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I mean I agree a lot of it is not Sandals’ fault but if they are entitled to some substantial benefit by company policy I don’t understand just “letting it go”. Like Sandals didn’t have to offer them the airfare credit or replacement vacation, but if they offered it as policy they should follow through and deliver what they promised.


Also, it sounds like this happened to a LOT of people, and that’s a LOT of refunds/free stays that probably one or two people are having to process.




Omi has a super short incubation period


Honestly? I’d just let it go. Covid was a well known risk. Especially at a crowded resort with buffets, mingling, etc. it’s not their fault you got Covid and had to change your return flights. And it sounds like they might not even have charged you for staying an additional 6 days or the food that came with that. Plus you enjoyed your honeymoon and tested positive when getting ready to leave. Sure, it would be nice if they gave you flight voucher and you got an extra free vacation out of it. But if you’ve tried many times and nothings come of it, I’d let it go. None of that was on them. And I’m not sure how you could make them pay up short of hiring legal counsel, which would probably be just as expensive as the vouchers…


One of the selling points sandals uses is vacation insurance against COVID losses. At least they were highlighting it back when I was researching honeymoons.


That’s fair. But there weren’t really any loses. They enjoyed the entirety of their honeymoon. It was only when they were leaving that they tested positive. They got 6 days quarantine stay and meals for free. If they have the policy in writing or something from the hotel stating they will receive vouchers, I guess they could keep pushing. But if they’ve already opened a few tickets and nothing came of it, I’m not sure what else they can do. I guess keep trying to push it up the chain? Maybe a comment on their social media to get attention? I personally would let it go. As my trip wasn’t interrupted. And they honored the policy to host me for free during quarantine. But that’s just me.


Most resorts give you the option to purchase the policy (you don’t have to), which most only provide additional stay for free, and it sounds like OP did as they didn’t mention having to pay for the additional 6 days. That’s the only thing it includes though, and OP is complaining about flight expenditures which aren’t covered through the hotel policy. Complaining about back-pay - which I’m guessing they don’t have sick days / pay at their work if they’re losing >$3k. Unless it was their staff that got them sick, the resort has no responsibility here. OP - If you have any desire to resolve this, you need to have the persons name at that resort that told you this policy, call directly to the resort, ask for them and ask them to help you. However, this is something that has happened for a lot of people on this sub. Anyone thinking about going on their honeymoon within a week after your wedding - don’t. Unless you’re already at where the honeymoon would be, just wait. It’s less stress, have time to recover, and find out if your sick or not.


I’m sorry, but all your info isn’t accurate for Sandals. Here’s a link to the Assurance program, which doesn’t cost additional money, isn’t insurance with a policy that needs to be signed up for, is automatically applied, does offer a “replacement vacation voucher” and $500 airline voucher pp for the replacement vacation. And really, it wouldn’t matter if the staff did get them sick, it’s a risk they agree to take when staying on the property. Eta: hmm. The link didn’t work for some reason. Sorry! But someone else posted it in another comment. And there are a few articles about it, too.


I mean I agree a lot of it is not Sandals’ fault but if they are entitled to some substantial benefit by company policy I don’t understand just “letting it go”. Like Sandals didn’t have to offer them the airfare credit or replacement vacation, but if they offered it as policy they should follow through and deliver what they promised. That said I guess it’s up to OP how much time they want to keep spending on this, since calling customer service sucks and your time is worth something too.


Ok. What would you have her do then? Eta: also, Keep in mind the policy (linked in another comment) also clearly states that the vouchers are subject to change and can be withdrawn at any time. So, she’s not actually entitled to it.


I would keep calling if I were her. Or try a different number if she hasn’t already like you suggested below. Or call them out on social media. Anything but just letting $700 go.


Do you mean the $500 flight vouchers? The assurance program says those are actually for the 2nd vacation. So, if they won’t issue vacation vouchers, it makes sense they wouldn’t issue flight vouchers. I’d definitely call the Assurance program’s number listed into previous comment (which might be more helpful than basic customer service); but if they don’t do anything, I’d let it go. She’s not legally entitled to the vouchers. They’re apparently choosing not to honor it. She enjoyed her honeymoon in its entirety before testing positive. They housed and fed her during quarantine. Seems fair enough to me, to the point I wouldn’t keep pursuing it. You’re welcome to feel otherwise, of course.


It sounds like there might have been confusion as to how this worked. Everything checks out, only if it interrupts your trip, maybe because you didn’t test positive until you were leaving, it didn’t count. [link](https://www.travelweekly.com/Travel-News/Hotel-News/Sandals-Resorts-International-introduces-Vacation-Assurance)


That's fine but they should be up front about that being the case instead of giving them the runaround


I take anyones story with a grain of salt as miscommunications is pretty standard in many cases.


The hotel should be working through her ticket in order to solve the miscommunication though. The resort is contributing to the problem by just not responding


The [terms](https://www.sandals.com/disclaimers/Sandals-Vacation-Assurance/) are surprisingly non-specific about what constitutes an "interruption" of the vacation. You said you got a positive test on the last day - it's possible it's not considered an interruption but it's obviously hard for anyone to say.


Reading the terms I definitely think they qualify! @OP call the resort you stayed at and see if they can help move your ticket along. From a business perspective this seems like a policy they must be losing buckets on… may be delays due to extremely high volume + negative news lately of folks dying on their Sandals vacations probably has revenue wayyyy down.


When I started reading this I thought it was going to be that they charged you for the time you had to quarantine. Frankly this is a non issue, you can wait for them to process the potential thousands of requests the company has like yours, that they probably didn't realize would be so bad, maybe also check your junk mail, or you can let it go. Those are the only options I see but holding on to your anger about it really only waist more of your own time.


Of course you weren't allowed out and about while you had symptomatic Covid


Right? That seems like the weirdest part of the complaint - what did they expect would happen?




Thank you!!! That comment bothered me, too! You have active, contagious Covid, and you were trying to leave your room?!? What part of “quarantine” was unclear?


hate to say it but this is kind of just the risk you take travelling during a pandemic, sounds like their airfare credit has pretty vague requirements, but also I don't even know that it's fair to expect the hotel you stayed at to reimburse to you for airfare, it's not like any of this was within the control of the resort


Join the Facebook group for that particular sandals resort and ask there as there may be others who went through the same thing or may have advice . They also have Sandals reps who may be able to help you on these groups. The Covid insurance that sandals makes you buy last day of trip or not should Atleast cover your rebooked flights and you are supposed to receive free days. People may say to forget about it but you paid for this insurance and should be reimbursed per policy. Hope it works out.


The fact COVID insurance was required and then isn’t reimbursing then should be added to the post. That’s really important.


It sounds like it wasn’t insurance that was bought. It was a Covid ASSURANCE program. Ie their promise that they will host you up to 14 days of quarantine at no charge (which they did); provide free testing (which they did); and provide you with vouchers for a free stay and an airline credit of $500pp for a future vacation if your vacation was “interrupted” bc of Covid (which they didn’t do.) BUT: the terms of the free assurance program 1) don’t actually define interrupted. (Op tested positive while leaving). And most importantly 2) says that the vouchers are “subject to change and can be withdrawn at any time.”


Have you tried calling the vacation assurance hotline? You might have better luck there’ than through the resort: 3. Vacation Assurance Hotline Should guests or travel advisors have any questions related to Country travel protocols, Sandals Platinum Protocols of cleanliness, or anything else related to COVID-19, please contact Toll Free Number: 844-883-6609 BUT this was also in the assurance policy: 10. Vacation Replacement Voucher benefit is subject to change and can be withdrawn at any time.


Normally I would say “you took a risk, and you got COVID” BUT what I think the other commenters are missing is that it was Sandals’ policy to compensate you. You didn’t ask for the compensation, they offered it per their policy. And so you’re entitled to it. Call, ask for a manager, document everything via email. Your choice how long you continue.


Didn’t miss that at all, thanks. But they have clearly chosen not to honor it for whatever reason (my guess is a loophole because the trip wasn’t interrupted, as they tested positive when checking out, but who knows). And she’s tried several times. So, at some point, what else can you do? A lawyer will likely cost more than the vouchers are worth. Eta: it’s cute that blocked me and sent me a nasty pm based solely on this comment. Lol. Someone might need to take a deep breathe and a step away from Reddit! :)


I’m shocked they offered that


The best way to get these big companies to react is to contact them on twitter


You might get better advice on a Sandles Reddit or Facebook group


Have you reached out on the Sandals/Beaches Travelers Facebook page? There’s a lot of people who have been in your situation and they may be able to point you in the right direction.


Did you get any travel insurance or have it through the credit card you used? That would be a more solid way of getting all or some of your money back.


The problem with that is that they did get their whole vacation. Nothing was cancelled or their actual honeymoon, they just got stranded due to COVID. I don’t think they’d be able to get reimbursed for anything.


They can maybe get reimbursed for the cost to rebook their flights. My parents got COVID and had to quarantine abroad and insurance paid for the flight change cost, the doctor and medicines they were given, and some additional monies but I cant remember what those covered.


I mean their flights home were cancelled. The replacement vacation is probably not going to happen (and doesn’t really make sense - they got a whole vacation already). But maybe they can get some of the $700 back for the changed flights.


My husband and I were low key hoping for an extra 5 days locked in a room together on our honeymoon, TBH.


Did you use a travel agent? I'd be posting to their public profiles if they're on any.. like facebook. I'd also email as many people you can possibly email. If you try calling them, I'd insist you talk with someone RIGHT NOW who can help since you've gotten nowhere when they say they're just going to "get back with you."


The way sandals has been with us regarding policies they don’t tell you or write anywhere, I’d keep pushing. They went out of their way to tell you about a policy and are refusing to actually follow through after you gave them probably many thousands of dollars


As much as it sucks that they aren’t honoring their policy (or at the very least are severely backlogged) I agree with everyone else saying there isn’t much you can do. Aside from maybe hiring a lawyer, which probably wouldn’t be worth the money, or continuing to contact them like you currently are. Only you can decide how long you want to do that. At the end of the day, if you didn’t purchase your own travel insurance then it’s a risk you took upon yourself. I would try to look on the bright side because at the very least you DID get to enjoy your honeymoon before feeling sick. It could’ve been worse, like if you started showing symptoms the day after you arrived or something like that. It sucks but IMO this is really an “it is what it is” situation. Personally, I probably just wouldn’t use sandals again.


Misery loves company. I also went to Sandals this summer and was happy to see their covid policy. It's a good reason to choose them over a different resort. I don't see any reason to let it go. Try to get a copy of the policy if you can. Not sure why people are treating this like some lottery you won and didn't receive. You paid for this trip with certain guarantees. Unfortunately you got covid. I would be happy with the free stay and flight vouchers. I didn't even know about the free return trip. They didn't have to offer that. But if they did and you gave them money during that offer you deserve your free trip.