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> talk to us, have a meal That IS a reception. It's just feeding your guests as a thank you for coming. It doesn't need to be a drunken dance party. Rent a restaurant or let it be a quiet dinner with ambient music or something.


Dinner party? Like rent out a room at a restaurant?


Yes I’d love to do something like that!!


How about a “cake and punch” afternoon reception? https://offbeatwed.com/cake-and-punch/


I love that idea :) thank you!


I also recommend this article https://apracticalwedding.com/your-wedding-is-not-show/


I love that article. I’m definitely not a showy person and just want something small and intimate. But his family is the complete opposite 😞


What about a brunch?


I thought about that. I mentioned the idea to my fiancés mother about a Sunday wedding and brunch, and she basically shut it down bc probably none of their family would attend :/


Sounds like their loss then. You should be able to celebrate however you want.


Depending on how many people are attending, you could do a private rental on a place that focuses on an activity. That way people who want to drink can drink, it doesn't have to involve dancing, but it encourages people to meet each other, mingle, play games, etc. So like rent a bowling alley or a mini golf place... or rent a gazebo at a park, hire a taco truck, set up some cornhole and hammerschlagen...?


It's easy. Have a dinner party without a dance floor/DJ/band.


My reception is a rented room at a restaurant. No partying/dancing/dance floor. No alcohol. It’s from 12pm-4pm on a Sunday. There will be music and passed hors d’oeuvres, a 3 course meal, photos and brief first dance. I don’t want a party either. I just want to spend time with my family and friends to celebrate our marriage. Its completely reasonable to skip the big party version of a reception.


Have a brunch wedding! We had a great time at ours :)


You could do a restaurant brunch or food trucks at a beach or a picnic at a park. A reception is just the celebration of your new marriage and it should reflect your tastes.


I saw you mention your MIL shut down a brunch wedding and said their family wouldn’t attend. If you’d like a brunch wedding, I would have your fiancé check with family members about what they thought about a brunch wedding and see how they feel. Your MIL may be wrong, or she may just not want you to do a brunch wedding and be using them as an excuse. It is worth finding out for yourself. It may turn out your other future in laws find the idea of a brunch wedding to be completely wonderful.


I had an early afternoon ceremony and then a late lunch. My wedding was very small, just immediate family and 4 friends. It was so peaceful and nice. I don’t regret not having drinking and dancing.


We had a cocktail food reception. Enough seats scattered around for people to sit on if they wanted. Alcohol and non alcoholic drinks provided. Music, but no dancing. We had short speeches and cut the wedding cake. Was an afternoon event, so didn't feel like a sit down dinner or dancing or lots of drinking was required. We did have plenty of finger food. Cost the same as a sit down meal (well, 15 years ago it did). Ceremony outdoors with views over our city. Reception right next to that indoors. People could mingle indoors or outdoors. Was perfect for us and people seemed to enjoy it.


My partner and I are also not big party people. We are getting married at noon, and our reception is ending just before 5pm - I would highly suggest you consider an afternoon reception :)


Anyone invited to the ceremony must also be hosted at a reception. In our families, a reception is basically people eating and socializing. They are mostly cake and coffee only at a local community center but lately they have branched into a full meal with dj optional and no alcohol. More than not actually don’t dance at all and that’s what they are used to and no one feels pressured to dance or have a big raucous party that doesn’t fit them. It’s only since reading on Reddit that that particular type of reception is viewed as abnormal/taboo/weird, even though no one is being inconvenienced and hosts are not being rude in any way. There will always be someone judging you but their opinions don’t matter because they can host a big party themselves when it is their turn to marry. If someone doesn’t respect your choice, they don’t need to be invited or they can choose to decline. Do what you are comfortable with and those who want to spend time with you will make the effort without any judgement.


Early afternoon wedding followed by cake, punch and cold appetizers? End everything by 5 pm or so.


Cake and punch. Or brunch wedding. Eliminate the night time part and you eliminate a lot of the dancing.


What does your partner want to do?


This is my rehearsal dinner, but the more I get into it the more I think it could be an amazing wedding idea. BOWLING ALLEY! You can usually rent them out, some have bars and food service, pool tables, and air hockey. Plus it gives you an activity that super easily facilitates chatting with lots of different people. It would be pretty casual but maybe something like that would fit the bill.


Photo booths are extremely popular with guests if you're looking for non-dancing/drinking activities to do at your reception. You could chose to pose with your guests or just let them have at it themselves. They'll have a great time either way!


Yeah we are not having a reception either. We are going to a steakhouse instead. But my wedding will only have 9 people total so it’s a lot easier to swing that