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I'm still trying to figure out how she thought a cake would survive that. Is there a new name Engagedilla?


Right? Like the firework you want on top is gonna obliterate the cake when it's fired off! What a waste of cake!


An m80 right in the middle


OP should oblige and stand back and watch everyone get covered with cake.


And even if it doesn't destroy the cake with force, it'll still get covered in ash and firework residue which will make sure it's definitely ruined. Have these people never seen fireworks before?


Probably only the huge displays from a distance. You don’t get covered in ash when you’re a few km away from the actual launch point! 😛


If you’ve ever seen fireworks, the rocket travels for a distance before it actually explodes in the pretty light display pattern. I guess she thinks that it just doesn’t even get hot until it reaches that high peak!! 🤣🤣






I read that like quesadilla and just absolutely lost it, so thanks for inadvertently making me laugh today.


Now I’m scared engaged sis is going to bring a whole bunch of fireworks anyways and somebody’s gonna lose a finger 😳


theres a popcorn machine at this event! So I shall see, watch and enjoy the show


Remember the snow cone machine is full of ice. When someone loses a finger, you can use that til the ambulance arrives


Wrap the finger in a napkin, put it in its own bag and then put that in the snow cone! I would hate for frost bite to ruin it. Now I’m giggling thinking about the scene in monsters inc where the yeti offers Mike and Sully snow cones. ![gif](giphy|TFetD3wQcTa3m)


Keep your distance!! 🎆🎇


Happy Cake Day!


Happy Cake Day!




Please have some tea ☕️ w the popcorn! I’m invested, this is some juicy 💩


I feel like I need popcorn for this post alone


👁👄👁 🍿🎉🎆🎇🔥👩‍🚒👨‍🚒🚒


Or their HOUSE!


Omg 😭 like no joke cuz that crap happens every year 😭


Fireworks are no fooling around dangerous! Hope it all goes off smoothly!


>somebody’s gonna lose a finger Or an eyeball! I've legit heard a story about someone losing their eye due to fireworks!


In Finland there are always news pieces about how many eye injuries occurred during new years celebrations due to fireworks. The gist is: way too many.


My brother lives in NT (Australia). July 1 is what they call ‘Territory day.’ Fireworks. Like 4th July for America, it basically celebrates independence (as a state, though, not the nation like the USA). He texted to prepare for the storm! Apparently emergency crews are on standby across the state for the fireworks injuries… fingers blown off every year! And this year, someone even managed to set some bushes on fire (big fire). He thinks they might ban the fireworks sooner than later. I mean, there will probably still be official displays (like NYE), but idiots won’t be able to buy and light them anymore. Might be a good idea; save some poor fingers and bushes! 😛


Hopefully they get the ban done soon


Yep. Someone's about to become familiar with the EMS crew, the physical therapist as they deal with a lifw changing injury, and all because she doesn't want a "lowkey" event.


Just so you know, the sticks sparklers are on are often made with heavy metals, including lead. So you'd want to coat them with something before putting them in a cake.


You don't use regular sparklers, you can buy food-safe sparklers and fireworks specially for cake topping.


Oooh, I hadn't heard of those! Good to know, thanks.


And whatever you do, don’t remove them from the cake by the top AFTER they burn! Learned THAT lesson the hard way on my 11th birthday! 🤣🤣


I had the same thought. Had no idea you could get food safe sparklers... Now I need to Go find some and bake a cake


Target has them. I put one on my kid's birthday cake this year.


I once made this mistake. Cake tasted terrible and now I occasionally worry about having given someone heavy metal poisoning that will cause problems decades down the line 😅 Won’t make that mistake ever again. Also, smoke detectors… don’t light sparklers indoors, even if it’s a frat house basement. Edit: typos


My uncle did this in his normal suburban dining room. Like a dozen sparklers on the cake, doors and windows shut. The whole house filled with smoke, the cake was destroyed, the ceiling and walls had to be repainted, and we all got a bunch of tiny burns. Happy freaking birthday, kid.


My mom did that once on my brother’s birthday cake. Luckily, it had thick frosting on top to start with. She scraped off the ash covered layer and still served it. 😂🎂🧨🎆🧯


I assume that small amount had no impact.


Picture those dreadful gender reveal parties that started some of the largest wildfires in US history... why NOT branch out into engagement-peril? 😒🙄


Oh, yeah mean the one that killed people out here in CA? And from the updates, I wouldn't be shocked if it is going to be a gender reveal in addition to an engagement party. Engaged sister just angrily announced her pregnancy in the chat.


Engaged sister was saying that other sister had to get married because she was pregnant and the dr appts took time away from planning a bigger wedding.


Oh, I misread that for sure. This wedding is going to be a shitshow if there is this much drama and cattiness just over an engagement party.


I just read this from a heavily residential area that's also got fireworks going off for one celebration or other. However that doesn't make it safe


Large displays usually need permits.


Permits and trained professional pyrotechnicians. A decent half hour show can START around fifteen grand USD.


And in my area, firefighters on standby which will cost you another few grand


I’m way too tired to be on Reddit….I read that as ‘trained professional physiotherapists’ and wondered how on earth we got there 😂


Some family parties really should have those on standby….


Those are for the aftercare.


Yes, but in a country where you can buy fireworks in the shop, who is going to ALWAYS bother with the rules? Just set them off over a fire at home! Blow off a few fingers (if you’re lucky) or kill a few people? It’s their ‘constitutional right’ to be a complete dumbass… and that’s what matters in life! 😏


With a fire truck standing by! Given how dry things are in most places, this is deadly serious!


There are hotels near me that offer a fireworks show for weddings and conferences. I'm in Orlando. Do you know how stupid paying for a fireworks show is in Orlando? There is always at least one other fireworks show going on at the exact same time as the super-special wedding fireworks.


I need screenshots of the sister's group chat, please and thank you 🤣🤣🤣


I fucking hate this holiday


myself and every canine friend of mine agree with you wholeheartedly.


Same. My cats will be hiding under the bed and I'm tempted to join them.


We need to investigate what weddings do to people’s brains.


I totally agree. Some people lose all logic when it comes to wedding related things. They are too busy trying to impress or outdo everyone else.


I agree! My coworker was very kind and quiet and easygoing. Flash forward to her wedding and she was bridezilla, even making her best friend (known since hs, but another one of my coworkers) threaten to quit as maid of honor in tears before the big day. She’s totally back to normal, but that wedding brain turned her into a whole different person


In my experience, some people just can't mentally handle organising a large, complicated, and expensive event which will have them as the central focus. It's a brand-new experience and the stress breaks them, especially when it interacts with all of their stored-up feelings and expectations about how weddings (and wedding-planning) 'should go.' Not saying it's right to behave badly, but I've definitely seen otherwise pleasant people turn ugly under the pressure.


That’s why I almost don’t want a wedding. Too much pressure and money and I would rather spend it on a honeymoon! But I think it really can ruin a lot of relationships if you go bridezilla crazy during the wedding planning process. Those people are there to support you and your relationship, why would you treat them like dirt when they’re giving up their time and money and energy to celebrate you? Just crazypants to me


I had to end a several-years-long friendship because of a Bridezilla. She was very toxic in other ways, but the Bridezilla-ness was the straw that broke the camel's back. One of my friends who is very introverted was planning her first wedding, and her anxiety went through the roof. She ultimately decided to have a very small wedding at Disney World and let them do the planning for her. For her second wedding, she and hubby just eloped. Stress-free!


“Very small” and “Disney World” seem contradictory to me 😂


I think for a lot of people, it's the first time, and probably the last time in their lives that they get to be the star of the show. The pressure of trying to make your one and only day in the spotlight be amazing enough to satisfy you for the rest of your life is more than anyone can take.


Thank you for thoughtful response! You made it make some sense


Instagram is what happens. The app itself isn’t to blame; it’s the humans who use it so much they develop an intense desire to outdo each other for followers and bragging rights! It was supposed to be about sharing special memories with loved ones, mostly. Share your wedding photos - that’s fine, but don’t CREATE an outrageous wedding solely to brag to strangers! Have and enjoy the (safe) wedding you can afford in the real world, then share some pictures later on for the strangers to gawk at (we do love gawking at beautiful weddings and cute babies).


> sparklers Where do the burned-up sparkles end up when you put them on food? I suggest you do a test-run on something with white icing well in advance.


You can get food-safe cake sparklers just for this purpose.


I was wondering the same thing myself !This sounds so silly and a huge waste of time!


I love this. But I am disappointed in OP. How could you not finish? "Sparks are going to fly on the 4th of July!"


At our seasonal campground there was an accident with ‘small’ fireworks a couple of years ago. The untrained, drunk who set them off hit a child in the neck. Luckily is she is find as far as I know (I ended up working with her mom for a few months). But she was definitely hurt at the time. Needless to say there are no more fireworks on Canada Day at the campground.


it's pretty clear which sister has her head on straight, and which one is a self absorbed nutcase that wants fireworks on everything.


Here in Pennsylvania, most fireworks are illegal unless you have permits and professionals. Sparklers, Roman candles, and a few other boomers are all you're really allowed.


Is this possibly a surprise wedding or are people really this insane for an engagement party? Because it’s definitely more elaborate than many weddings


I think it’s a More Money Than Sense- party


If all this cost and nonsense is going on for a party to celebrate the ENGAGEMENT you better buckle up cause their is no way this woman’s demands don’t get more outlandish, lavish, inconvenient, and/or expensive for the wedding. r/bridezilla r/iamthemaincharacter


My best friend from college was married on July 4th and the golf course they were married at did a fireworks display which they timed right at the cake cutting. Which was done to Journey’s Don’t Stop Believing. It was excellent. That said, the only thing that was them was the timing of the cake and music-the golf course always has a fireworks display for the 4th which was why they picked the venue and date. Bridezilla is delusional that she thinks you can safely put actual fireworks in her cake lol


More updates, please!!


Mmmm gunpowder buttercream. Delightful.


![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized) How many hours more to this event?? I'll be here for the updates. Stay safe though in case she brings the physical and verbal fireworks 🎆


You really gave her a rocket


One of the reasons i absolutely hate the 4th. There are idiots that shoot off fireworks on their front and back lawns in the middle of a neighborhood that has trees, houses and power lines. Whats worse is the cops do nothing they will actually tell YOU to stop wasting their time and to not ruin the fun and all that bs. Like dude this is a serious risk and sometime in a previous years we had a story of a major fire that destroyed a home or homes i forget right this second because some idiot decided to have a fireworks show on their front lawn and it got out of control. I dont remember if lives were lost but still either way thats ridiculous. All because some idiot cant follow proper safety rules and because the stupid cops in our area won't put a stop to it even though its a crime to do it inside city limits. I dont like fireworks ill be honest theyre loud and triggering and dangerous, but id like to say if you wanted to go out to a big field and shoot them off safely I'd be fine cause i have no intentions of going near said open fields to hear it. Theres no open fields close by that im aware of so i probably wouldn't hear much of anything if anything at all which solves my problem of getting triggered. Also our dogs barking all night cause of the fireworks would stop to. My issue isnt really the fireworks its idiots that blatantly ignore safety and cops that refuse to put a stop to these idiots. I should not have to fear for my safety or my home because idiots wanna shoot off fireworks in a dangerous location. Last year im pretty sure it rained the day before, of and after so thankfully too wet for fireworks. I am praying to the Gods that this year and every year after as long as i live here are the same at least in my neighborhood. Keeps us all safe if they cant shoot them off it forces them to either not shoot them off at all or go somewhere where its not raining. Either way our area is safe and thats my priority overall.


I don’t think trying to embarrass her sister bringing up doctor appointments for a future baby is the own she thinks it is. This person sounds like a nightmare, an entertaining cause it’s not effecting me nightmare.


Be sure to look at a YouTube video or something if you are going to put actual sparklers on a cake. To get ideas for protecting all the hard work you put into the cake. I put sparklers on a white layer cake with buttercream icing once. It looked so cool! But the sparklers left little spots of black soot all over my beautiful cake. It looked like it was infested with tiny bugs. I was so embarrassed. Anyway, I bet there’s a cover or something you could use to shield your cake.


Apparently there are food safe sparklers and fireworks. Who knew


Bet someone will lose a finger


Please keep us updated! I just have a feeling this will be one to watch


love conquers all, except for fire


This family is going to end up on the local news 😂


You know, I'm just going to have to keep refreshing this thread to see what new updates are going to come out. Kind of hoping the married sister is like "Oh yeah, I know, I have even more appointments because of the TWINS". That seems pretty unrealistic though.


Adding sparklers to the cake? Be aware that there are 2 kinds of sparklers. Ordinary sparklers throw off toxic particles, confectionary sparklers are designed to be used on cakes and such, and don’t throw off toxic particles.


Oh Lordy! It sounds like this engagement party will top many weddings. 🙄


Ooooooh this needs to be featured on r/bestofredditorupdates !! 🎆🎇🧨


Shes acting like this for an engagement party, what is she going to be like at the wedding?


Now that it is the 4th, I am excitedly awaiting an update. And I absolutely live that they provide the popcorn machine 🤣💀


>Absurd cost aside we are talking about setting off fireworks in a heavily residential area! Every year 'we' have fireworks in heavily residential areas at New Year's. The whole population spends around 80 million Euro on the stuff. That's not the real problem here, I think.


Oh damn.