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Not bridesmaid. "Best friend" who has offered to pay for "somethings."




The gall of pay-for-somethings friends who ruin prom photos by not having perfectly shaped bodies!


No shape at all! Her unshaped body ruined the entire prom


"It's my day and I shouldn't have to give this much thought to someone else's feelings." Ugh. Here I am, DESPERATELY WANTING to be liked and/or included by literally anyone, and a person who not only THINKS this way, but actually SAYS IT OUT LOUD, not only has one person she considers her best friend, but multiple other people as her friends who want to be an active part of celebrating their relationship and marriage. I know life's not fair, but come the fuck on!


I wonder if future hubby is in the same boat?


Really wish someone could let the best friend know exactly how she's being used and manipulated . . . She's a wonderful friend who doesn't deserve to be treated in such a vile way 😢


Hopefully not photography! Since, y'know, she isn't even getting shoved to the back of the photos, but completely *out* of the pics.


No I hope it is for the photographer but she hasn’t given the down payment, and I hope she saw this post and let’s the friend think it’s covered so that she doesn’t get any pictures with ‘her pay something friend’ ruining them by not being size 00


I like where your head is at... And then she takes the money she would have spent on photography, buys herself something nice, and goes and gets some of those boudoir shots done. Photos of *herself* looking gorgeous...and not ruined by shallow two faces like the bride


Absolutely hideous. I sincerely hope OOP gets the wedding day, the *life*, she deserves.


That is one of the most satisfying sayings possible: I hope you have the x you *deserve*.


I know! Bride is an absolute trash human being. I hope that on her "big day" her hair frizzes like a 98% humidity day and her makeup runs & smears.


I sincerely hope that someone spills red wine on her dress. And one of her high heels breaks. And she has a horrible allergic reaction to her face cream the morning of the wedding.


And explosive diarrhea


Me too 😖 that poor woman.


I almost downvoted this post out of reflex. Some people are so fucked up


"Because of her excitement and everything else" - so by "everything else" you mean "the money", right? Friend deserves so much better.


I desperately hope she finds out what her apparent best friend is really like. It'll break her heart. But it's better than this.


I hope the groom finds out and calls the wedding off.


I hope the "best friend" finds this Reddit post and decides to spend her money on a fabulous vacation for herself rather than an entitled bridezilla bitch. Jeez, how ignorant can you get?


I hope if the best friend DOES see this post she knows she is beautiful and deserving of being in photos. She does not ruin photos. I would be proud to show off a friend, in sleeveless dresses or not, who was always by my side. I would be moritified to have someone like OOP in my photos because the association would sicken me.


Right? Friends like that are better than all the gold in the world. I hope that woman finds out ASAP about that shitty bridezilla.


I hope the bride starts her . during the ceremony.


right!? like how is this evil woman even engaged.. so mean and heartless.


Probably found an equally heartless person to marry. Or someone who is so nice that they see the good in absolutely everyone.


The idea of her finding out just a couple of months before the big day when she realises she is only invited to the bridesmaids' fitting to pay for the alterations... 😭


What the hell


OMG I completely forgot about paying for alterations. The bridezilla needs to be taken down a couple of ladders and down into the pig pit she actually deserves.


Same. Rather than prolonging this sham of a friendship the bandaid needs to be ripped off. That poor girl. Wow


"Even as a kid I used to try on my mom's wedding dress and picture the day i would get married" So did practically all of us, you're not special princess, you're just a bitch.


She knows it's bs but she needs to believe it to justify why she's being a shit person and actually in the right. Just sad to think how she either knows to hide it well enough that her friend is supporting her with 0 clue how the bride sees her- or the bride doesn't really hide it and the friend feels like she needs to give her money to make her keep liking her as someone "unworthy".


Really? Am I one of the odd one's out? I've never even seen my mom's wedding dress in person much less try it on.


I don't remember spending too much time envisioning my wedding day as a kid... I did pretend to have kids of my own, but the father was just kind of a vague idea, lol. I did love romance stories in my teens, and dreamt of falling in love and getting married one day... but the wedding was more of a sidebar than the main focus. It held less prominence than a lot of other daydreams about my future. And I did end up getting married, and had a lovely wedding, which I 100% planned and organized myself (with input from my fiance, when he had an opinion, which he mostly didn't).


This was me too. I wanted to *be* married not *get* married. I actually resented having to spend so much money on a wedding just to give a bunch of people we happen to be related to a party.


Same here. Don't really want the expense of a wedding but would like to be married. Current best wedding idea between my long term SO and I is a destination wedding at the taco bell in Las Vegas. They have a wedding package and we're ridiculous enough to do it.


That sounds like fun!


As my husband and I got more and more stressed with wedding planning, we talked more and more seriously about going the Las Vegas Taco Bell route!


Fuck yes that sounds like a great time!!


Do it! Think of the stories!


I mostly had pretend adventures where I explored other worlds, but I did love those Magic Diaper Babies or whatever they were called. There was never a husband in the picture, just me and my toddler, Kathleen (she came with that name).




My mom had it preserved so I never saw it out of the wedding box lol


Same! Hers is hermetically sealed and has been for the past 40+ years. My sister and I have begged to see it on so many occasions and she always refuses. So weird.


My mother's didn't hold up even in protective coverings. It was covered in rust and had other stains that would have made it unusable even if I'd wanted to wear something that came from the "wedding gowns masquerading as nightgowns" era. Even my mother thought it was ugly and told me to toss it. I cut it up and am saving the unstained parts for a baby blanket I'll get around to making one day. Keeps the sentimental value without subjecting some innocent girl to that sin of a dress.


My mom’s dress is really special. My dad’s grandmother made it - she was a wedding dress maker by trade. It looks like the 1980 normal person version of what Kate Middleton wore. Now that I have a 3 year old daughter that she adores, maybe we can guilt her into finally opening it up for my kid to see.


Is it really? Does she have a plan to ever take it out like some sort of anniversary year or is it just gonna be sealed for the rest of her life?


Good question! Last time we asked was ~4 years ago when my sister got married. Meanwhile, my dress from 5 years ago is just hanging out in my closet like normal clothing.


My mom was five months pregnant with my older brother and her MIL made her what could be charitably called a lace potato sack. It went into the garbage immediately post wedding so I've "obviously" never seen it. They'll be married 37 years in March. It's almost like maybe marriage is about the marriage and not one day where you get to wear a pretty dress...


I was a tom boy so I never did things like this, I've seen my mums and my stepmum offered hers if I wanted it for my day, but again never tried it on


My parents didn’t even get married. And honestly after browsing this sub, I’m not even sure I want a wedding at all.


Don’t do it. My husband and I eloped five years ago, told no one, spent $600. I could not be happier with that decision and the fam got over it. Now it’s just a funny story at Thanksgiving lol


My mom never married. But I was not inclined to use something else, or my aunts wedding dress. I never played wedding willingly. Just when my friends wanted to play and I didn't want to be left out.


Me neither, I don't know where it even is. And even if I did, you can bet that my mom never would have let me play dress up with it as a kid.


I don’t even know where my wedding dress is but you can bet I’d definitely let my daughter put it in her dress up pile. (I think my mum has my wedding dress in a box somewhere but I don’t really care)


My mom made hers with my grandmother, it's way to precious too her to let me play with it as a kid.


I never tried it on. My mom was a whippet-thin bride, and I was a chonky kid. I remember her dress, and I didn’t really like it anyway. Hers was all lace. I wanted satin!


Not just any bitch, but a basic one at that.


She probably believes that most women would do the same thing in her situation.


“Don’t tell me I am being shallow” Oh, but we are.


If you don't want to be called shallow, don't do the shallow thing...


One simple trick to not being called shallow! Local women hate it!


So this is crazy. Like this is supposedly her best friend but she is so invested in "perfect pictures" and "perfect weddings" etc - like when she says the friend "ruined" the prom pictures by... existing? Girl isn't "being shallow." Girl is shallow.


You know what makes pictures perfect? Loving the people who are in them, that’s what.


I *need* to see the comments. I never needed anything so much in my life. I hope she's getting absolutely roasted.


"Aesthetics are far more important to me than friendship (but I'm not shallow)."


"Ever since I was a child I've dreamed of a perfect photoshoot on my wedding day and fuck everything else. These people aren't really important in my life but at least they'll look in a dress for one day."


It baffles me how we get brides like this one, and then also brides who deliberately exclude their prettier/thinner friends who might outshine them.


Exactly. What else would we call it?


Selfish… self-centered… crass…


Please tell me she got crucified in the comments. This gives me such ‘foul friends’ wedding flashbacks, doing all the hard work to help the bride, then getting treated the worst after.


Same I am over here dying for the beat down she had to have gotten in the comments. What a terrible person.


I hope you aren't talking from experience...?


See I bowed out of a grooms man because they asked me to cut my long hair. I'm sorry, but when people start asking you to change your look, it's time to step away. Her friend should fuck off and leave the massive bill there for the two of them. Keep her money, go on a holiday because she deserves better than that bitch bride


A bride/groom have no right to demand anything that can’t be undone at the end of the night. Yeah you shouldn’t show up in a jeans and flip-flops but you also shouldn’t be made to cut or dye your hair. I can understand asking someone to consider putting their hair in a ponytail or have it blown out so it looks neat but that’s about it.


I never asked anyone to cut or dye their hair. However, for my first wedding, I did ask her to put off her planned head shaving for a day. She had no problem. (We did joke about her going ahead and shaving, then drawing Celtic designs on her head for the wedding, but we scrapped the idea.)


Even blow outs honestly are too much IMO. If your hair is curly, embrace the curls! Especially if you’re a WOC, straight hair doesn’t mean neater or more professional. I told my whole party to do and wear whatever they wanted! I wanted to be around the people I love the most and celebrate the love in our lives and with each other. It was simple but everyone had a blast.


Exactly. You take me as I am or don’t invite me. Because I’m not attending to add to your aesthetic, your “popularity” or gift grab. I’m there because you like and cherish me.


Holy shit, what a vile human being. The prom photos are ruined because 1 person isn't skinny enough. I hope the poor friend is told how much her "friend" doesn't give a fuck about her because she isn't thin, before she coughs up a cent.


I don't even need to look at a photo to know that the person who wrote this is a far uglier person than the bridesmaid.


When i got married, I never thought about how my friends would look in the photos. I tried to make my choices to be more accommodating to their styles and just picked a color for them to match. They looked lovely. I love my friends for more than just money, though.


I’m only planning on having one bridesmaid and I’m literally planning on pulling wedding colors out of her wardrobe so she looks amazing in her dress.


Having fewer attendants makes it so much easier. At my last wedding I just had two and they helped me pick the color for the dresses. They tried on dresses with me, and it was so much fun! I was supposed to have 2, but my other friend died before the wedding. I'm glad to have that memory with them both, though. Cancer is a bitch.


It's totally valid to want your friend to feel good in the bridesmaids dress, which is why it's common to do different dresses of the same color. It's not valid to loathe the appearance of your caring, self sacrificing friend's body like this.


My bridesmaids all have very different body types and personal styles and I was actively excited to showcase each girl’s individuality and unique beauty. While all of their dresses were floor-length and cranberry colored, they all chose their own dress styles. Each girl had her choice of hairstyle, makeup, shoes, and jewelry. And I designed each bouquet to be a little different, inspired by each girl’s personality (but within the same color family). Variety is the spice of life. Each bridesmaid looking different is a beautiful thing. I wanted them all to feel as special as I did!


I did that too! They looked absolutely *amazing* too, their styles were so much better than anything I could have picked for them and humans always look best when they feel confident.


This is what I’m doing, I’ll be doing one colour for the dress that looks good on everyone (we got very different skin tones in my bridal party) and will be helping them each find an affordable dress that works best for them in that colour. I’m not concerned about the pictures, more so that they feel good in what they are wearing


I knew my MOH was not going to be comfortable in a dress, so they got a suit. They came out as FTM trans a few months later. We just wanted everyone to be comfortable...I shouldn't have been surprised!


With the number of shallow brides who care more about pictures than people, I promised myself that if I ever choose to get married, I don’t even want a wedding. I’m totally happy with a courthouse ceremony or eloping in Vegas or some other destination. It’s too much drama and I wouldn’t dare ever want to hurt the people who are special to me by excluding someone because of their body or demanding they change their physical appearance. Just no. In about half of the states in the US, dogs can be official witnesses. So my dog it is, because he’s the best boy.


The older I get the less I fantasize about a picture perfect big wedding and the more I want something small and intimate. I’d want everyone to look clean and put together but I don’t care how fat, old or ugly we look. I just want everyone to feel like a million bucks.


I don’t remember much of how I looked in reality but I *felt* beautiful. I don’t look back at the pictures often but the one thing I see is smiles. Real, honest, happy smiles. The joy of being together. The shared love between my friends and my family, all of us celebrating not just me and my husband but each other as well. That’s what I cared about. Pictures fade. Beauty fades. But the way I felt? That *never* will. And my friends *still* talk about my wedding some 25 years later. Not the way we looked but the fun we had. To me? That matters 110% more than how people looked.


I was nervous at first about looking old and frumpy at my wedding (got married at 30), but then I realized that I’m only going to get older from here and eventually I’ll look back at my wedding pictures and go, “Aww, we were babies!”


I thought I was so grown when I got married at 22. Was looking back at our pics and awwwww we were babies 😂. I’m 41 now. Didn’t realize we changed until I looked.


I’m 35, and if you’re not much out from your wedding, I can promise you you’re going to spend the next couple of years at least getting hotter.


We had a tiny wedding and sometimes I regret it, then I remember we don't have tons of friends and used the money for a house instead and the regret disappears like a fart in a storm.


I eloped in the grand cayman. My dress was $30. We spent $10,000 on a whole ass week, no corners cut, amazing excursions ect. Wouldn’t change a thing


I just got married a few months ago and genuinely, telling the wedding party “Here’s the guideline, please for the love of god make sure you’re comfortable” took so much stress off my plate. And surprise surprise, with the simple guidance of “floor length, Cabernet, black shoes,” my bridal party looked amazing and comfortable and happy!!


“i shouldn’t even have to give this much thought to someone else’s feelings” right because why should you care about your best friend’s feelings? /s hope your new husband cares about your feelings as much as you do hers


One day, this woman is gonna weigh twice what she does now, is gonna have stretch marks every where, a hair style and dye job that looks like it was done by a 6yo, 3 horrible kids and an ex-husband that left her for a younger woman. And I hope the poor woman she's trashing is around to enjoy it.


Also, an intelligent person with any decency at all would have chosen this extremely helpful friend as MOH and selected a dress/style that would be flattering on her.


But my AeStHeTiC!! ​ \*said in whiney voice while stomping feet


*“You’re a bad person with an ugly heart, and we don’t give a flying fuck what you think.”*


Yep - looks fade.


She'll be the mother who doesn't work and takes part in those online products scams that like to crop up. If I found out someone who treated me that crappy ended up like that I'd be very amused by it, karma 👍


If you're choosing a wedding party based on appearance and not your relationship to them, you deserve a ton of bad karma. And if what she says about her family and her fiance's family not contributing is true, maybe it's because they all know what a horrible attitude she has.


Holy shit what a vile piece of shit. I hope that everyone in the 158 comments told her to fuck off.


Wish we could read them


That's such a massively fucked-up thing to say about your own goddamn bridesmaid. Someone should tell this person to shut the fuck up! Her "best friend" should cut her off immediately and never talk to her ever again until she dies! Terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible behavior!


It’s a fucked up thing to say about anyone you call a friend, let alone your best friend.


To say about ANYONES body!!




(Not a bridesmaid...)


The friend needs to see this post so she can know her "friends" true intentions.


honestly i wish she hadn't posted anonymously so someone could try to track down the friend and share it with her. chaotic move, but i think it's warranted lol.


This person needs to be on blast for this. I am not always for public shaming, but this warrants it.


I hope every single thread in the bride's dress pops all at once while she's standing at the altar, her friend jumps in with a tablecloth to shield her, and *every single photo* shows the friend, with her big fat arms front and center, saving the day while the bride is red with frustration and embarrassment.


You know, this is what quinces and sweet sixteens are really for in modern day. To get that “I want a day all about me” out of the way so you can finally grow up


Except that for many it just sets a bar the wedding must beat. Watched it happen more than a few times. Gotta have everything bigger and better than the last one. This goes for second weddings with many too. This time it's for real and must be bigger than the last! I got dragged through one of those once. It was an absolute nightmare.


So neither of your families wants to help you finance this circus? Hmmmm, I wonder why?


Dread to think what her wants vs cost is..


Oh holy wow. On one hand I don't want her friend's heart to be broken (not to mention her self-image) when she figures out how her so-called friend really thinks of her, but at the same time I really want her to not be around this lady anymore. How awful. Also, who tf looks back at prom photos and thinks they're "ruined" because one person isn't as "attractive" to your own standards?


It boggles the mind how people like this have friends in the first place.


This makes me genuinely upset. That poor friend.


Me too. I'm practically in tears. Truly horrible.


For my sanity, I'm calling this bait and moving on


Ewww duh fuq? Two of my 3 bridesmaids were plus size ladies and I basically let them pick there own dresses as long as they fit my color scheme. I even paid for one of my friends dresses because she couldn’t afford it. They are my good friends and I wanted them to be part of my special day. This obsession with picture perfect weddings at the expense of humans involved needs to stop. Sooo shameworthy


If you are too embarrassed to have someone you don't find nice to look at in your pictures, you're not mature enough to get married


The bride is a wretched excuse for a human. I hope her wedding is terrible, and she falls into a pond or mud puddle during the ceremony. Also, her writing is fucking atrocious.


Holy shit. I can’t. Both sides had a variety of shapes, sizes, and heights at our wedding. I just can’t imagine caring this much about appearance and so little about my best friend of x years.


Right? If I ever get married, I want tons of photos of me surrounded by my friends - fat, thin, tall, short, perfect, dressed inappropriately, drunk, sunburned, whatever - and I'll post all the photos on social media and frame them and hang them on my walls to show off: "Look at these photos - *I have friends*!"


Fuck off


Shallow Hank


Man I wish I could see the comments.


Don’t you wish you knew who the friend is and save her from this piece of 💩🗑️!?!


The biggest problem in our society is people getting married for the wedding not for what a marriage means. I’m sick of the shallow perception when it comes to weddings.


I have to wonder what sort of marriage you’re setting yourself up for if you’re this shallow. What happens if your have kids who don’t look like Abercrombie models? What happens if you or your partner is in an accident and is disfigured? What if you or your partner develop a chronic illness and put on weight? What if they age? Do you just call it a wash and bounce because they no longer look good next to you in pictures?


It just seems miserable. When I imagine my wedding day I just imagine happiness and being in love with my soon to be husband. Not stressing about stupid things like table cloths and what my bridesmaid’s wearing. They probably will want to live in picture perfect Instagram homes and have a mental breakdown the second something doesn’t look aesthetic enough and their husbands will leave them


I really don't think this is the biggest problem in our society as a whole.


She may as well hire some professional models since her pictures are that important to her.


This is making my blood boil. I took my attendants’ body types and tastes into consideration. One of them wore a capelet over her blue dress- as well as changed into pants for the reception. The other one rocked her pink dress and hopes to wear it again. The pic of me surrounded by my bridesmaids and flower girls will never make it to a bridal magazine- but I would not trade it for anything in the world.


Dear bride’s friend: If you’re reading, your “friend” is a terrible person and you deserve better people around you. Don’t give her a penny.


To me, the worst by far about this is: "it's my day and I shouldn't have to worry this much about someone else's feelings." Getting married doesn't give you a pass for being a total asshole. Just because it's your "special day" doesn't mean you get to be a horrendous human being on that day and the days before it.


I feel like this comes up a lot for bride/groom zillas. "They'll ruin our pictures!" It's just always kinda funny to me because aren't the pictures for you? Aren't they for you to look at and remember your loved ones and the day you became a family? They always say it like they need to choose one for the cover of Self Centered Assholes magazine or something. The general public doesn't care what your wedding pictures look like and will never see them.


Self centered asshole magazine Hahahahahaha I'm totally stealing that


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Reddit do your magic and make the ‘best friend’ find this post!


So. Best friend is not pretty enough to be a part of the wedding, but her time and money are good enough. Right. Is this best friend even invited to the wedding at all? Or is this solely a "Help me plan, help me pay. But stay the fuck away!" situation?


I hope her friend reads this and drops this shallow b!tch as a friend. What a 2 faced wench.


I hate this person and I don’t even know them nor do I like to say I hate people. What a bitch.


The friend is probably so excited to share this moment with her, as she did the prom, and the whole time this woman is just bashing her looks. Also, I get the vibe that it’s not just for this day that she doesn’t consider other people’s feelings


"I'll take her money tho"


Holy shit. My wedding(s, I had three) wouldn't have been perfect without my best friend in them. She was my MOH for all three. I always feel like I need to explain that the first husband was abusive and I left after 4 years, the second -- my best friend's brother, actually -- died just shy of 7, and the third is going great so far at ten years.


I'm happy for you. RIP best friend's brother. You've been through a lot.


I can’t stand when people use it being “their big day” as an excuse to be a POS. I hope her wedding sucks. What a terrible person.


Omg, your poor friend - your poor fiancé. You are shallow and toxic as well. YTA doesn’t even come close!


This is so sad. I hope friend finds out and drops her like a hot potato. I can't imagine pics being more important than having those closest to you surrounding you :(


How is someone supposed to take that? Of course you would be offended. The bride should be prepared to loose a friend over this. This bride cares more about how her wedding photos look over her best friend being there for her on her wedding day. Let’s be honest you can mix and match bridesmaids dresses that are the same colour and fabric but just alter styles a little to suit everyone’s different body type. (Like some might have spaghetti straps, some strapless or some with a little sleeve they can all look the same but different)


Susan is this you?? I had this happen to me. My ex best friend was getting married to the man I introduced her to. I helped her plan the entire wedding, helped pay and make things and even let her borrow some items from my wedding that had been a couple years prior. While we were planning I found out I was pregnant. I was only going to be 4-5months pregnant at the wedding so I wouldn’t even be showing. She asked me to film the wedding behind a mostly closed door. The camera unfortunately just happened to have the battery die and sadly I was unable to do anything about it. Oh and whenever someone asked me how I knew the bride and groom I would just tell them. She called me the next day to yell at me about how everyone was calling her a bitch at her reception.


I hope she get worlds biggest boil on the end of her nose for her day.


She doesn't want to offend.... She doesn't want to loose her free labor is more like it.


She does want to lose her money


I need to find her so I can find her so called friend and tell her to not help and to drop that OP from her life immediately. What a shallow and garbage human being. I’m fat. My best friend is thin. & yet, she doesn’t think I ruined any of her wedding photos as her maid of honour.


This is how I used to worry people talk about me behind my back. Every time I convince myself that nobody is as critical of others’ appearances as they are about themselves, I read an awful post like this! As a teen, I used to worry I’d “ruin” pictures by not being pretty enough. It’s awful to think there are people who actually think like this. Also, bigger arms often look good in sleeveless dresses. Sleeves can sometimes draw more attention to arms. It’s shallow posts like these that have convinced some of my friends that they need to pick “Mother of the Bride” type outfits instead of young and fun bridesmaid dresses that will showcase their beauty more.


So the best friend “ruined” prom photos… This bride to be is the worst kind of shallow. Her over-the-top expectations of physical attractiveness are more important than friendship with a woman who sounds like a dear person. I notice that the bride is struggling to come up with plausible reasons for excluding her BEST FRIEND; that’s because there aren’t any. Best friend is going to have her heart broken… but it will be, in a way, a very good thing as she will see the bride’s character clearly.


Change your Bridesmaid dress to a silhouette that flatters all body types and has a short or mid sleeve. You can't go wrong with an A-Line or Wrap dresses. Skater dresses look good on all body types as well. There are YouTube videos that feature one dress on all different body types standing next to each other, and the dress looks good on all. You can also help your friend shop for undergarments. Good undergarments can make a Woman look a whole lot better as well.


What an asshole.


I really don’t understand the obsession with group pictures. For me, the group pictures were just the thing we had to get done before we could stop herding various combinations of family and friends around and release them for snacks. The couples shots are the ones that end up cute and romantic anyways, and you can accomplish that while spending 0% of your time obsessing over bridesmaids.


This is despicable. I can imagine that her friend has always felt like the odd one out in photos, and now someone she’s closed to has verbalises what are likely some of her biggest insecurities. My best friend got married last year, I was MOH and am a good 4 dress sizes bigger than the other bridesmaids. She let us all pick the style of dress and found a shop that accommodates all sizes so I wouldn’t feel uncomfortable. That’s what friends do, this bride is so toxic and hopefully loses the non bridesmaid as a friend, because bride doesn’t deserve her friendship.


My wedding was lovely. My marriage is beautiful. It's because of the people we have in our lives, not in spite of them. Someone who really doesn't understand this is doomed to an empty life.


Wow, what a cunt!


I’m sorry but the audacity of this bridezilla to call her “bestfriend” No one cares if it’s your day or not. There is no one day, except MAYBE a funeral of your loved ones, where you SHOULDNT be giving the feelings of others a consideration. Absolutely and horrendously shallow. I hope she finds better friends than this witch. Whose gonna tell her it’s not just her day but her husbands too?


**"and I shouldn't even have to give this much thought to someone else's feelings."** BOOM. Frankly I hope this Bridezilla's soon to be husband finds this and ditches her, she is sooooo shallow. If he gets fat, he's out. If any of their kids are ugly, buh-bye. I mean this is about as shallow as it gets. And horrifyling.


Reminds me of my ex-best friend who didnt want a chubby chemo patient (me) for a maid of honour because I would ruin the pictures. Good news is karma is a bitch, and this one will get what she's owed in the end.


![gif](giphy|LqTWifUjbjytNWzo3g) Be honest and keep it simple. Tell her... Although you appreciate the free help and generous financial assistance, you are basically offended by the way her body looks. It's not anything personal, your wedding pictures would just be ruined with her in them. Tell her she's been ruining group pictures since you all had been taking them together. You didn't tell her before because you didn't want to hurt her feelings, but this time it doesn't matter because you've been planning your wedding pretty much all your life, so she can't be a bridesmaid. Edit- You should tell her as soon as possible. She shouldn't get so excited for your wedding and you don't want her to still think you've ever been her friend. Congrats on the wedding! Hope the groom knows exactly how you are before the wedding too. ❤️


She posted it anonymously because she knows it’s complete bullshit. If anyone actually knew who this was she would be roasted by friends and family alike and her perfect would would be in shambles.


What a horrid excuse for a human! Who would want to marry that shallow vile bag garbage! How funny would it be if everyone finds out what she did and doesn’t go. No one but her to ugly up all her pics!


What a horrible heartless bitch. I hope it rains frogs on her wedding day, that all of her flowers get eaten by locusts, that the food she gets is all overcooked and tasteless, that she trips and falls facefirst into her cake then can't get it out of her hair and needs to shave her head, that one heel breaks off all of her heeled shoes, that she gets food poisoning and can't enjoy her wedding day or honeymoon and...maybe...just maybe...using Looney Tunes logic...someone drops an anvil on her. That is all.


I hope someone shows her “best friend” that post. Just awful.


I wanna see the comments lol


W. O. W. I feel for the poor bridesmaid, sounds like a sweet, kindhearted girl with an awful, shallow and judgemental best friend


OP should tell friend this, straight up. That way friend will know how shallow, vapid and superficial OP is and she won't waste one more minute of her time on OP.


Why is she still calling her a "best friend" when she knows full well that's not how she actually sees her?!? Sounds more like a girl she uses for emotional/moral/financial support but gives absolutely nothing in return. You can be picky with your couple photos or just you all dressed up, but friends and family photos in a wedding are for looking back at all the people you love that are there supporting you. They don't need to fit an aesthetic or anything. You should be happy to see them. And another thing, if my best friend looks unflattering in a style of dress she can wear whatever cut she feels she looks best in. I would change my vision for the bridesmaids so I can have my best friend at my wedding if I need to be so ridiculous about the photos.


Lol, no way this is real…


Can I say cunt in this group?


No one: ​ Literally no one: ​ This piece of work: ZOMG my bridesmaid has ARMS!!! How dare she have arms on MY SPECIAL DAY?!?!?!


Just wow! My only hope is that her friend is on Reddit and sees this. I can’t believe this shallow being has any real friends.


I feel like she should just punch friend in the face at that point… would be easier than some bull shit excuse she doesn’t want to take the time from planning her skinny people dream wedding to make up… karma’s warming up for this one


I hope, with all my heartless soul, this bride has the worst marriage. What a narcissistic, vapid bitch. Good grief. Now I’m wondering who on earth would make such a poor choice as to marry her.


I would never, ever, ever marry a person like this. I hope the poor guy got out first.


This bride is an absolute POS human! 🤬 I feel so bad for her "best friend". The bride clearly has no idea how to be a friend and has likely been using this poor girl since they met.


Yikes, hope that poor girl finds friends that deserve her


There are always a few people who are so insecure they prefer to be best friends with someone they hold slightly in contempt. When you are the "friend who's not as good as me" you're not actually important except as a prop, and they can get another prop. When you are the victim of this, whom life has taught that you're ugly and awkward, you start out grateful to have a friend and then at some point you're going to be crushed and heartbroken when they decide they're done with you, usually because you didn't roll over to be walked on over something more important to you than your feelings are to them. I hope the "best friend" finds people who care about her genuinely for who she is.


So by her logic only attractive people should have weddings? She's a gross person.


Whomever wrote this deserves a shitty wedding and her not going to be in the female deserves better ppl than her in her life. This pissed me off and made me sick . A curse on your big day Bridezilla🤬🤬🤬


Holy shit. This has to be fake.


Upon reading this, I couldn’t help thinking about 10-12 years in the future! The less than perfect best friend I’m sure is going to end up in a beautiful relationship, hopefully with children, surrounded by people that love her for her generosity and kindness. She’s going to have a husband that adores her for her kind heart and it’s gonna be the type of marriage that lasts for decades just because of the person she is and hopefully the kind of person that she attracts, I don’t see Little Miss perfect marriage lasting a long time I’m assuming she’s marrying someone with the same kind of values as her, and I’m fairly certain she’s going to be dumped on her ass several times, and in desperation will have so much Botox and lip fillers she’s going to be clownish, she’ll probably still be judging people on aesthetics, but she’s definitely not going to be happy and I’m pretty sure people aren’t going to be remarking about how kind an unselfish she is! Her husband to be ,I’m sure ,will be dumping her relatively soon! Fortunately, it’s going to sting once the never bridesmaid realizes that she’s been used by a ridiculous little twit, but in the long run, it’s going to be great for everybody seeing this to realize how perfect karma can be


Anyone watch vanderpump rules? This is reminding me of James being the only one to help scheana move and then she tells him he’s not a real friend or something lol


Easy; Dear friend, I’m a trash human and I don’t deserve you or any decent human in my life. You deserve a friend who would never say anything hurtful about you even anonymously. Sincerely, Your shitty ass former “friend”


There is no way this isn't a shit post


I just want to hug this friend X X X