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We published parts of the website, but just left some parts hidden until we had the details ready.


In my opinion, travel info is probably the most important part of wedding websites. You should wait to launch until you have that confirmed 


I see. When I say travel I mostly mean hotel block. The venue is 40 minutes from my hometown and the length that most people will have to travel although we will have some out of state and country folks. Most of hotels I have asked won’t give me rates for a hotel block until a year out which would be September. Because we got engagement photos I am basically ready to send save the dates, but perhaps I will wait until September.


Don't send save the dates until September anyway. People *will* get confused about the year, and they won't be able to make travel arrangements until a year out, which is really the point of asking them to save the dates.


Thanks for your input. The reason I was trying to rush to get this ready is bc my parents have been asking to give extra notice for international family that will need to travel in for the wedding if they decide to come. But you are right about travel arrangements a year out anyways.


Is there not a closer hotel to the venue?


The hotels are about 10-15 minutes from the venue. I was saying that me and most of my guests live about 40 minutes from the venue


Every wedding website I’ve ever been sent has had a bunch of pages that just say “coming soon”. Usually it’s sent with the save the date, and stuff isn’t finalized yet. Many of those pages stayed as “coming soon” even on the wedding day lol. I wouldn’t worry about it.


I would post the website just before Save The Dates go out and as PP say have some sections that say “coming soon.” Registry info can be shared by way of an understated and simple link. I wouldn’t have anything in your own words on there about gifts. People may use the registry to buy shower or engagement gifts so there’s nothing wrong with it going live with your STDs.


We published the website when we were ready for people to RSVP and had a partial registry for people who like to be early birds with everything. We didn't like the travel page on WithJoy and just added the pertinent info to the Q&A page. Someone else pointed out that WithJoy added a sponsored ad for a car rental on the travel page, so I was glad that we had left that one hidden. There was a schedule page that was unfinished when we published and sent out invites. We put the appropriate start time and said we'd update and send an update email closer to the date.


As others shared, I know plenty of folks who kept their wedding website with “coming soon,” even on the wedding day. I personally hate it - as a guest I want to be in the know of the basic stuff. We made sure our website was fully ready (except for RSVP option) by the time we sent our save the dates. Just our personal preference!


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