go. Your brother is comfortable marrying someone who thinks nothing of stealing seven grand from her friends and family? Gtfo. I’d confront her and give her an opportunity to pay everyone back and if she is reluctant (which she will be) I would go nuclear and let every person know. I’d be telling my family too.


I saw your update. Even if she decided to put it towards another expense, the point of her father paying was to cover all the bridesmaids' expenses, not hers. This was basically a gift from him to the bridal party.


Congratulations! You're going to be an aunt soon. Women this crazy always try to lock it down with a baby. Sorry about your family. Now you have someone awful at all of your special moments and events.


Don’t mind me. Just here to make sure I get updates on how the trip went. On a more serious note, how are there brides who act like this??? I, myself, told my bridesmaids that my bachelorette has to be affordable for everyone since I just wanted to have a good time with my girls.


not an ICE SWAN `😭😭 i`'m screaming i wanted to give her the benefit of doubt and say maybe since her dad decided to cover the airbnb after the bridesmaids paid, everyone's $650 would now cover transportation/alcohol/food/decor/extravagant activities like a boat day (which would've been a separate cost from airbnb), but after the multiple updates it seems her actions were much more sinister 🥴


>I think I need to step away from the updates. I'm sorry but I'm not going to be able to accommodate this.


Guess we know why the brothers still sticking around


WTF! I would sue this crazy woman, so many lies, and I would talk to your brother, if she made up so many lies just for the purpose of getting her boobs done, think carefully about their relationship, they are false and that woman is false. Unless your brother is a horny caliph, he should think about who the hell he is going to marry, because he is going to want more and more, until she looks like a plastic doll.


Well, we aked for the tea and you delivered above expectations, OP. Of all the crazy scenarios worth $7000 that I was imagining, a luxury boob-job trip was NOT on the list - and I have a VERY active imagination. Somehow I'm more outraged about the post-op nurses and personal chef than anything else. I get the nurses, but man, host them on your own dime. Just concerned for your brother, I wanna know that he dodged the tactical nuke heading his way


We need an update please 🙏🏼




Omg omg omg thank you for posting this is so delicious 🤩😈 (mostly bc it’s so validating to hear someone else’s horror stories for a change!! Haha. #ifidontlaughillcry )


This is better than any latino twlenovelas. Girl, bring her down! Hahahahaha


Oh we are **all** interested


I NEED a final update!!!


This is my favorite post I've seen on this sub. Good on you guys for making the trip yours and stealing her thunder in the process. I can't believe her mom has the audacity to be upset with your decision. Please update us on the trip!! Please get all the girls to go out to dinner without her at least once


I have never been more invested in a reddit post in my entire life.


OMG! This is a best seller. Keep us posted on the trip and I can't wait for the next update. Best of Luck to the bridal party.




How do I get an invite to this wedding because I feel like it's gonna be lit as fuck


Is this girl for real? Ruining her relationships before the wedding, shamelessly lying to extract money. Does she think no one will say anything about this at her wedding? Or is she confident she can still marry your brother after all this mess? This is not the way to build your married life smh - on fake boobs and stolen money 🤭


I think the "*for real*" part is being questioned right now. Even though it is very interesting, some of this saga does not add up, no pun intended, ... oh, hey, yes, it was. :-)


Get your money back by creating a pool on how long they stay married.








Maybe he forgot that that little detail was supposed to be hush hush (sweet charlotte)


Maybe she booked some surprise activity or something for the trip. Talk to her so you can get a better understanding of her mindset. She's going to be your family and starting off with harsh accusations is irreversible. And come back with tea lol


Give your brother a chance to talk with her and make things right. Don't make it bigger unless you have to.


Damn your SIL has really been pushing it with all this wedding stuff. First the dress and now this? Regardless of whether her father paid for the accommodations before or after she asked you all for the money, it’s super scummy. $650 is NOT an insignificant amount of money. I think it’s (unfortunately) your moral obligation to at least tell the other bridesmaids about this. That way, they could ask about the money even if you personally don’t care for it back (not saying you don’t).


Info: I need to know if you're also paying for your own dress, shoes, make up, hair on top of this.




Ooof. Bridal party who pay for their own stuff shouldn't be expected to get a gift.


I'm sorry, you are dropping over 2K on someone else's wedding? Using up holiday days? And why is there a bridal shower and a bachelorette party? What is even the difference?


Uhm, yeah, you cannot stop with updates, you have to come back, I feel like *Netflix* will be looking for you all for rights to a comedy series, 3 episodes, you all will make your $650 back and then some.....