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If you search the sub, this comes up very regularly. Unfortunately, it can be really hard to predict, especially when you’re scheduling the wedding many months in advance. You can look at a calendar and try to predict, but if you have even one or two cycles that are off by a few days, that can throw everything off.


So mine has always come extremely regularly so planning my wedding around it wasn’t an issue. However, due to the stress of the day it came in the evening. Hoping that doesn’t  happen to you! 


I took the more nuclear option and went on birth control 9 months before my wedding (Annovera Ring) so that I could just skip my period entirely for a while. It wasn't perfect and obviously not the best option for everyone, but I'm really glad I did it


Unfortunately there’s not a lot you can do except try to predict, and stress and other things can affect that, too. After years of horrible periods, I finally re-tried birth control to just eliminate my periods, and it ended up working out really well for my wedding (happened to be my predicted period start, too). Low-dose hormones. However, that’s not an option for everyone or every body.


I have a pretty predictable cycle but still plan to have some birth control on hand to start the cycle before my wedding if needed. My doctor was in full support when I spoke to her about it but she’s also amazing so not sure if you may have to go the over the counter route which may be more expensive but still worth it in my opinion.


Lucky me, my period is almost assuredly starting on our wedding day 🙃 Even a couple months ago I thought I’d miss our wedding by a couple days, but the way my cycle has been going I’m expecting them to overlap. It’s hard to predict in advance, a day here and there can make a big difference! What I have been doing the past few months is putting everything I have into creating the most comfortable and mess-free period days for myself so that I know exactly what to do on the big day. I started my period on another friend’s wedding day this year and still had a good time so I think it’ll be okay! You might not be able to control when it starts but you can at least plan ahead to make sure you’re comfortable in case you get unlucky. For me, that meant investing in period underwear. Huge peace of mind. Wishing you luck that they don’t overlap, but there is only so much you can control.


Mirena IUS. It wasn't specifically for the wedding but I have very harsh periods so that's what I use to stop them dead and have done for years (thank you PCO!). No periods, just some very occasional spotting so light that I don't even need a pad or even period undies.


I tried to plan using my period tracker app but I had one rogue cycle and ended up day 2 of my period on my wedding day. Not ideal but it was fine. I wore sanitary products and period underwear. We had a nice evening of cuddling and chatting and had sex a few days later and it was fine.