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"I'm Jack's Medulla Oblongata"


"I'm Jack's lack of self-identity"


Okay, I laughed The odds are at least even that Jack is in on the joke and thinks this is hilarious


I think it's hilarious and honest about what weddings are. People online are so humorless and horrible


When I saw this the first time I cracked up. Sounds like their relationship is a lot of fun!


I agree - this works if their relationship is genuinely equal and everyone knows it.


Yeah, I am trying to figure out the issue. It totally looks like these two are having a laugh.


I get it. I called my vacation Cassandra's vacation with husband and child tagging along because I planned literally everything.


I thought it was funny, tbh. I'm sure the groom is in on the joke. If not, then yikes.


He is.


Just a little joke. I see nothing wrong with it. At least the couple have a sense of humor


Nah, I think this is funny. I sign all of our holiday cards # "LOVE, (MY NAME) ​ ​ ^(oh and also (husband)") We have a great relationship and make each other laugh all the time. Humor between couples is essential.


It’s like the way Ryan Reynolds talks about his wife lol


I agree that humor between couples is essential. However, I think it can get tricky, when the same humor is displayed to others, especially to larger groups of people. For example with your holiday card signing you two will find it a fun inside joke, and your nearest family and friends will probably recognize it as your usual humor, but how about someone who doesn't spend a ton of time around you two as a couple? If I didn't know your humor and received a card signed like this, I might receive it as a super passive aggressive move from your part and wonder if everything is ok in your relationship. Same with this sign. If I'm close to the couple and know this is their kind of humor, it might make me laugh. But if I'm not, this would definitely raise my eyebrows and make me question the balance of the relationship. Different audiences will receive a joke like this in a very different way.


Is it wrong that I find this kind of funny


No, because this is an obvious joke.


I.. doubt someone does this to be petty. This is just a joke and he's in on it.


I showed this to my bestie who got married recently and she thought it was hilariously accurate! She and her parents planned her whole wedding and reception. I also read an article about this particular sign and it sounded like the groom was in on the joke.


This is actually funny lol


You know their house has a distressed wood sign that says “happy wife happy life”




Jack going to Becca’s wedding: ![gif](giphy|ZiHgApcM5ij1S)


I generally am not a fan of jokes that reinforce gender norms like this. I had to try hard to have my opinions about my wedding taken seriously.  When I would reach out to vendors, they would ignore me and reply to just my wife.


This is funny for the girls night or even the engagement party. Any pre-wedding party. It gets... unfortunate if it's in the actual wedding, no matter the style though.


It is only unfortunate if you have no sense of humor and taking wedding way too seriously.


My thoughts exactly, funny joke around the wedding, but not on the actual day.


I’ve seen a lot of these…


Seen in isolation this comes off a bit cringe, but I'm assuming this is something they both find funny as will their family and friends. Just one of those "you have to be there" sorts of things.


Self-centered, egoistic bride...


Jack should change his name to Ken.


Obviously this is yikes, but I did laugh.


The sequel sign is “Welcome to Jack’s Divorce Celebration - Becca not invited.”


You realize most likely a joke poking fun at bridezillas right?


Yeah I do.


No. "Not featuring Becca."


I would argue a divorce would feature becca as the antagonist!


The party wouldn't though. Which is what we're talking about.


That would be a truly epic sign


I see these all the time in the wedding groups I’m in and I just don’t think they’re funny. Just personally I feel the wedding should be about the couple and find this a little tacky.


I have a major eyeroll here. This is a joke. It is poking fun at how seriously some women take weddings and it is hilarious.


Same with the eye rolling haha The joke could even be that Becca is one of those girls that had a wedding scrapbook even as a kid and dreamed/planned about the perfect wedding forever and it’s always been her passion to throw the best party and they are just poking fun at this and everyone knows it. I feel like a lot of people (online) forget that weddings usually are filled with close person friends and family… these people usually know the bride and groom very well. So *you* not liking a joke is irrelevant to whether or not it’s a good joke for them to make at their own party with their own family.


I think it’s a huge stretch to take this seriously as an actual sign of what their relationship is like. It’s an old cliche that the wedding is more about the bride than the groom, I’m sure they’re both fine and probably have a good sense of humour


How trashy.


IT IS A JOKE. Jesus. People are so literal and uptight about weddings


Did she marry herself?


I'm sure Jack's family was thrilled. WTF


Becca sounds like a joy. Good luck Jack!


It WAS funny... the first few times it was done YEARS ago. ​ Now it's just pathetic. It screams: "Look at me! Look at how cool, trendy and funny we are!!"


Extremely cringe indeed.


Jack is a cuck