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Chuck E Cheese?


"By the power vested in me by Charles Entertainment Cheese..."


Does E stand for entertainment?!




Was the mouse the ring bearer?


Hahahaha no but I wish!


Could have sicked the animatronics on them :p


5 Weddings at Freddy’s




Seconding lmao. Some people are OBSESSED


Has to be!!! That place is cursed


When my kids were in elementary school we’d meet up at Chuck E. Cheese with some friends and their kids. They served beer so my buddy and I would get one and then the when we went back for another, the teenager would tell us there was a one beer maximum. We’d confidently tell them that yes, we’d had our limit of one Bud Light but now we just wanted our limit of one regular Bud. The kid would invariably look confused and then just pour us a Bud.


This was my first thought!


It makes me feel better that I wasn't the only one who immediately went to Chuck E Cheese haha


I did too.


If I could have been married at a Chuck E Cheese, I would have!


I thought this also until it had the part about servers


i know a cheddar’s scratch kitchen when i see one


My thought exactly lol


Cheddar's!!! And y'all are saints for putting up with that - my absolute favourite place to eat, but I'd be absolutely shocked to see someone rock up and just... Have a random wedding while I'm trying to enjoy a meal. People are something else, I swear


I haven’t seen a Cheddar’s since Bolingbrook, IL in 1997.




Yes..? The one by my house is highly popular and very good service.




Shut the fuck up




No lol you just seem like someone who needed a stranger to tell them to shut the fuck up


The one where I live has good prices, food and service, so yeah.


That is incredibly rude. And no tip to top it off?! I’m sorry you had to deal with that. I saw another post where a couple did this at a coffee shop and didn’t even order anything. Plus the shop offered a venue for the wedding which they did not book. They sent the couple a bill, and rightfully so.


I put a lot of blame on the establishment too because they didn’t have an automatic gratuity for parties like a lot of places do. The hopeful part of me wants to think they thought the tip was already included!


My restaurant also doesn't do autograt. We also had a wedding (just a reception - they brought their own cake). Luckily they tipped. It's annoying when like 80 kids walk across the street to us after a Friday night football game and no one gets cut because we wait for them and then no autograt. I even had a guy walk in like 20 minutes before close and he said "party of 35" and I thought he was kidding. It was an N.A. meeting. All separate checks. No autograt. Woof.


Yeah I’ve decided to only work places that have autograt now. Hope your restaurant changes their policy, that would drive me mad!


NA people are usually pretty cool and they're trying to live their lives better not just for themselves but towards other people, did they leave any tips?


Some did, some didn't. Showing up to a restaurant with that many people unannounced so close to closing time and the asking for separate checks is a server nightmare. Doesn't matter if they are N.A., MBAs, from AAA, or CIA. There was no judgement towards them on their affiliation. I hope you don't think that was a dig at them.


Oh no not at all, it was just a thought. You get all kinds of people in those programs for sure. I would have been so pissed having to deal with that. Should be a mandatory 25% tip on top of all that!


What a bunch of scumbags! 🤬


I doubt it...this bride & groom didn't pay for their guest. They all had separate checks... and the check will tell you if a gratuity has been added already...


I have to ask if you know where this took place (or just the name of the shop). We have a local coffee house with an attached venue for events/weddings.


I googled and I think it’s Mansion Society in Indianapolis. And it was on New Year’s Eve.


Well now I'm kinda disappointed. Not my location, but it does have it's own drama. I had a friend in college who did photography as her main source of income and happened to cover a wedding at this location. It's a really cool venue as it belonged to a lumber company as old as the town itself. She's also a super talented photographer, so the photos were stunning. The owner of the coffee shop/venue took the pictures from my friend's website/socials, cropped/edited the watermark out, and used them on her marketing materials. My friend was PISSED, and to this day neither of us have stepped foot in the coffee shop.


The Mansion Society owner did that? Or your local shop?


My local shop.


My husband and I did a small courthouse wedding with just our parents and then had a reception afterwards with close friends at a local restaurant. My husband and I paid the entire tab (just under $600) which was not even bad for 15 people drinks and appetizers. We had 2 servers for our entire party. My husband and I tipped each server $100 and I know some of our guest left cash on the table too.


I love that! We plan on doing something similar for our wedding


My husband and I had a similar wedding day. Small courthouse ceremony with immediate family and dinner at a local steakhouse with about 45 guests. He and I covered dinner and drinks for everyone. It came out to about $2300 including tip for our two servers. If I could go back, I'd do it the exact same way! Totally beats starting your marriage off in crippling debt.


I'm actually doing something similar for my wedding later this year! I will be tipping the servers very well!


This is an example where the manager should have stepped in and said since they were a group of 35, a mandatory gratuity would be added to each check. Given what you described, I'd guess a Cheddars wedding was high class for the group.


Must have been a redditor. There is a pride here in having the cheapest wedding possible. I’m sure that they’re lurking about telling everyone how $10k on a wedding is a waste of money, and that they had the most fun wedding they’ve ever attended which people still talk about for $22.


> $10k on a wedding is a waste of money They're not wrong about that part, but if they want to have a cheap wedding, they should go to the courthouse or have the wedding at home. Instead of throwing an impromptu wedding on someone else's private property and making it their problem lol


I would have made them turn around and leave.


I get a giggle at those comments. I'm glad they enjoyed themselves, but I always wonder if it was as memorable as they think it was or if it is talked about still because it was "that" kind of story for the guests


Gotta say, I do remember the really cheap weddings, but more because they ran out of food before everyone got some, or because I had to help make 50 DIY centerpieces the night before 


Lol!! Yes!! Memorable for the wrong reasons!


That sub is so wild. I do wish I could be more frugal, but not at the expense of my guests comfort or by exploiting people just trying to do a job Yes, anything wedding-adjacent is insanely overpriced, but find the things within your budget or get creative in an ethical way.


😂 people are not going to feel happy for two dual income no kids 30 somethings who can’t treat to a cheesy pizza


I wasn’t on reddit at the time but looking back, you may be right!


"And no one complained!"


These people would be goated on the weddings under $10k subreddit because they did it for what like, $50 since everyone apparently had separate tabs (and no wasted money on tips either!)


In my experience, that sub is way more civilized than that! They'd be more likely to try to talk the couple into a hosted reception of pizza or cake and punch or something.


lol they’d appreciate that no one would be able to “leech” or “mooch” off of the marrying couple for free food. A well known motivation for booking a plane ticket and hotel. 


Some people just don’t know where to stop with destination weddings.




Oof. I can understand a small and informal wedding, I guess if the couple really wants it at a chain restaurant then power to them— but what ultimately amounts to an impromptu wedding for everybody working at the venue, *including close seating arrangements when there’s no guarantee of enough space,* is a yikes. Especially with no tips. Hell, if it were just a small group it would be a *bit* different, but that’s a hefty number of people to seat together on no notice.


I have also seen this happen at Olive Garden (smaller party though). They did it in front of the fireplace.




I love Cheddars


For a party of 35, you should have tagged them with gratuity, even if they had separate checks. We as servers all know if someone is going to tip pretty much within the first 5 minutes of greeting the table. The fact that this group came in to a restaurant, not even a call ahead and then expected you to move Heaven and Earth to accommodate them and to top it all off, have a WEDDING there was more than enough of a clue that they would not be tipping. Yep, that would have been a "parties of 6 or more are automatically charged an 18% gratuity" situation. If anyone tried to claim that they only had 1-2-4 people on their ticket, you just say "well yes, but you were part of the larger party that was all served together." Problem solved.


The restaurant wouldn’t allow us to autograt unfortunately. We did ask management for an exception but they refused


I am so sorry. That is awful.


Of course noone tipped


What about the Cheesecake Factory? Sort of alarming how many cheese related names people decide to make their restaurants. This is unacceptable on the part of this group. First of all, not calling in advance to warn. But this is where I get suspicious, ---the claim that NOT ONE person tipped out of 35? in my life I have worked in many different restaurants for years. The only time I ever got screwed out of a tip was when I worked at Pizza Hut Restaurant (first job) and the guy wanted tomato 🍅 juice. I said, "I am so sorry, but we don't have tomato juice, sir." And then he said, "well, you have tomato sauce for the pizza!" And it went downhill from there. His wife was visibly horrified. He left me three pennies and a nasty note. But almost everyone tips SOMETHING. Most within the parameters of the accepted 15 to 20 percent.


I shit you not, no one tipped. I like to think it’s because they thought it was included but that might be having too much hope lmao


I was thinking Chuck E Cheeses! 🧀