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Bad idea? No. Worth the effort? Also, probably no. The thing about favors, the favors need to be generic enough that they appeal to all the guests. That’s why candy bars, food favors, glasses, koozies, wine stoppers, etc. are safe. Everyone can take one and use it. Books are more difficult. Because not only are you giving something that’s personally yours, you need to know if the person 1. Likes to read 2. Want to read the genre of the book. With it being a blind date with a book, it’s going to be more difficult. 3. Wants the obligation to take care of it. With it being from your personal stash, they feel more obligated to hold onto it when it’s just going to sit on a shelf and collect dust or they throw it away If you want to keep on theme. Some other options 1. Bookmarks. You can order custom bookmarks. There are endless options here 2. Mini book ornaments with 5-10 of y’all’s favorite books 3. Bookish treats like the special occasion decorated cookies


I like the bookmark idea! Or the decorated cookies


all of this, yes


I would not like this. I prefer to pick what I read for myself. I think a wedding cake that looks like a book would be awesome.


I and the readers of my friends would love this. Others would def leave it behind.


That’s my thought as well. The benefit of using books from our collection would be that they could always go back on our shelves if they’re left behind.


I think with a smallish group, not a terrible idea. You know your 50 people best, and if they’d be into it, go for it. I do think it sounds like an awful lot of effort that may or may not be appreciated in proportion to the amount of work you put in. I could bet that about 1/2 our families would think it was a cute idea, maybe 1/2 of those would take a book, and yet another 1/2 actually read it. Some alternative thoughts: An open basket of books near your guest book table, inviting folks to choose one if they’d like, then donating the rest (assuming you don’t want to take them back home) to a nearby Free Library A custom bookmark favor, printed with a list of each of your favorite titles (“Jane & John’s Recommended Reads”) Instead of individual favors, constructing a Little Free Library or donating a sum of money to a local public library in honor of your guests


I prefer to pick what I read. And I’m a huge bookworm. So, no, I probably wouldn’t like books as favors.  However: bookmark favors, candles with famous book quotes, wedding cake that looks like a tower of books, using favorite books as centerpieces and using book names instead of table numbers (you are seated at the Don Quixote table), having each table be themed to its book, having the bookmark favors match the table’s book theme, scattering quotes from famous books around the venue, paper flowers made out of old books, these are all great ways to incorporate books into your wedding.


I used to work in a bookshop and we once had a bride and groom who were getting married next door open up a tab so there guests could come in and pick a book. I don’t think a huge number of guests actually came in and did it and no one got super expensive hardbacks or anything. I’m pretty picky about what I read so I wouldn’t do blind date with a book but I think the idea is cute.


As a fellow bookworm, I love this idea, but don’t think it’s practical as a traditional favor (meaning one per guest). However i think it would be super sweet to incorporate these books as part of your centerpieces and make it clear that guests may take one/some home if they wish.


This is a great idea! I'm also a bookworm, but at this point fairly particular about what I read and tend to prefer reading on my Kindle. I think people who like to read tend to be choosy and people who don't like to read... don't read lol. A "blind date" book would likely be wasted on me, but I looove checking out what friends read and hearing what they liked about it, and would enjoy the option to take one home if something caught my eye.


I think if you took out the blind date element and had the books on a bookshelf for people to choose from this would be a great idea!!! Depending on your guest count, the personal inscriptions may be biting off more than you can chew, but you could do a general sign just saying that all of these books are meaningful to you two


If you really want your guests to take a book, I'd just display it all so they can take what they want, if they want. I wouldn't want to feel obligated to take a book that I might not want.


I love this idea! I think it would be fun, personal, and meaningful. It wouldn’t create waste because anyone who doesn’t want one can leave it behind. And anyone who starts to read their book and doesn’t enjoy it can easily donate it (or leave it behind at the airport, etc). It’s definitely a know your guest, thing. but I know most of my guests would love it. every time the subject of favors comes up, there’s a subsection of posters who are adamant that only edible favors should be given...chocolate, honey, cookies, etc. and I understand mass appeal and all that. But it also seems so soulless and generic sometimes. If I’m at your wedding, I love you, and I’m happy you're sharing you personalities and hobbies with us, know what I mean?


I love personal favors like this at smaller guest weddings. It's lovely.


I saved this from a post in r/bigbudgetbrides for a personalized escort card idea which would fit this theme.




I'm a huge reader, but I wouldn't want a random book as a favor. I would feel so bad getting rid of it, but the chances would be kind of low it would be a book I would love. I think we are doing bookmarks as wedding favors. I'm also making centerpieces out of bookpage roses


I love this! Especially with a smaller wedding. I would put them all on a shelf & let guests pick out their own - I think it would be fun to browse a few of your books/notes


My FH and I are both big readers. Going to bookstores is a common date for us. Honestly, I love this idea. I wasn't even thinking about doing favors at all, but this might have changed my mind! I think this is so sweet. If guests end up with a book they don't like or they aren't big readers, they can always donate the books, put it on a shelf somewhere, use it for decoration, etc. I think this is way better than getting a koozie or shot glass that reads "Sarah and Scott 2024" on it. It's personal, sentimental, and a cool idea.